USE [distribution] --分发数据库
CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_repl_syn]
 @publication sysname='%' --模糊查询,发布名称
 ,@subscriber sysname='%' --模糊查询,发布名称
 ,@flag smallint=0   --default 0=not return cmd count,1=return cmd count,2=only show error item
 1. 解析代码: sp_replmonitorsubscriptionpendingcmds
 2. 解析代码: sys.sp_MSget_repl_commands
 3. 不考虑可更新订阅的情况,可更新订阅需要修改代码
 4. 不返回未分发命令数可以加快查询
 5. undelivered_transactions或undelivered_commands=-1 说明有未分发的事务或命令
 6. if error agent_id<=5,then return cmd count
 7. 注意:未启动或者停止的分发代理不在error之列
 exec sp_repl_syn
 exec sp_repl_syn '%','%',2 --失败的代理
set nocount on
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#agent') is not null drop table #agent
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#his') is not null drop table #his
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#max_xact') is not null drop table #max_xact
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#last_max_xact') is not null drop table #last_max_xact
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.#repl') is not null drop table #repl
if object_id('tempdb.dbo.##out') is not null drop table ##out
create table  #agent(agent_id int,publisher_database_id int,publisher_db sysname ,publisher_id smallint
     ,subscriber_id smallint,subscriber_db sysname,publication sysname,publisher sysname,subscriber sysname
if @flag=2 --2=only show error item----找出同步不正常的代理
 insert into #agent
 SELECT as agent_id,a.publisher_database_id, a.publisher_db, a.publisher_id
  ,a.subscriber_id,a.subscriber_db, a.publication
  ,b.srvname as publisher,d.srvname as subscriber
  from MSdistribution_agents  a with(nolock) 
  inner join master.dbo.sysservers b  with(nolock) on a.publisher_id  =b.srvid 
  inner join master.dbo.sysservers d  with(nolock) on a.subscriber_id  =d.srvid 
  inner join dbo.MSpublications c with(nolock) on a.publisher_db=c.publisher_db and a.publication=c.publication
  inner join dbo.MSsubscriptions s WITH(NOLOCK) on s.agent_id =
  inner join (select agent_id, max(timestamp) as timestamp
     from dbo.MSdistribution_history 
     group by agent_id) cte on
  inner join dbo.MSdistribution_history dh on dh.agent_id=cte.agent_id and dh.timestamp=cte.TIMESTAMP
  where a.subscriber_id>0 /*yf.排除subscriber_db=virtual*/
  and a.subscription_type = 0  and c.publication_type=0
  and (s.status in (0,1) /*订阅的状态  0 = 不活动 1 = 已订阅 2 = 活动*/
   or dh.runstatus >=5 /*1 = Start. 2 = Succeed. 3 = In progress. 4 = Idle. 5 = Retry. 6 = Fail*/
   or dh.comments like '%Error %'
  and a.publication like @publication
  and d.srvname like @subscriber
  --and a.publisher_db like @publisher_db
 if @@rowcount<=5 set @flag=1
 insert into #agent
 SELECT as agent_id,a.publisher_database_id, a.publisher_db, a.publisher_id
  ,a.subscriber_id,a.subscriber_db, a.publication
  ,b.srvname as publisher,d.srvname as subscriber
  from MSdistribution_agents  a with(nolock) 
  inner join master.dbo.sysservers b  with(nolock) on a.publisher_id  =b.srvid 
  inner join master.dbo.sysservers d  with(nolock) on a.subscriber_id  =d.srvid 
  inner join MSpublications c with(nolock) on a.publisher_db=c.publisher_db and a.publication=c.publication
  where a.subscriber_id>0 /*yf.排除subscriber_db=virtual*/
  and a.subscription_type = 0  and c.publication_type=0
  and a.publication like @publication
  and d.srvname like @subscriber
  --and a.publisher_db like @publisher_db
--MSdistribution_history clustered index : agent_id, timestamp, runstatus, start_time, time ; 10000 rows
--add join MSrepl_errors 20090916 slow performance,add redundancy rows  , cancel)
;with cte(agent_id,timestamp)
 select agent_id, max(timestamp)
 from dbo.MSdistribution_history
 group by agent_id
select dh.agent_id, dh.timestamp, runstatus, start_time, dh.time,dh.xact_seqno as last_xact_seqno,delivery_rate as avg_rate,duration
 --case when dh.error_id=0 then comments else e.error_text end AS comments
 ,average_commands as avg_commands,delivery_latency as avg_latency,total_delivered_commands,error_id
 into #his
 from dbo.MSdistribution_history dh
 join cte on dh.agent_id=cte.agent_id and dh.timestamp=cte.TIMESTAMP
 --LEFT JOIN MSrepl_errors e ON dh.error_id =
--注意不能被log_reader进程阻塞! with (READPAST) 
select  publisher_database_id ,max(xact_seqno) as max_xact_seqno
 into #max_xact
 from msrepl_transactions mc with (READPAST) 
 group by publisher_database_id
select ah2.*,mx.max_xact_seqno
 into #last_max_xact
 from #agent a
 join #his ah2 on a.agent_id=ah2.agent_id
 join #max_xact mx on a.publisher_database_id=mx.publisher_database_id
create table #repl(agent_id int,undelivered_transactions int,undelivered_commands int)
if not exists(select * from #last_max_xact where last_xact_seqno<>max_xact_seqno)
 set @flag=0
if @flag=1 --return cmd count
 -- Performance impact 
 -- Issue the select for counts separately  ???
 insert into #repl
 select l.agent_id, count(distinct xact_seqno) as undelivered_transactions,count(*) as undelivered_commands
  from #last_max_xact l
  join dbo.MSsubscriptions s WITH(NOLOCK)
   on s.agent_id = l.agent_id and l.last_xact_seqno<>l.max_xact_seqno
  left join MSrepl_commands rc WITH (NOLOCK)  
   ON (rc.article_id = s.article_id AND rc.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) 
  where s.status = 2 --订阅的状态  0 = 不活动 1 = 已订阅 2 = 活动
  and  rc.xact_seqno > l.last_xact_seqno
  and rc.xact_seqno <= l.max_xact_seqno 
  group by l.agent_id
else --if @flag=0 --fast select,do not return cmd count
 insert into #repl
 select l.agent_id, -1 as undelivered_transactions,-1 as undelivered_commands
  from #last_max_xact l
  join dbo.MSsubscriptions s WITH(NOLOCK)
   on s.agent_id = l.agent_id and l.last_xact_seqno<>l.max_xact_seqno
  --left join MSrepl_commands rc WITH (NOLOCK)  
  -- ON (rc.article_id = s.article_id AND rc.publisher_database_id=s.publisher_database_id ) 
  where s.status = 2 --订阅的状态  0 = 不活动 1 = 已订阅 2 = 活动
  --and  rc.xact_seqno > l.last_xact_seqno
  --and rc.xact_seqno <= l.max_xact_seqno 
  group by l.agent_id

-- return the resultset 
select a.agent_id,a.publisher ,a.publisher_db ,a.publication ,a.subscriber ,a.subscriber_db  
 ,case runstatus when 1 then 'Start' when 2 then 'Succeed' when 3 then 'In progress'
  when 4 then 'Idle' when 5 then 'Retry' when 6 then 'Fail' end as runstatus
 --,case when last_xact_seqno=max_xact_seqno then 0 else isnull(r.undelivered_transactions,0) end as undelivered_transactions
 --,case when last_xact_seqno=max_xact_seqno then 0 else isnull(r.undelivered_commands,0) end as undelivered_commands
 ,isnull(r.undelivered_transactions,0) as undlv_trans--undelivered_trans
 ,isnull(r.undelivered_commands,0)  as undlv_cmds -- undelivered_cmds
 ,case when r.undelivered_commands=-1 then ''
    when (h.avg_rate<>0) then dbo.udf_Duration_IntToChar(cast(isnull((cast(r.undelivered_commands as float) / h.avg_rate),0) as int)  )
    else '0' end   as prcs_time --EstimatedProcessTime-- compute the time to process 
 ,comments,round(current_delivery_rate,0) as [cur_cmds/s],round(avg_rate,0) as [avg_cmds/s]
 ,round(convert(float,current_delivery_latency)/1000,0) as cur_latency
 , round(convert(float,avg_latency)/1000,0) as avg_latency--, avg_latency
 ,convert(char(20),h.start_time,120) start_time,dbo.udf_Duration_IntToChar(duration) as run_duration
 ,delivered_transactions as dlv_trans,delivered_commands as dlv_cmds
 ,avg_commands as [cmds/tran],total_delivered_commands as total_dlv_cmds
 ,error_id, convert(char(20),time,120) as update_time
 into ##out
 from #agent a
 left join #his h on a.agent_id=h.agent_id
 left join #repl r on a.agent_id=r.agent_id
 order by a.publication,a.subscriber
select * from ##out
print 'You can use the output data with:
select * from ##out where comments not like ''%transaction%'' --失败的代理
select * from ##out where publication like ''%'' '

CREATE procedure [dbo].[sp_repl_alert]
 @ToMail varchar(1000),  -- 收件人
 @ToPhone varchar(1000) -- 接收手机号码,
 exec sp_repl_alert
 @ToMail = 'xxxxx@xxxxx',  -- 收件人
 @ToPhone = '153........'
 set nocount on
 declare @return int,@message varchar(8000)
 --create table
 if object_id('dbo.dba_repl_alert') is null
  create table dbo.dba_repl_alert(
  --id int identity , 
  agent_id int primary key nonclustered,
  updatetime datetime not null,
  publisher sysname not null,
  publication sysname not null,
  subscriber sysname not null,
  comments varchar(4000) null
  create clustered index cx_dba_repl_alert on dba_repl_alert(updatetime)
 delete dbo.dba_repl_alert where updatetime<=getdate()-1
 declare @out table (
  publisher sysname not null,
  publication sysname not null,
  subscriber sysname not null,
  comments varchar(4000) null
 insert dbo.dba_repl_alert
  output inserted.publisher,inserted.publication,inserted.subscriber,inserted.comments
  into @out
  SELECT as agent_id,getdate()
   ,b.srvname as publisher, a.publication ,d.srvname as subscriber,dh.comments
   from MSdistribution_agents  a with(nolock) 
   inner join master.dbo.sysservers b  with(nolock) on a.publisher_id  =b.srvid 
   inner join master.dbo.sysservers d  with(nolock) on a.subscriber_id  =d.srvid 
   inner join dbo.MSpublications c with(nolock) on a.publisher_db=c.publisher_db and a.publication=c.publication
   inner join dbo.MSsubscriptions s WITH(NOLOCK) on s.agent_id =
   inner join (select agent_id, max(timestamp) as timestamp
      from dbo.MSdistribution_history 
      group by agent_id) cte on
   inner join dbo.MSdistribution_history dh on dh.agent_id=cte.agent_id and dh.timestamp=cte.TIMESTAMP
   where a.subscriber_id>0 /*yf.排除subscriber_db=virtual*/
   and a.subscription_type = 0  and c.publication_type=0
   and (s.status in (0,1) /*订阅的状态  0 = 不活动 1 = 已订阅 2 = 活动*/
    or dh.runstatus >=5 /*1 = Start. 2 = Succeed. 3 = In progress. 4 = Idle. 5 = Retry. 6 = Fail*/
    or dh.comments like '%Error %'
   and not in (select agent_id from dbo.dba_repl_alert )
 if @@rowcount=0 --no error
  Print 'Replication is OK or NO new error!'
  return 0
 --error info
 declare @publisher sysname ,@publication sysname ,@subscriber sysname,@comments sysname,@time varchar(8)
 set @publisher=''
 set @publication=''
 set @subscriber=''
 set @comments=''
 set @time=right(convert(char(19),getdate(),120),8)
 SELECT  @publisher=@publisher+publisher+'|' from (SELECT distinct publisher from @out ) a
 if right(@publisher,1)='|' set @publisher=left(@publisher,len(@publisher)-1)
 SELECT  @publication=@publication+publication+'|' from (SELECT distinct publication from @out ) a
 if right(@publication,1)='|' set @publication=left(@publication,len(@publication)-1)
 SELECT  @subscriber=@subscriber+subscriber+'|' from (SELECT distinct subscriber from @out ) a
 if right(@subscriber,1)='|' set @subscriber=left(@subscriber,len(@subscriber)-1)
 SELECT  @comments=@comments+comments+'|' from (SELECT distinct convert(varchar(35),comments) as comments from @out ) a
 if right(@comments,1)='|' set @comments=left(@comments,len(@comments)-1)
 --SELECT  subscriber,CHECKSUM(left(subscriber,len(subscriber)-1)) as CHECKSUM0 from @out group by subscriber
 DECLARE @Subject nvarchar(128),@Body nvarchar(4000),@sms nvarchar(132),@From varchar(1000)
 set @From = 'xxxxx@xxxxxx'
 SELECT @Subject = N'<REPL-ALERT> '+@publisher+'.' +@publication
 select @Body='[Publisher Name]:'+@publisher+char(10)
    +'[Publication Name]:'+@publication+char(10)
    +'[Subscriber Name]:'+@subscriber+char(10)
 EXEC [dbo].[sp_send_mail] @From, @ToMail, @Subject, @Body
 set @sms='复制失败;-)'+@Time+' '+@publisher+'.'+@publication+':'+@subscriber+':'+@comments
   -- +/*'[Run time]:'+*/ stuff(stuff(convert(char(8),@last_run_date),5,0,'-'),8,0,'-')+' '+stuff(stuff(stuff(replace(str(@last_run_time),' ','0'),1,4,''),3,0,':'),6,0,':')
 ----truncate to less than ? characters
 set @sms=convert(nvarchar(136),@sms)
 EXEC [system].dbo.up_send_SMS @phone=@ToPhone,@SMS_Msg =@sms
if @@trancount > 0 rollback tran
(事务序列号: 0x0035182600001065000A00000000,命令ID: 1)
The row was not found at the Subscriber when applying the replicated command. (源: MSSQLServer,错误号: 20598)
--or 1==
select top 100 e.xact_seqno ,e.command_id,e.*
    from MSdistribution_history  h
    join MSrepl_errors e on
    where comments not like '%transaction%' --失败的代理
    order by id desc
EXEC sp_browsereplcmds '0x0043AABB000002D7001A00000000','0x0043AABB000002D7001A00000000'
--找到这个具体的命令如下: (执行sp_browsereplcmds产生的command列)
--sp_MSupd为执行update操作  _dbo为架构  orderitem为对象名称 (内容)为更新的记录内容
{CALL [sp_MSupd_dboorderitem] (,,,,,,,'D',,,,,,,,,6915690,0x8000)}  
--sp_MSdel为执行delete操作  _dbo为架构  reserve为对象名称  (数字)为要删除的标识ID
{CALL [sp_MSdel_dboreserve] (16963864)}
--sp_MSins为执行insert操作  _dbo为架构  PriceInfo为对象名称  (内容)为要插入的新记录内容
{CALL [sp_MSins_dboPriceInfo] (1177152,'42004043','0001',90178,{ts '2010-06-14 00:00:00.000'},{ts '2010-06-16 00:00:00.000'},'',380.00000,430.00000,380.00000,430.00000,0,0.00000,'RMB',0,0,1,{ts '2010-01-28 10:58:30.780'},'赖文芳','',0 ,0,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000,0.0000)}
drop table tempdb.dbo.customers
select * into tempdb.dbo.customers
    from customers where customer_id=14520515
use tempdb
exec sp_InsertSQL @TableName ='customers'
INSERT INTO [customers] ([customer_id],[card_no],[customer_type],[reserv_type],[hotel_booked],[air_booked],[tour_booked],[id_no],[passport_no],[officer_no],[reentry_no],[tctc_no],[eep_no],[other_no],[birthday],[name],[sex],[company_address],[company_postcode],[home_address],[home_postcode],[ticket_address],[ticket_postcode],[phone_inter_code],[phone_area_code],[phone],[phone_ext],[fax],[mobile_area_code],[mobile],[pas_inter_code],[pas_area_code],[pas],[email],[city],[country],[status],[operator],[op_date],[last_certificate_type],[guest_type],[LastContactMethod],[CertificatePeriod],[CertificateIssuingCountry])                                                                                          values (14520509,1055067293,2,1,0,1,0,'','','','','','','',getdate(),'王辉',2 ,'','','','','北京市顺义区后沙峪裕祥花园-4-401','101318',0 ,0,0,0,'',0,13910262848,0,0,0,'','','',0,'机票',getdate(),0 ,0,2,getdate(),'')
sp_repl_syn 'all_inventory_product','%',1
exec sp_repl_syn '%','%',2
exec sp_repl_syn2
select * from v_replication
where publication='all_reser_1'
/* 将复制命令转化为SQL
{CALL [sp_MSupd_dbocustomers] (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,1950-12-23 00:00:00.000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,2009-09-17 10:00:55.267,,,,,,14520515,0x004000004000)}
exec [sp_MSupd_dbocustomers] null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'1950-12-23',null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,null,'2009-09-17',null,null,null,null,null,14520515,0x004000004000
drop table tempdb.dbo.##replcmd
create table ##replcmd(
    xact_seqno varbinary(16)
    ,originator_srvname sysname null
    ,originator_db sysname null
    ,article_id int null
    ,type int null
    ,partial_command bit null
    ,hashkey int null
    ,originator_publication_id int null
    ,originator_db_version int null
    ,originator_lsn varbinary(16) null
    ,command nvarchar(1024)
    ,command_id int
insert into ##replcmd EXEC sp_browsereplcmds '0x00354C0500000DAC000C00000000','0x00354C0500000DAC000C00000000'
select xact_seqno,article_id,command,command_id from ##replcmd
commandtext = CONVERT(nvarchar(1024), CASE WHEN type = 30 THEN SUBSTRING(command, 17, 1024) ELSE command END),
FROM dbo.MSRepl_commands with(nolock)
WHERE xact_seqno = 0x00354C0500000DAC000C00000000
                       -- come from step 5
 [sp_MSupd_dbocustomers] (,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,?,,,,,,?,0x000000004000)}àpar 替×××法:
EXEC sp_browsereplcmds '0x00354C0500000DAC000C00000000','0x00354C0500000DAC000C00000000'