Redo starting point is minimum of (MinBuffLSN, LowTranLSN)

1) MinBuffLSN represents oldest change to page in the buffer pool that hasn't been written to disk

2) LowTranLSN represents oldest active uncommitted transaction (specifically, LSN of 1st log record it wrote)


SOFTMAX configuration parameter influences how far back MinBuffLSN is:

1) Value is percentage of one log file (for example, 200 = 2 log files)
2) Page cleaners triggered to write pages out if MinBuffLSN too far back (“LSN gap”)
3) Lower value means shorter recovery time, but increased page cleaning activity
4) Higher value means longer recovery time, but fewer page writes

  1. Current state of database


  2. More work is done, moving Current LSN out


  3. Page cleaners react by cleaning pages in the LSN gap that fall outside of the
    SOFTMAX range – moving MinBuffLSN up
