感谢作者CHEN, Xing

需要 mutagen
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Reencode the ID3v1 and ID3v2 tag of a mp3 file.
# Copyright 2010 CHEN, Xing (cxcxcxcx@gmail.com)
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License as
# published by the Free Software Foundation.
import os
import sys
import locale
from optparse import OptionParser
import mutagen.id3
VERSION = (0, 1)
def isascii(string):
   return not string or min(string) < '\x127'
def MakeID3v1(id3, enc):
   """Return an ID3v1.1 tag string from a dict of ID3v2.4 frames."""
   """Copied from id3.py of mutagen. What I modified is the encoding of ID3v1, so that the tag can be parsed
   correctly by Windows Media Player, etc."""
   v1 = {}
   for v2id, name in {"TIT2": "title", "TPE1": "artist",
                      "TALB": "album"}.items():
       if v2id in id3:
           text = id3[v2id].text[0].encode(enc, 'replace')[:30]
           text = ""
       v1[name] = text + ("\x00" * (30 - len(text)))
   if "COMM" in id3:
       cmnt = id3["COMM"].text[0].encode(enc, 'replace')[:28]
   else: cmnt = ""
   v1["comment"] = cmnt + ("\x00" * (29 - len(cmnt)))
   if "TRCK" in id3:
       try: v1["track"] = chr(+id3["TRCK"])
       except ValueError: v1["track"] = "\x00"
   else: v1["track"] = "\x00"
   if "TCON" in id3:
       try: genre = id3["TCON"].genres[0]
       except IndexError: pass
           if genre in TCON.GENRES:
               v1["genre"] = chr(TCON.GENRES.index(genre))
   if "genre" not in v1: v1["genre"] = "\xff"
   if "TDRC" in id3:
       v1["year"] = str(id3["TDRC"])[:4]
   elif "TYER" in id3:
       v1["year"] = str(id3["TYER"])[:4]
       v1["year"] = "\x00\x00\x00\x00"
   return ("TAG%(title)s%(artist)s%(album)s%(year)s%(comment)s"
           "%(track)s%(genre)s") % v1
def has_id3v1(filename):
   f = open(filename, 'rb+')
   try: f.seek(-128, 2)
   except IOError: pass
   else: return (f.read(3) == "TAG")
def get_id3v1(filename):
   id3v1 = None
   f = open(filename, 'rb+')
   try: f.seek(-128, 2)
   except IOError: pass
       id3v1 = mutagen.id3.ParseID3v1(f.read(128))
   return id3v1
def convTxt(encList, s):
   decF = s
   for i in encList:
           decF = s.encode('latin1').decode(i)
           tagEnc = i
   #print tagEnc
   return decF
def saveTagToFile(filename, fileID3, v1enc):
   """ Update the file."""
       hasID3v1 = has_id3v1(filename)
       try: f = open(filename, 'rb+')
       except IOError, err:
           from errno import ENOENT
           if err.errno != ENOENT: raise
           f = open(filename, 'ab') # create, then reopen
           f = open(filename, 'rb+')
       v1 = 2
       if hasID3v1:
           f.seek(-128, 2)
           if v1 > 0: f.write(MakeID3v1(fileID3, v1enc))
           else: f.truncate()
       elif v1 == 2:
           f.seek(0, 2)
           f.write(MakeID3v1(fileID3, v1enc))
def main(argv):
   from mutagen import File
   default_enclist = "utf8,gbk"
   mutagen_version = ".".join(map(str, mutagen.version))
   my_version = ".".join(map(str, VERSION))
   version = "mp3tagiconv %s\nUses Mutagen %s" % (
       my_version, mutagen_version)
   parser = OptionParser(usage="%prog [OPTION] [FILE]...", version=version,
           description=("Mutagen-based mp3 tag encoding converter, which "
                           "can automatically detect the encoding "
                       "of the tags of a MP3 file, and can convert it so "
                       "that the tags can be recognized correctly in most "
       "-e", "--encoding-list", metavar="ENCODING_LIST", action="store",
       type="string", dest="enclist",
       help=("Specify original tag encoding, comma seperated if you want "
           "me to guess one by one(default: %s)" % default_enclist))
       "--v1-encoding", metavar="ID3V1_ENCODING", action="store",
       type="string", dest="v1enc",
       help=("Specify tag encoding for ID3v1, the default value(gbk) should **ALWAYS** be OK for Simplified Chinese tags."))
       "--do-update", action="store_true", dest="notest",
       help="Save updates WITHOUT confirming. It is NOT recommended.")
       #"--confirm-test", action="store_true", dest="notest",
       #help="Actually modify files. This is NOT default in order to protect your mp3 file from being damaged by wrong parameters.")
   (options, args) = parser.parse_args(argv[1:])
   if not args:
       raise SystemExit(parser.print_help() or 1)
   enclist = options.enclist or default_enclist
   enclist = enclist.split(',')
   notest = options.notest
   v1enc = options.v1enc or "gbk"
   enc = locale.getpreferredencoding()
   for filename in args:
       print "--", filename
           # Prepare information from ID3v1
           id3v1 = get_id3v1(filename)
           fileID3 = mutagen.id3.ID3(filename)
           if id3v1 is not None:
               # Merge ID3v1 and ID3v2
               for i in id3v1.keys():
                   if i not in fileID3.keys():
           #print f.pprint()
           for tag in filter(lambda t: t.startswith("T"), fileID3):
               frame = fileID3[tag]
               if isinstance(frame, mutagen.id3.TimeStampTextFrame):
                   # non-unicode fields
                   text = frame.text
               except AttributeError:
                   #print frame.encoding
                   if frame.encoding == 0:
                       text = map(convTxt, [enclist,]*len(frame.text), frame.text)
               except (UnicodeError, LookupError):
                   frame.text = text
                   #for i in text:
                       #print i.encode('utf8')
                   if not text or min(map(isascii, text)):
                       frame.encoding = 3
                       frame.encoding = 1
               print frame.pprint().encode(enc)
           doSave = False
           if notest:
               doSave = True
               #print fileID3.pprint().encode(enc)
               print "Do you want to save?(y/N)",
               doSave = p=="y" or p=="Y"
           if doSave:
               print "*** Saving..."
               saveTagToFile(filename, fileID3, v1enc)
               print "*** File is NOT updated."
       except AttributeError: print "- Unknown file type"
       except KeyboardInterrupt: raise
       except Exception, err: print str(err)
if __name__ == "__main__":
   try: import mutagen
   except ImportError:
       import mutagen