Windows Server Update Services 3.0 SP2 新特性

New Windows Server and Client Version Support

  • 與 Windows Server 2008 R2 整合

  • 支援 Windows Server 2008 R2 的 BranchCache 功能

  • 支援 Windows 7 用戶端

WSUS Feature Improvements

Auto-Approval Rules

  • Auto-approval rules now include the ability to specify the approval deadline date and time for all computers or specific computer groups.

Update Files and Languages

  • Improved handling of language selection for downstream servers includes a new warning dialog that appears when you decide to download updates only for specified languages.

Easy Upgrade

  • WSUS 3.0 SP2 can be installed as an in-place upgrade from earlier versions of WSUS and will preserve all of your settings and approvals. The user interface is compatible between WSUS 3.0 SP1 and SP2 on the client and the server.                               WSUS3.0 sp2可以新安装或从之前的版本稳平升级,而保持原有的设定不論在用戶端或伺服器上,WSUS 3.0 Service Pack 1 與 Service Pack 2 的使用者介面都相容


  • New Update and Computer Status reports provide the ability to filter on updates approved for installation. You can run these reports from the WSUS console or use the API to incorporate this functionality into your own reports. 
    「新的更新」與「電腦狀態」報告可讓您篩選已核准安裝的更新。您可以從 WSUS 主控台執行這些報告,或使用 API 將此功能整合到您自己的報告中

Software Updates

  • Stability and reliability fixes for the WSUS server, such as support for IPV6 addresses greater than 40 characters.
  • The approval dialog now sorts computer groups alphabetically by group name.

  • Computer status report sorting icons are now functional in x64 environments.

  • A new release of Windows Update Agent is included with WSUS 3.0 SP2 that provides improvements and fixes, such as support for APIs called by non-local system callers in a non-interactive session.