metro style 里面的控件一览 以 Windows.UI.Xaml.Controls空间

AppBarRepresents the container control that holds app UI components for commanding and experiences.
BorderDraws a border, background, or both, around another object.
ButtonRepresents a templated button control that interprets a Click user interaction.
CanvasDefines an area within which you can explicitly position child objects, using coordinates that are relative to the Canvas area.
CaptureElementRenders a stream from a capture device, such as a camera or webcam.
CheckBoxRepresents a control that a user can select (check) or clear (uncheck). A CheckBox can also report its value as indeterminate.
CleanUpVirtualizedItemEventArgsProvides data for the CleanUpVirtualizedItemEvent event.
ColumnDefinitionDefines column-specific properties that apply to Grid objects.
ColumnDefinitionCollectionProvides access to an ordered, strongly typed collection of ColumnDefinition objects.
ComboBoxRepresents a selection control that combines a non-editable text box and a drop-down list box that allows users to select an item from a list.
ComboBoxItemRepresents the container for an item in a ComboBox control.
ContentControlRepresents a control with a single piece of content. Controls such as Button, CheckBox, and ScrollViewer directly or indirectly inherit from this class.
ContentPresenterDisplays the content of a ContentControl.
ContextMenuEventArgsProvides event data for the ContextMenuOpening event that exists on several text-related UI elements.
ControlRepresents the base class for UI elements that use a ControlTemplate to define their appearance.
ControlTemplateDefines the element tree that is applied as the control template for a control.
DataTemplateSelectorEnables custom template selection logic at the application level.
DragItemsStartingEventArgsProvides event data for the DragItemsStarting event.
FlipViewRepresents an items control that displays one item at a time, and enables "flip" behavior for traversing its collection of items.
FlipViewItemRepresents the container for an item in a FlipView control.
FrameRepresents a content control that supports navigation.
GridDefines a flexible grid area that consists of columns and rows. Child elements of the Grid are measured and arranged according to their row/column assignments and internal class logic.
GridViewRepresents a control that displays a horizontal grid of data items.
GridViewItemRepresents the container for an item in a GridView control.
GroupItemRepresents the root element for a subtree that is created for a group.
GroupStyleDescribes how to display the grouped items in a collection, such as the collection from GroupItems.
GroupStyleSelectorEnables custom group style selection logic as a function of the parent group and its level.
HyperlinkButtonRepresents a button control that displays a hyperlink.
ImageRepresents a control that displays an image. The image is specified as an image file in several possible formats, see Remarks.
ItemClickEventArgsProvides event data for the ItemClick event.
ItemCollectionHolds the list of items that represent the content of an ItemsControl.
ItemContainerGeneratorProvides mappings between the items of an ItemsControl and their container elements.
ItemsControlRepresents a control that can be used to present a collection of items.
ItemsPanelTemplateSpecifies the panel that the ItemsPresenter creates for the layout of the items of an ItemsControl.
ItemsPresenterSpecifies where items are placed in a control, usually an ItemsControl.
ListBoxContains a list of selectable items.
ListBoxItemRepresents the container for an item in a ListBox control.
ListViewRepresents a control that displays a vertical list of data items.
ListViewBaseProvides the infrastructure for the ListView and GridView classes.
ListViewItemRepresents the container for an item in a ListView control.
MediaElementRepresents an object that contains audio, video, or both.
NotifyEventArgsProvides data for the ScriptNotify event.
PageEncapsulates a page of content that can be navigated to.
PanelProvides a base class for all Panel elements. Use Panel elements to position and arrange child objects in a UI page.
PasswordBoxRepresents a control for entering passwords.
ProgressBarRepresents a control that indicates the progress of an operation, where the typical visual appearance is a bar that animates a filled area as progress continues.
ProgressRingRepresents a control that indicates that an operation is ongoing. The typical visual appearance is a ring-shaped "spinner" that cycles an animation as progress continues.
RadioButtonRepresents a button that allows a user to select a single option from a group of options.
RichEditBoxRepresents a rich text editing control that supports formatted text, hyperlinks, and other rich content.
RichTextBlockRepresents a rich text display container that supports formatted text, hyperlinks, inline images, and other rich content. RichTextBlock supports a built-in overflow model.
RichTextBlockOverflowRepresents a rich text display overflow container. This element cannot have direct content. The only purpose of RichTextBlockOverflow is to display text content that does not fit in the bounds of a RichTextBlock or another RichTextBlockOverflow element.
RowDefinitionDefines row-specific properties that apply to Grid elements.
RowDefinitionCollectionProvides access to an ordered, strongly typed collection of RowDefinition objects.
ScrollContentPresenterDisplays the content of a ScrollViewer control.
ScrollViewerRepresents a scrollable area that can contain other visible elements.
ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgsProvides event data for the ViewChanged event and similar control-specific events.
SelectionChangedEventArgsProvides data for the SelectionChanged event.
SemanticZoomRepresents a scrollable control that incorporates two views that have a semantic relationship. For example, the ZoomedOutView might be an index of titles, and the ZoomedInView might include details and summaries for each of the title entries. Views can be changed using zoom or other interactions.
SemanticZoomLocationCommunicates information for items and view state in a SemanticZoom, such that hosts for scrolling and virtualization (such as ListViewBase) can get correct item and bounds information.
SemanticZoomViewChangedEventArgsProvides event data for the ViewChangeStarted and ViewChangeCompleted events.
SliderRepresents a control that lets the user select from a range of values by moving a Thumb control along a track.
StackPanelArranges child elements into a single line that can be oriented horizontally or vertically.
StyleSelectorEnables custom item style selection logic as a function of the content data and its specific item container.
SwapChainBackgroundPanelImplements a XAML layout surface target for Microsoft DirectX interoperation scenarios. This panel has some atypical restrictions on its usage within an app window; see Remarks.
TextBlockProvides a lightweight control for displaying small amounts of text.
TextBoxRepresents a control that can be used to display single-format, multi-line text.
TextChangedEventArgsProvides data for the TextChanged event.
ToggleSwitchRepresents a switch that can be toggled between two states.
ToolTipRepresents a control that creates a pop-up window that displays information for an element in the UI.
ToolTipServiceRepresents a service that provides static methods to display a ToolTip.
UIElementCollectionRepresents an ordered collection of UIElement objects.
UserControlProvides the base class for defining a new control that encapsulates related existing controls and provides its own logic.
VariableSizedWrapGridProvides a grid-style layout panel where each tile/cell can be variable size based on content.
ViewboxDefines a content decorator that can stretch and scale a single child to fill the available space.
VirtualizingPanelProvides a framework for Panel elements that virtualize their visual children.
VirtualizingStackPanelArranges and virtualizes content on a single line that is oriented either horizontally or vertically. Can only be used to display items in an ItemsControl.
WebViewProvides a UI element that hosts HTML content within the application.
WebViewBrushProvides a brush that renders the content that is currently hosted in a WebView control.
WebViewNavigationFailedEventArgsProvides data for the WebView.NavigationFailed event.
WrapGridPositions child elements sequentially from left to right or top to bottom. When elements extend beyond the container edge, elements are positioned in the next row or column. Can only be used to display items in an ItemsControl.


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