
Lesson 16  The modern city



1、  在工业生活的组织里In the organization of industrial life 这种影响the influence是工厂of the factory 在生理和心理状态上的uponthe physiological and mental state是工人们的 of the workers 已被完全地忽视。has been completely neglected.


在工业生活的组织里In the organization of industrial life工厂对工人在生理和心理状态方面的影响 the influence of the factory upon the physiological and mental state of the workers 已被完全忽视。has been completely neglected.




2、  现代工业Modern industry被建立在这个概念上is based on the conception就是最多的产品of the maximum production 以最低的成本at lowest cost, 为了实现那一点in order that某个个人an individual或者某一部分人or a group of individuals 可以赚取 may earn尽可能多的钱。 as much money as possible.

现代工业建立在以最低成本创造最多产品的概念上,Modern industry is based on the conception of the maximum production at lowest cost, 为了达到使某个个人或者某一部分人赚到尽可能多的钱的目的。in order that an individual or a group of individualsmay earn as much money as possible.




3、   它已经发展起来了,It has expanded 完全忽视了without any idea 关于真实的天性of the true nature 属于人类的of the human beings 这些人操作机器,who run the machines, 并且 and 没有给出任何考虑without giving any consideration对那种影响to the effects 被产生在个人和他们的后代身上的produced on the individuals and on their descendants 由人为的生存方式by the artificial mode of existence被工厂强加的。 imposed by the factory.


现代工业的发展完全忽视了操作机器的人的真实天性It has expanded without any idea of the true nature of the human beings,who run the machines, 并且完全不考虑由工厂强加的人为生存方式对个人和他们的后代所造成的影响。 and without giving any consideration to the effects  produced on the individuals and on their descendants by the artificial mode of existence imposed by the factory.




4、  庞大的城市The great cities已经被建起来have been built没有考虑。with no regard对于我们。 for us.


庞大的城市已经被建设起来了The great cities have been built没有考虑我们的需要。with no regard for us.




5、  外形及大小The shape and dimensions摩天大楼的 of the skyscrapers,完全取决于depend entirely on获得最大收入的需要the necessity of obtaining the maximum income每平方英尺的土地per square foot of ground, 还有就是提供给住户and of offering to the tenants办公室和住宅offices and apartments 这些办公室和住宅that取悦于他们。please them.


摩天大楼的外形及大小完全取决于每平方英尺的土地获得最大收入的需要The shape and dimensions of the skyscrapers, depend entirely on the necessity of obtaining the maximum income per square foot of ground,还有就是提供使住户满意的办公室和住宅。and of offering to the tenants offices and apartments that please them.




6、  这样This导致了caused巨型大楼的建造the construction of gigantic buildings 那里where太多的人们too large masses of human beings是成群地在一起。are crowded together.


这样导致了巨型大楼的建造This caused the construction of gigantic buildings 那里众多的人拥挤在一起。where too large masses of human beings are crowded together.




7、  文明人 Civilized men 喜欢like这样的一种生活方式。such a way of living.

文明人Civilized men 喜欢这样的生活方式。like such a way of living.



8、  在那时While 他们享受着they enjoy 舒适和乏味的豪华奢侈the comfort and banal luxury在他们的住宅里,of their dwelling, 他们没有意识到那一点they do not realize that 他们被剥夺了 they are deprived属于生活中必须的东西。of the necessities of life.


在他们享受他们自己的住宅里的舒适和乏味的豪华奢侈时,While they enjoy the comfort and banal luxury of their dwelling, 他们没有意识到他们被剥夺了生活中必须的东西。they do not realize that they are deprived of the necessities of life.




9、  现代化城市The modern city组成是由consists of大得吓人的大厦 monstrous edifices和昏暗的,and of dark, 狭窄的街道narrow streets充满了汽油难闻的气味,full of petrol fumes 和有毒的气体and toxic gases, 被搞得烦躁不安,torn 被噪音by the noise出租车的, of the taxicabs, 卡车,lorries公共汽车and buses, 并且被挤来挤去。and thronged不停地ceaselessly被大量的人群 by great crowds.


现代化城市由大得吓人的大厦和昏暗的,充满了汽油难闻的气味和有毒气体的狭窄的街道组成,The modern city consists of monstrous edifices and of dark, narrow streets full of petrol fumes and toxic gases, 被出租车,卡车,公共汽车的噪音搞得烦躁不安,torn by the noise of the taxicabs, lorries and buses, 并且被大量的人群不停地挤来挤去。and thronged ceaselessly by great crowds.




10、          显然,Obviously, 它没有被规划it has not been planned为了它的居民的利益。 for the good of its inhabitants.


显然,Obviously, 它不是为了居民的利益而规划。it has not been planned for the good of its inhabitants.



Lesson 17  A man-made disease



1、在早期,In the early days澳大利亚移民的of the settlement of Australia, 有创业精神的移民enterprising settlers不明智地unwisely引进了欧洲兔子。introduced the European rabbit.

在澳大利亚移民的早期,In the early days of the settlement of Australia, 有创业精神的移民不明智地引进了欧洲兔子。enterprising settlers unwisely introduced the European rabbit.




2、这种兔子,This rabbit没有天敌had no natural enemies在澳大利亚和新西兰in the Antipodes,因此so that它繁殖起来 it multiplied随着那种 with that杂交放纵promiscuous abandon兔子的特点。 characteristic of rabbits.


这种兔子在澳大利亚和新西兰没有天敌,This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes因此由于兔子的那种杂交放纵的特点它繁殖起来。so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits.



3、它遍及It overran整个大陆。a whole continent.

它遍及整个大陆。It overran a whole continent.



 4、它导致了毁灭性的灾难It caused devastation通过打洞by burrowing 和and 通过吃牧草by devouring the herbage 那些草 which 本来可以饲养might have maintained数百万的牛羊。millions of sheep and cattle.


它在地上打洞并且吞食牧草导致了毁灭性的灾难It caused devastation by burrowing and by devouring the herbage 那些草本来可以饲养数百万的牛羊。 which might have maintained millions of sheep and cattle.




5、科学家发现了一个现象 Scientists discovered that 这种特殊品种的兔子this particular variety of rabbit (并且显然地and apparently没有其他动物no other animal)容易被感染上was susceptible to-一种致命的病毒性疾病,a fatal virus disease, 多发性粘液瘤。myxomatosis.


科学家发现这种特殊品种的兔子Scientists discovered that this particular variety of rabbit (并且显然没有其他动物)(and apparently no other animal) 易被感染上一种致命的病毒性疾病,多发性粘液瘤。was susceptible to a fatal virus disease, myxomatosis.




6、通过感染此病给动物By infecting animals 并且让它们乱跑and letting them loose在洞里,in the burrows, 本地的流行病local epidemics是这种疾病 of this disease能够被产生。could be created.


通过感染此病给动物并且让它们在洞里乱窜,By infecting animals  and letting them loose  in the burrows,这种疾病能够发展为本地的流行病。local epidemics of this disease could be created.




7、后来Later 有个现象被发现it was found就是 that 有一种类型的蚊子there was a type of mosquito 这种蚊子which充当着 acted as 这种疾病的携带者the carrier of this disease 并且and传递它 passed it到兔子身上。 on to the rabbits.


后来发现有一种蚊子Later it was found that there was a type of mosquito 这种蚊子充当着这种疾病的携带者which acted as the carrier of this disease 并且传递它到兔子身上。and passed it on to the rabbits.




8、所有So 当时while世界上的其它地方 the rest of the world正在设法消灭蚊子, was trying to get rid of mosquitoes,澳大利亚正在促使 繁殖Australia was encouraging 这种蚊子。this one.


所有当世界上其它地方正在设法消灭蚊子时,So while the rest of the world was trying to get rid of mosquitoes,澳大利亚正在促使繁殖这种蚊子。 Australia was encouraging this one.




9、它有效地It effectively传播这种疾病spread the disease 遍及整个澳大利亚大陆all over the continent并且 and大大的减少了drastically reduced这种兔子的数量。the rabbit population.


它有效地传播这种疾病到整个澳大利亚大陆It effectively spread the disease all over the continent并且大大的减少了兔子的数量。and drastically reduced the rabbit population.




10、有种现象后来变得很明显It later became apparent 就是that兔子正在产生rabbits were developing一定程度的免疫力a degree of resistance对这种疾病的, to this disease, 所以so that兔子数量 the rabbit population 是不可能的 was unlikely被完全消灭。to be completely exterminated.


后来,兔子正在产生一定程度的对这种疾病的免疫力的现象变得很明显It later became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to this disease, 所以兔子不可能被完全消灭。so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be completely exterminated.



 11、已经有了希望,There were hopes,然而, however,那就是that兔子的问题the problem of the rabbit可能将变得易于处理。would become manageable.

然而,已有希望,There were hopes, however,希望就是兔子的问题可能将变得易于处理。that the problem of the rabbit would become manageable.




12、讽刺地是,Ironically,欧洲, Europe, 它之前输送了这种兔子 which had bequeathed the rabbit作为一种有害的动物as a pest 到澳大利亚,to Australia, 染上了这种人为的疾病acquired this man-made disease作为一种瘟疫。as a pestilence.


讽刺地是,Ironically,欧洲先前将这种兔子当成有害动物传到澳大利亚, Europe, which had bequeathed the rabbit as a pest to Australia, 自己又染上了这种瘟疫般的人为疾病。acquired this man-made disease as a pestilence.




13、一位法国内科医生A French physician决定消灭decided to get rid of一种野兔the wild rabbits在他的自己的庄园里on his own estate并且and引入了多发性粘液瘤疾病。introduced myxomatosis.


一位法国内科医生决定消灭他自己庄园里的一种野兔A French physician decided to get rid of the wild rabbits on his own estate并且引入了多发性粘液瘤疾病。 and introduced myxomatosis.




1、  它没有,It did not,然而, however, 保持remain在他的庄园的范围之内。within the confines of his estate.


然而它没有被局限在他的庄园范围之内。It did not, however, remain within the confines of his estate.




2、  它传播开来 It spread 通过法国,through France, 在那里Where 野兔wild rabbits一般不认为是are not generally regarded as一种有害的动物 a pest 而且,but作为一种运动 as sport and 和一种有用的食物供应,a useful food supply, 并且and 它传播到了英国it spread to Britain 在那里where野兔wild rabbits被认为是 are regarded as一种有害的动物 a pest 而且but 在那里where家兔,domesticated rabbits, 同样地易感染这种疾病, equally susceptible to the disease, 是基础are the basis是一种赚钱的皮毛工业的。of a profitable fur industry.


它传播到整个法国, It spread through France, 在那里野兔一般不被认为是一种有害的动物Where wild rabbits are not generally regarded as a pest 而且作为一种运动和一种有用的食物供应,but as sport and a useful food supply, 并且它传播到了英国and it spread to Britain 在那里野兔被认为是一种有害的动物where wild rabbits are regarded as a pest 而且在那里家兔作为获取利润的毛皮工业基础,同样易感染上这种疾病。but where domesticated rabbits, equally susceptible to the disease, are the basis of a profitable fur industry.





16、这个问题成为了一个问题The question became one关于是否 of whether 人能够控制这种疾病Man could control the disease这个疾病是他之前发明的。he had invented.


这个问题成了人是否能够控制他之前发明的这种疾病的一个问题。The question became one of whether Man could control the disease he had invented.



Lesson 18  Porpoises




1、  长期以来有一种迷信说法There has long been a superstition在水手中流传 among mariners 那就是that 海豚将会救porpoises will save 溺水的人drowning men 通过推他们到水面by pushing them to the surface, 或者or 保护他们免遭鲨鱼攻击 protect them from sharks 通过包围他们by surrounding them 以防卫型的队列。in defensive formation.


长期以来有一种迷信说法在水手中流传There has long been a superstition among mariners 那就是海豚将会通过推他们到海面救溺水的人that porpoises will save drowning men by pushing them to the surface, 或者以防卫型的队列包围他们以保护他们免遭鲨鱼的攻击。or protect them from sharks by surrounding them in defensive formation.



2、   海洋摄影室的生物学家们Marine Studio biologists曾经指出那个, have pointed out that, 无论多么聪明however intelligent 他们可能是,they may be, 那可能是一个错误。it is probably a mistake去相信海豚to credit dolphins有任何救人的动机。with any motive of lifesaving.


海洋摄影室的生物学家们曾经指出一点,Marine Studio biologists have pointed out that, 无论它们可能是多么聪明,however intelligent they may be, 相信海豚有任何救人的动机可能是错误的。it is probably a mistake to credit dolphins with any motive of lifesaving.




3、  偶尔地On the occasions 当某时when 它们曾经推到岸边they have pushed to shore一个失去知觉的人an unconscious human being他们更有可能做这件事they have much more likely done it出于好奇或者为了运动,out of curiosity or for sport, 如同正在骑着 as in riding弯弯的波浪the bow waves 被轮船划开。of a ship.


当它们偶尔地把一个失去知觉的人推到岸边时On the occasions when they have pushed to shore an unconscious human being他们这样做很可能是出于好奇心或者游戏,they have much more likely done it out of curiosity or for sport, 如同正在骑着被轮船划开的弯弯的波浪。as in riding the bow waves of a ship.




4、   1982年In 1928 一些海豚被拍摄到some porpoises were photographed像海狸一样做working like beavers推到岸上 to push ashore一个被水浸透了的床垫。a waterlogged mattress.


1982年一些海豚被拍摄到像海狸一样做In 1928 some porpoises were photographed working like beavers把一个被水浸透了的床垫推到岸上。to push ashore a waterlogged mattress.




5、  如果,If,正如报导的那样,as has been reported,它们曾经保护人们免遭鲨鱼攻击, they have protected humans from sharks,可能是it may have been因为好奇心吸引了它们 because curiosity attracted them 并且and因为一餐可能的美食because the scent of a possible meal吸引了鲨鱼。attracted the sharks.


如果正如报导的那样,If, as has been reported,它们曾经保护了人们免遭鲨鱼攻击, they have protected humans from sharks,可能是因为好奇心吸引了它们it may have been because curiosity attracted them 并且and因为一餐可能的美食吸引了鲨鱼。 because the scent of a possible meal attracted the sharks.




6、  海豚和鲨鱼Porpoises and sharks是自然的敌人。

   海豚和鲨鱼是天敌。Porpoises and sharks are natural enemies.



7、  结果可能是那样的 It is possible that在这样的一种场合 upon such an occasion 一场战斗随之而来,a battle ensued, 同时鲨鱼被赶走with the sharks being driven away或者被咬死。or killed.


在一场搏斗随之发生那样的场合结果可能是那样的, It is possible that upon such an occasion a battle ensued, 鲨鱼被赶走或者被咬死。with the sharks being driven away or killed.




8、  无论它是鸟,Whether it be bird, 鱼或野兽,fish or beast,海豚被迷住the porpoise is intrigued因为任何东西 with anything只要它是活的that is alive.


无论是鸟、鱼或野兽,Whether it be bird, fish or beast,海豚对任何活的东西都感兴趣。the porpoise is intrigued with anything that is alive.




9、   它们是不停地They are constantly在海龟的后面,after the turtles,海龟who 平静地屈从于peacefully submit to各种凌辱。all sorts of indignities.


它们不停地追逐海龟,They are constantly after the turtles,海龟平静地屈从于各种凌辱。who peacefully submit to all sorts of indignities.



10、          一只幼豚One young calf特别地喜欢especially enjoyed举起一只海龟到水面 raising a turtle to the surface用他的鼻子 with his snout 然后and then 硬推着它穿过水池shoving him across the tank 像一块滑板。like an aquaplane.


一只幼豚特别喜欢用它的鼻子举起一只海龟到水面One young calf especially enjoyed raising a turtle to the surface with his snout 然后像一块滑板硬推着它穿过水池。and then shoving him across the tank like an aquaplane.




11、          几乎每一天Almost any day 一只幼豚a young porpoise可能被看到may be seen正在设法转动一只300磅的海龟向上trying to turn a 300-pound sea turtle over 通过顶它的鼻子by sticking his snout在海龟的硬壳一边的下面under the edge of his shell 并且推上去and pushing up拼命地。for dear life.


几乎每一天可能被看到一只幼豚正在设法转动一只300磅的海龟向上Almost any day a young porpoise may be seen trying to turn a 300-pound sea turtle over采取的方法是在海龟的硬壳一边的下方用它的鼻子顶 by sticking his snout under the edge of his shell 并且拼命地向上推。and pushing up for dear life.




12、这是不容易的, This is not easy,并且也许需要 and may require 两只海豚一起干。two porpoises working together.


这是不容易的, This is not easy,并且也许需要两只海豚一起干。 and may require two porpoises working together.




13、 在另一场游戏中,In another game,当一只海龟游过水族馆时, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium, 第一只海豚the first porpoise猛扑下去 swoops down从上方from above并且 and猛撞海龟的壳butts his shell用它的腹部。with his belly.


在另一个游戏中,In another game,当一只海龟游过水族馆时, as the turtle swims across the oceanarium, 第一只海豚从上方猛扑下去the first porpoise swoops down from above并且 and用它的腹部猛撞海龟的壳。butts his shell with his belly.


14、 这一下撞得那只海龟 This knocks the turtle下去了几英尺。down several feet.

这一下把那只海龟撞下去了几英尺。This knocks the turtle down several feet.



15、 它刚一He no sooner 恢复它的平衡recovers his equilibrium 然后than 下一只海豚the next porpoise过来了 comes along并且 and 击中他hits him另一次重击。another crack.


它刚一恢复平衡He no sooner recovers his equilibrium 接着下一只海豚过来了than the next porpoise comes along并且又一次重击击中了它。and hits him another crack.




16、  最终Eventually 这只海龟the turtle一直被撞得has been butted all the way 沉到池底。down to the floor of the tank.


最终Eventually 这只海龟一直被撞得沉到池底。the turtle has been butted all the way down to the floor of the tank.




17、 它现在满足于He is now satisfied只要能设法站起来,merely to try to stand up, 但是but它一这样做 as soon as he does so一只海豚a porpoise 撞击它knocks him趴下。flat.


他现在只要能设法站起来就满足了,He is now satisfied merely to try to stand up, 但是它一站起来but as soon as he does so一只海豚就把它撞趴下。a porpoise knocks him flat.



18、 这只海龟The turtle最终at last放弃gives up缩回它的四肢 by pulling his feet在它的壳下under his shell并且 and游戏结束。 the game is over.


海龟最终放弃努力并将四肢缩回壳内The turtle at last gives up by pulling his feet under his shell同时游戏结束。and the game is over.




Lesson 19  The stuff of dreams



1、那是很清楚的It is fairly clear就是 that睡眠期sleeping period一定有 must have某种作用, some function, 并且and因为 because 占用了那么多的时间there is so much of it 它的作用the function 应当似乎是重要的。would seem to be important.


睡眠具有某种作用是很清楚的It is fairly clear that sleeping period must have some function, 并且因为占用了那么多的时间and because there is so much of it 其作用应当似乎是很重要的。the function would seem to be important.




2、各种猜测Speculations关于它的本质about its nature 一直在继续have been going on 确实有数千年之久,for literally thousands of years,并且 and 一个奇怪的发现one odd finding (这个发现-使上述问题很困惑)that makes the problem puzzling 是那样的is that它看起来it looks非常多地very much就好像 as if 睡眠不只是sleeping is not simply让身体休息的事情。 a matter of giving the body a rest.


关于它的本质的各种猜测确实是一直在继续达数千年之久,Speculations about its nature have been going on for literally thousands of years,并且 and 有一个使这个问题费解的奇怪发现是那样的 one odd finding that makes the problem puzzling is that就是它看起来绝对是it looks very much as if睡眠不只是一个让身体休息的问题。sleeping is not simply a matter of giving the body a rest.


关于睡眠的本质的各种猜测确实一直进行了数千年之久, 并且一个使这个问题很费解的奇怪发现是--看上去睡眠绝对不只是让一个身体休息的问题。


 3、“休息,”'Rest',从肌肉放松等方面看,in terms of muscle relaxation and so on,能够被实现can be achieved通过一个短暂期间的躺下,by a brief period lying, 或者甚至坐下or even sitting down.


从肌肉放松等方面看休息问题, 'Rest', in terms of muscle relaxation and so on,通过躺一会或者甚至坐一下就能够达到目的。 can be achieved by a brief period lying, or even sitting down.




4、人体的组织The body's tissues是自我修补 are self-repairing和自我恢复and self-restoring在一定程度上,to a degree,并且and运行最好 function best当时when或多或少more or less连续地活动。 continuously active.


人体组织在一定程度上是自我修补和自我恢复的,The body's tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree,并且and当或多或少连续活动时运行状况最佳。function best when more or less continuously active.




5、事实上In fact一个基本的活动量 a basic amount of movement发生occurs 在睡眠期间during sleep这个活动量是which is 特定地specifically关系到 concerned with防止肌肉活动停止。preventing muscle inactivity.


事实上一个基本的活动量发生在睡眠期间In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep这个活动量与防止肌肉活动停止有特定关系。which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity.




6、如果If它不是一个问题it is not a question有关身体的休息, of resting the body, 那么也许then perhaps 是大脑it is the brain它需要休息?that needs resting?


如果身体的休息不是问题,If it is not a question of resting the body, 那么也许是大脑它需要休息?then perhaps it is the brain that needs resting?




2、各种猜测Speculations关于它的本质about its nature 一直在继续have been going on 确实有数千年之久,for literally thousands of years,并且 and 一个奇怪的发现one odd finding (这个发现-使上述问题很困惑)that makes the problem puzzling 是那样的is that它看起来it looks非常多地very much就好像 as if 睡眠不只是sleeping is not simply让身体休息的事情。 a matter of giving the body a rest.


关于它的本质的各种猜测确实是一直在继续达数千年之久,Speculations about its nature have been going on for literally thousands of years,并且 and 有一个使这个问题费解的奇怪发现是那样的 one odd finding that makes the problem puzzling is that就是它看起来绝对是it looks very much as if睡眠不只是一个让身体休息的问题。sleeping is not simply a matter of giving the body a rest.


关于睡眠的本质的各种猜测确实一直进行了数千年之久, 并且一个使这个问题很费解的奇怪发现是--看上去睡眠绝对不只是让一个身体休息的问题。


 3、“休息,”'Rest',从肌肉放松等方面看,in terms of muscle relaxation and so on,能够被实现can be achieved通过一个短暂期间的躺下,by a brief period lying, 或者甚至坐下or even sitting down.


从肌肉放松等方面看休息问题, 'Rest', in terms of muscle relaxation and so on,通过躺一会或者甚至坐一下就能够达到目的。 can be achieved by a brief period lying, or even sitting down.




4、人体的组织The body's tissues是自我修补 are self-repairing和自我恢复and self-restoring在一定程度上,to a degree,并且and运行最好 function best当时when或多或少more or less连续地活动。 continuously active.


人体组织在一定程度上是自我修补和自我恢复的,The body's tissues are self-repairing and self-restoring to a degree,并且and当或多或少连续活动时运行状况最佳。function best when more or less continuously active.




5、事实上In fact一个基本的活动量 a basic amount of movement发生occurs 在睡眠期间during sleep这个活动量是which is 特定地specifically关系到 concerned with防止肌肉活动停止。preventing muscle inactivity.


事实上一个基本的活动量发生在睡眠期间In fact a basic amount of movement occurs during sleep这个活动量与防止肌肉活动停止有特定关系。which is specifically concerned with preventing muscle inactivity.




6、如果If它不是一个问题it is not a question有关身体的休息, of resting the body, 那么也许then perhaps 是大脑it is the brain它需要休息?that needs resting?


如果身体的休息不是问题,If it is not a question of resting the body, 那么也许是大脑它需要休息?then perhaps it is the brain that needs resting?




7、这个可能是This might be 一个似乎有道理的假设a plausible hypothesis 如果不是因为两个因素。were it not for two factors.


这可能是一个似乎有道理的假设This might be a plausible hypothesis 如果不是因为两个因素。were it not for two factors.




8、第一点First 脑电图记录仪the electroencephalograph (它只是一种仪器which is simply a device用于记录大脑电波的活动 for recording the electrical activity of the brain 采取连接电极到头皮的方式by attaching electrodes to the scalp) 显示了那一点shows that 那段时间while有一个改变there is a change在活动形态上in the pattern of activity在睡眠期间,during sleep, 没有证明那一点there is no evidence that 总的活动量the total amount of activity 有任何减少。is any less.


第一点First 脑电图记录仪(是一种将电极连接到头皮上用于记录大脑电波活动的仪器)the electroencephalograph which is simply a device for recording the electrical activity of the brain by attaching electrodes to the scalp) 显示了在睡眠的那段时间大脑活动方式有改变shows that while there is a change in the pattern of activity during sleep, 没有证据显示大脑的活动总量有任何减少。there is no evidence that the total amount of activity is any less.




9、第二点The second factor 是更加有趣is more interesting 并且是更加重要。and more fundamental.

第二点更加有趣The second factor is more interesting 并且更加重要。



11、          前些年Some years ago 一位美国精神病专家an American psychiatrist名叫威廉.迪门特named William Dement 公布了试验published experiments 涉及到dealing with眼球运动记录the recording of eye-movements在睡眠期间during sleep.


前些年Some years ago 一位名叫威廉.迪门特的美国精神病专家公布了试验an American psychiatrist named William Dement published experiments 涉及到睡眠期间眼球运动记录。dealing with the recording of eye-movements during sleep.




12、           他指出那一点He showed that 平常人的睡眠周期the average individual's sleep cycle被打断 is punctuated随着眼球运动的奇怪地突然发生with peculiar bursts of eye-movements, 一些漂浮并且缓慢,some drifting and slow, 其他的急促并且快捷。others jerky and rapid.


他指出那一点He showed that平常人的睡眠周期是随着眼球运动奇怪地突然发生被不时地打断, the average individual's sleep cycle is punctuated with peculiar bursts of eye-movements, 一些漂浮并且缓慢,some drifting and slow, 其他的急促并且快捷。others jerky and rapid.


他指出平常人的睡眠周期是随着眼球运动奇怪地突然发生被不时地打断,   一些漂浮并且缓慢,其他的急促并且快捷。


13、          被叫醒的人People woken在这些眼球运动的期间during these periods of eye-movements 一般报告那个generally reported that 他们之前是正在做梦。they had been dreaming.


在这些眼球运动期间被叫醒的人People woken during these periods of eye-movements一般说他们在被叫醒之前正在做梦。 generally reported that they had been dreaming.




14、           当他们被叫醒时When woken在其它时间at other times 他们报告they reported 没有做梦。no dreams.


当他们在其它时间被叫醒时When woken at other times 他们报告没有做梦。they reported no dreams.



15、           如果If一组人one group of people 被干扰were disturbed从他们眼球运动的睡眠状态里from their eye-movement sleep一连几个晚上for several nights on end, 并且and 另一组被干扰another group were disturbed 在一个相等的时间期间for an equal period of time 而且but当时when他们they 没有正在显示出were no exhibiting 眼球运动eye-movements, 第一组the first group开始表现出began to show 一些人格的失常some personality disorders 这个期间while 另一组似乎是the others seemed 或多或少没受影响。more or less unaffected.


如果一组人在他们眼球运动的睡眠状态下一连几个晚上被叫醒,If one group of people were disturbed from their eye-movement sleep for several nights on end, 并且另一组在同样的时间段里被叫醒and another group were disturbed for an equal period of time 而且他们当时没有表现出眼球运动,but when they were no exhibiting eye-movements, 第一组开始表现出一些性格的紊乱现象the first group began to show some personality disorders 这个期间另一组似乎是多少不受影响。while the others seemed more or less unaffected.




16、          这一切暗示The implications of all this是那个 were that不是it was not干扰睡眠 the disturbance of sleep 它有关系,that mattered, 而是but干扰做梦。 the disturbance of dreaming.


这一切暗示的是The implications of all this were that不是睡眠被干扰有关系it was not the disturbance of sleep that mattered, 而是做梦被干扰有关系。but the disturbance of dreaming.









Lesson 20  Snake poison




1、  它是怎样产生的How it came about that蛇制造毒液 snakes manufactured poison 是一个谜。is a mystery.

蛇怎样产生毒液的How it came about that snakes manufactured poison 是一个谜。is a mystery.




2、   经过漫长的岁月Over the periods 他们的唾液,their saliva,一种柔和的, a mild, 消化液, digestive juice和我们自已的唾液一样like our own, 被转变成了一种毒液was converted into a poison 这种毒液也that极难分析。defies analysis甚至今天even today.


他们的唾液,一种柔和的、和我们自已的唾液一样的-消化液,经过漫长的岁月变成了一种毒液Over the periods their saliva, a mild, digestive juice like our own, was converted into a poison 这种毒液甚至今天也极难分析。that defies analysis even today.




3、  它不是被强加给它们It was not forced upon them通过生存的竞争by the survival competition; 它们本来也能够捕食they could have caught 并且and 靠捕食的动物生存lived on prey不使用毒液 ,without using poison, 就好像just as 那些成千上万的无毒的蛇the thousands of non-poisonous snakes仍然做的。still do.


它不是生存的竞争强加给它们的It was not forced upon them by the survival competition; 它们本来也能够捕食并且不使用毒液而是靠被捕食的动物生活,they could have caught and lived on prey without using poison, 就好像那些成千上万的无毒蛇仍然做的那样。just as the thousands of non-poisonous snakes still do.




4、  毒液对于蛇 Poison to a snake 只是is merely一种奢侈;a luxury; 它能够使它,it enables it得到它的食物to get its food用很少的努力with very little effort,没用更多的付出no more effort与咬一口相比。than one bite.



对于蛇而言毒液只不过是一种奢侈;Poison to a snake is merely a luxury; 它能够使它用很少的努力就得到食物,it enables it to get its food with very little effort,除了咬一口外没用更多的付出。no more effort than one bite.




5、  并且And为什么why只是蛇?only snakes?

并且And为什么只是蛇?why only snakes?



6、   猫, Cats, 例如, for instance, 可能将被大大的帮助would be greatly helped; 不奔跑着战斗no running fights与大的,with large, 凶狠的老鼠fierce rats或者 or与大兔子扭打 tussles with grown rabbits 也就咬一口just a bite 并且and没有更多的努力no more effort被需要。needed.


例如,对于猫可能帮助很大;Cats, for instance, would be greatly helped; 不必边跑边与大的,凶狠的老鼠搏斗或者与大兔子扭打,no running fights with large, fierce rats or tussles with grown rabbits 无需做更多的努力,只有咬一口。just a bite and no more effort needed.




7、  事实上, In fact,它会是一种援助 it would be an assistance对所有的食肉动物to all carnivores 尽管它会是though it would be一把双刃剑。a two-edged weapon 当时when它们搏斗 they fought互相之间。each other.


事实上, In fact,它会对所有的食肉动物是一个援助 it would be an assistance to all carnivores 尽管它会是一把双刃剑though it would be a two-edged weapon当它们之间搏斗时。 when they fought each other.




8、  但是, But,在脊椎动物中, of the vertebrates,神秘莫测的大自然-unpredictable Nature仅仅挑选了蛇selected only snakes(和一种蜥蜴)。 (and one lizard).


但是在脊椎动物中, But, of the vertebrates,神秘莫测的大自然-仅仅挑选了蛇(和一种蜥蜴)。 unpredictable Nature selected only snakes (and one lizard).




9、  人们也不知道One wonders also 为什么大自然,why Nature, 在一些蛇的身上,with some snakes ,调制了毒药concocted poison具有这样的极大威力。of such extreme potency.


人们也不知道大自然为什么One wonders also why Nature, 在一些蛇的身上调制了威力这样大的毒药。with some snakes concocted poison of such extreme potency.




10、          在这个变唾液成毒液的过程中,In the conversion of saliva into poison,人们可能认为是那样的 one might suppose that一个固定的程序 a fixed process 发生了。took place.


在唾液转换为毒液的过程中,In the conversion of saliva into poison,人们可能认为发生的是一个固定程序。 one might suppose that a fixed process took place.




11、          它不是那样做的;It did not; 某些毒蛇制造的毒液some snakes manufacture a poison 在各方面不同于其它蛇制造的毒液,different in every respect from that of others, 就好像砒霜不同于马菅子一样,as different as arsenic is from strychnine,并且and有着不同的效果。having different effects.


并非如此:It did not; 某些毒蛇制造的毒药在各方面不同于其它毒蛇制造出来的毒药,some snakes manufacture a poison different in every respect from that of others, 就好像砒霜不同于马菅子一样,as different as arsenic is from strychnine,并且有着不同的效果。 and having different effects.




12、          一种毒液One poison作用于神经,acts on the nerves,另一种the other在血液上。 on the blood.

一种毒液作用于神经,One poison acts on the nerves,另一种作用在血液上。the other on the blood.




13、          神经毒液的制造者The makers of the nerve poison包括include树眼镜蛇和眼镜蛇the mambas and the cobras 并且and 它们的毒液their venom被称为-神经毒素。 is called neurotoxic.


神经毒液的制造者包括树眼镜蛇和眼镜蛇The makers of the nerve poison include the mambas and the cobras 并且它们的毒液被称为神经毒素。and their venom is called neurotoxic.




14、          蜂蛇(腹蛇)和响尾蛇Vipers (adders) and rattlesnakes 产生血液毒素,manufacture the blood poison,这种毒素which被称作is known as溶血性毒素。haemolytic.


蜂蛇(腹蛇)和响尾蛇产生血液毒素,Vipers (adders) and rattlesnakes manufacture the blood poison,这种毒素被称作溶血性毒素。which is known as haemolytic.




15、          两种毒液都是 Both poisons are不客气的,unpleasant,而且but极其地更为不客气的是by far the more unpleasant is溶血性毒素。the blood poison.


两种毒液的毒性都很厉害, Both poisons are unpleasant,而且厉害得多的是溶血性毒素。but by far the more unpleasant is the blood poison.


两种毒液的毒性都很厉害, Both poisons are unpleasant,而且厉害得多的是溶血性毒素。


16、          据说是那么回事It is said that 神经毒液the nerve poison 是两种中比较原始的is the more primitive of the two, 那么溶血性毒素是,that the blood poison is,可以这样说, so to speak,一种比较新的产品a newer product 来自于一种改进的配方。from an improved formula.


据说是那么回事It is said that 神经毒液是两种中比较原始的, the nerve poison is the more primitive of the two, 那么可以这样说,溶血性毒素是来自于改进配方的一种比较新的产品。that the blood poison is, so to speak, a newer product from an improved formula.




17、           尽管如此,Be that as it may,神经毒液 the nerve poison发挥它的作用 does its business在人身上 with man快得多far more quickly 比溶血性毒素。than the blood poison.


尽管如此,Be that as it may,神经毒液对人体起作用the nerve poison does its business with man比溶血性毒素快得多。far more quickly than the blood poison.



18、          这一点,This,然而, however,不意味着什么。 means nothing.

然而这无关紧要。This, however, means nothing.



19、           蛇不是Snakes did not获得它们的毒液acquire their poison 用于对付人for use against man 而是用于对付被捕食的动物but for use against prey 比如硕鼠和老鼠,such as rats and mice, 并且and效果 the effects作用在这些动物身上毒蛇的毒液on these of viperine poison几乎是立刻的。is almost immediate.


蛇获得它们的毒液不是用于对付人Snakes did not acquire their poison for use against man 而是用于对付被捕食的动物,比如那些硕鼠和老鼠,but for use against prey such as rats and mice,并且在这些动物身上毒蛇的毒液立刻见效。 and the effects on these of viperine poison is almost immediate.



Lesson 21  William S. Hart and the early 'Western' film

   威廉.S. 哈特和早期限的‘西部’影片


1、  威廉.s.哈特William S. hart当时是,was,也许, perhaps, 所有西部影星中最伟大的,the greatest of all Western stars, 因为不同于加里.古特和约翰.韦恩for unlike Gary Cooper and John Wayne 他什么都不演he appeared in nothing除了西部影片。but Westerns.


威廉.s.哈特当时也许是最伟大的西部影星William S. hart was, perhaps, the greatest of all Western stars, 因为不同于加里.古特和约翰.韦恩for unlike Gary Cooper and John Wayne 他除了西部影片外什么都不演。he appeared in nothing。but Westerns.




2、  从1914年到1924年 From 1914 to 1924 他 he是 was首屈一指 supreme 并且and无人超越。 unchallenged.


从1914年到1924年 From 1914 to 1924 他是首屈一指并且无人超越。he was supreme and unchallenged.




3、   正是哈特It was Hart他创造了who created西部影片的基本形式, the basic formula of the Western film, 并且and塑造了主人公devised the protagonist他扮演的 he played在每一部电影in every film他制作的,he made, 又好-又坏的男人,the good-bad man,出人意料的高贵的逃犯, the accidental-noble outlaw,或者or诚实但是被陷害的牛仔,the honest-but-framed cowboy, 或者or法官 the sheriff 受到嫌疑的made suspect 因流言蜚语by vicious gossip;总之,in short, 这个人物the individual相矛盾的in conflict与他自己with himself以及他的拓荒环境。 and his frontier environment.


正是哈特创造了西部影片的基本形式,It was Hart who created the basic formula of the Western film, 并且and 在每一部由他制作的电影中塑造了他扮演的主人公,devised the protagonist he played in every film he made, 又好又坏的男人,the good-bad man,出人意料的高贵的逃犯,the accidental-noble outlaw,或者诚实但是被陷害的牛仔,or the honest-but-framed cowboy, 或者因流言蜚语受到怀疑的法官:orthe sheriff made suspect by vicious gossip;总之,一个与他自己以及他的拓荒环境相矛盾的人物。 in short, the individual in conflict with himself and his frontier environment.




4、  不同于Unlike大多数most of他的同时代的演员his contemporaries 在好莱坞,in Hollywood, 哈特Hart 实际上了解一些事情actually knew something关于早期西部。of the old West.


不同于Unlike他的大多数在好莱坞的同时代的演员most of his contemporaries in Hollywood, 哈特实际上了解一些关于早期西部事情。Hart actually knew something of the old West.




5、  他He之前生活 had lived在那里in it作为一个孩子 as a child 当时when它已经正在消失, it was already disappearing, 并且and他塑造的英雄人物his hero was坚定地扎根firmly rooted 在他的记忆和经历里,in his memories and experiences, 和and在历史和神话二者中in both the history and the mythology 在已经消失的西部。of the vanished frontier.


他作为一个孩子曾经生活在那里 He had lived in it as a child 当西部已经正在消失时when it was already disappearing, 并且and他塑造的英雄人物是坚定地扎根his hero was firmly rooted在他的记忆和经历里,和已经消失的西部的-历史和神话二者中。in his memories and experiences, and in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier.


当西部已经正在消失时他作为一个孩子曾经生活在那里 He had lived in it as a child when it was already disappearing, 并且and他塑造的英雄人物是坚定地扎根在他的记忆和经历里和已经消失的西部的-历史和神话二者中。his hero was firmly rooted in his memories and experiences, and in both the history and the mythology of the vanished frontier.



6、  并且虽然And although没有一段时间和哪个地方no period or place在美国历史上in American history 已经被更多的荒谬地浪漫化,has been more absurdly romanticized,神话和现实 myth and reality 同时存在did join hands in 至少在一个舞台at least one arena,在冲突中the conflict在个人和正在闯入的文明两者间。between the individual and encroaching civilization.


虽然在美国历史上没有一段时间和哪个地方已经被更多的荒谬地浪漫化了,And although no period or place in American history has been more absurdly romanticized,但神话和现实的同时存在myth and reality did join hands in至少在一个舞台上,在个人和正在闯入的文明两者的冲突中。at least one arena, the conflict between the individual and encroaching civilization.




7、人们Men习惯去斗争accustomed to struggling为了生存for survival对抗大自然以及印第安人against the elements and Indians是被迷惑了were bewildered被政治家们,by politicians, 银行家们和商人们,bankers and businessmen, 并且and 被打垮了unhorsed被圈地 by fences, 法律和外来的清规戒律。 laws and alien taboos.


习惯于为了生存与大自然以及印第安人作斗争的人们Men accustomed to struggling for survival against the elements and Indians 当时被政治家们、银行家们和商人们搞迷惑了were bewildered by politicians, bankers and businessmen, 并且被圈地、法律和外来的清规戒律打垮了。and unhorsed by fences, laws and alien taboos.




8、 哈特扮演的又好又坏的男人Hart's good-bad man当时总是一个局外人, was always an outsider, 总是一个被剥夺继承权的人,always one of the disinherited, 并且and 如果if他认为那样做是必要的he found it necessary去射击一位法官或者抢劫一家银行to shoot a sheriff or rob a bank根据剧情发展的需要along the way,他的早期的观众his early audiences发现那样的行为found it容易理解和原谅,easy to understand and forgive,特别especially 当时 when正是哈特it was Hart他,who,在最后,in the end, 战胜了印第安人。overcame the attacking Indians.


哈特扮演的又好又坏的男人当时总是一个局外人, Hart's good-bad man was always an outsider, 总是一个被剥夺继承权的人,always one of the disinherited, 并且and 如果他认为根据剧情发展的需要射击一位法官或者抢劫一家银行那样做是必要的if he found it necessary to shoot a sheriff or rob a bank along the way,他的早期的观众认为那样的行为容易理解和原谅,his early audiences found it easy to understand and forgive,特别当时正是哈特他,在最后,战胜了印第安人。especially when it was Hart who, in the end, overcame the attacking Indians.




9、观众Audiences在20世纪20年代in the second decade of the twentieth century 认为那是愉快的found it pleasant逃避到一个时代 to escape to a time 当时的生活,when life,尽管艰苦,though hard,是 was相对的简单。 relatively simple.


20世纪20年代的观众认为逃避到一个时代是愉快的-Audiences in the second decade of the twentieth century found it pleasant to escape to a time 尽管那个时代的生活艰苦,但比较简朴。when life, though hard, was relatively simple.




10、我们同样是;We still do; 生活在-这样的一个世界上living in a world 在这里in which 不宣而战的侵略,undeclared aggression,战争 war, 虚伪,hypocrisy,欺骗, chicanery,混乱和即将发生的屠杀 anarchy and impending immolation是我们日常生活的一部分, are part of our daily lives, 我们都想要we all want一个赖以生存的准则。a code to live by.


我们同样是;We still do; 生活在这样的一个世界上living in a world 在这里in which 不宣而战的侵略,战争,虚伪,欺骗,混乱和即将发生的屠杀是我们日常生活的一部分,undeclared aggression, war, hypocrisy, chicanery, anarchy and impending immolation are part of our daily lives, 我们都想要一个赖以生存的准则。we all want a code to live by.



Lesson 22  Knowledge and progress



1、为什么Why does进步这个概念the idea of progress显得如此突出loom so large在现代世界in the modern world?

为什么进步这个概念在现代世界显得如此突出?Why does the idea of progress loom so large in the modern world?



2、无疑地Surely一个特定种类的进步- progress of a particular kind 实际正在发生is actually taking place在我们周围around us 并且and正在变得is becoming越来越明显。 more and more manifest.


无疑地Surely 一个特定种类的进步progress of a particular kind 正在我们周围实际发生is actually taking place around us 并且and正在变得越来越明显。is becoming more and more manifest.




3、 虽然Although 人类mankind还没有经历过has undergone no普遍提高general improvement在智力和道德方面,in intelligence or morality, 它已经取得了it has made 非凡的进步extraordinary progress在知识的积累方面in the accumulation of knowledge.


虽然人类在智力和道德方面还没有经历过普遍提高,Although mankind has undergone no general improvement in intelligence or morality, 但它已经在知识的积累方面取得了非凡的进步。it has made extraordinary progress in the accumulation of knowledge.




4、知识开始了积累Knowledge began to increase 一旦 as soon as 一个个人的思想the thoughts of one individual能够被交流could be communicated to another通过语言手段by means of speech.


知识开始了积累Knowledge began to increase 一旦个人的思想能够通过语言手段交流。as soon as the thoughts of one individual could be communicated to another by means of speech.




5、随着书写的发明, With the invention of writing,一个巨大的进步a great advance发生了, was made, 因为for知识knowledge 这样一来能够could then 不仅被用于交流be not only communicated而且but也储存。 also stored.


随着书写的发明, With the invention of writing, 一个巨大的进步发生了,a great advance was made,因为这样一来知识不仅能够被用于交流for knowledge could then be not only communicated而且也用于储存。 but also stored.


随着书写的发明发生了巨大的进步, With the invention of writing, a great advance was made,因为这样一来知识不仅能够被用于交流而且也用于储存。for knowledge could then be not only communicated but also stored.




6、图书馆Libraries使得教育成为可能,made education possible,并且and 教育education反过来in its turn增加了藏书:added to libraries:

知识的增长the growth of knowledge遵循了followed一种复利法则, a kind of compound interest law, 知识的增长which被大大地提速was greatly enhanced因为印刷术的发明by the invention of printing.


图书馆使得教育成为可能, Libraries made education possible,并且and教育反过来增加了藏书。education in its turn added to libraries:

知识的增长遵循了一种复利法则,the growth of knowledge followed a kind of compound interest law, 因为印刷术的发明知识的增长被大大地提速。which was greatly enhanced by the invention of printing.




7、所有这些All this 是相对的慢was comparatively slow直到,until,随着科学的到来, with the coming of science,速度突然增加了。the tempo was suddenly raised.


所有这些是相对的慢All this was comparatively slow 直到,随着科学的到来,until, with the coming of science,速度突然增加了。the tempo was suddenly raised.




8、于是Then知识开始被积累knowledge began to be accumulated根据一个系统的计划。according to a systematic plan.


于是Then知识开始根据其体系有计划地积累。knowledge began to be accumulated according to a systematic plan.




9、涓涓细流The trickle 汇成了became一条小溪;a stream;小溪 the stream现在已变成了急流。 has now become a torrent.


涓涓细流汇成小溪;The trickle became a stream;小溪现在已经变成了急流。the stream has now become a torrent.




10、此外,Moreover, 一旦as soon as新的知识 new knowledge被获取,is acquired, 它被立刻转化为it is now turned to实践应用。practical account.

此外,Moreover, 一旦取得新的知识,as soon as new knowledge is acquired, 它立刻转化为实践应用。it is now turned to practical account.


此外, 一旦取得新的知识,它立刻转化为实践应用。


11、被称为“现代文明”的东西What is called 'modern civilization' 不是is not平衡发展的结果the result of a balanced development属于所有人的天性of all man's nature,而是 but 属于被积累的知识of accumulated knowledge应用到applied to实际生活。 practical life.


被称为“现代文明”的东西What is called 'modern civilization' 不是所有人的天性平衡发展的结果,is not the result of a balanced development of all man's nature,而是积累的知识应用到实际生活的结果。but of accumulated knowledge applied to practical life.




 12、现在人类面对的问题The problem now facing humanity是 is:打算用来做什么 What is going to be done用所有这些知识? with all this knowledge?


现在人类面对的是问题The problem now facing humanity is: 所有这些知识打算用来做什么? What is going to be done with all this knowledge?




13、 正如经常As is so often指出的,pointed out,知识是knowledge is一把“双刃剑” a two-edged weapon它 which 能够被同等的用于can be used equally for美好和邪恶。good or evil.


正如经常人们指出的,As is so often pointed out,知识是一把能够被同样用于美好与邪恶两个方面的“双刃剑”。 knowledge is a two-edged weapon  which can be used equally for good or evil.




14、它现在是正在被-漫不经心地-同时-用于-这两个方面。 It is now being used indifferently for both.


15、 会有任何荒诞的场面,Could any spectacle, 例如,for instance,是更加可怕的不负责任be more grimly whimsical与那种情形相比 than that炮兵正在使用科学of gunners using science去粉碎人的身体 to shatter men’s bodies同时, while, 就在附近close at hand,外科医生使用科学surgeons use it 去抢救他们?to restore them?


例如,还会有任何荒诞的场面,Could any spectacle, for instance, 与那种情形相比是更加可怕的不负责任的 be more grimly whimsical than that炮兵正在使用科学粉碎人的身体of gunners using science to shatter men’s bodies同时,就在附近while, close at hand,外科医生使用科学抢救他们?surgeons use it to restore them?




16、我们- - -将发生什么We不得不have to 问我们自己ask ourselves很严肃地very seriously what will happen如果if 这种知识双重使用的现象this twofold use of knowledge, 随着它的威力每时每刻的增加,with its ever-increasing power, 持续下去。continues.


我们必须很严肃地问我们自己We have to ask ourselves very seriously 未来将发生什么what will happen如果知识双重使用的现象随着它的威力每时每刻的增加持续下去。if this twofold use of knowledge, with its ever-increasing power, continues.





Lesson 23  Bird flight



1、   没有两个种类的鸟No two sorts of birds做着practise完全相同种类的飞行;quite the same sort of flight;它们的变化the varieties是are无穷的; infinite;但是- - but两个种类的飞行two classes也许被大体上见过。may be roughly seen.


没有两个种类的鸟做着完全相同种类的飞行;No two sorts of birds practise quite the same sort of flight;它们的变化是无穷的; the varieties are infinite;但是两个种类的飞行也许大体上见过。but two classes may be roughly seen.




2、       任何轮船Any ship 它们穿过太平洋that crosses the Pacific 被陪伴is accompanied许多天 for many days 被比较小的信天恩by the smaller albatross, 它们Which可能一直陪伴轮船may keep company with the vessel 一个小时for an hour没有看到 without visible 或者or最多偶尔地 more than occasional扇动翅膀。 movement of wing.


任何一艘穿过太平洋的轮船许多天都有一种小信天恩陪伴Any ship that crosses the Pacific is accompanied for many days by the smaller albatross, 它们可能一直随轮船飞行一小时看不到或者最多偶尔地扇动翅膀。  Which may keep company with the vessel for an hour without visible or more than occasional movement of wing.




3、   气流The currents of air 这些空气that沿着轮船的墙体上升,the walls of the ship direct upwards, 同样地as well as 沿着它的航线方向流动,in the line of its course, 是足以给- -充足的浮力和推力。are enough to give有着巨大翅膀的大鸟the great bird with its immense wings足够的 sufficient浮力和推力。 sustenance and progress.


沿着轮船的墙体上升同时沿着轮船的航线方向流动的气流The currents of air that,the walls of the ship direct upwards, as well as in the line of its course, 足以给翅膀巨大的鸟充足的浮力和推力。are enough to give the great bird with its immense wings sufficient sustenance and progress.





4、   信天ong  The albatross是is 滑翔机之王the king of the gliders, 这类飞鸟的the class of fliers 它们which 利用空气harness the air达到它们的目的,to their purpose, 但是 but 必须顺着must yield to它的气流方向。its opposition.


信天ong是这一类飞鸟中中的滑翔机之王, The albatross is the king of the gliders, the class of fliers 它们利用空气达到它们的目的,which harness the air to their purpose, 但是必须顺着空气的气流方向飞行。but must yield to its opposition.





5、   相反的一类,In the contrary school, 野鸭是最棒的。the duck is supreme.

相反的一类,野鸭是最棒的。In the contrary school, the duck is supreme.




6、   它达到了It comes 更接近发动机nearer to the engines用这种发动机 with which 人们已经征服了“空气”man has 'conquered' the air, 正如人们自夸。as he boasts.


它更接近发动机It comes nearer to the engines 正如人们自夸已经用它“征服了”空气的那种发动机。with which man has 'conquered' the air, as he boasts.




7、   野鸭, Duck, 还有and与它们很像的鸽子,like them the pigeons,被上天赋予了 are endowed with像这样的肌肉,such-like muscles, 这些肌肉是that 是are很大的一部分a good part 占鸟的体重,of the weight of the bird,并且and 这些肌肉these将提供给will ply它们的短翅膀the short wings 用这样的无法抗拒的能量with such irresistible power 所有that它们 they能够顶风飞行can bore 长距离for long distances 穿过相反的气流through an opposing gale在疲劳跟随而来以前。 before exhaustion follows.


野鸭以及与它们相似的鸽子 ,Duck, and like them the pigeons,被上天赋予了像这样肌肉- are endowed with such-like muscles, 这些肌肉占鸟的体重的很大的一部分that are a good part of the weight of the bird,并且这些肌肉将提供给它们的短翅膀如此无法抗拒的能量 and these will ply the short wings with such irresistible power 所有它们能够长距离顶风飞行不感到疲劳。that they can bore for long distances through an opposing gale before exhaustion follows.


野鸭以及与它们相似的鸽子被上天赋予了像这样肌肉- 这些肌肉占鸟的体重的很大的一部分并且提供给它们的短翅膀如此无法抗拒的能量,所有它们能够长距离顶风飞行不感到疲劳。


8、    它们的Their 比较低一级的humbler追随者们, followers,比如鲁谷, such as partridges,有着 have一种相似强大的推动力,a like power of strong propulsion, 但是but很快疲劳。 soon tire.


它们的比较低一级的追随者们,,Their humbler followers, 比如鲁谷这样的鸟,such as partridges,有着一种相似强大的推动力, have a like power of strong propulsion, 但是很快疲劳。but soon tire.




9、   你可以捡起它们,You may pick them up在它们完全精疲力尽时in utter exhaustion, 如果if越过海洋的风wind over the sea已推动它们has driven them飞过了长长的旅程。to a long journey.


你可以在它们完全精疲力尽时捡起它们, You may pick them up in utter exhaustion, 如果越过海洋的风已推动它们飞过长长的旅程。if wind over the sea has driven them to a long journey.




10、            燕子The swallow同时具有这两类鸟的优点shares the virtues of both schools 最大程度的。in highest measure.


燕子最大程度的同时具有这两类鸟的优点。The swallow shares the virtues of both schools in highest measure.





11、            它不会累, It tires not,也不做那样的事 nor does it吹嘘它的能量; boast of its power; 但是属于空气,but belongs to the air, 旅行travelling 它可能是it may be 六千英里远six thousand miles飞到那儿或者从那儿飞出to and from它的北方鸟巢,its northern nesting home, 喂食着小燕子,feeding its flown young如果小燕子会飞as it flies, 并且 and滑行着slipping通过一个气流媒介 through a medium这个气流媒介that 似乎是seems帮助打开它的通道to help its passage 即使even当风是相反的。 when the wind is adverse.


12、它不会累,也不吹嘘它的能量多么大;It tires not, nor does it boast of its power; 但是but属于空气,belongs to the air, 它可能旅行6000英里travelling  it may be six thousand miles到它的北方的鸟巢或者从那里飞向南方,to and from its northern nesting home, 喂食着会飞的小燕子,feeding its flown young as it flies, 并且借助于气流滑行着and slipping through a medium气流似乎是帮助打开-它的通道。that seems to help its passage 即使在逆风时。 even when the wind is adverse.


它不会累,也不吹嘘它的能量多么大;It tires not, nor does it boast of its power; 但是它属于空气;but belongs to the air, 它到它的北方鸟巢或者从那里飞向南方可能旅行6000英里,travelling  it may be six thousand miles to and from its northern nesting home,一边喂食会飞的小燕子并且借助于气流滑行着feeding its flown young as it flies, and slipping through a medium即使在逆风时气流也似乎是帮助燕子打开飞行通道。that seems to help its passage even when the wind is adverse.



它不会累,也不吹嘘它的能量多么大;但是它属于空气;燕子回到它的北方的家或者从那里飞向南方可能要旅行6000英里, 一边喂养着会飞的小燕子一边借助于气流滑行,即使在逆风时气流也似乎是帮助燕子打开飞行通道。


12、             这样的鸟Such birds给我们做好事,do us good, 尽管though我们 we不再 no longer 预兆凶吉take omens 从它们的飞行from their flight在这边或者那边; on this side and that; 并且and即使 even 最迷信的村民们the most superstitious villagers不再 no longer 摘他们的帽子take off their hats 行礼to the magpie 和and问早安。 wish it good-morning.


这样的鸟对我们是有益的,Such birds do us good,尽管我们不再从它们的飞行在这边或者那边预兆凶吉;though we no longer take omens from their flight on this side and that;并且即使是最迷信的村民也不再对喜鹊摘下他们的帽子行礼和问早安。and even the most superstitious villagers no longer take off their hats to the magpie and wish it good-morning.



Lesson 24  Beatuy




1、一个年轻人A young man看到sees日落a sunset并且,and, 无法理解unable to understand 或者or 表达 to express它唤起的激情the emotion that it rouses在他的内心in him,得出那样的结论 concludes that它一定是it must be通向另一个世界大门。the gateway to world 这个世界位于远方。that lies beyond.


一个年轻人看到日落并且, A young man sees a sunset and, 无法理解和表达此种景象在他的内心唤起的激情, unable to understand or to express the emotion that it rouses in him,得出那样的结论 concludes that它一定是通向那个位于远方的另一个世界的大门。it must be the gateway to world that lies beyond.




2、那是困难的It is difficult对于我们中的任何人 for any of us 在-强烈的美的体验的时刻in moments of intense aesthetic experience去抵抗那种暗示to resist the suggestion 那就是that 我们正在捕捉的一瞥we are catching a glimpse它是一缕光of a light 这缕光 that 闪耀着shines洒落到我们的身上 down to us 它来自于一个不同的国度from a different realm它是真实存在的,of existence, 不同并且,different and,因为because这种体验the experience正在强烈地进行,is intensely moving,在某方面in some way比我们所属的世界更好。higher.


对于我们中的任何人做到那一点是困难的It is difficult for any of us 在强烈的体验美的时刻抵抗那种暗示in moments of intense aesthetic experience to resist the suggestion 那就是我们正在捕捉的一瞥是一缕光that we are catching a glimpse of a light 这缕光闪耀着洒落到我们的身上that shines down to us 它来自于一个真实存在的不同的国度,from a different realm of existence, 不同并且,different and,因为这种体验正在强烈地进行, because the experience is intensely moving,在某方面它比我们所属的世界-更好。in some way higher.




 3、并且,And,尽管though 这光芒the gleams令人眼花缭乱, blind and dazzle, 然而的确yet do 它们they带来了一种启示 convey a hint 关于美感和静谧of beauty and serenity超出了greater than 我们已经认识we have known或者or想象的。imagined.


并且,尽管这光芒令人眼花缭乱,And, though the gleams blind and dazzle, 然而它们的确带来了一种关于美感和静谧启示yet do they convey a hint of beauty and serenity超出了我们已经认识到或者想象的。 greater than we have known or imagined.




4、远超出了Greater too than我们所能描述的;we can describe;因为语言, for language, 它被发明which was invented用来传递的意义to convey属于这个世界, the meanings of this world, 不会轻易地适合 cannot readily be fitted描述另一个世界使用。to the uses of another.


远超出了我们所能描述的范围;Greater too than we can describe;因为语言发明是用来传递属于这个世界的意义for language, which was invented to convey the meanings of this world, 不会轻易地适合描述另一个世界使用。cannot readily be fitted to the uses of another.




5、那一点That 一切伟大的艺术all great art有着这样的能量has this power就是使人联想到一个遥远的世界of suggesting a world beyond 是不可否认的。is undeniable.


那一点That一切伟大的艺术都有使人联想遥远世界的能量all great art has this power of suggesting a world beyond 是不可否认的。is undeniable.




6、在某种状态下,In some moods,大自然Nature分享 shares 它。it.


在某种状态下,In some moods,大自然分享着这种魅力。Nature shares it.




7、没有天空There is no sky 六月里in June如此蔚蓝的so blue以至于that它不指向it does not point forward to一个更蓝的天空,a bluer, 没有落日no sunset如此美丽so beautiful以至于that它不唤醒it does not waken更加美丽的幻觉,the vision of a greater beauty,一种视觉 a vision 它离去了which passes在它被饱览前, before it is fully glimpsed,并且 and 在离去时in passing留下了leaves一种难以言状的an indefinable渴望和惆怅。longing and regret.


没有六月的天空如此蔚蓝以至于它不指向另一个更蓝的天空,There is no sky in June so blue that it does not point forward to a bluer, 没有落日如此美丽以至于它不唤醒更加美丽的幻觉,no sunset so beautiful that it does not waken the vision of a greater beauty,一种视觉在它被饱览前离去了, a vision which passes before it is fully glimpsed,并且在离去时留下了难以言状的渴望和惆怅。and in passing leaves an indefinable longing and regret.


没有六月的天空如此蔚蓝以至于它不指向另一个更蓝的天空;没有落日如此美丽以至于它不唤醒更加美丽的幻觉。一种视觉在它被饱览前离去了,并且- 在离去时留下了难以言状的渴望和惆怅。


8、 但是,But, 如果if这个世界this world不只是is not merely一个恶作剧, a bad joke, 生活life不是一个平凡的火花a vulgar flare寒冷星光发出的,amid the cool radiance of the stars, 并且and存在existence 不是一阵空灵的笑声an empty laugh刺耳地发出braying穿过神秘世界;across the mysteries; 如果if这些暗示these intimations关于某种事物of a something未来和遥远的behind and beyond 不是黑色幽默are not evil humour消化不良引起的,born of indigestion,或者不是or异想天开的奇怪念头,whimsies由魔鬼送来的sent by the devil为了愚弄和激怒我们, to mock and madden us,如果,if,一句话,in a word,美意味着某种事情,beauty means something, 然而yet我们不必we must not试图去解释 seek to interpret它的意义。the meaning.


但是,But,如果这个世界不只是一个恶作剧, if this world is not merely a bad joke, 生活不是一个寒冷星光发出的平凡的火花life a vulgar flare amid the cool radiance of the stars, 并且存在不是穿过神秘世界发出的一阵刺耳的空灵的笑声;and existence an empty laugh braying across the mysteries; 如果那些关于某种未来和遥远的事物的暗示不是因消化不良引起的黑色幽默,if these intimations of a something behind and beyond are not evil humour born of indigestion,或者不是魔鬼为了愚弄和激怒我们送来的异想天开的奇怪念头, or whimsies sent by the devil to mock and madden us, 一句话,如果美意味着某种事情,if, in a word, beauty means something, 然而我们不必试图解释它的意义。yet we must not seek to interpret the meaning.




9、如果If 我们we瞥见了 glimpse无法用语言表达的情景,the unutterable,那是不明智的it is unwise试图用语言描述它,to try to utter it,我们不应当nor should we 试图赋予给它seek to invest某种意义with significance 因为that这种情景which我们无法抓住。we cannot grasp.


如果我们瞥见了无法用语言表达的情景,If we glimpse the unutterable, 试图用语言描述它是不明智的,it is unwise to try to utter it,我们不应当试图赋予给它某种意义nor should we seek to invest with significance 因为我们无法抓住它。that which we cannot grasp.




10、美 Beauty就我们的人类的定义而言in terms of our human meanings 没有意义。is meaningless.


就我们的人类的定义而言美没有意义。 Beauty in terms of our human meanings is meaningless.



Lesson 25  Non-auditory effects of noise



1、许多人-在制造业工作或军队服役,Many people in industry and the Services,他们对噪音有实际的体验 who have practical experience of noise, 认为regard任何关于这个问题的调查any investigation of this question等于浪费时间;as a waste of time; -他们没有准备they are not prepared甚至even 承认那种可能性to admit the possibility关于噪音对人的影响。that noise affects people.


许多在制造业工作或军队服役的人Many people in industry and the Services, 他们对噪音有实际的体验,who have practical experience of noise, 认为任何关于这个问题的调查等于浪费时间;regard any investigation of this question as a waste of time;他们没有打算甚至承认噪音对人的影响的可能性。 they are not prepared even to admit the possibility that noise affects people.




2、另一方面,On the other hand,那些人 those他们不喜欢噪音 who dislike noise将会有时使用will sometimes use最站不住脚的证据 most inadequate evidence 支持to support 他们的请求their pleas要求一个更安静的社会环境。for a quieter society.


另一方面,On the other hand,那些不喜欢噪音的人有时会使用最站不住脚的证据 those who dislike noise will sometimes use most inadequate evidence 支持他们要求有一个更安静的社会环境的请求。to support their pleas for a quieter society.




3、这是一个遗憾,This is a pity,因为because 噪音的控制noise abatement 的确really是 is一个正当理由,a good cause, 并且and它可能 it is likely 成为不可信的to be discredited 如果if 它变得被联系到it gets to be associated with 伪科学bad science.


这是一个遗憾,This is a pity,因为控制噪音的确是一个正当理由, because noise abatement really is a good cause, 并且and如果将它与伪科学联系在一起可能是不可信的。it is likely to be discredited if it gets to be associated with bad science.




4、一个经常被使用结论One allegation often made 是is那样的 that 噪音noise引起 produces 精神疾病。mental illness.


一个经常被使用的结论是那样的One allegation often made is that 噪音引起精神疾病。noise produces mental illness.




 5、一篇最近的文章A recent article刊登在一家周报上,in a weekly newspaper, 例如,for instance, 被放在了头条was headed带着一幅引人注目的插图 with a striking illustration这幅插图是一位女士of a lady处在极度的痛苦状态,in a state of considerable distress,带有说明: with the caption '她是She was 那么yet另一个受害者,another victim,“产生了  reduced to 一个尖叫着的可怜虫。a screaming wreck'.


例如,最近有一篇刊登在一家周报上的文章,A recent article in a weekly newspaper, for instance, 被放在了头条的是一幅引人注目的一位女士处在极度的痛苦状态的插图was headed with a striking illustration, of a lady in a state of considerable distress,带有说明:“她是另一个受害者,产生了一只尖叫着的可怜虫。” with the caption 'She was yet another victim, reduced to a screaming wreck'




7、  在翻动On turning 急切地eagerly 到正文,to the text,人们了解了那一点 one learns that 这位女士the lady 是一个打字员was a typist 她who感觉到 found 办公室打字机的声音the sound of office typewriters 烦扰她worried her越来越严重more and more直到最后 until eventually 她she 不得不had to进了一家精神病医院。go into a mental hospital.


在急切地翻到正文时,On turning eagerly to the text,人们了解到这位女士是打字员 one learns that the lady was a typist 她感觉到办公室打字机的声音越来越严重地烦扰她who found the sound of office typewriters worried her more and more直到最后她不得不进了一家精神病医院。until eventually she had to go into a mental hospital.


在急切地翻到正文时,人们了解到这位女士是打字员。 她感觉越来越受不了办公室打字机的声音,直到最后不得不进了精神病医院。


8、  现在Now疑点the snag 有关这类奇闻异事in this sort of anecdote is 必然是那样的of course that人们one无法分辨cannot distinguish原因和结果。cause and effect.


现在这类奇闻异事的疑点必然是那样的 Now the snag in this sort of anecdote is of course that人们无法分辨出原因和结果。 one cannot distinguish cause and effect.




9、  是噪音Was the noise引起了cause她的疾病, the illness,或者or 是were关于噪音的抱怨 the complaints about the noise只是一种症状? merely a symptom?


是噪音引起了她的疾病,Was the noise cause the illness,还是她抱怨噪音的这种表现只是一种疾病的症状? or were the complaints about the noise merely a symptom?




10、              另一位病人Another patient可能might 同样有理由抱怨那一点equally well complain that 她的邻居们her neighbours正在联合起来were combining诋毁她和迫害她,to slander her and persecute her, 不过and yet 人们one 可能是谨慎的might be cautious对于相信这种陈述。 about believing this statement.


另一位病人可能同样有理由抱怨那一点Another patient might equally well complain that 她的邻居们正在联合起来诋毁她和迫害她,her neighbours were combining to slander her and persecute her, 不过人们可能对于是否相信这种陈述持谨慎态度。and yet one might be cautious about believing this statement.




9、需要做的事情What is needed对于噪音问题in case of noise是is 一种研究a study对大量的人 of large numbers of people他们生活在噪音条件下 living under noisy conditions,去搞清楚 to discover是否 whether 他们患精神病的可能性they are mentally ill经常高于 more often than 其他人患精神病的可能性。other people are.


对于噪音问题需要做的事情What is needed in case of noise是针对生活在噪音条件下的大量的人进行研究,is a study of large numbers of people living under noisy conditions,搞清楚是否他们患精神病的可能性经常高于其他人。 to discover whether they are mentally ill more often than other people are.




10、前些时候Some time ago 美国海军,the United States Navy,例如, for instance, 检查了examined很多人 a very large number of men他们工作在航空母舰上: working on aircraft carriers: 这项研究the study 被称为was known as“安内英工程。”Project Anehin.


例如,前些时候美国海军检查了很多人在航空母舰上工作的人:Some time ago the United States Navy, for instance, examined a very large number of men working on aircraft carriers: 这项研究被称为“安内英工程。”the study was known as Project Anehin.




11、那会是不愉快的It can be unpleasant 居住在to live即使even离一个小机场几英里;several miles from an aerodrome; 如果if你想到 you think那里的情形肯定是像什么样子 what it must be like分享着一条轮船上的甲板to share the deck of a ship与几个中队的喷气式飞机with several squadrons of jet aircraft, 你将认识到那一点you will realize that 现代海军a modern navy是一个好地方is a good place 研究噪音。to study noise.


即使居住在离一个小机场几英里的地方也是不愉快的;It can be unpleasant to live even several miles from an aerodrome; 如果你能想到几个中队的喷气式飞机在一条轮船甲板上的情形肯定是什么样的if you think what it must be like to share the deck of a ship with several squadrons of jet aircraft, 你将认识到海军是一个研究噪音的好地方。you will realize that a modern navy is a good place to study noise.




12、但是But精神病检查和实际的测试二者都没有neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests能够were able to显示出任何影响show any effects 作用于这些美国水兵。upon these American sailors.


但是But精神病检查和实际的测试二者都没有能够neither psychiatric interviews nor objective tests were able to显示出对这些美国水兵有任何影响。show any effects upon these American sailors.




13、这个结果This result 只是证实了merely confirms 较早的earlier美国和英国的American and British系列研究: studies:如果有任何影响, if there is any effect关于噪音对于精神健康 of noise upon mental health,它肯定是it must be如此的小 so small以至于that 目前的present精神病诊断方法methods of psychiatric diagnosis 无法发现这个影响。cannot find it.


这个结果只是证实了较早的美国和英国的系列研究:This result merely confirms earlier American and British studies:如果噪音对于精神健康有任何影响, if there is any effect of noise upon mental health,它肯定是如此的小以至于目前的精神病诊断方法无法发现这个影响。it must be so small that present methods of psychiatric diagnosis cannot find it.



14、上述事实并不说明那一点That does not prove that 噪音的影响不存在:it does not exist:但是but它的确意味着那一点 it does mean that 噪音的危险比较小noise is less dangerous相比, than, 比如,say,在孤儿院长大 being brought up in an orphanage 那种生活which是真正的really is精神健康被摧残。mental health hazard.


上述事实并不说明噪音的影响不存在:That does not prove that it does not exist:但是它的确意味着噪音的危险比较小-相比, but it does mean that noise is less dangerous than, 例如say,在孤儿院长大的生活才是真正的对精神健康的摧残。being brought up in an orphanage which really is mental health hazard.



Lesson 26  The past life of the earth



    1、是那些It is 动物和植物animals and plants它们生活在水中which lived in或者在水附近or near water它们的尸体whose remains 是最有可能are most likely将被保存,to be preserved,因为for保存的必要的条件之一one of the necessary conditions of preservation 是is 快速埋葬quick burial, 并且and只有 it is only在海里或者河流里in the seas and rivers, 或者有时候在湖中,and sometimes lakes, -,在那里where乱泥和淤泥 mud and silt一直不断地被堆积起来have been continuously deposited,那些尸体和类似的东西that bodies and the like 能够被迅速地can be rapidly 覆盖住和保存下来。covered over and preserved.


是那些生活在水中或者水附近的动物和植物It is animals and plants which lived in or near water它们的尸体最有可能的被保存下来, whose remains are most likely to be preserved,因为保存的必要的条件之一是快速埋葬, for one of the necessary conditions of preservation is quick burial, 并且只有在海里或者河流里,或者有时候在湖中,and it is only in the seas and rivers, and sometimes lakes, 在那里乱泥和淤泥一直不断地堆积,where mud and silt have been continuously deposited,所有尸体和类似的东西能够迅速地被覆盖和保存。 that bodies and the like can be rapidly covered over and preserved.




2、但是But即使even 在最适宜的环境里in the most favourable circumstances 只有only一小部分a small fraction在死了的动物中 of the creatures that die 被保存are preserved以这种方式 in this way在开始腐烂前 before decay sets in或者, or,甚至更可能, even more likely,在食腐动物吃掉它们以前。 before scavengers eat them.


但是即使在最适宜的环境里But even in the most favourable circumstances 只有一小部分死了的动物only a small fraction of the creatures that die  在开始腐烂前被以这种方式保存下来are preserved in this way before decay sets in或者,甚至更可能, or, even more likely,在食腐动物吃掉它们以前。before scavengers eat them.




3、总之,After all, 一切生物all living creatures生活live 靠食用一些别的东西,by feeding on something else, 不管它是植物或动物,whether it be plant or animal,死的还是活的,dead or alive, 并且and只是偶然地 it is only by chance才能避免这样的命运。that such a fate is avoided.


总之,After all,一切生物都靠食用别的东西生活, all living creatures live by feeding on something else, 不管这种东西是植物或动物,whether it be plant or animal,死的还是活的, dead or alive, 并且and它只是偶然地避免这样的命运。it is only by chance that such a fate is avoided.




4、植物和动物的尸体The remains of plants and animals那些居住在陆地上的that lived on land 是更为罕见地are much more rarely被保存下来,preserved, 因为- for 很少有任何东西there is seldom anything覆盖在它们上面。to cover them over.


那些居住在陆地上的植物和动物的尸体The remains of plants and animals that lived on land被保存下来更为罕见,are much more rarely preserved, 因为很少有任何东西覆盖它们。 for there is seldom anything to cover them over.




5、当时When 你想到you think of 那些无数的鸟儿们the innumerable birds 那些that人们见到的one sees飞来飞去的鸟儿,flying about,没有注意到 not to mention 同样数量的小动物the equally numerous small animals 像田鼠和野鼠like field mice and voles你看不到它们,which you do not see, 那是极为少见的it is very rarely它们that 我们穿过one comes across 一个死的尸体a dead body,除非, except,当然,of course,在路上。 on the roads.


当你想到那些无数的鸟儿们时When you think of the innumerable birds那些人们见到的飞来飞去的鸟儿,that one sees flying about,没有注意到同样数量的小动物-像田鼠和野鼠 not to mention the equally numerous small animals like field mice and voles 你看不到它们,which you do not see, 人们极少会从一个死了动物尸体上走过去,it is very rarely that one comes across a dead body, 当然,除非在路上。 except, of course, on the roads.




6、 它们腐烂They decompose并且and 是are很快地被风化掉 quickly destroyed by the weather 或者or 被一些其他的动物-吃掉。eaten by some other creature.


它们腐烂之后很快地被风化They decompose and are quickly destroyed by the weather 或者被一些其他的动物吃掉。or eaten by some other creature.




7、  几乎总是It is almost always由于一些很特殊的条件 due to some very special circumstances 所以that陆地动物的遗体traces of land animals 幸存survive, 比如as因为落进by falling into难以到达的洞穴,inaccessible caves, 或者or掉进冰河缝隙, into an ice crevasse, 像如西伯利亚长毛象,like the Siberian mammoths, 那时when整只的动物 the whole animal有时被保存, is sometimes preserved, 好像as在冰箱里一样。in a refrigerator.


几乎总是由于有一些很特殊的条件所以陆地动物的遗体才能幸存,It is almost always due to some very special circumstances that traces of land animals survive, 比如因为落进难以到达的洞穴,as by falling into inaccessible caves, 或者像西伯利亚长毛象掉进冰河缝隙,or into an ice crevasse, like the Siberian mammoths, 当时整只动物有时侯像在冰箱里一样被保存下来。when the whole animal is sometimes preserved, as in a refrigerator.




8、  这就是 This is发生的情形 what happened 在著名的别列索夫卡长毛象身上to the famous Beresovka mammoth这种长毛像which被发现保存was found preserved 并且and完好无损。 in good condition.


这就是-发生在著名的别列索夫卡长毛象身上的情形This is what happened to the famous Beresovka mammoth 这种长毛像被发现保存完好。which was found preserved and in good condition.




9、  在他的嘴里In his mouth是 were冷杉树的残骸 the remains of fir trees 那是最后的一顿饭the last meal 它吃的that he had 在之前before 他掉进冰缝he fell into the crevasse并且and 折断了他的后背。broke his back.


在他的嘴里是冷杉树的残骸In his mouth were the remains of fir trees 那是他吃的最后的一顿饭the last meal that he had 在他掉进冰缝并且折断了他的后背前。before he fell into the crevasse and broke his back.




10、            这头长毛象The mammoth现在已被修复 has now been restored在古生物博物馆in the Palaeontological Museum 在圣彼得堡。in St. Peterburg.


这头长毛象现在已被修复The mammoth has now been restored在在圣彼得堡古生物博物馆。in the Palaeontological Museum in St. Peterburg.




11、            其它动物Other animals被困 were trapped在沥青坑里,in tar pits, 像大象,like the elephants,剑齿猫,saber-toothed cats,和and很多其它动物numerous other creatures它们被发现于that found一个叫兰桥.拉.布里的地方,an Rancho La Brea,这个地方which 现在只是is just now洛杉矶的一个郊区。a suburb of Los Angeles.


其它动物被困在了沥青坑里,Other animals were trapped in tar pits, 像大象,剑齿猫,和很多其它动物在一个叫兰桥.拉.布里的地方被发现, like the elephants, saber-toothed cats, and numerous other creatures that found an Rancho La Brea,这个地方现在只是洛杉矶的一个郊区。 which is just now a suburb of Los Angeles.


其它动物被困在了沥青坑里, 像大象,剑齿猫,和很多其它动物在洛杉矶的郊区一个叫兰桥.拉.布里的地方被发现。


12、            显然 Apparently事情的经过是那样的 what happened was that 水集在了这些沥青坑里,water collected on these tar pits,并且 and 那些比较大的动物the bigger animals 像大象like the elephants冒险外出 ventured out 到显得坚固的水面上on to the apparently firm surface 去喝水,to drink, 并且and 被立即地were promptly陷到了沥青里。bogged in the tar.


显然 Apparently事情的经过是水集在了这些沥青坑里, what happened was that water collected on these tar pits,并且那些比较大的动物-像大象之类and the bigger animals like the elephants冒险外出到看上去坚固的水面上去喝水, ventured out on to the apparently firm surface,to drink, 并且立即地被陷到沥青里。and were promptly bogged in the tar.




13、 随后,And then,当它们死了时, when they were dead,一些食肉动物, the carnivores,像剑齿虎和巨形狼, like the sabre-toothed cats and the giant wolves, 出来吃它们came out to feed 并且and遭受到完全相同的命运。 suffered exactly the same fate.


当那些大象死了时,随后有一些食肉动物,像剑齿虎和巨形狼,And then, when they were dead, the carnivores, like the sabre-toothed cats and the giant wolves, 出来吃它们并且遭受到完全相同的命运。came out to feed and suffered exactly the same fate.




13、            还有There are also endless无数的鸟numbers of birds在沥青坑里in the tar命运同样如此。as well.

沥青坑里还有无数的鸟命运同样如此。There are also endless numbers of birds in the tar as well.





Lesson 27  The 'Vasa'




1、  从17世纪From the seventeenth-century瑞典帝国, empire of Sweden, 这个关于一艘大型帆船的故事the story of a galleon它沉没了that sank at the start of her maiden voyage 在1628年in 1628肯定是must be最离奇的传说之一one of the strangest tales 航海史上。of the sea.


从17世纪的瑞典帝国开始,From the seventeenth-century empire of Sweden, 1628年一艘大型帆船在它的处女航出发时沉没的故事the story of a galleon that sank at the start of her maiden voyage in 1628肯定是航海史上最离奇的传说之一。 must be one of the strangest tales of the sea.




2、  将近For nearly 三个半世纪three and a half centuries她躺着she lay在斯德哥尔摩港口的海底at the bottom of Stockholm harbour直到她的发现until her discovery 在1956年。in 1956.


三个半世纪以来她躺着在斯德哥尔摩港口的海底For nearly three and a half centuries she lay at the bottom of Stockholm harbour直到1956年她被发现。 until her discovery in 1956.




3、  这就是“瓦萨”号,This was the Vasa, 皇家旗舰royal flagship属于伟大的帝国舰队。of the great imperial fleet.



这就是“瓦萨”号,This was the Vasa, 伟大的帝国舰队的皇家旗舰。royal flagship of the great imperial fleet.




4、  国王斯塔夫斯.阿道尔King Gustavus Adolphus,号称“北方飓风”, 'The Northern Hurricane', 当时then处在他的军事成功的鼎盛时期at the height of his military success在三十年的战争期间,in the Thirty Years' War,规定了had dictated她的尺寸和武器装备。her measurements and armament.


号称“北方飓风”的国王斯塔夫斯.阿道尔时King Gustavus Adolphus,, 'The Northern Hurricane', 当时处在他的三十年战争期间军事成功的鼎盛时期,then at the height of his military success in the Thirty Years' War,亲自规定了她的尺寸和武器装备。had dictated her measurements and armament.




5、  三层火炮甲板Triple gun-decks架着mounted 64门青铜加农炮。sixty-four bronze cannon.


三层火炮甲板-架着64门青铜加农炮。 Triple gun-decks mounted sixty-four bronze cannon.




6、  她原被打算She was intended扮演领导角色to play a leading role在瑞典不断增强的威慑力中。in the growing might of Sweden.


她原被打算在瑞典不断增强的威慑力中扮演领导角色。She was intended to play a leading role in the growing might of Sweden.




7、在她-于1628年8月19日-被准备好-她的处女航时,As she was prepared of her maiden voyage on August 10, 1628,斯德哥尔摩-处在一片欢腾中。 Stockholm was in a ferment.


8、  从斯开波斯布朗-和周围的岛屿-来了From the Skeppsbron and surrounding islands 人们观看这个美丽的东西-the people watched this thing of beauty 开始-伸展开她的风帆并且乘风破浪。begin to spread her sails and catch the wind.


9、   他们They 之前艰苦劳动了had laboured 三年for three years为了制作 to produce这件漂浮着的this floating艺术品; work of art;她she被更加华地丽was more richly雕刻和装饰 carved and ornamented 比以前的任何船只。than any previous ship.


他们为了制作这件漂浮的艺术品艰苦劳动了三年;They had laboured for three years to produce this floating work of art;她比以前的任何船雕刻和装饰得更加华丽。 she was more richly carved and ornamented than any previous ship.




10、   高大肃穆的船楼The high stern castle是was很多雕刻的神仙, a riot of carved gods, 魔鬼,demons,骑士, knights,国王, kings, 武士,warriors,美人鱼, mermaids,小天使; cherubs;和 and 兽形动物图案zoomorphic animal shapes闪着光 ablaze 有红色的还有金色的和蓝色的,with red and gold and blue, 它们是象征,symbols代表勇气, of courage,力量, power,和残暴, and cruelty, 被描绘 were portrayed 为了激发to stir 迷信的水手们的想象the imaginations of the superstitious sailors 在当时。of the day.


高大肃穆的船楼上是很多雕刻的神仙,The high stern castle was a riot of carved gods, 魔鬼,骑士,国王,武士,美人鱼,小天使;demons, knights, kings, warriors, mermaids, cherubs;还有闪着光的兽形动物图案and zoomorphic animal shapes ablaze 它们有红色的、金色的和蓝色的,with red and gold and blue, 它们是勇气、力量和残暴的象征,symbols,of courage, power, and cruelty, 为了激发当时迷信的水手们的想象力而描绘。were portrayed to stir the imaginations of the superstitious sailors of the day.




11、  这时Then加农炮 the cannons 在抛了锚的战船们上of the anchored warships 轰轰响地发射出thundered 礼炮a salute对她 to which“瓦萨”号the Vasa 开火fired回应。in reply.



这时Then 抛锚的战船们上的加农炮轰轰响地对她发射出礼炮the cannons of the anchored warships thundered a salute to which“瓦萨”号开火回应。 the Vasa fired in reply.


这时,抛锚的战船们上的加农炮轰轰响地对她发射出礼炮 ,“瓦萨”号开火回应。


12、   那时As她出现了 she emerged来自于from 她的漂浮的烟云her drifting cloud 从礼炮的烟雾中of gun smoke 伴随着水的搅动with the water churned 翻腾to foam在她的船头下方,beneath her bow,她的旗帜在飞扬, her flags flying, 三角旗挥舞着,pennants waving,船帆在微风中鼓满了,sails filling in the breeze,还有红色和金色的一片 and the red and the gold那是她的船顶在闪烁of her superstructure ablaze五彩缤纷,with colour,她she呈现出 presented一派更加壮丽的景象a more majestic spectacle 比起斯德哥尔摩人之前曾经见过的。than Stockholmers had ever seen before.


13、  那时她出现在她的加农炮发出的漂浮的烟雾中伴随着水在她的船头下方搅动翻腾,As she emerged from her drifting cloud of gun smoke with the water churned to foam beneath her bow,她的旗帜在飞扬,三角旗挥舞着,船帆在微风中鼓满了, her flags flying, pennants waving, sails filling in the breeze,还有红色和金色的一片-那是她的五彩缤纷的船顶在闪烁 and the red and the gold of her superstructure ablaze with colour,她呈现出一派斯德哥尔摩人从未见过的更加壮丽的景象。she presented a more majestic spectacle than Stockholmers had ever seen before.




14、所有的炮门All gun-ports 被打开了were open 并且and枪口the muzzles 窥视着peeped不怀好意地。wickedly来自于它们。from them.


所有的炮门被打开了All gun-ports were open并且 and来自于炮门的枪口不怀好意地窥视着。the muzzles peeped wickedly from them.




14、  当风力增强时As the wind freshened 一场突然的飓风来了there came a sudden squall并且 and这艘船the ship奇怪的摇晃了一下,made a strange movement, 倾斜向左舷。listing to port.


当风力增强时突然刮来一阵大风As the wind freshened there came a sudden squall并且 and这艘船奇怪的摇晃了一下向左舷倾斜。the ship made a strange movement, listing to port.




15、   炮长The Ordnance Officer命令-被拉到右侧-以抵消倾斜,ordered 所有的左舷开农炮all the port cannon被拉到右侧to be heaved to starboard 为了对抗倾斜,to counteract the list,但是but甲板倾斜的角度the steepening angle of the decks在增加。 increased.


炮长命令将所有的左舷开农炮拉到右侧以抵消倾斜 ,The Ordnance Officer ordered all the port cannon to be heaved to starboard to counteract the list,但是甲板倾斜的角度在增加。but the steepening angle of the decks increased.


炮长命令将所有的左舷开农炮拉到右侧以抵消倾斜, 但是甲板的倾斜角度在增加。


16、   随后Then打雷般的轰轰声 the sound of rumbling thunder 到达了reached岸上的观众处,the watchers on the shore,这时as货物,cargo, 压舱的填料,ballast, 军火弹药和400个人ammunition and 400 people 动起来了went滑动着并且摔倒sliding and crashing down 到到左舷一边to the port side在大坡度倾斜的轮船上。of the steeply listing ship.


随后打雷般的轰轰声传到了岸上的观众处,Then the sound of rumbling thunder reached the watchers on the shore,这时货物、压舱的填料、军火弹药和400个人都动起来了 as cargo, ballast, ammunition and 400 people went滑动着并且向这艘陡峭轮船的左舷一边摔倒。sliding and crashing down to the port side of the steeply listing ship.




17、   比较低的那些炮门The lower gun-ports 现在是were now 在水的下方below water 并且and涌进的水 the inrush给这艘船的命运盖上了章。sealed the ship's fate.


比较低的那些炮门现在处在水的下方The lower gun-ports were now below water 并且and涌进的水宣告了这艘船的厄运。 the inrush sealed the ship's fate.





18、  在那个光荣第一个小时,In that first glorious hour,强大的“瓦萨”号, the mighty Vasa, 它原被打算 which was intended去征服波罗地海,to rule the Baltic, 沉没了sank带着全部的飞扬着的战旗 with all flags flying在那个港口in the harbour那是她的诞生地。of her birth.


在那个光荣的第一个小时,In that first glorious hour,强大的“瓦萨”号, the mighty Vasa, 它原打算要去征服波罗地海,which was intended to rule the Baltic, 带着全部的飞扬着的战旗沉没在她诞生的港口。sank with all flags flyingin the harbour of her birth.



Lesson 28  Patients and doctors





1、这是This is一个怀疑的年代,a sceptical age,但是but 虽然although我们的信仰our faith在许多事物方面 in many of the things在这些事物方面in which我们的祖先们our forefathers 坚定地fervently 相信believed已经被削弱了, has weakened, 我们的信心- our confidence 在治疗效果方面in the curative properties 在瓶装药of the bottle of medicine仍然保持着remains和他们的信心一样。 the same as theirs.


这是一个怀疑的年代,This is a sceptical age,但是虽然我们在我们的祖先们笃信的许多事物上的信赖已经削弱,but although our faith in many of the things in which our forefathers fervently believed  has weakened, 我们对瓶装药的治疗效果的信心仍然保持着和他们一样。our confidence in the curative properties of the bottle of medicine remains the same as theirs.




 2、这种现代药物依赖现象This modern faith in medicines 被证实is proved被以下事实by the fact 那就是that 每年的药物账单the annual drug bill 健康服务机构的of the Health Services 正在爬上is mounting to 天文数字astronomical figures并且 and显示 shows 没有迹象no signs 在目前是at present of 停止上升。ceasing to rise.



这种现代药物依赖现象有以下事实证实This modern faith in medicines is proved by the fact 那就是健康服务机构的每年的药物账单正在爬上天文数字that the annual drug bill of the Health Services is mounting to astronomical figures并且显示没有在目前停止上升的迹象。and shows no signs at present of ceasing to rise.




 3、大多数的病人The majority of the patients 去医院门诊部看病attending the medical out-patients departments of our hospitals 感觉到feel那一点that他们they 没有have not 得到充分的治疗received adequate treatment 除非 unless 他们能够携带they are able to carry 一起带回家里home with them 一些能摸得着的药物some tangible remedy 看得见的一瓶药水in the shape of a bottle of medicine, 一盒药丸,a box of pills, 或者一小罐的药膏,or a small jar of ointment,并且 and门诊部负责的医生 the doctor in charge of the department 是非常乐意is only too ready 提供给他们to provide them with这些需求品。these requirements.


大多数去医院门诊部看病的病人感觉到The majority of the patients attending  the medical out-patients departments of our hospitals feel 那一点-他们没有得到充分的治疗that they have not received adequate treatment 除非他们能够携带回家一些摸得着的药物unless they are able to carry home with them some tangible remedy看得见的一瓶药水,一盒药丸,或者一小罐的药膏,in the shape ofa bottle of medicine, a box of pills, or a small jar of ointment,并且 and门诊部负责的医生非常乐意提供给他们这些需求品。 the doctor in charge of the department is only too ready to provide them with these requirements.




4、没有更快的方法There is no quicker method 对于处理病人of disposing of patients 比then 通过by 给他们giving them那些他们正在要求的,what they are asking for, 并且and 由于since 大多数医生most medical men在健康服务部门工作的in the Health Services 是are超负荷工作 overworked并且 and 没有时间 have little time用于提出for offering 费时的和没有一点感激的time-consuming and little-appreciated 忠告advice在这样的一些话题上 on such subjects 比如饮食,as diet,正确的生活方式, right living, 和and关于放弃坏习惯的-必要性 the need for abandoning bad habits等等, etc., 瓶子,the bottle, 盒子,the box, 还有软膏and the jar几乎总是能 are almost always 打发走他们。granted them.



没有更快的处理病人方法与给他们要求的药相比There is no quicker method of disposing of patients then by giving them what they are asking for, 并且and由于在健康服务部门工作的大多数医生是超负荷工作 since most medical men in the Health Services are overworked并且 and没有时间用于提出费时和一点也得不到感激的忠告 have little time for offering  time-consuming  and  little-appreciated  advice在一些比如节食,正确的生活方式,还有放弃坏习惯的必要性等等话题上,on such subjects as diet, right living, and the need for abandoning bad habits, etc., 那些瓶,那些盒子,还有那些软膏几乎总是能打发走他们。the bottle, the box, and the jar are almost always granted them.




5、不是Nor is it只有无知和受教育差的人 only the ignorant and ill-educated person他们是这样地迷信 who was such faith在瓶装药水里。in the bottle of medicine.


不是只有无知和受教育差的人Nor is it only the ignorant and ill-educated person他们是这样地迷信瓶装药水。who was such faith in the bottle of medicine.




7、   据说 It is recounted关于托马斯.卡莱尔 of Thomas Carlyle 有这么一个传闻that 当时 when他听说了he heard 关于他的朋友亨利.泰勒的病of the illness of his friend ,Henry Tailor,他立刻外出he went off immediately去看他,to visit him, 他随身携带着carrying with him 在他的口袋里in his pocket被保存的一瓶药水what remained of a bottle of medicine 以前formerly 因为泰勒太太的一个小毛病开的药。prescribed for an indisposition of Mrs. Carlyle's.


据说关于托马斯.卡莱尔有这么一个传闻 It is recounted of Thomas Carlyle that 当他听说他的朋友亨利.泰勒病了时,when he heard of the illness of his friend ,Henry Tailor,他立刻外出去看他, he went off immediately to visit him,他在口袋里携带着保存的一瓶药水  carrying with him in his pocket what remained of a bottle of medicine 这瓶药水是以前因为泰勒太太的一个小毛病开的药。formerly prescribed  for an indisposition of Mrs. Carlyle's.




8、   卡莱尔Carlyle是was完全 entirely 无知ignorant 对于of 什么东西what 他口袋里的瓶子the bottle in his pocket装着的,contained,  对于of这个病的特征 the nature of the illness因为这个病 from which他的朋友正在受罪 his friend was suffering,还有and 对于of什么地方 what之前有毛病 had previously been wrong 在她的妻子身上with his wife,但是but 一种药a medicine 它之前疗效很好that had worked so well在一种类型的疾病上 in one form of illness 将would肯定地 surely 是同样有益于另一种be of equal benefit in another,并且and 感到欣慰comforted 因为by想到 the thought关于 of某种帮助 the help他正在带给 he was bringing to他的朋友 his friend,他急忙来到了he hastened to亨利.泰勒的家。Henry Taylor's house.


卡莱尔是完全无知的 Carlyle was entirely ignorant对于他口袋里的瓶子里装的是什么,of what  the bottle in his pocket contained, 对于他的朋友得的什么病of the nature of the illness from which his friend was suffering,还有and对于以前她的妻子是什么病 of what had previously been wrong with his wife,但是but一种药既然之前对一种病的效果很好 a medicine that had worked so well in one form of illness 将肯定是同样的有益于另一种病,would surely be of equal benefit in another,并且and因为想到他正要带给他的朋友帮助感到欣慰comforted by the thought of the help he was bringing to his friend,他匆匆来到了亨利.泰勒的家中。 he hastened to Henry Taylor's house.


卡莱尔完全不知道他口袋里的瓶子装的什么药,不知道他的朋友得的什么病,还有不知道以前她的妻子是什么病,Carlyle was entirely ignorant of what the bottle in his pocket contained, of the nature of the illness from which his friend was suffering, and of what had previously been wrong with his wife,但是一种药既然以前对别的病的效果很好肯定同样能治疗另一种病,but a medicine that had worked so well in one form of illness would surely be of equal benefit in another,并且很欣慰地想着他就要带给他的朋友帮助,他匆匆来到亨利.泰勒家。and comforted by the thought of the help he was bringing to his friend, he hastened to Henry Taylor's house.




9、  历史没有有关的记载History does not relate是否whether他的朋友his friend接受了他的药物帮助accepted his medical help,而且 but很有可能 in all probability他接受了。 he did.


历史没有记载他的朋友是否接受了他的药物帮助, History does not relate whether his friend accepted his medical help,而且他很有可能接受了。but in all probability he did.




10、  最大的优点The great advantage 关于吃药of taking medicine 是is那样的 that 它没有要求it makes no demands 对于吃药的病人on the taker 除了那一点beyond that暂时忍受of putting up片刻 for a moment 由于令人作呕的味道,with a disgusting taste,并且 and 那样做正是that is what所有病人--all patients 对他们的医生要求demand of their doctors 疾病被治愈to be cured 以没什么不方便的方式at no inconvenience 对他们自己to themselves.


吃药最大的优点是那样的The great advantage of taking medicine is that 它对于吃药的病人没有要求it makes no demands on the taker 除了暂时忍受片刻令人作呕的味道beyond that of putting up for a moment with a disgusting taste,并且 and 那正是所有病人对他们的医生的要求that is what --all patients demand of their doctors不用他们自己费什么事病就治好了。to be cured at no inconvenience to themselves.





Lesson 29  The hovercraft


   1、许多奇怪的新的Many strange new 交通工具means of transport已经被开发出了 have been developed在本世纪,in our century, 他们中最奇怪的the strangest of them也许是 being perhaps 气垫船。the hovercraft.


许多新奇的交通工具在我们的国家已经开发出来了Many strange new means of transport have been developed in our century, 它们中最奇怪的也许是气垫船。the strangest of them being perhaps the hovercraft.




   2、1953年,In 1953,一位原电子工程师 a former electronics engineer 五十多岁,in his fifties, 名叫克里斯托弗.科克富尔,Christopher Cockerell, 他之前改了行who had turned 到造船业to boat-building在诺福克郡的湖泊地区, on the Norfolk Broads, 提交了一个设想suggested an idea 在这个设想上on which他之前一直在研究he had been working许多年 for many years 给英国政府和工业界。to the British Government and industrial circles.


1953年,一位五十多岁名叫克里斯托弗.科克富尔,原电子工程师In 1953, a former electronics engineer in his fifties, Christopher Cockerell, 他之前改行在诺福克郡的湖泊地区从事造船业who had turned to boat-building on the Norfolk Broads, 提交了一份他研究了数年的设想给英国政府和工业界。suggested an idea on which he had been working for many years to the British Government and industrial circles.




3、以下是他的设想It was the idea就是支撑着一只船,of supporting a craft在一个软垫上on a 'pad', 或者是垫子,or cushion,低压空气的,of low-pressure air, 被比较高的压力空气帘环绕着。ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air.


他的设想是用一个低压气垫或软垫支撑一只船,It was the idea  of supporting a craft on a 'pad',,or cushion, of low-pressure air,垫子周围环绕着高压力空气帘。ringed with a curtain of higher pressure air.




4、从那时起,Ever since,人们很难决定 people have had difficulty in deciding 是否whether这种运载工具the craft应当被列为should be ranged在轮船,飞机,或者陆地交通工具中, among ships, planes, or land vehicles 因为它是某种东西for it is something 介于船只与飞机二者之间。in between a boat and an aircraft.


从那时起, Ever since, 人们很难决定是否应当将这种运载工具列为轮船,飞机,或者陆地运输车辆中,people have had difficulty in deciding whether the craf tshould be ranged among ships, planes, or land vehicles 因为它介于船只与飞机二者之间。for it is something in between a boat and an aircraft.




 5、作为一个造船工程师,As a shipbuilder,科克雷尔 Cockerell当时正试着去找到was trying to find 一个解决办法a solution 对波浪阻力的问题to the problem of the wave resistance这个阻力which 浪费了wastes大量的a good deal of一艘在水面上行驶轮船的动力a surface ship's power 并且and 限制了它的速度。 limits its speed.


作为一个造船工程师,As a shipbuilder,科克雷尔正试着找到一个解决波浪阻力问题的方法 Cockerell was trying to find a solution to the problem  of the wave resistance波浪阻力浪费掉了轮船在水面上行驶的大量动力并且限制了它的速度。 which wastes a good deal of a surface ship's power and limits its speed.

作为一个造船工程师, 科克雷尔在寻找解决波浪阻力问题的方法;波浪阻力浪费掉了轮船在水面上行驶的大量动力并且限制了它的速度。 


6、他的答案His answer是 was 提升船体离开水面to lift the vessel out of the water 通过by使它骑着making it ride在一个气垫上,on a cushion of air, 这个气垫不超过no more then一两英尺厚。one or two feet thick.


他的答案是让船在气垫上行驶将船体提升离开水面His answer was to lift the vessel out of the water by making it ride on a cushion of air, 这个气垫只有一两英尺厚。no more then one or two feet thick.




7、这一目的的实现This is done 通过by 大量的a great number of环状的空气喷嘴ring-shaped air jets 在船的底部。on the bottom of the craft.


这一目的实现This is done通过在船的底部装上大量的圆形空气喷嘴。 by a great number of ring-shaped air jets on the bottom of the craft.




8、它“飞起来了”,It 'flies',因此, therefore, 而且--but 它不可能it cannot 飞得更高fly higher – 它的行动- its action取决于表面, depends on the surface, 水还是陆地,water or ground,在它们的上方 over which它行驶的。 it rides.



它“飞起来了”,It 'flies',因此, therefore, 但是它不可能飞得更高--but it cannot fly higher 它的飞行取决于它是行驶在水面还是陆地。its action depends on the surface, water or ground,  over which it rides.


它因此“飞起来了”,但它不可能飞得更高-- 它的飞行取决于它是行驶在水面还是陆地。


11、            首次试航The first tests在苏伦特海峡 on the Solent 1959年in 1959 引起了轰动。caused a sensation.


1959年在苏伦特海峡的首次试航引起了轰动。The first tests on the Solent in 1959 caused a sensation.




12、            这艘气垫船The hovercraft行驶 travelled首先在水面上,first over the water, 然后登上海岸,then mounted the beach, 爬上沙丘,climbed up the dunes, 并且and停了下来 sat down在一条道路上。 on a road.


这艘气垫船首先在水面上行驶The hovercraft travelled first over the water, 然后登上海岸,爬上沙丘,最后停在路上。then mounted the beach, climbed up the dunes, and sat down on a road.




13、            后来Later 它穿过英吉利海峡,it crossed the Channel,平稳地行驶着 riding smoothly 在波浪之上,over the waves, 这些波浪显得毫无问题。which presented no problem.


后来它穿过了英吉利海峡,Later it crossed the Channel,平稳地在波浪上行驶,riding smoothly over the waves, 这些波浪显得毫无问题。which presented no problem.




14、            从那以后,Since that time, 各种类型的气垫船various types of hovercraft 出现了have appeared并且and已经开始了定期服务。taken up regular service.


从那以后,Since that time, 各种类型的气垫船出现了并且开始定期服务。various types of hovercraft have appeared and taken up regular service.




15、            气垫船The hovercraft是 is 特别的有用particularly useful在很多交通不便的地区 in large areas with poor communications 比如像非洲或者澳洲的;such as Africa or Australia; 它能成为it can become一种“飞行的水果篮子”,a ' flying fruit-bowl', 它运载着香蕉carrying bananas 从种植园到港口;from the plantations to the ports; 大型的气垫船giant hovercraft liners 能够跨越大西洋;could span the Atlantic;并且and未来的铁路the railway of the futur可能将成为“气垫火车”,may will be the 'hovertrain', 行驶在空气垫上riding on its air cushion 在单轨的上方,over a single rail, 它不接触铁轨,which it never touches, 速度达每小时300英里,--at speeds up to 300 m.p.h. 气垫船的前途the possibilities 是appear无限的。 unlimited.


16、            气垫船在比如像非洲或者澳洲;很多交通不便的地区特别的有用The hovercraft is particularly useful in large areas with poor communications such as Africa or Australia; 它能成为一种“飞行的水果篮子”,it can become a ' flying fruit-bowl',它运载着香蕉从种植园到港口;carrying bananas from the plantations to the ports; 大型的气垫船能够跨越大西洋;giant hovercraft liners could span the Atlantic;并且未来的铁路可能将成为“气垫火车”,and the railway of the futur may will be the 'hovertrain', 在单轨上方的“空气垫”上行驶, riding on its air cushion over a single rail, “空气垫”不接触铁轨, which it never touches,速度达每小时300英里,--at speeds up to 300 m.p.h.“气垫船”的前途是无限的。the possibilities appear unlimited.


气垫船在如像非洲或者澳洲的很多交通不便的地区特别有用;它能成为一种“飞行的水果篮子”,运载着香蕉从种植园到港口;大型气垫船能够跨越大西洋;并且未来的铁路可能成为“气垫火车”, 在单轨上方的空气垫上行驶,空气垫它不接触铁轨,速度达每小时300英里。气垫船的前途是无限的。



Lesson 30  Exploring the sea-floor



1、  我们在海洋方面的知识Our knowledge of the oceans在100年前 a hundred years ago 当时是仅限于was confined to二维平面形状的海面 the two-dimensional shape of the sea surface 并且and航海危险的被造成 the hazards of navigation presented 是因为在深度上的不规律by the irregularities in depth 在靠近陆地的浅水区域。of the shallow water close to the land.


在100年前我们关于海洋的知识仅限于二维平面形状的海面Our knowledge of the oceans a hundred years ago was confined to the two-dimensional shape of the sea surface and并且航海危险是因为靠近陆地的浅水区域深度上的不规律造成。 the hazards of navigation presented by the irregularities in depth of the shallow water close to the land.



2、开放的海洋The open sea是 was深的和神秘的, deep and mysterious, 并且and任何人 anyone  他稍微多想了一下(他给出了)who  gave 多于一个more than  (一个经过的想法)a passing thought对于海底的范围 to the bottom confines of the oceans大概假定那一点probably assumed that海底是平坦的。 the sea bed was flat.


开放的海洋是深的和神秘的,The open sea was deep and mysterious, 并且and任何人对于海底的范围稍微思考一下anyone  who  gave more than  a passing thought to the bottom confines of the oceans大概假定海底是平坦的。 probably assumed that the sea bed was flat.




3、詹姆斯.克拉克.罗斯爵士Sir James Clark Ross曾测到了had obtained一个超过2400英寻的回声a sounding of over 2,400 fathoms 在1839年,in 1839,但是 but之前什么也没做it was not直到1869年,until 1869 , 当时皇家海军舰艇“豪猪”号when H.N.S. Porcupine被派出was put由皇家学会安排at the disposal of the Royal Society进行了几次巡航 for several cruises, 以至于that一系列的海底深度回声a series of deep soundings被测到was obtained在大西洋 in the Atlantic并且 and第一批样品the first samples被收集 were collected 通过挖掘海底。by dredging the bottom.


1893年詹姆斯.克拉克.罗斯爵士曾测到了一个超过2400英寻的回声Sir James Clark Ross had obtained a sounding of over 2,400 fathoms in 1839,但是 but直到1869年由皇家学会安排派出皇家海军舰艇“豪猪”号进行了几次巡航,it was not until 1869 , when H.N.S. Porcupine was put at the disposal of the Royal Society for several cruises, 才在大西洋测到了一系列的海底深度的回声that a series of deep soundings was obtained in the Atlantic并且通过挖掘海底收集了第一批样品。and the first samples were collected by dredging the bottom.


1893年,詹姆斯.克拉克.罗斯爵士曾测到了一个超过2400英寻的回声;但是直到1869年才由皇家学会安排派出皇家海军舰艇“豪猪”号进行了几次巡航,  才在大西洋测到了一系列的海底深度的回声并且通过挖掘海底收集了第一批样品。


4、 此后不久 Shortly after this著名的皇家海军挑战号的远征考察 the famous H. M. S. Challenger expedition 确立了established 对海底的研究the study of the sea-floor作为一个课题 as a subject 值得最有资格的物理学家和地质学家们去研究。worthy of the most qualified physicists and geologists.


此后不久,著名的皇家海军挑战号的远征考察把对海底的研究确立为一个课题Shortly after this the famous H. M. S. Challenger expedition established the study of the sea-floor as a subject 值得最有资格的物理学家和地质学家们从事。worthy of the most qualified physicists and geologists.




5、一阵热潮A burst of activity与铺设海底电缆有关 associated with the laying of submarine cables很快soon证实了 confirmed “挑战号”的探测成果the challenger's observation 那就是that 海洋中的很多地方many parts of the ocean是were两三英里深,two to there miles deep,并且 and 存在the existence水下地貌的 of underwater features 相当的巨大差异of considerable magnitude.


一阵铺设海底电缆的热潮很快证实了A burst of activity associated with the laying of submarine cables soon confirmed “挑战号” 关于海洋的很多地方有两三英里深的探测成果the challenger's observation that many parts of the ocean were two to there miles deep, 和and水下地貌相当巨大的差异的存在。the existence of underwater features of considerable magnitude.


一股铺设海底电缆的热潮很快证实了“挑战号” 关于海洋的很多地方有两三英里深的探测成果以及水下地貌有相当巨大的差异存在。


6、今天,Today,足够的回声数据 enough soundings是are 可以加以利用的available 使能够to enable一张大西洋的立体图 a relief map of the Atlantic被绘制出to be drawn 并且and我们we 了解到know一些事情something 有关千变万化的of the great variety of海床的地形。 the sea bed's topography.


今天,Today,足够的回声数据可以利用使得一张大西洋的立体图能够被绘制出来 enough soundings are available to enable a relief map of the Atlantic to be drawn 并且and我们了解了海床地形的千变万化的一些事情。 we know something of the great variety of the sea bed's topography.




7、既然Since海洋the sea覆盖着covers 地球表面的大部分,the greater part of the earth's surface,完全有理由 it is quite reasonable 把海床看成to regard the sea floor as地壳的基本形态, the basic form of the crust of the earth,和海床连在一起的, with,在海床的上面, superimposed upon,是大陆, it the continents, 与岛屿和其它地貌的海洋连成一体。together with the islands and other features of the oceans.


既然海洋覆盖着地球表面的大部分,Since the sea covers the greater part of the earth's surface,完全有理由把海床看成地壳的基本形态,it is quite reasonable to regard the sea floor as the basic form of the crust of the earth, 和海床连在一起,在海床之上的是大陆, with, superimposed upon, it the continents, 与岛屿及其它地貌的海洋连成一体。together with the islands and other features of the oceans.



8、 大陆The continents 形成form 崎岖不平的rugged 高地tablelands 它which 站立着stand接近3英里 nearly three miles在辽阔的海洋海底之上。 above the floor of the open ocean.

大陆形成崎岖不平的高地The continents form rugged tablelands 它高出辽阔的海洋海底近3英里。 which stand nearly three miles above the floor of the open ocean.




9、从海岸线,From the shore line, 向外一段距离out a distance这里可以是任何地点 which may be anywhere从几英里到几百英里, from a few miles to a few hundred miles, 延伸着runs平缓的坡度the gentle slope 属于of大陆架 the continental shelf, 从地质上来说geologically 属于大陆的一部分。part of the continents.


从海岸线向外一段距离,From the shore line, out a distance这里可以是从几英里到几百英里,任何地点 which may be anywhere from a few miles to a few hundred miles, 大陆架慢坡延伸着runs the gentle slope of the continental shelf, 从地质上来说大陆架慢坡属于大陆的一部分。geologically part of the continents.




10、真正的分界线The real dividing line大陆和海洋两者两者之间 between continents and oceans 出现occurs在陡坡的脚下。at the foot a steeper slope.


大陆和海洋之间真正的分界线The real dividing line between continents and oceans 出现在陡坡的脚下。occurs at the foot a steeper slope.




11、  这段大陆架慢坡This continental slope通常 usually 开始于starts某一点 at a place 那一点的水深近100英寻somewhere near the 100-fatheom mark 并且and经过在几百英里的路程 in the course of a few hundred miles 到达reaches 真正的海底the true ocean floor在2500-3500英寻水深处。 at 2,500-3,500 fathoms.


这段大陆架慢坡通常始于水深近100英寻的某处This continental slope usually starts at a place somewhere near the 100-fatheom mark 并且and延伸几百英里远到达水深为2500-3500英寻处的真正的海底。in the course of a few hundred miles reaches the true ocean floor at 2,500-3,500 fathoms.




12、  这个慢坡The slope 平均averages大约三十分之一 about 1 in 30,并且but包括 contains陡峭部分,steep,这个陡峭部分可能是垂直的, probably vertical, 峭壁,cliffs, 和and缓和的被沉淀物覆盖的阶梯地带, gentle sediment-covered terraces, 并且and在到达这个阶梯地带的低处附近near its lower reaches有一个长的尾沙地带 there is a long tailing-off这个尾沙地带which几乎肯定是 is almost certainly 某种物质的产物the result of material这种物质被运送到深水transported out to deep water 在被侵蚀之后after being eroded来自于大陆地块。 from the continental masses.



这个慢坡的坡度平均大约为三十分之一The slope averages about 1 in 30, 其中包括可能是垂直的陡峭部分,峭壁,和缓和的被沉淀物覆盖的阶梯地带, but contains steep, probably vertical, cliffs, and gentle sediment-covered terraces, 并且and在到达这个阶梯地带的低处附近有一个长的尾沙地带near its lower reaches there is a long tailing-off这个尾沙地带几乎肯定是来自于大陆地块的被侵蚀后冲到深水处的物质的产物。which is almost certainly  the result of material transported out to deep water after being eroded from the continental masses.


这个慢坡的坡度平均大约为三十分之一 ,其中包括可能是垂直的陡峭部分,峭壁和缓和的被沉淀物覆盖的阶梯地带;在阶梯地带的低处附近有一个长的尾沙地带,基本上可以断定这个尾沙地带是来自大陆地块上的物质被侵蚀后冲到深水处形成的。






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