医学遗传学词汇英语术语英文(Glossary) 7

Pharmacodynamics --- The effects of a drug or its metabolites on physiological function and metabolic pathways.


Pharmacogenetics --- The area of biochemical genetics concerned with the impact of genetic variation on drug response and metabolism.


Pharmacogenomics --- The application of genomic information or methods to pharmacogenetic problems.


Pharmacokinetics --- The rate at which the body absorbs, transports, metabolizes, or excretes a drug or its metabolites.


Phase --- In an individual heterozygous at two syntenic loci, the designation of which allele at the first locus is on the same chromosome as which allele at the second locus. See coupling and repulsion.


Phenocopy --- A mimic of a phenotype that is usually determined by a specific genotype, produced instead by the interaction of some environmental factor with a normal genotype.


Phenotype --- The observed biochemical, physiological, and morphological characteristics of an individual, as determined by his or her genotype and the environment in which it is expressed. Also, in a more limited sense, the abnormalities resulting from a particular mutant gene.


Philadelphia chromosome (Ph1) --- The structurally abnormal chromosome 22 that typically occurs in a proportion of the bone marrow cells in most patients with chronic myelogenous leukemia. The abnormality is a reciprocal translocation between the distal portion of 22q and the distal portion of 9q.


Physical map --- A map showing the order of genes and markers along a chromosome and their distances apart to units such as cytogenetic bands or base pairs. Physical mapping is performed by techniques such as radiation hybrid mapping, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), and nucleotide sequencing, not by data from linkage analysis. See genetic map for comparison.


Plasmids --- Independently replicating, extrachromosomal circular DNA molecules in bacteria or yeast, used in molecular biology as vectors for cloned segments of DNA.


Pleiotropy --- Multiple phenotypic effects of a single allele or pair of alleles. The term is used particularly when the effects are not obviously related.


Pluripotent --- Describes an embryonic cell that is capable of giving rise to different types of differentiated tissues or structures, depending on its location and environmental influences.


Point mutation --- A single nucleotide base pair change in DNA.


Polyadenylation site --- In the synthesis of mature mRNA, a site at which a sequence of 20 to 200 adenosine residues (the polyA tail) is added to the 3’ end of an RNA transcript, aiding its transport out of the nucleus and, usually, its stability.


Polygenic --- Inheritance determined by many genes at different loci, with small additive effects; not to be confused with complex (multifactorial) inheritance, in which environmental as well as genetic factors may be involved.


Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) --- The molecular genetic technique by which a short DNA or RNA sequence is amplified enormously by means of two flanking oligonucleotide primers used in repeated cycles of primer extension and DNA synthesis with DNA polymerase.


Polymorphism --- The occurrence together in a population of two or more alternative genotypes, each at a frequency greater than that which could be maintained by recurrent mutation alone. A locus is arbitrarily considered to be polymorphic if the rarer allele has a frequency of .01, so that the heterozygote frequency is at least .02. Any allele rarer than this is a rare variant.


Polyploid --- Any multiple of the basic haploid chromosome number other than the diploid number; thus, 3n, 4n, and so forth.


Positional cloning --- The molecular cloning of a gene on the basis of knowledge of its map position, without prior knowledge of the gene product.


Positive predictive value --- With respect to a clinical test for a disease, the extent to which testing positive indicates that one has or will develop the disease.


Preimplantation diagnosis --- A type of prenatal diagnosis in which a cell is removed from a multicell embryo generated by in vitro fertilization and tested for the presence of a disease-causing mutation.


Premutation --- In unstable repeat disorders (e.g., fragile X syndrome), a moderate expansion of the number of repeats that is at increased risk of undergoing further expansion during meiosis and causing the full disorder in the offspring. Premutations can be asymptomatic, as in Huntington disease, or they may be associated with a distinct syndrome, such as the fragile X–associated tremor/ataxia syndrome in individuals with triplet repeat expansions in their FMR1 gene in the premutation range.


Primary constriction --- See centromere.


Primary structure --- The amino acid sequence of a polypeptide.


Primary transcript --- The initial, unprocessed RNA transcript of a gene that is co-linear with the genomic DNA, containing introns as well as exons.


Primer --- A short oligonucleotide designed to hybridize to a single-stranded DNA template and provide a free DNA end to which DNA polymerase can add bases and synthesize DNA complementary to the template.


Proband --- The affected family member through whom the family is ascertained. Also called the propositus or index case.

先证者:在家系中最先发现具有某一特定性状或疾病的个体。英文又称propositusindex case

Probe --- In molecular genetics, a labeled DNA or RNA sequence used to detect the presence of a complementary sequence by molecular hybridization; or a reagent capable of recognizing a desired clone in a mixture of many DNA or RNA sequences. Also, the process of using such a molecule.


Prokaryote --- A simple unicellular organism, such as a bacterium, lacking a separate nucleus. See eukaryote.


Promoter --- A DNA sequence located in the 5’ end of a gene at which transcription is initiated.


Prophase --- The first stage of cell division, during which the chromosomes become visible as discrete structures and subsequently thicken and shorten. Prophase of the first meiotic division is further characterized by pairing (synapsis) of homologous chromosomes.


Propositus --- See proband.


Proteome --- anism at a particular time. Contrast with transcriptome, the collection of all RNA transcripts, and genome, the collection of all DNA sequences.


Proteomics --- A field of biochemistry encompassing the comprehensive analysis and cataloguing of the structure and function of all the proteins present in a given cell or tissue (see proteome). Parallels genomics, a similarly comprehensive approach to the analysis of DNA sequence and mRNA expression.


Proto-oncogene --- A normal gene involved in some aspect of cell division or proliferation that may become activated by mutation or other mechanism to become an oncogene.


Pseudoautosomal region --- Segment of the X and Y chromosome, located at the most distal portion of their respective p and q arms, at which crossing over occurs during male meiosis. Traits due to alleles at pseudoautosomal loci will appear to be inherited as autosomal traits despite the physical location of these loci on the sex chromosomes.


Pseudodeficiency allele --- A clinically benign allele that has a reduction in functional activity detected by in vitro assays but that has sufficient activity in vivo to prevent haploinsufficiency.


Pseudogene --- 1. An inactive gene within a gene family, derived by mutation of an ancestral active gene and frequently located within the same region of the chromosome as its functional counterpart (nonprocessed pseudogene). 2. A DNA copy of an mRNA, created by retrotransposition and inserted randomly in the genome (processed pseudogene). Processed pseudogenes are probably never functional.

假基因:不产生有功能产物的基因。可分为2类:1. 未修饰假基因:为位于一个基因家族内的无效基因,源于一个有活性的祖先基因的突变,常位于染色体的同一区域内,作为其功能性副本。2. 修饰假基因:通过反转录转座作用并随机插入基因组形成的一个mRNADNA副本。修饰假基因可能从来都不具有功能。

Pseudomosaicism --- The occurrence of a single cytogenetically abnormal cell in a cytogenetic analysis of a chorionic villus sampling or amniocentesis specimen. Generally considered artifactual and of no clinical significance.


q --- 1. In cytogenetics, the long arm of a chromosome. 2. In population genetics, the frequency of the less common allele of a pair.

q1. 在细胞遗传学中,指染色体的长臂。2. 在群体遗传学中,指一对等位基因中较罕见的那个等位基因的频率。

Qualitative trait --- A trait that an individual either has or does not have. Contrast with quantitative trait.


Quantitative trait --- A measurable quantity that differs among different individuals, often following a normal distribution in the population. Contrast with qualitative trait.


Random mating --- Selection of a mate without regard to the genotype of the mate. In a randomly mating population, the frequencies of the various matings are determined solely by the frequencies of the alleles concerned.


Reading frame --- One of the three possible ways of reading a nucleotide sequence as a series of triplets. An open reading frame contains no termination codons and thus is potentially translatable into protein.


Rearrangement --- Chromosome breakage followed by reconstitution in an abnormal combination. If unbalanced, the rearrangement can produce an abnormal phenotype.


Recessive --- A trait that is expressed only in homozygotes, compound heterozygotes, or hemizygotes.


Reciprocal translocation --- See translocation.


Recombinant --- An individual who has a new combination of alleles not found in either parent.


Recombinant chromosome --- A chromosome that results from exchange of reciprocal segments by crossing over between a homologous pair of parental chromosomes during meiosis.


Recombinant DNA technology --- Methods by which a DNA molecule is constructed in vitro from segments from more than one parental DNA molecule.


Recombination --- The formation of new combinations of alleles in coupling by crossing over between their loci.


Recombination fraction (θ) --- The fraction of offspring of a parent heterozygous at two loci who have inherited a chromosome carrying a recombination between the loci.


Recurrence risk --- The probability that a genetic disorder present in one or more members of a family will recur in another member of the same or a subsequent generation.


Reduction division --- The first meiotic division, so called because at this stage the chromosome number per cell is reduced from diploid to haploid.


Redundancy --- The situation in which genes (often paralogous) have overlapping functions.


Regulative development --- A developmental stage during which removal or destruction of a particular region of the embryo is compensated for by other embryonic regions, thereby allowing normal development.


Regulatory gene --- A gene that codes for an RNA or protein molecule that regulates the expression of other genes.


Regulatory region of a gene --- A DNA segment, such as a promoter, enhancer, or locus control region, within or near a gene that regulates the expression of the gene.

基因的调节位点:在基因附近或在基因内的一段 DNA 片段(如启动子、增强子或基因座控制区),可调控基因的表达。




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