traffic server 命中状态查询



Proxy request results:

Result of Traffic Server cache lookup for URL:miss (a cache "MISS")

Response information received from origin server:served

Result of document write-to-cache:written into cache (new copy)

cHs f 

Proxy request results:

Result of Traffic Server cache lookup for URL:in cache, fresh (a cache "HIT")

Response information received from origin server:no server connection needed

Result of document write-to-cache:no cache write performed

cRs f 

Proxy request results:

Result of Traffic Server cache lookup for URL:in cache, fresh Ram hit (a cache "HIT")

Response information received from origin server:no server connection needed

Result of document write-to-cache:no cache write performed


Proxy request results:

Result of Traffic Server cache lookup for URL:

in cache, stale (a cache "MISS")

Response information received from origin server:


Result of document write-to-cache:

updated old cache copy