select a.*,level from t_customer a
start with customer_id = 'AABB10000010'
connect by prior customer_id = parent_cust_id
select a.*, level
from t_industry a
start with industry_id = 'B03'
connect by prior industry_id = parent_id
--connect String
select Substr('bbbcbdb',1,2) ||replace(Substr('bbbcbdb',3,4),'b','a') ||Substr('bbbcbdb',7,1) from dual
select Replace(customer_name, '->','') as all_customer_name,rownum from (
select sys_connect_by_path(customer_name, '->') customer_name from (
select a.customer_name, (level - 1) ll,level l
from t_customer a
start with customer_id = 'SH02110000893' connect by prior parent_cust_id=customer_id order by l desc
connect by prior ll= l order by level desc
) c where rownum <2
with temp as(
select a.*, (level - 1) ll, level l
from t_content_type a
start with a.type_id = '20000000138418'
connect by prior a.parent_type_id = a.type_id
order by l desc
select sys_connect_by_path(temp.type_name, '/') path
from temp
start with temp.parent_type_id = '0'
connect by prior temp.type_id = temp.parent_type_id