1. Verify the number and size of the messages in the shared mail database.
 Use this information to determine if there is enough available disk space on the server to store complete copies of the shared messages in each recipient's mail file. At the server console, type the following:

Load Object Info -full <mail>
* where <mail> is the name of the directory containing the user mail files.

2. Record and disable the existing Shared Mail configuration

Information of the server(s) should be recorded in order to properly plan and apply the steps outlined in this document.

Record Shared Mail information
Go to the Shared Mail Setting tab in the Server document and record the following information:

2a) Mail file usage of shared mail.

This is obtained by running the following on each mail directory and piping or making a copy of the output results.

object info -full <mail>  

2b) Shared Mail File configuration in the Shared Mail tab in the server document.

This is obtained from the Domino Administrator client. It contains all the information about the directories where the shared mail is contained.

Disable Shared Mail
The Shared Mail tab in the Server's document contains a field called shared mail , this must be set to none. Save the changes and then recycle the server.

3. Unlink all mailfiles from the shared mail database.

Perform a garbage collection on the user mail files:

Load Object collect -force <mail>
*where mail is the directory for user's mail files (to unlink only a specific mail file, run the unlink on that mail file explicitly)

Load Object Unlink <shared_directories>
* where <shared_directories> is the name of the directories for the shared mail databases recorded in 2b above.

Load Object Unlink <mail>
* where mail is the directory for user's mail files (to unlink only a specific mail file run the unlink on that mail file explicitly)

4. To confirm that the shared mail database is empty, issue the following command:

Load Object Info -Full <shared_directories>
where <shared_directories> is the name of the directories for the shared mail databases recorded in 2b above.

and on the user mail files:

Load Object Info -full <mail>
* where <mail> is the name of the directory containing the user mailfiles.

5. Shut down the Domino server and then delete the shared mail database at the operating system level.