oracle官方文档 《concept,【ORACLE CONCEPT】控制文件

Control File Contents

A control file contains information about the associated database that is required for access by an instance, both at startup and during normal operation. Control file information can be modified only by Oracle; no database administrator or user can edit a control file.

Among other things, a control file contains information such as:The database name

The timestamp of database creation

The names and locations of associated datafiles and redo log files

Tablespace information

Datafile offline ranges

The log history

Archived log information

Backup set and backup piece information

Backup datafile and redo log information

Datafile copy information

The current log sequence number

Checkpoint information

The database name and timestamp originate at database creation. The database name is taken from either the name specified by the DB_NAME initialization parameter or the name used in the CREATE DATABASE statement.

Each time that a datafile or a redo log file is added to, renamed in, or dropped from the database, the control file is updated to reflect this physical structure change. These changes are recorded so that:Oracle can identify the datafiles and redo log files to open during database startup

Oracle can identify files that are required or available in case database recovery is necessary

Therefore, if you make a change to the physical structure of your database (using ALTER DATABASE statements), then you should immediately make a backup of your control file.

Control files also record information about checkpoints. Every three seconds, the checkpoint process (CKPT) records information in the control file about the checkpoint position in the redo log. This information is used during database recovery to tell Oracle that all redo entries recorded before this point in the redo log group are not necessary for database recovery; they were already written to the datafiles.

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Oracle 10g r2 Concepts 手册是一个很好的学习 Oracle 的起点,涉及到了你所需要知道的许多重要 Oracle 概念。当然,其中不可能会涵盖每一个技术细节(Oracle 文档提供了技术细节,不过它有 10000 ~ 20000 页),但是你能从中学到所有重要的概念。内容预览: Part I What Is Oracle? 第一部分 何为 Oracle? Chapter 1, Introduction to the Oracle Database 第 1 章,Oracle 数据库简介 Part II Oracle Database Architecture 第二部分 Oracle 数据库体系结构 Chapter 2, Data Blocks, Extents, and Segments 第 2 章,数据块,数据扩展,及数据段 Chapter 3, Tablespaces, Datafiles, and Control Files 第 3 章,表空间,数据文件,及控制文件 Chapter 4, Transaction Management 第 4 章,事务管理 Chapter 5, Schema Objects 第 5 章,方案对象 Chapter 6, Dependencies Among Schema Objects 第 6 章,方案对象间的依赖关系 Chapter 7, The Data Dictionary 第 7 章,数据字典 Chapter 8, Memory Architecture 第 8 章,内存体系结构 Chapter 9, Process Architecture 第 9 章,进程体系结构 Chapter 10, Application Architecture 第 10 章,应用体系结构 Chapter 11, Oracle Utilities 第 11 章,Oracle 工具 Chapter 12, Database and Instance Startup and Shutdown 第 12 章,数据库及实例的启动与关闭 Part III Oracle Database Features 第三部分 Oracle 数据库特性 Chapter 13, Data Concurrency and Consistency 第 13 章,数据并发性与数据一致性 Chapter 14, Manageability 第 14 章,可管理性 Chapter 15, Backup and Recovery 第 15 章,备份与恢复 Chapter 16, Business Intelligence 第 16 章,业务智能 Chapter 17, High Availability 第 17 章,高可用性 Chapter 18, Partitioned Tables and Indexes 第 18 章,分区表及分区索引 Chapter 19, Content Management 第 19 章,内容管理 Chapter 20, Database Security 第 20 章,数据库安全 Chapter 21, Data Integrity 第 21 章,数据完整性 Chapter 22, Triggers 第 22 章,触发器 Chapter 23, Information Integration 第 23 章,信息整合 Part IV Oracle Database Application Development 第四部分 Oracle 数据库应用程序开发 Chapter 24, SQL, PL/SQL, and Java 第 24 章,SQL,PL/SQL,及 Java Chapter 25, Overview of Application Development Languages 第 25 章,应用程序开发语言概述 Chapter 26, Native Datatypes 第 26 章,原生数据类型 Chapter 27, Object Datatypes and Object Views 第 27 章,对象数据类型及对象视图


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