hdf heg 批量拼接_MODIS数据处理新工具(HDF-EOS To GeoTIFF Conversion Tool,HEG_2.15)官方使用说明...

MODIS数据处理新工具(HDF-EOS To GeoTIFF Conversion Tool,HEG_2.15)官方使用说明

日期: 2020-08-01 21:57:35

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HDF-EOS To GeoTIFF转换工具(HEG)是一种开发工具,允许用户对HDF-EOS对象重定格式、重新投影和执行拼接/拼接和裁剪操作。它还可以重定格式和重新投影一些SMAP、VIIRS和SRTM产品。输出的GeoTIFF文件可以在GIS的软件中打开。HEG will also write to HDF-EOS Grid & SWATH formats (i.e for Subsetting purposes) and native (or raw) binary.PrefaceThe Synergy program, under the auspices of nasa's Earth Observing System Programprovided a tool for the conversion of hdF-EOS formatted granules to Geographical InformationSystem(Gis)compatible formats, namely GeoTIFF. The initial focus of the development was toprovide conversion for standard science products produced by the MOdiS, Misr and asterinstruments. Support for other products, such as products produced by AMsr-E and AIrSinstruments, HDF-EOS5 products(such as OMD), SMAP HDF5 L3/4 products, and VIIRS12/L3 HDFEOS5 and netcdF products were later added to the tool The tool is available as astand-alone product, and is mcant to be downloaded to a user workstation. The tool also isdesigned to be used in a web or other client-based interface, connected to on-line data storageThis document was formerly known as EED2-TP-002 for previous version, I70-TP-013-001HDF-EOS Data Format Converter User's guide. under the ecs project, 515-EMD-001, HDFeoS to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG) Stand-alone Users Guide under emd project, 515EEB-001, HDF-EoS to GcoTIFF Convcrsion Tool(heg) Stand-alone Uscr's Guide under eMdto EED Bridge contract, and 516-EED-00l, HDF-eos to GeoTIFF Conversion Tool (HEG)Stand-alone Users Guide under eedTechnical points of Contact within eos isHEG Development Team at RaytheonAn email address has been provided for user helpheg-support@earthdata. nasa. govAny questions should be addressed toData Management OfficeThe EeD-2 Program OfficeRaytheon Compan5700 Rivertech CourtRiverdale. MD 20737EED2-TP-030. Rev. o1This page intentionally lcft blankEED2-TP-030. Rev. 01AbstractThis document describes a software tool which provides conversion functionality for HDF-EOSHDF-EOS5, SMAP HDF5 L3/L4 EASE-2 grid formatted granules, SRTm grids in binaryformat, or VIirs HDFEOS5 and netcdf formatted granules. the tool will reformat hdFEOS/HDF-EOS5/VIIRS netCDF/SMAP HDf5 Swath and grid data to HDF-EOS/HDF-EOS5Grid, GcoTIFF, or to a gencric binary format. It will also reformat SMAP HDF5 EASE-2 gridformatted granules to HDF5 Grid, or GeoTIFF format. The tool can also be used to re-projectdata from its original projection to other standard projections, to subset data, and to mosaic/stitchadjacent granules together. Swath data can be converted to a grid data or output in swathformat. The tool is available as a down-loadable tar fileKeywords: HDF-EOS, HDF-EOS5, HDF5, GeoTIFF, Gis, netCDF, SrtM, SubsetterEED2-TP-030. Rev. o1This page intentionally lcft blankEED2-TP-030. Rev. 01Contents1. IntroductionIdentification…2ope1.3 Purpose and objectives1.4 Status and Schedule1.5 Document Organization……l-12 Related documentation2.1 Parent Documents2-12.2 Related documents………2-13. Operations Concept4 Download and Installation Instructions4.1 Download instructions4-14.2 Install instructions······································································4-14.2.1 Installation on Linux/MAc4-14.2.2 Installation on Windows.8.104-35. HEG Graphical User Interface5.1 HEG Conversion window5.2 HDF-EOS Stitch/Subset window5.3 Examples of Usage…………..…...∴5-125.3.1 Grid conversion5-135.3.2 Swath Conversion5-17EED2-TP-030. Rev. o15.3.3 HEG Stitch/Subset Tool Examples......5-1953. 4 Grid Stitch/Subset……………………5-195.3.5 Swath Stitch/Subset5-226, Software ArchitectureHDF-EOS to geotiff Conversion toolG Subset/stitch tool6-27 Command line interface7.1 Introduction7-17.2 hegtool.....77.2.1 hegtool Usage...........1717.2.2 Format of Header Files ..................................................................................7-17.2.3 An Example of a HegHdr hdr file7-57.2.4 Header File Data ordering…7-87. 2. 5 MiSR Block header file7-97.2.6 An Example of a Heg Coords. hdr file7-97.2.7 Reading the Header Files.7-117.3dt if7-117.3.1 gdtif Usage……7-117.3.2 Parameter Files7.3. 3 Parameter File Format…17-127.3.4 Sample of a Parameter File(stacked products) for gdtif7-1574 resample……7-167.4.1 resample usage7-167. 4.2 Parameter File format7-167.4.3 Sample of a parameter File for resample................7-197.5 swif.………7-197.5.1 swif Usage…7-197.5.2 Parameter File format7-207.5.3 An Example of a parameter File for swtif7-22V111EED2-TP-030. Rev. o17.6 Swath Subset/Stitch7237.6.1 Program subset stitch swath Usage……….,….,....,7-237.6.2 Parameter File format.7-237.6.3 An Example of a Parameter File for subset stitch swath ..............7-267.7 Grid Subset/Stitch1727.7.1 Program subset stitch grid Usage7-277.7.2 Parameter File format.……………………………………………17-277.7.3 An Example of a parameter File for subset stitch grid.7-307.8 Subsample grid……17-37.8. 1 Program subsample grid Usage7-317.8.2 Parameter File Format7-317.8.3 Example Parameter Files for subsample grid7-348. Batch Processing8.1 Introduction.8-18.2 Usage8-18.2.1 Batch Intiation from guI8-18.2.2 Command Line usage9. Output Data Formats9.1 Raw binary File description9-19.1.1 Binary File Description9.1.2 Header File9-29.1.3 Reading the Binary File.......9-49.2 ASCII Metadata9-6List of Figures5-1. HEG Conversion window...….….….………………….5-25-2. File selection window5-35-3. HEG Conversion Window (with opened file5-55-4. Tile location ViewEED2-TP-030. Rev. 015-5.1. Subsampling dialogue window5-75-5.2. HEG Projection Parameters Window5-85-6. HEG HDF-EOS Stitch/ Subset Window…………………5-105-7. Objects Combo Box.......…………………5-135-8. Fields list·····:.······.···.…5-135-9. Spatial Subset Ar5-145-10. GeoTIFF Conversion Window Containing Exampl…5-165-11. Swath Example....5-185-12. No Match Warning...............,-205-13. Grid Stitch/Subset Example.5-216-1. Overview of HEg tool6-2. Overview of stitch/ Subset Function. .................................................................................6-38-1. Selection of Batch Process in HEG GUIAppendix A. List of Supported ProductsAppendix B. State Plane Zones and valuesAppendix C. Datum/Ellipsoid valuesXEED2-TP-030. Rev. o1


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