<We Are All Leaders Leadership is not a position, it's a mindset>读书笔记

  1. Leadership is not a position, it is a mindset
  2. Why should we all be leaders? To build organization with the agility, and focus to succeed in the modern business world.
  3. To think proactively, take responsibility, and excel in work and life through strong leadership.
  4. When you are caught in the whirlwind of a fast-growing business with numerous challenges, you sometimes need to stop whatever you are doing, take a step back and get some distance.
  5. While motivation is the first step on the way to becoming a leader, the crucial next step involves spending time thinking about your actions and learns from the results.
  6. Leading starts with learning.
  7. If everyone is responsible, nobody is accountable.
  8. Leadership is not a position, it's a mindset. And it is a mindset that is open to anyone who cares to adopt it, regardless of place, industry, job, situation or other circumstances. The only obstacle is really yourself. Once you start believing that you can be a leader, your attitude towards the world around you will start to change.
  9. First, you have to believe that you have every right and opportunity to be a leader, and to take action as a leader. Second, you need to find your motivation to be a leader, your why.
  10. Where you get that drive from will be personal, and particular to you.
  11. You always have complete control over two things: your interpretation of reality and your response to it.
  12. Encourage an atmosphere where it’s expected that everyone is a leader.
  13. Everyday life is a perfect training ground for leadership. You are in charge.
  14. If you proactively indentify yourself as part of the solution, you are simply a leader.
  15. Practice everyday leadership in common situations. All you have to do is to keep a cool head, adopt the leader’s mindset and help your fellow human being to find a solution.
  16. It's all about the right mental attitude, your RMA. If you’re negative, negative thing will surely happen. If you focus on the positive in any situation, the outcome is more likely to be positive.
  17. If anything is going to happen at all, it depends on you.
  18. Ideas themselves don't create success
  19. Leadership is not about yourself but about supporting others to grow, about being there for your team and coaching them into becoming winners – into leaders
  20. Results are the outcome, but people are the source
  21. The ultimate goal of leadership is not to find your style, it is to create results.
  22. How your actions are connected to your core
  23. Your actions should never be childish reactions to things people say and do.
  24. Belief is a core leadership skill
  25. If you don't believe in what you do as a leader, you will have a hard time doing it
  26. You don't have to bet your whole life on every decision you make, but having the courage of your convictions help motivate those around you to realize your vision.
  27. Leadership is your job, and you set the role description
  28. Good leadership is paying attention to details
  29. One of the most effective ways to be a good leader is to simply show up.
  30. Stop destructive loops, spread good behavior
  31. Reality doesn’t hurt in itself – it is our interpretation of it that hurts.
  32. It’s not the problem that causes our suffering; it’s our thinking about the problem.
  33. When things heat up, it is good to simply change focus, so something different
  34. If you have bad news to tell, tell it up front and directly, without trying to soften the blow.
  35. Try to deliver a tough message with compassion, with a focus on the other person’s feelings.
  36. Failure is yours, success is ours.
  37. Follow up on what you have said you will follow up on. Make things happen.
  38. To be nice is one of the most underrated virtues.
  39. Can you hear the feelings?
  40. There comes a time when you have to find the answer within.
  41. As a rule, don't promise something that involves other people without checking with them first.
  42. Having the beginner’s mind means that I am always learning.
  43. It is not what you do, it is how much you do it.
  44. People have more respect for facts than options
  45. Be persistent, by default.
  46. Don’t limit your challenges – challenge your limits.
  47. Take it on, this is one of the most powerful tools for any leader.
  48. The concept of taking it on means on embracing adversity.
  49. Don’t look at bad or good things in isolation, view the whole, and your adversities will maybe appear in a different light.
  50. Spend your time right
  51. When in doubt, meet
  52. Whenever you are in trouble with people, meet in person.
  53. Fuel the inner drive
  54. Reward the right behavior, but do not punish
  55. Reward the good, be disappointed with the bad and show it, but never punish.
  56. Show your appreciation in public
  57. It is highly motivating to be recognized in public for work well done.
  58. Be involved, but not to the point of self-destruction
  59. Know what motivates you, but focus on the motivation of others
  60. I am here to help the people I care for to succeed,  I am not here to make their lives more difficult.
  61. You have not succeeded until you are not needed.
  62. Don’t focus on the loudspeakers, but on the silent ones.
  63. It matters where you meet
  64. Look for how to unleash the full potential
  65. Let other people in to finish your plan
  66. Encourage different cultures and bring them together
  67. Shared values are at the heart of a culture
  68. The entrepreneurship to make ideas come true, the management that is administrating the organization where ideas turn into value, and the leadership that is about people working with the ideas and helping them succeed.
  69. Ideas are worthless, only the execution makes ideas valuable
  70. Know what you are playing, and how to win
  71. Dare to be slow, most things are. Success takes time
  72. Don’t cut off the hand that feeds you
  73. Business is essentially two things: decide where you want to go (strategy) and then go there (execution).
  74. From a leadership perspective, think about whether your nature focus us top-line revenues and growth, costs or the ultimate bottom line.
  75. Putting your idea into words and goals
  76. Love what you do. And what if you don't?
  77. We don't get what we deserve – we get what we expect
  78. See things through the eyes of others
  79. In personal communication, stick to the issue, and see the non-issues
  80. Never measure the height of a mountain until you have reached the top. Then you will see how low it was.
  81. Seeing the whole makes the parts more motivating




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