1. DL145
[F10] Setup
Advanced -> NIC Option: Side-Band NIS
Advanced -> Console Redirection -> Flow Control: CTS/RTS
Advanced -> IPMI -> LAN Settings -> IP Address Assignment: Static
Advanced -> IPMI -> LAN Settings -> TFTP Server IP Address: 192.168.xxx.xxx
Advanced -> IPMI -> LAN Settings -> Subnet Mask:
Advanced -> IPMI -> LAN Settings -> Gateway Address:
Advanced -> IPMI -> LAN Settings -> BMC Telnet Service: Enabled
Advanced -> IPMI -> LAN Settings -> BMC Ping Response: Enable
Advanced -> IPMI -> LAN Settings -> BMC HTTP Service: Enable
Advanced -> IPMI -> System Event Log -> Clear System Event Log: Enabled
[F10] Save and Exit

2. DL360
[F8] Configure ILO
Network -> DNS/DHCP -> DHCP Enable: OFF
Network -> NIC and TCP/IP -> Network Interface Adapter: Shared Network Port
Network -> NIC and TCP/IP -> IP Address: 192.168.xxx.xxx
Network -> NIC and TCP/IP -> Subnet Mask:
Network -> NIC and TCP/IP -> Gateway IP Address:
User -> Edit: Administrator
User -> Edit User -> Password: qwer1234
User -> Edit User -> Verify Password: qwer1234
3. 换网口的方法
/etc/init.d/networking stop
/etc/init.d/udev stop
vi /etc/udev/rules.d/z25_persistent-net.rules, change eth0 and eth1
/etc/init.d/udev start
/etc/init.d/networking start
注: 操作系统为DEBIAN 64位系统。