【转帖】Index for voicebox

Index for voicebox

Matlab files in this directory:

 ContentsVoicebox: Speech Processing Toolbox for MATLAB
 activlevACTIVLEV Measure active speech level as in ITU-T P.56 [LEV,AF,FSO]=(sp,FS,MODE)
 activlevgACTIVLEVG Measure active speech level robustly [LEV,AF,FSO]=(sp,FS,MODE)
 atan2scATAN2SC    sin and cosine of atan(y/x) [S,C,R,T]=(Y,X)
 axisenlargeAXISENLARGE - enlarge the axes of a figure (f,h)
 bark2frqBARK2FRQ  Convert the BARK frequency scale to Hertz FRQ=(BARK)
 berk2probBERK2PROB convert Berksons to probability
 bitsprecBITSPREC round values to a specified fixed or floating precision (X,N,MODE)
 cblabelh is the handle of the colorbar, axis or figure
 ccwarpfCCWARPF  Warp cepstral coefficients M=(F,N,S)
 cent2frqFRQ2ERB  Convert Hertz to Cents frequency scale [C,CR]=(FRQ)
 cep2powCEP2POW convert cepstral means and variances to the power domain
 choosenkCHOOSENK All choices of K elements taken from 1:N [X]=(N,K)
 choosrnkCHOOSRNK All choices of K elements taken from 1:N with replacement. [X]=(N,K)
 correlogrammake correlogram,
 distcharDISTCHAR calculates the cosh spectral distance between AR coefficients D=(AR1,AR2,MODE)
 distchpfDISTCHPF calculates the cosh spectral distance between power spectra D=(PF1,PF2,MODE)
 disteusqDISTEUSQ calculate euclidean, squared euclidean or mahanalobis distance D=(X,Y,MODE,W)
 distisarDISTISAR calculates the Itakura-Saito distance between AR coefficients D=(AR1,AR2,MODE)
 distispfDISTISPF calculates the Itakura-Saito spectral distance between power spectra D=(PF1,PF2,MODE)
 distitarDISTITAR calculates the Itakura distance between AR coefficients D=(AR1,AR2,MODE)
 distitpfDISTITPF calculates the Itakura spectral distance between power spectra D=(PF1,PF2,MODE)
 ditherqDITHERQ  add dither and quantize [Y,ZF]=(X,M,ZI)
 dlyapsqSolves the discrete Lyapunov equation AV'VA' - V'V +BB' =0
 dualdiagDUALDIAG Simultaneous diagonalisation of two hermitian matrices [A,D,E]=(W,B)
 dypsaDYPSA   Derive glottal closure instances from speech [gci,goi] = (s,fs)
 enframeENFRAME split signal up into (overlapping) frames: one per row. [F,T]=(X,WIN,INC)
 entropyENTROPY calculates the entropy of discrete and sampled continuous distributions H=(P,DIM,COND,ARG,STEP)
 erb2frqERB2FRQ  Convert ERB frequency scale to Hertz FRQ=(ERB)
 estnoisegESTNOISEG - estimate MMSE noise spectrum [x,zo]=(yf,tz,pp)
 estnoisemESTNOISEM - estimate noise spectrum using minimum statistics
 ewgrpdelEWGRPDEL calculates the energy weighted group delay waveform Y=(X,W,M)
 fig2emfFIG2EMF save a figure in windows metafile format (H,S,P)
 figboldenFIGBOLDEN embolden, resize and recolour the current figure =(POS,PV,M)
 filtbankmFILTBANKM determine matrix for a linear/mel/erb/bark-spaced filterbank [X,MN,MX]=(P,N,FS,FL,FH,W)
 filterbankFILTERBANK appply filterbank to a signal: [y,zo]=(b,a,x,gd)
 finishatFINISHAT print estimated finish time of a long computation (FRAC,TOL,FMT)
 fopenmkdFOPENMKD is the same as FOPEN but creates any missing directories [fid,mes]=(fn,pe,mf,en)
 frac2binFRAC2BIN Convert an column vector to binary S=(D,N,M)
 fram2wavFRAM2WAV  converts frame values to a continuous waveform [W]=(X,TT,MODE)
 frq2barkFRQ2BARK  Convert Hertz to BARK frequency scale BARK=(FRQ)
 frq2centFRQ2ERB  Convert Hertz to Cents frequency scale [C,CR]=(FRQ)
 frq2erbFRQ2ERB  Convert Hertz to ERB frequency scale ERB=(FRQ)
 frq2melFRQ2ERB  Convert Hertz to Mel frequency scale MEL=(FRQ)
 frq2midiFRQ2MIDI Convert frequencies to musical note numbers [N,T]=(F)
 fxpefacFXPEFAC PEFAC pitch tracker [FX,TT,PV,FV]=(S,FS,TINC,M,PP)
 fxraptFXRAPT RAPT pitch tracker [FX,VUV]=(S,FS)
 gammabankGAMMABANK gammatone filter bank [b,a,fx,bx,gd]=(n,fs,w,fc,bw,ph,k)
 gausprodGAUSPROD calculates a product of gaussians [G,U,K]=(M,C)
 gaussmixGAUSSMIX fits a gaussian mixture pdf to a set of data observations [m,v,w,g,f]=(x,c,l,m0,v0,w0,wx)
 gaussmixdGAUSSMIXD marginal and conditional Gaussian mixture densities
 gaussmixgGAUSSMIXG global mean, variance and mode of a GMM
 gaussmixkGAUSSMIXK approximate Kullback-Leibler divergence between two GMMs + derivatives
 gaussmixmGAUSSMIXM estimate mean and variance of the magnitude of a GMM
 gaussmixm_cartcreate a CART tree for gaussmixm
 gaussmixpGAUSSMIXP calculate probability densities from or plot a Gaussian mixture model
 gaussmixtGAUSSMIXT Multiply two GMM pdfs
 glotlfGLOTLF   Liljencrants-Fant glottal model U=(D,T,P)
 glotrosGLOTROS  Rosenberg glottal model U=(D,T,P)
 gmmlpdfGMMPDF calculated the pdf of a mixture of gaussians p=(x,m,v,w)
 histndimHISTNDIM - generates and/or plots an n-dimensional histogram
 hostipinfoHOSTIPINFO get host name and internet connection information
 huffmanHUFFMAN calculates a D-ary huffman code [CC,LL]=(P,A)
 imagehomogIMAGEHOMOG Apply a homography transformation to an image with bilinear interpolation
 importsiiIMPORTSII calculates the SII importance function per Hz or per Bark Q=(F,M)
 irdctIRDCT    Inverse discrete cosine transform of real data X=(Y,N)
 irfftIRFFT    Inverse fft of a conjugate symmetric spectrum X=(Y,N,D)
 kmeanharKMEANS Vector quantisation using K-harmonic means algorithm [X,G,XN,GG]=(D,K,L,E,X0)
 kmeanlbgKMEANLBG Vector quantisation using the Linde-Buzo-Gray algorithm [X,ESQ,J]=(D,K)
 lambda2rgbLAMBDA2XYZ Convert wavelength to XYZ or RGB colour space X=(L,M)
 ldatraceLDATRACE Calculates an LDA transform to maximize trace discriminant [a,f,B,W]=(b,w,n,c)
 lin2pcmaLIN2PCMA Convert linear PCM to A-law P=(X,M,S)
 lin2pcmuLIN2PCMU Convert linear to Mu-law PCM P=(X,S)
 lognmpdfLOGNMPDF calculate pdf of a multivariate lognormal distribution P=(X,M,V)
 logsumLOGSUM logsum(x,d,k)=log(sum(k.*exp(x),d))
 lpcaa2aoLPCAA2AO LPC: Convert area function to area ratios AO=(AA)
 lpcaa2dlLPCAA2DL LPC: Convert area coefficients to dct of log area DL=(AA)
 lpcaa2rfLPCAA2RF LPC: Convert vocal tract areas to reflection coefficients RF=(AA)
 lpcao2rfLPCAO2RF LPC: Convert area ratios to reflection coefficients RF=(AO)
 lpcar2amLPCAR2AM Convert ar coefs to ar coef matrix [AM,EM]=(AR,P)
 lpcar2ccLPCAR2CC LPC: Convert AR filter to complex cepstrum [CC,C0]=(AR,NP)
 lpcar2dbLPCAR2DB LPC: Convert AR coefs to power spectrum in dB DB=(AR)
 lpcar2ffLPCAR2FF LPC: Convert AR coefs to complex spectrum FF=(AR,NP)
 lpcar2fmLPCAR2RF Convert autoregressive coefficients to formant freq+amp+bw [N,F,A,B]=(AR,T)
 lpcar2imLPCAR2IM Convert AR coefs to impulse response IM=(AR,NP)
 lpcar2lsLPCAR2LS convert ar polynomial to line spectrum pair frequencies LS=(AR)
 lpcar2pfLPCAR2PF Convert AR coefs to power spectrum PF=(AR,NP)
 lpcar2ppLPCAR2PP LPC: Convert ar filter to power spectrum polynomial in cos(w) PP=(AR)
 lpcar2raLPCAR2RA Convert ar filter to inverse filter autocorrelation coefs. RA=(AR)
 lpcar2rfLPCAR2RF Convert autoregressive coefficients to reflection coefficients AR=(RF)
 lpcar2rrLPCAR2RR Convert autoregressive coefficients to autocorrelation coefficients RR=(AR,P)
 lpcar2zzLPCAR2ZZ Convert ar filter to z-plane poles ZZ=(AR)
 lpcautoLPCAUTO  performs autocorrelation LPC analysis [AR,E,K]=(S,P,T)
 lpcbwexpLPCBWEXP expand formant bandwidths of LPC filter ARX=(AR,BW)
 lpccc2arLPCCC2AR Convert complex cepstrum to ar coefficients AR=(CC)
 lpccc2ccLPCCC2PF Extrapolate complex cepstrum C=(CC)
 lpccc2dbLPCCC2DB Convert complex cepstrum to dB power spectrum DB=(CC,NP,NC)
 lpccc2ffLPCCC2FF Convert complex cepstrum to complex spectrum FF=(CC,NP,NC)
 lpccc2pfLPCCC2PF Convert complex cepstrum to power spectrum PF=(CC,NP,NC)
 lpcconvLPCCONV(from,to,x,y)->s convert between LPC parameter sets
 lpccovarLPCCOVAR performs covariance LPC analysis [AR,E,DC]=(S,P,T)
 lpccw2zzLPCPZ2ZZ LPC: Power spectrum roots to LPC poles ZZ=(CW)
 lpcdb2pfLPCDB2PF Convert decibel power spectrum to power spectrum PF=(DB)
 lpcdl2aaLPCDL2AA dct of log area to area coefficients AA=(DL)
 lpcff2pfLPCFF2PF Convert complex spectrum to power spectrum PF=(FF)
 lpcfq2zzLPCFQ2ZZ Convert frequencies and q factors to z-plane poles ZZ=(F,Q)
 lpcifiltLPCIFILT Apply inverse filter to speech signal U=(S,AR,T,DC,FADE)
 lpcim2arLPCIM2AR Convert impulse response to AR coefs AR=(IM)
 lpcis2rfLPCRF2IS Convert inverse sines to reflection coefficients RF=(IS)
 lpcla2rfLPCLA2RF Convert log areas to reflection coefficients RF=(LA)
 lpclo2rfLPCLO2RF Convert log area ratios to reflection coefficients RF=(LO)
 lpcls2arLPCLS2AR convert line spectrum pair frequencies to ar polynomial AR=(LS)
 lpcpf2ccLPCPF2CC Convert power spectrum to complex cepstrum CC=(PF,NP)
 lpcpf2ffLPCPF2FF Convert power spectrum to complex spectrum [FF,FO]=(PF,NP,FI)
 lpcpf2rrLPCPF2RR convert power spectrum to autocorrelation coefs RR=(PF,P)
 lpcpp2cwLPCPP2PZ LPC: Convert power spectrum polynomial in cos(w) to power spectrum zeros CW=(RP)
 lpcpp2pzLPCPP2PZ LPC: Convert power spectrum polynomial in cos(w) to power spectrum zeros PZ=(RP)
 lpcpz2zzLPCPZ2ZZ LPC: Power spectrum roots to LPC poles ZZ=(PZ)
 lpcra2pfLPCAR2PF Convert AR coefs to power spectrum PF=(RA,NP)
 lpcra2ppLPCAR2PP LPC: Convert ar filter autocorrelation to power spectrum polynomial in cos(w) PP=(RA)
 lpcrandgenerate n random stable polynomials of order p with a minimum pole
 lpcrf2aaLPCRF2AA Convert reflection coefficients to area function AA=(RF)
 lpcrf2aoLPCRF2AO Convert reflection coefficients to area ratios AO=(RF)
 lpcrf2arLPCRF2AR Convert reflection coefs to autoregressive coefs [AR,ARP,ARU,G]=(RF)
 lpcrf2isLPCRF2IS Convert reflection coefficients to inverse sines IS=(RF)
 lpcrf2laLPCRF2LA Convert reflection coefficients to log areas LA=(RF)
 lpcrf2loLPCRF2LO Convert reflection coefficients to log area ratios LO=(RF)
 lpcrf2rrLPCRR2AR convert reflection coefs to autocorrelation coefs [RR,AR]=(RF,P)
 lpcrr2amLPCRR2AM Convert autocorrelation coefs to ar coef matrix [AM,EM]=(RR)
 lpcrr2arLPCRR2AR convert autocorrelation coefs to ar coefs [AR,E]=(RR)
 lpcss2zzLPCSS2ZZ Convert s-place poles to z-plane poles ZZ=(SS)
 lpczz2arLPCZZ2AR Convert z-place poles to ar coefficients AR=(ZZ)
 lpczz2ccLPCZZ2CC Convert poles to "complex" cepstrum CC=(ZZ,NP)
 lpczz2ssLPCZZ2SS Convert z-place poles to s-plane poles SS=(ZZ)
 m2htmlpwdM2HTMLPWD - create html documentation of files in current directory
 maxfiltMAXFILT find max of an exponentially weighted sliding window  [Y,K,Y0]=(X,F,nn,D,X0)
 maxgaussMAXGAUSS determine gaussian approximation to max of a gaussian vector [p,u,v,r]=(m,c,d)
 meansqtfAVEPSPEC calculates the mean square transfer function for a filter D=(B,A)
 mel2frqMEL2FRQ  Convert Mel frequency scale to Hertz FRQ=(MEL)
 melbankmMELBANKM determine matrix for a mel/erb/bark-spaced filterbank [X,MN,MX]=(P,N,FS,FL,FH,W)
 melcepstMELCEPST Calculate the mel cepstrum of a signal C=(S,FS,W,NC,P,N,INC,FL,FH)
 midi2frqMIDI2FRQ Convert musical note numbers to frequencies F=(N,S)
 minspaneMINSPANE calculate minimum spanning tree using euclidean distance [p,s]=X
 mintraceMINTRACE find row permutation to minimize the trace p=(x)
 modspectMODSPECT Calculate the modulation spectrum of a signal C=(S,FS,W,NC,P,N,INC,FL,FH)
 momfiltMOMFILT calculates moments of a signal using a sliding window Y=(X,R,W,M)
 mos2pesqMOS2PESQ convert MOS speech quality scores to PESQ p=(m)
 nearnonzNEARNONZ replace each zero element with the nearest non-zero element [V,Y,W]=nearnonz(X,D)
 overlapaddOVERLAPADD join overlapping frames together X=(F,WIN,INC)
 pcma2linPCMU2LIN Convert A-law PCM to linear X=(P,M,S)
 pcmu2linPCMU2LIN Convert Mu-law PCM to linear X=(P,S)
 peak2dquadPEAK2DQUAD find quadratically-interpolated peak in a 2D array
 permutesPERMUTES All N! permutations of 1:N + signatures [P,S]=(N)
 pesq2mosPESQ2MOS convert PESQ speech quality scores to MOS m=(p)
 phon2sonePHON2SONE convert PHON loudness values to SONEs s=(p)
 polygonareaPOLYGONAREA Calculate the area of a polygon
 polygonwindPOLYGONWIND Test if points are inside a polygon
 polygonxlinePOLYGONXLINE Find where a line crosses a polygon [xc,ec,tc,xy0]=(p,l)
 potsbandPOTSBAND Design filter for 300-3400 telephone bandwidth [B,A]=(FS)
 pow2cepCEP2POW convert cepstral means and variances to the power domain
 prob2berkPROB2BERK convert probability to Berksons
 psycdigitPSYCDIGIT measures psychometric function using TIDIGITS stimuli
 psycestEstimate multiple psychometric functions
 psycestupsycestu estimate unimodal psychometric function
 psychofuncCalculate psychometric functions: trial success probability versus SNR
 qrabsQRABS absolute value and normalization of a real quaternions [m,q]=[q1]
 qrdivideQRDIVIDE divdes two real quaternions q=[q1,q2]
 qrdotdivQRDOTDIV divides two real quaternions arrays elementwise q=[x,y]
 qrdotmultQRDOTMULT multiplies together two real quaternions arrays q=[q1,q2]
 qrmultQRMULT multiplies together two real quaternions matrices q=[q1,q2]
 qrpermuteQRPERMUTE transpose or permute a quaternion array y=[x,p]
 quadpeakPEAK2DQUAD find quadratically-interpolated peak in a N-D array
 randfiltRANDFILT Generate filtered gaussian noise without initial transient
 randiscrRANDISCR Generate discrete random numbers with specified probabiities [X]=(P,N,A)
 randvecRANDVEC  Generate real or complex GMM/lognormal random vectors X=(N,M,C,W,MODE)
 rdctRDCT     Discrete cosine transform of real data Y=(X,N,A,B)
 readaifREADAIF  Read a .AIF format sound file [Y,FS,WMODE,FIDX]=(FILENAME,MODE,NMAX,NSKIP)
 readauREADAU  Read a SUN .AU format sound file [Y,FS,H]=(FILENAME)
 readcnxREADCNX  Read a .CNX format sound file [Y,FS,H]=(FILENAME)
 readflacREADWAV  Read a .FLAC format sound file [Y,FS]=(FILENAME,MODE)
 readhtkREADHTK  read an HTK parameter file [D,FP,DT,TC,T]=(FILE)
 readsfsREADSFS  Read a .SFS format sound file [Y,FS,HD,FFX]=(FF,TY,SUB,MODE,NMAX,NSKIP,XPATH)
 readwavREADWAV  Read a .WAV format sound file [Y,FS,WMODE,FIDX]=(FILENAME,MODE,NMAX,NSKIP)
 rectifyhomogRECTIFYHOMOG Apply rectifying homographies to an image set
 rfftRFFT     Calculate the DFT of real data Y=(X,N,D)
 rhartleyRHARTLEY Calculate the Hartley transform of real data Y=(X,N)
 rnsubsetRNSUBSET choose k distinct random integers from 1:n M=(K,N)
 rotationROTATION Encode and decode rotation matrices
 rotax2qrROTQR2AX converts a rotation axis and angle to the corresponding real quaternion
 roteu2qrROTEU2QR converts a sequence of Euler angles to a real unit quaternion
 roteu2roROTEU2QR converts a sequence of Euler angles to a real unit quaternion
 rotmc2qcROTMC2QC converts a matrix of complex quaternion matrices to a matrix of complex quaternion vectors
 rotmr2qrROTMR2QR converts a matrix of real quaternion matrices to quaternion vectors
 rotpl2roROTPL2RO find matrix to rotate in the plane containing u and v r=[u,v,t]
 rotqc2mcROTQC2MC converts a matrix of complex quaternion vectors to quaternion matrices
 rotqc2qrROTQC2QR converts a matrix of complex quaternion row vectors into real form
 rotqr2axROTQR2AX converts a real quaternion to the corresponding rotation axis and angle
 rotqr2euROTQR2EQ converts a real unit quaternion into the corresponding euler angles
 rotqr2mrROTQR2MR converts a matrix of real quaternion vectors to quaternion matrices
 rotqr2qcROTQR2QC converts a matrix of real quaternion vectors into complex form
 rotqr2roROTQR2RO converts a real quaternion to a 3x3 rotation matrix
 rotqrmeanROTQRMEAN calculates the mean rotation of a quaternion array [y,s]=[q]
 rotqrvecROTQRVEC applies a quaternion rotation ot a vector array y=[q,x]
 rotro2euROTRO2EQ converts a 3x3 rotation matrix into the corresponding euler angles
 rotro2plROTRO2PL find the plane and rotation angle of a rotation matrix [u,v,t]=r
 rotro2qrROTRO2QR converts a 3x3 rotation matrix to a real quaternion
 rsfftRSFFT    fft of a real symmetric spectrum X=(Y,N)
 sapisynthSAPISYNTH  text-to-speech synthesize of text string or matrix [X,FS,TXT]=(T,M)
 schmittPass input signal X through a schmitt trigger
 sigalignSIGALIGN align a clean reference with a noisy signal [d,g,rr,ss]=(s,r,maxd,m,fs)
 skew3dSKEW3D Convert between a vector and the corresponding skew-symmetric matrix
 snrsegSNRSEG Measure segmental and global SNR [SEG,GLO]=(S,R,FS,M,TF)
 sone2phonPHON2SONE convert SONE loudness values to PHONs p=(s)
 soundspeedSOUNDSPEED gives the speed of sound, density of air and acoustic impedance as a function of temp & pressure [V,D,Z]=(T,P,M,G)
 specsubSPECSUB performs speech enhancement using spectral subtraction [SS,ZO]=(S,FSZ,P)
 specsubmSPECSUBM obsolete speech enhancement algorithm - use specsub instead
 spgrambwSPGRAMBW Draw spectrogram [T,F,B]=(s,fs,mode,bw,fmax,db,tinc,ann)
 sphrharmSPHRHARM  forward and inverse spherical harmonic transform
 sprintsiSPRINTSI Print X with SI multiplier S=(X,D,W)
 ssubmmseSSUBMMSE performs speech enhancement using mmse estimate of spectral amplitude or log amplitude [SS,ZO]=(S,FSZ,P)
 ssubmmsevSSUBMMSE performs speech enhancement using mmse estimate of spectral amplitude or log amplitude [SS,ZO]=(S,FSZ,P)
 stdspectrumSTDSPECTRUM Generate standard acoustic/speech spectra in s- or z-domain [B,A,SI,SN]=(S,M,F,N,ZI,BS,AS)
 stoi2probSTOI2PROB convert STOI to probability
 teagerTEAGER calculate teager energy waveform Y=(X,D,M)
 texthvcTEXTHVC - write text on graph with specified alignment and colour
 tilefigsTILEFIGS tile current figures
 txalignTXALIGN Find the best alignment of two sets of time markers [KX,KY,N,M,S]=(X,Y,MAXT)
 unixwhichUNIXWHICH Search system path for an executable program [F]=(C,E)
 upolyhedronUPOLYHEDRON calculate uniform polyhedron characteristics
 usasiUSASI generates N samples of USASI noise at sample frequency FS X=(N,FS)
 v_addnoiseV_ADDNOISE Add noise at a chosen SNR [z,p,fso]=(s,fsx,snr,m,nb,fsa)
 v_chimvV_CHIMV approximate mean and variance of non-central chi distribution [m,v]=(n,l,s)
 v_colormapV_COLORMAP set and plot color map
 v_findpeaksV_FINDPEAKS finds peaks with optional quadratic interpolation [K,V]=(X,M,W)
 v_kmeansV_KMEANS Vector quantisation using K-means algorithm [X,ESQ,J]=(D,K,X0,L)
 v_ppmvuV_PPMVU calculate PPM, VU or EBU level of an audio signal [V,FX,FX1]=(X,FSX,M)
 v_resampleV_RESAMPLE Resample and remove end transients [y,h]=(x,p,q,n,b)
 v_sigmaSingularity in EGG by Multiscale Analysis (SIGMA) Algorithm
 v_windinfoWINDINFO window information and figures of merit X=(W,FS)
 v_windowsWINDOWS Generate a standard windowing function (TYPE,N,MODE,P)
 vadsohnVADSOHN implements a voice activity detector [VS,ZO]=(S,FSZ,M,P)
 voiceboxVOICEBOX  set global parameters for Voicebox functions Y=(FIELD,VAL)
 vonmisespdfVONMISESPDF Von Mises probability distribution P=(x,m,k)
 winenvarWINENVAR get windows environment variable [D]=(N)
 writehtkWRITEHTK write data in HTK format []=(FILE,D,FP,TC)
 writewavWRITEWAV Creates .WAV format sound files FIDX=(D,FS,FILENAME,MODE,NSKIP,MASK)
 xticksiXTIXKSI labels the x-axis of a plot using SI multipliers S=(AH)
 xyzticksiXYZTIXKSI labels an axis of a plot using SI multipliers S=(AX,AH)
 yticksiYTIXKSI labels the y-axis of a plot using SI multipliers S=(AH)
 zerocrosZEROCROS finds the zeros crossings in a signal [T,S]=(X,M)% find zero crossings in a signal
 zerotrimZEROTRIM Remove zero trailing rows and columns Z=(X)
 zoomfftZOOMFFT    DFT evaluated over a linear frequency range Y=(X,N,M,S,D)

Other Matlab-specific files in this directory:

  • gaussmixm_cart.mat

Subsequent directories:

  • .svn
  • admin
  • doc
  • tutorial






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