一直不是很喜欢citrix的原因还是配置很复杂。不过XMS 10相比9,有了不少的进步。在自己的lab做了一个测试。记录了些设置的流程。基本还是涵盖的大部分配置过程中的难点。与大家分享及共勉!

Xenmobile Setup

  • Deploy the XMS.

  • Prepare APNS certificate.

  • Prepare google play account and use an android phone to get the device ID.

  • Prepare domain root certificate and wildcard certificate

  • Install the SQL DB

  • Boot the vm and launch the setup. Configure the network settings

  • If you would like to enable FIPS, you have to copy and paste the domain wildcard certificate. If you would like to keep it simple, just disable it first

  • Double check you database server, make sure the port is open and the service is running

  • Enter DB connection. I am using MS SQL here.

  • Enter hostname FQDN and make sure you create a DNS entry in your DNS server

  • Use default and enter

  • Finish the configuration

  • Login xenmobile console

  • Click Start

  • Use Evaluation license

  • Generate APNS cert

Go to any IIS web server and generate a CSR

Go to link below


Sign the CSR

Go to https://identity.apple.com/pushcert/

Download the Push Certificate

The certificate is valid for one year

Download the .pem certificate and copy to IIS server

Export the APNS cert to .pfx format

  • Import SSL certificate

  1. Import APNS cert

  1. Import domain wildcard cert

  2. Import again for listener

  1. Import the root cert if it is not there

  • NS Gateway configuration

Don't configure NS Gateway first. Do it after NS has been configured for Xenmobile. The External URL will be the URL mapped to NS Gateway VIP

  • Configure LDAP. Requires ladp account to query AD database

  • Done.

  • Initial Policy configuration

    Configure policy below

Create Google play credential. Suggest customer to have a company google account and login to one of android phone

Create Delivery Group if you would like to assign specific policies to specific group of users