现在,你应该知道功能完备的Exchange 2010 RC已经可以下载,我想强调几个关键工具,也许你还不知道你曾经去找过它们。

    为了帮助你更有效的利用这个版本入门Exchange 2010,我们随Exchange 2010一同发布了下列互补工具。

    Exchange Web Services Managed API(EwsAPI)-希望去开发或者迁移你的Exchange应用程序?看看使用Exchange Web Services改进后的接口去开发客户端程序吧。从这里下载API

    Management Pack for Exchange Server 2010 (SCOM MP) - Microsoft Exchange Server 2010专为监视Exchange server 2010事件,收集Exchange中心组件的性能计数器,并对操作员进行必要的干预报警,你需要将这个管理工具包配合System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1或System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 来监视Exchange Server 2010。

    Exchange Server Remote Connectivity Analyzer - 这个工具能使你测试客户端连接性,邮件是否根据脚本入站。

    Microsoft Exchange Server JetStress Tool for Exchange Server 2010  - 这款工具能帮助管理员在部署Exchange Server到生产环境前检查性能和磁盘子系统的稳定性。

    Microsoft Exchange Load Generator (LoadGen) for Exchange Server 2010 - 这是一款衡量MAPI,OWA,POP和SMTP客户端对Exchange服务器的压力测试工具,这款工具已经对最新版本进行了优化。

    各位在试图下载前不会如何去做,这个很好解决,你可以在这里下载Exchange Server 2010 RC,在这里可以找到Exchange Server 2010 RC 的技术文献,在这里可以看到Exchange Server 2010的视频。


~Rafael Reyes


By now, you've heard that Exchange Server 2010 Release Candidate is feature complete and available for download. I wanted to highlight a few key tools that you have been asking for and some that you might not be aware about.
To help you get the most out of this version and help you get started in your evaluation of Exchange Server 2010, we're releasing the following complementary tools along with Exchange Server 2010 Release Candidate.
  • Exchange Web Services Managed API (EwsAPI) - Looking to develop or migrate your current Exchange applications? See the new improvements to the interface for developing client applications that use Exchange Web Services. Download the API from here.
  • Management Pack for Exchange Server 2010 (SCOM MP) - The Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 management pack is designed for monitoring Exchange Server 2010 events, collecting Exchange component-specific performance counters in one central location, and for raising alerts for operator intervention as necessary. You will need System Center Operations Manager 2007 SP1 or System Center Operations Manager 2007 R2 to run and monitor Exchange Server 2010 with this management pack.
  • Exchange Server Remote Connectivity Analyzer - This tool enables you to test client connectivity and inbound email scenarios beforehand. Access this tool from here.
  • Microsoft Exchange Server JetStress Tool for Exchange Server 2010 - This tool helps administrators verify the performance and stability of the disk subsystem before putting Exchange Server in a production environment.
  • Microsoft Exchange Load Generator (LoadGen) for Exchange Server 2010 - This is a simulation tool to measure the impact of MAPI, OWA, IMAP, POP and SMTP clients on Exchange servers and it has been optimized for the newest version of the product.
For customers who tried downloading earlier, but were unable to, know that this has been resolved. You can download the Exchange Server 2010 Release Candidate from  here .
Technical content on the Exchange Server 2010 Release Candidate can be found  here .
Exchange Server 2010 Release Candidate video can be viewed  here .
Hope this was useful!
~Rafael Reyes