Go Little Book - 第三章 - 字典 ,数组和切片

第三章 - 字典 ,数组和切片(Chapter 3 - Maps, Arrays and Slices)

So far we've seen a number of simple types and structures. It's now time to look at arrays, slices and maps.



If you come from Python, Ruby, Perl, JavaScript or PHP (and more), you're probably used to programming with dynamic arrays. These are arrays that resize themselves as data is added to them. In Go, like many other languages, arrays are fixed. Declaring an array requires that we specify the size, and once the size is specified, it cannot grow:


var scores [10]int
scores[0] = 339

The above array can hold up to 10 scores using indexes scores[0] through scores[9]. Attempts to access an out of range index in the array will result in a compiler or runtime error.


We can initialize the array with values:


scores := [4]int{9001, 9333, 212, 33}

We can use len to get the length of the array. range can be used to iterate over it:


for index, value := range scores {


Arrays are efficient but rigid. We often don't know the number of elements we'll be dealing with upfront. For this, we turn to slices.



In Go, you rarely, if ever, use arrays directly. Instead, you use slices. A slice is a lightweight structure that wraps and represents a portion of an array. There are a few ways to create a slice, and we'll go over when to use which later on. The first is a slight variation on how we created an array:


scores := []int{1,4,293,4,9}

Unlike the array declaration, our slice isn't declared with a length within the square brackets. To understand how the two are different, let's see another way to create a slice, using make:


scores := make([]int, 10)

We use make instead of new because there's more to creating a slice than just allocating the memory (which is what new does). Specifically, we have to allocate the memory for the underlying array and also initialize the slice. In the above, we initialize a slice with a length of 10 and a capacity of 10. The length is the size of the slice, the capacity is the size of the underlying array. Using make we can specify the two separately:


scores := make([]int, 0, 10)

This creates a slice with a length of 0 but with a capacity of 10. (If you're paying attention, you'll note that make and len are overloaded. Go is a language that, to the frustration of some, makes use of features which aren't exposed for developers to use.)


To better understand the interplay between length and capacity, let's look at some examples:


func main() {
  scores := make([]int, 0, 10)
  scores[5] = 9033

Our first example crashes. Why? Because our slice has a length of 0. Yes, the underlying array has 10 elements, but we need to explicitly expand our slice in order to access those elements. One way to expand a slice is via append:


func main() {
  scores := make([]int, 0, 10)
  scores = append(scores, 5)
  fmt.Println(scores) // prints [5]

But that changes the intent of our original code. Appending to a slice of length 0 will set the first element. For whatever reason, our crashing code wanted to set the element at index 5. To do this, we can re-slice our slice:

上面的修改改变了我们的原始代码的意图。扩展一个长度为0的切片会设置第一个元素。无论什么原因,我们崩溃的代码想要的是修改索引为5的元素。 我们可以重切片一次我们的切片:

func main() {
  scores := make([]int, 0, 10)
  scores = scores[0:6]
  scores[5] = 9033

How large can we resize a slice? Up to its capacity which, in this case, is 10. You might be thinking this doesn't actually solve the fixed-length issue of arrays. It turns out that append is pretty special. If the underlying array is full, it will create a new larger array and copy the values over (this is exactly how dynamic arrays work in PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript, ...). This is why, in the example above that used append, we had to re-assign the value returned by append to our scores variable: append might have created a new value if the original had no more space.

我们调整切片最大是多少?这是由它的容量决定的,在本例中,是10。你可能会想这没有从本质上解决数能固定和长度的问题。事实上,append是非常特殊的。当底层数组满了,它会创建一个新的数组,并把数值拷贝过来(PHP, Python, Ruby, JavaScript等也是这么做的)。这也就是为什么,我们上面的代码,使用了append之后,我们需要把append的返回值重新赋值给scores的原因:append会产生一个新的值如果原始的空间不足。

If I told you that Go grew arrays with a 2x algorithm, can you guess what the following will output?


func main() {
  scores := make([]int, 0, 5)
  c := cap(scores)

  for i := 0; i < 25; i++ {
    scores = append(scores, i)

    // if our capacity has changed,
    // Go had to grow our array to accommodate the new data
    if cap(scores) != c {
      c = cap(scores)

The initial capacity of scores is 5. In order to hold 20 values, it'll have to be expanded 3 times with a capacity of 10, 20 and finally 40.


As a final example, consider:


func main() {
  scores := make([]int, 5)
  scores = append(scores, 9332)

Here, the output is going to be [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9332]. Maybe you thought it would be [9332, 0, 0, 0, 0]? To a human, that might seem logical. To a compiler, you're telling it to append a value to a slice that already holds 5 values.

这里,输出是[0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 9332]。可能你会想它应该是[9332, 0, 0, 0, 0]?对于人来说这可能符合逻辑。对于编译器来说,你告诉它的就是要扩展一个已经有5个值的切片。

Ultimately, there are four common ways to initialize a slice:


names := []string{"leto", "jessica", "paul"}
checks := make([]bool, 10)
var names []string
scores := make([]int, 0, 20)

When do you use which? The first one shouldn't need much of an explanation. You use this when you know the values that you want in the array ahead of time.


The second one is useful when you'll be writing into specific indexes of a slice. For example:


func extractPowers(saiyans []*Saiyans) []int {
  powers := make([]int, len(saiyans))
  for index, saiyan := range saiyans {
    powers[index] = saiyan.Power
  return powers

The third version is a nil slice and is used in conjunction with append, when the number of elements is unknown.


The last version lets us specify an initial capacity; useful if we have a general idea of how many elements we'll need.


Even when you know the size, append can be used. It's largely a matter of preference:


func extractPowers(saiyans []*Saiyans) []int {
  powers := make([]int, 0, len(saiyans))
  for _, saiyan := range saiyans {
    powers = append(powers, saiyan.Power)
  return powers

Slices as wrappers to arrays is a powerful concept. Many languages have the concept of slicing an array. Both JavaScript and Ruby arrays have a slice method. You can also get a slice in Ruby by using [START..END] or in Python via [START:END]. However, in these languages, a slice is actually a new array with the values of the original copied over. If we take Ruby, what's the output of the following?


scores = [1,2,3,4,5]
slice = scores[2..4]
slice[0] = 999
puts scores

The answer is [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]. That's because slice is a completely new array with copies of values. Now, consider the Go equivalent:

答案是[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]。那是因为slice是一个复制了所有值的全新数组。现在,来看下Go相同的代码:

scores := []int{1,2,3,4,5}
slice := scores[2:4]
slice[0] = 999

The output is [1, 2, 999, 4, 5].

输出是[1, 2, 999, 4, 5]

This changes how you code. For example, a number of functions take a position parameter. In JavaScript, if we want to find the first space in a string (yes, slices work on strings too!) after the first five characters, we'd write:

这改变了你的编码方式。比如,一些函数需要一个位置参数。在JavaScript中,如果我们需要找到字符串中第五个字符之后的第一个空格(是的,切片对字符串也是有效的!), 我们这样写:

haystack = "the spice must flow";
console.log(haystack.indexOf(" ", 5));

In Go, we leverage slices:


strings.Index(haystack[5:], " ")

We can see from the above example, that [X:] is shorthand for from X to the end while [:X] is shorthand for from the start to X. Unlike other languages, Go doesn't support negative values. If we want all of the values of a slice except the last, we do:


scores := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
scores = scores[:len(scores)-1]

The above is the start of an efficient way to remove a value from an unsorted slice:


func main() {
  scores := []int{1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
  scores = removeAtIndex(scores, 2)

func removeAtIndex(source []int, index int) []int {
  lastIndex := len(source) - 1
  //swap the last value and the value we want to remove
  source[index], source[lastIndex] = source[lastIndex], source[index]
  return source[:lastIndex]

Finally, now that we know about slices, we can look at another commonly used built-in function: copy. copy is one of those functions that highlights how slices change the way we code. Normally, a method that copies values from one array to another has 5 parameters: source, sourceStart, count, destination and destinationStart. With slices, we only need two:

最后,既然我们是学习了切片,我们来看另一个常用的内置函数: copycopy是能突出切片是如何改变我们的编码方式的函数之一。通常,数组间拷贝需要5个参数:source, sourceStart, count, destinationdestinationStart。使用切片只要两个:

import (

func main() {
  scores := make([]int, 100)
  for i := 0; i < 100; i++ {
    scores[i] = int(rand.Int31n(1000))

  worst := make([]int, 5)
  copy(worst, scores[:5])

Take some time and play with the above code. Try variations. See what happens if you change copy to something like copy(worst[2:4], scores[:5]), or what if you try to copy more or less than 5 values into worst?

花一些时间来执行上面的代码。多试几次。看看会发生什么,如果将代码改为copy(worst[2:4], scores[:5]),或者要拷贝比5更多或少的值到worst


Maps in Go are what other languages call hashtables or dictionaries. They work as you expect: you define a key and value, and can get, set and delete values from it.


Maps, like slices, are created with the make function. Let's look at an example:


func main() {
  lookup := make(map[string]int)
  lookup["goku"] = 9001
  power, exists := lookup["vegeta"]

  // prints 0, false
  // 0 is the default value for an integer
  fmt.Println(power, exists)

To get the number of keys, we use len. To remove a value based on its key, we use delete:


// returns 1
total := len(lookup)

// has no return, can be called on a non-existing key
delete(lookup, "goku")

Maps grow dynamically. However, we can supply a second argument to make to set an initial size:


lookup := make(map[string]int, 100)

If you have some idea of how many keys your map will have, defining an initial size can help with performance.


When you need a map as a field of a structure, you define it as:


type Saiyan struct {
  Name string
  Friends map[string]*Saiyan

One way to initialize the above is via:


goku := &Saiyan{
  Name: "Goku",
  Friends: make(map[string]*Saiyan),
goku.Friends["krillin"] = ... //todo load or create Krillin

There's yet another way to declare and initialize values in Go. Like make, this approach is specific to maps and arrays. We can declare as a composite literal:


lookup := map[string]int{
  "goku": 9001,
  "gohan": 2044,

We can iterate over a map using a for loop combined with the range keyword:


for key, value := range lookup {

Iteration over maps isn't ordered. Each iteration over a lookup will return the key value pair in a random order.


指针和值(Pointers versus Values)

We finished Chapter 2 by looking at whether you should assign and pass pointers or values. We'll now have this same conversation with respect to array and map values. Which of these should you use?


a := make([]Saiyan, 10)
b := make([]*Saiyan, 10)

Many developers think that passing b to, or returning it from, a function is going to be more efficient. However, what's being passed/returned is a copy of the slice, which itself is a reference. So with respect to passing/returning the slice itself, there's no difference.


Where you will see a difference is when you modify the values of a slice or map. At this point, the same logic that we saw in Chapter 2 applies. So the decision on whether to define an array of pointers versus an array of values comes down to how you use the individual values, not how you use the array or map itself.


继续之前(Before You Continue)

Arrays and maps in Go work much like they do in other languages. If you're used to dynamic arrays, there might be a small adjustment, but append should solve most of your discomfort. If we peek beyond the superficial syntax of arrays, we find slices. Slices are powerful and they have a surprisingly large impact on the clarity of your code.


There are edge cases that we haven't covered, but you're not likely to run into them. And, if you do, hopefully the foundation we've built here will let you understand what's going on.



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