Enable EFI Support

    Extensible Firmware Interface (EFI) is replacing BIOS as a technology that newer computers and operating systems use to boot computers. EFI is sometimes referred to as Unified Extensible Firmware Interface (UEFI).

   You can choose to boot a virtual machine by using the EFI firmware option or select BIOS in the New Virtual Machine wizard when you choose use a custom configuration.

   You can specify the EFI firmware option when you create a remote virtual machine in shared virtual machine mode.


Verify that the following conditions are met:
1、The guest operating system to be installed on the virtual machine supports EFI firmware.
2、The virtual machine uses hardware version 8 or later.
3、The software to boot the system is installed.


1、In the Workstation interface select VM > Settings.
2、Click the Options tab and click Advanced.
3、Click Boot with EFI instead of BIOS check box.

4、Click OK.