手把手教你搭建Oracle Secure Global Desktop演示环境




  • Oracle Linux 6.5 64bit
  • Hostname: sgd.example.com
  • IP:






[root@sgd ~]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 sgd sgd.example.com


[root@sgd ~]# chkconfig iptables off
[root@sgd ~]# service iptables stop
iptables: Setting chains to policy ACCEPT: filter          [  OK  ]
iptables: Flushing firewall rules:                         [  OK  ]
iptables: Unloading modules:                               [  OK  ]


[root@sgd ~]# vim /etc/sysconfig/selinux 
# This file controls the state of SELinux on the system.
# SELINUX= can take one of these three values:
#     enforcing - SELinux security policy is enforced.
#     permissive - SELinux prints warnings instead of enforcing.
#     disabled - No SELinux policy is loaded.
# SELINUXTYPE= can take one of these two values:
#     targeted - Targeted processes are protected,
#     mls - Multi Level Security protection.

[root@sgd ~]# reboot


[root@sgd ~]# service iptables status
Table: filter
Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT)
num  target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT)
num  target     prot opt source               destination         

Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT)
num  target     prot opt source               destination         

[root@sgd ~]# getenforce 



[root@sgd ~]# mkdir sgd-install
[root@sgd ~]# cd sgd-install/
[root@sgd sgd-install]# lftp
lftp> cd pub/
lftp> get SGD5.2forLin.zip 
550848465 bytes transferred in 16 seconds (33.24M/s)                     
lftp> bye
[root@sgd sgd-install]# ls


[root@sgd sgd-install]# unzip SGD5.2forLin.zip 
Archive:  SGD5.2forLin.zip
  inflating: tta-5.20-903.x86_64.rpm  


[root@sgd sgd-install]# yum install --nogpgcheck tta-5.20-903.x86_64.rpm
Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit, security
Setting up Install Process
Examining tta-5.20-903.x86_64.rpm: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
Marking tta-5.20-903.x86_64.rpm to be installed
Resolving Dependencies
--> Running transaction check
---> Package tta.x86_64 0:5.20-903 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: ld-linux.so.2 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: ld-linux.so.2(GLIBC_2.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1.2) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.1.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.2.4) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.2) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libc.so.6(GLIBC_2.3.4) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libcrypt.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libcrypt.so.1(GLIBC_2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libdl.so.2 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libdl.so.2(GLIBC_2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libdl.so.2(GLIBC_2.1) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libgcc_s.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_3.4) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libgcc_s.so.1(GCC_4.2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libgcc_s.so.1(GLIBC_2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libgcrypt.so.11 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libgcrypt.so.11(GCRYPT_1.2) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libkeyutils.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libkeyutils.so.1(KEYUTILS_0.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libm.so.6(GLIBC_2.1) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libnsl.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpam.so.0 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpthread.so.0 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.1) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.1.1) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.2) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.2.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.3.2) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libpthread.so.0(GLIBC_2.4) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libresolv.so.2 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libresolv.so.2(GLIBC_2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libresolv.so.2(GLIBC_2.2) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: librt.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: librt.so.1(GLIBC_2.2) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libstdc++.so.6 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libstdc++.so.6(CXXABI_1.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libstdc++.so.6(GLIBCXX_3.4) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libthread_db.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libthread_db.so.1(GLIBC_2.1.3) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libutil.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libutil.so.1(GLIBC_2.0) for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libuuid.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libz.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libbz2.so.1 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libXtst.so.6 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libXm.so.3 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: libXm.so.4 for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Processing Dependency: openmotif for package: tta-5.20-903.x86_64
--> Running transaction check
---> Package bzip2-libs.i686 0:1.0.5-7.el6_0 will be installed
---> Package glibc.i686 0:2.12-1.132.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libfreebl3.so(NSSRAWHASH_3.12.3) for package: glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libfreebl3.so for package: glibc-2.12-1.132.el6.i686
---> Package keyutils-libs.i686 0:1.4-4.el6 will be installed
---> Package libXtst.i686 0:1.2.1-2.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libXi.so.6 for package: libXtst-1.2.1-2.el6.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libXext.so.6 for package: libXtst-1.2.1-2.el6.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libX11.so.6 for package: libXtst-1.2.1-2.el6.i686
---> Package libgcc.i686 0:4.4.7-4.el6 will be installed
---> Package libgcrypt.i686 0:1.4.5-11.el6_4 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libgpg-error.so.0 for package: libgcrypt-1.4.5-11.el6_4.i686
---> Package libstdc++.i686 0:4.4.7-4.el6 will be installed
---> Package libuuid.i686 0:2.17.2-12.14.el6 will be installed
---> Package openmotif.i686 0:2.3.3-6.1.el6_4 will be installed
HighAvailability/filelists_db                                                                         |  49 kB     00:00     
LoadBalancer/filelists_db                                                                             | 3.9 kB     00:00     
ResilientStorage/filelists_db                                                                         |  40 kB     00:00     
ScalableFileSystem/filelists_db                                                                       | 3.6 kB     00:00     
Server/filelists_db                                                                                   | 3.3 MB     00:00     
UEK3/filelists_db                                                                                     | 339 kB     00:00     
ftp/filelists_db                                                                                      | 3.3 MB     00:00     
--> Processing Dependency: libICE.so.6 for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libpng12.so.0(PNG12_0) for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libSM.so.6 for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libXp.so.6 for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libjpeg.so.62 for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libXft.so.2 for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libjpeg.so.62(LIBJPEG_6.2) for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libXt.so.6 for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libpng12.so.0 for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libXmu.so.6 for package: openmotif-2.3.3-6.1.el6_4.i686
---> Package openmotif22.i686 0:2.2.3-19.el6 will be installed
---> Package pam.i686 0:1.1.1-17.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libcrack.so.2 for package: pam-1.1.1-17.el6.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libaudit.so.1 for package: pam-1.1.1-17.el6.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libselinux.so.1 for package: pam-1.1.1-17.el6.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libdb-4.7.so for package: pam-1.1.1-17.el6.i686
---> Package zlib.i686 0:1.2.3-29.el6 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package audit-libs.i686 0:2.2-2.el6 will be installed
---> Package cracklib.i686 0:2.8.16-4.el6 will be installed
---> Package db4.i686 0:4.7.25-18.el6_4 will be installed
---> Package libICE.i686 0:1.0.6-1.el6 will be installed
---> Package libSM.i686 0:1.2.1-2.el6 will be installed
---> Package libX11.i686 0:1.5.0-4.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libxcb.so.1 for package: libX11-1.5.0-4.el6.i686
---> Package libXext.i686 0:1.3.1-2.el6 will be installed
---> Package libXft.i686 0:2.3.1-2.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libXrender.so.1 for package: libXft-2.3.1-2.el6.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libfreetype.so.6 for package: libXft-2.3.1-2.el6.i686
--> Processing Dependency: libfontconfig.so.1 for package: libXft-2.3.1-2.el6.i686
---> Package libXi.i686 0:1.6.1-3.el6 will be installed
---> Package libXmu.i686 0:1.1.1-2.el6 will be installed
---> Package libXp.i686 0:1.0.0-15.1.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libXau.so.6 for package: libXp-1.0.0-15.1.el6.i686
---> Package libXt.i686 0:1.1.3-1.el6 will be installed
---> Package libgpg-error.i686 0:1.7-4.el6 will be installed
---> Package libjpeg-turbo.i686 0:1.2.1-1.el6 will be installed
---> Package libpng.i686 2:1.2.49-1.el6_2 will be installed
---> Package libselinux.i686 0:2.0.94-5.3.el6_4.1 will be installed
---> Package nss-softokn-freebl.i686 0:3.14.3-9.el6 will be installed
--> Running transaction check
---> Package fontconfig.i686 0:2.8.0-3.el6 will be installed
--> Processing Dependency: libexpat.so.1 for package: fontconfig-2.8.0-3.el6.i686
---> Package freetype.i686 0:2.3.11-14.el6_3.1 will be installed
---> Package libXau.i686 0:1.0.6-4.el6 will be i
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当前余额3.43前往充值 >
领取后你会自动成为博主和红包主的粉丝 规则
钱包余额 0


