time, clocks, and the ordering of Events in a Distributed System
通过这种物理时间来排序多个计算机上的进程上的执行活动。 比如两个计算机上的进程同时访问修改两个数据库是
1> happened before
Lamport defined a “happened before” relation (->) to capture the causal dependencies between  events.
A -> B, if A and B are events in the same process and A occurred before B.
A -> B, if A is the event of sending a message m in a process and B is the event of the receipt of the same message m  by another process.
If A->B, and B -> C, then A -> C (happened-before relation is transitive).
time, clocks, and the ordering of Events in a Distributed System
通过这种物理时间来排序多个计算机上的进程上的执行活动。 比如两个计算机上的进程同时访问修改两个数据库是
1> happened before
Lamport defined a “happened before” relation (->) to capture the causal dependencies between  events.
A -> B, if A and B are events in the same process and A occurred before B.
A -> B, if A is the event of sending a message m in a process and B is the event of the receipt of the same message m  by another process.
If A->B, and B -> C, then A -> C (happened-before relation is transitive).
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a => b    if C(i) < C(j)  or C(i) == C(j) and Pi < Pj
例子:在分布式环境中访问一个critical section或者叫共享资源。
方法1:找一个机器或者进程作为 master来响应请求,保证访问的串行化。






Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems
通过 logical time + process id 将时间偏序转化为全序进行全局的比较和event的排序
问题是通过全序排列出来的线性关系有时候不能很好的反应分布式事件的特征,特别是并行的事件被以process id的方式所“掩盖”
提出一个基于logical time的vector time来描述分布式系统中的相对顺序。

首先对于Lamport的virtual time 存在的局限进行了描述, 即
a=>b, if C(a) < C(b) or C(a) = C(b) && Pa < Pb (a的进程号小于b的进程号,人为定义)
lose information which happen simultaneously, 即没法得知 a || b
事件模型, 提到 actor model.  Actor模型最近比较热门 (只看过几篇介绍),经常与函数式编程一起被提及,代表语言有erlang和scale。 Actor模型的开源实例:比如scale的akka, 接近实时的高并发。  
待学习 (TBD)

更深一层的理解(可能有误解的地方),从面向对象OO模型的角度转化到以Actor为模型,对象除了OO具有的封装,继承,多态和接口外改函数调用为消息触发和异步处理。 对象内部状态可变但不可见,以消息形式通讯的内容不可变。 这种模型能够避免多线程和锁的使用场景,因此特别在分布式系统中大大的简化了互斥资源的访问,以及可以简单的通过actor进行水平扩展。

同时,有相关资料提到 STM
The heart of virtual time:
(1) Events occurring at a particular process are totally ordered by their local sequence of occurrence
(2) each receive event has a corresponding send event
e and e' are events in the same process and e precedes e'
e is the sending event of a message and e' the corresponding receive event,
e'' exists such that e < e'' and e'' < e'


描述 consistent cut
(1) A consistent cut C of an event set E is a finite subset C of E
(2) if e belongs to C && e' < e, then e' belongs to C.
snapshot algorithm from Chandy and Lamport is approximately a global state.

真实时间的概念和特征: 传递性 ( e < e' if e < e'' and e'' < e'), 非自反性 ( if e < e', then e' < e can't happen), 线性, eternity(永恒性? for all x, if y exists and y < x, then for all x, exist y && x < y), density (for all x, y  if x < y  then z exists and x < z < y) 第五条density在现实中经常被模拟实现,比如数字手表和计算机时间最小位数是跳变的。


virtual time的表示
(1) 对于进程Pi, 当内部事件发生或者发送一个事件event时,进程Pi的时间Ci
Ci := Ci + d (d > 0, normally d = 1)
(2) 每个消息包含表示发送进程当前的时间戳,比如Ci
(3) 当Pj 接受到一个带有时间戳t的消息时,调整本地时间 Ci := max(Ci, t) + d (d > 0, normally d = 1)
如果事件e和e' 是并发的,表示为e || e', 则 (e < e' ) 和 (e' < e) 都不成立
但是这里的一个问题是没法用 Ci 来表达 e || e', 即 e < e' => C(e) < C(e') 但是 C(e) < C(e') 得不到 e < e'
Lamport 引入对进程排序的假设来将上述问题规避。

作者在这里提出vector time 来解决描述  e || e' 的问题。
N个进程的时间用N维向量来表示, 进程Pi 负责增加该进程的时间维度的值
Ci[i] := Ci[i] + 1
Ci[i] := t[i] + 1
Ci[j] := max(Ci[j], t[j]) for all j which j is not equal to i.

根据以上概念得出vector time的几个特性
Ci <= Cj if u[k] <= v[k] for all k in vector N
Ci < Cj   if Ci <= Cj and Ci is not equal to Cj
Ci || Cj  if Ci < Cj not exist and Cj < Ci not exist

因此可以通过vector time可以表述原来时间的偏序关系也可以表示多个进程的并发事件

if Ci < Cj =>  Ei < Ej  or  if Ei < Ej => Ci < Cj
if Ei || Ej => Ci < Ci wrong && Cj < Ci wrong , otherwise Ci < Cj wrong and Cj < Ci wrong can get Ei || Ej

类比Minkowski's space time, N维空间+1维时间来描述整个世界, 比如物理时间描述为3维空间+ 1维时间。
因此vector time可看成 1维空间 (多进程) + 1维时间

vector time的应用
(1) 分布式系统debug, 通过vector的比较来判定事件e和e'的关系是否为因果关系
(2) 分布式系统性能分析, 通过两个事件e和e' 是否e||e' 来了解系统的并发性
(3) D.S. Parker Detection of Mutual Inconsistency in Distributed Systems. 使用vector来检测一个文件的被独立修改的多个副本是否存在版本冲突。 https://www.cs.purdue.edu/homes/bb/cs542-06Spr/week11_lecture2.ppt ( TBD)
(4) 设计和验证分布式算法和协议
(5) non-FIFO snapshot algorithm
     a> Pi "ticks" and then fixes its next time s = Ci + (0, ..., 0, 1, 0, ..., 0) 1 is on position i
     b> Pi broadcasts s to all other process
     c> Pi wait till it knows that every process knows s.
     d> Pi "ticks" again, takes a local snapshot, and broadcasts a dummy message to all processes. This forces all processes to advance their clocks to a value >= s
     e> Each process take a local snapshot and sends it to Pi when its local clock becomes equal to s or jumps from some value smaller than s to a value larger than s.

