A new GUI for Metasploit was added yesterday by ScriptJunkie to the Metasploit SVN Repository, this is the first version of a development version  as part of the Framework that is going to be improved and worked one as time progress. This new GUI is multi-platform and it is based on Java, the Netbeans project for it can be found in the external/source/gui/msfguijava/ directory for those who want to contribute and have Ninja Skills with Java and user interfaces. The GUI can be ran by invoking the msfgui script at the base of the Metasploit directory


This script simply executes the following command:

java -jar `dirname $0`/data/gui/msfgui.jar

Now to be able to run this GUI Java must be installed on the machine. Wen you run the command you should be greated by the following splash screen followed by this user interface:


Now this interface does not start since it can be used to connect to a remote msfrpcd session in another host. To start a msfrpcd session on a host so as to be able to connect remotely with msfgui the following command must be ran on that host:

./msfrpcd -S -U MetaUser -P Securepass -p 1337

we tell the msfrpcd Daemon to start with SSL disabled since there is no support for it right now, we specify the user with the –U switch, the password with the –P switch and the port to listen for inbound connection with the –p switch. The service will bind to the address so it well listen on all interfaces, in the case you want it to bind to a specific interface you just tell it to what IP address to bind to with the –a switch and pass the IP as an option. When you run the command above the output should look something like this:

loki:msf3 cperez$ ./msfrpcd -S -U MetaUser -P Securepass -p 1337
[*] XMLRPC starting on (NO SSL):Basic...
[*] XMLRPC initializing...
[*] XMLRPC backgrounding...

Once it is up we just use the use connect to msfrpcd option in the File menu


This will bring up the following screen



There we just enter the data we set up at our remote host, we can also start a new connection from this screen and even change the path for our Metasploit folder to another copy if we wish to using the change path button.

To start a new session with the local copy just select the Start new msfrpcd option from the File menu, this will automatically start a msfrpcd session for you using the copy of Metasploit from where you launched msfgui. Once started we can the interact with it. Lest launch a Multi handler to receive some Meterpreter connections:

Once we select the multi handler a screen will appear that will let use choose our payload, depending on the payload we will be able to set the parameters for it:



Once we have set the options needed for our shell we just hit Run Exploit to launch the job and it should appear in the jobs screen as shown below:


When the Meterpreter session is received and established it will appear in the Sessions window and we can interact with it.


To interact with our shell we can simply select it and left click on it to provide the options of what we can do. One of the thing I like about what is being done with the GUI is the way that the Meterpreter scripts where integrated as actions on the menu with easy to understand groupings as well as most common commands. 

Here is the screen we would see if we selected form the System Information the Windows Enumeration, this launches the Winenum script and we can see it’s progress. We can even enter commands in the dialog box below and hit summit to send a command to the Meterpreter session once the script is finished.


We can even decide to access the servers file system and interact with it.


For pentesters do check under post exploitation the report feature for HTML activity log of what was done in the shell and Meterpreter sessions. I do invite you to play with the other options, modules and menu items and provide feedback including bug reports and features request for stuff to add the GUI. If you are a Java ninja you can provide patches and code that is also welcomed, you can do this at http://www.metasploit.com/redmine/projects/framework