Networked Graphics: Building Networked Games and Virtual Environments (Anthony Steed / Manuel Fradin...



CHAPTER 1 Introduction

CHAPTER 2 One on One (101)

CHAPTER 3 Overview of the Internet

CHAPTER 4 More Than Two


CHAPTER 5 Issues in Networking Graphics

CHAPTER 6 Sockets and Middleware

CHAPTER 7 Middleware and Message-Based Systems

CHAPTER 8 Middleware and Object-Sharing Systems

CHAPTER 9 Other Networking Components


CHAPTER 10 Requirements

CHAPTER 11 Latency and Consistency

CHAPTER 12 Scalability

CHAPTER 13 Application Support Issues


CHAPTER 1 Introduction


  1.1 What are NVEs and NGs

  1.2 The illusion of a shared virtual environment

  1.3 Some history

    1.3.1 Internet

    1.3.2 Simulations

    1.3.3 Multiuser dungeons

    1.3.4 Electronic games

    1.3.5 Virtual reality systems

    1.3.6 MMORPGs

    1.3.7 Social spaces

  1.4 Scoping the software architecture

    1.4.1 Software roles and responsibilites

    1.4.2 Differences to other network code

  1.5 Structure


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CHAPTER 2 One on One (101)


  2.1 Boids

    2.1.1 Boid rules

    2.1.2 Standalone implementation

  2.2 Distributed boids: concepts

  2.3 Distributed boids: implementation

    2.3.1 Revised simulation and data model

    2.3.2 Network concepts

    2.3.3 Network protocol

    2.3.4 Implementation of the network component

    2.3.5 Sending UDP data packets

    2.3.6 Sending TCP data streams

  2.4 Reflection


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Winett, J. (1971). The Defnition of a Socket, RFC-129.

CHAPTER 3 Overview of the Internet


  3.1 The internet

  3.2 Application layer

    3.2.1 Application layer protocols

    3.2.2 Application qos

    3.2.3 Common applications and ports

    3.2.4 RFCs

    3.2.5 DNS

    3.2.6 Telnet and HTTP

  3.3 Transport layer

    3.3.1 Implementing UDP

    3.3.2 Basics of TCP

    3.3.3 Reliability in TCP

    3.3.4 Opening and closing TCP connections

    3.3.5 Flow control and congestion avoidance in TCP

  3.4 Network layer

    3.4.1 Network address translation

    3.4.2 IP packets

    3.4.3 Ping, traceroute and ICMP

    3.4.4 Routing on the internet

    3.4.5 DHCP

  3.5 Link and physical layer

    3.5.1 Ethernet

    3.5.2 Comparisons

  3.6 Futher network facilities

    3.6.1 Multicast

    3.6.2 Network qos

  3.7 Summary


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Zimmermann, H. (1980). OSI reference model—The ISO model of architecture for open systems interconnection. IEEE Transactions on Communications, 28(4), 425–432.

CHAPTER 4 More Than Two


  4.1 Boids

    4.1.1 Architecture

    4.1.2 Protocol

    4.1.3 Codebase refactoring

  4.2 Simple peer to peer

    4.2.1 System architecture

    4.2.2 Data model

    4.2.3 Network

    4.2.4 Protocol

  4.3 Peer to peer with master

    4.3.1 System architecture

    4.3.2 Datamodel

    4.3.3 Network

    4.3.4 Protocol

  4.4 Peer to peer with rendezvous server

    4.4.1 System architecture

    4.4.2 Datamodel

    4.4.3 Network

    4.4.4 Protocol

  4.5 Client/Server

    4.5.1 System architecture

    4.5.2 Datamodel

    4.5.3 Network

    4.5.4 Protocol

  4.6 Multicast

    4.6.1 System architecture

    4.6.2 Datamodel

    4.6.3 Network

    4.6.4 Protocol

  4.7 Extensions

    4.7.1 Protocol design

    4.7.2 Network compensation

    4.7.3 Scale

    4.7.4 Binary protocols

  4.8 Conclusions


Clark, D. D., & Tennenhouse, D. L. (1990). Architectural considerations for a new generation of protocols. SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, 20(4), 200–208.

CHAPTER 5 Issues in Networking Graphics


  5.1 Architecture of the individual system

    5.1.1 Engines and engine framework

    5.1.2 Modules

    5.1.3 Content

    5.1.4 Behavior

  5.2 Role of the network

    5.2.1 Device I/O sharing

    5.2.2 Data model sharing

    5.2.3 Command/event streaming

    5.2.4 Coping with scale

  5.3 Initialization

    5.3.1 Case study: Disney's Toontown

  5.4 Server and peer responsibilities

  5.5 Critical and noncritical

  5.6 Synchronized or unsynchronized

  5.7 Ownership and locking

  5.8 Persistency

  5.9 Latency and bandwidth

  5.10 Conclusions


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Sowizral, H. (2000). Scene graphs in the new millennium. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 20(1), 56–57.

CHAPTER 6 Sockets and Middleware


  6.1 Role of middleware

  6.2 Low-level socket APIs

    6.2.1 Main functions

    6.2.2 Name helper functions and options

    6.2.3 Network byte order

    6.2.4 Examples

    6.2.5 Socket usage patterns

    6.2.6 Windows

    6.2.7 Synchronous I/O

    6.2.8 Critique and discussion

  6.3 C and C++ Middleware for networking

    6.3.1 HawkNL

    6.3.2 SDL_Net





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