
【单选题】( )的上海文坛被称为“张爱玲年”。


【阅读理解】Passage Two Thailand is to ban smoking on some of the country’s most popular tourist beaches, with the prospect of up to a year in prison for those caught lighting up, according to reports by local media. The move follows a recent survey of litter on Patong beach, Phuket – visited by millions of foreign tourists each year – which found an average of 0.76 cigarette butts per square metre in a sample area, which would amount to 101,058 butts on the 2.5km-long stretch of sand. The survey was undertaken by the country’s department of marine and coastal resources, which described it as a “serious problem”. Discarded cigarette butts accounted for a third of rubbish collected by the department. “Cigarettes have a direct effect on the natural environment,” director general Jatuporn Buruspat told the Phuket Gazette. “The butts clog the drains contributing to floods. When the cigarettes stay under the beach sand for a long time, it also negatively affects the eco system. And then when the chemicals from the cigarette butts reach the water, it also releases cadmium, lead, arsenic and some acid from insecticide which are poison to the natural food chain.” The ban, which will come into play in November, will affect 20 beaches including Patong, Koh Khai Nok, Koh Khai Nai (Phuket) and so on. After a trial period, the ban is expected to be enforced on all Thai beaches, as well as on passenger and tourist boats, to tackle the problem of butts damaging the underwater environment. Anyone found to be breaking the law will face one year in jail or a maximum 100,000 baht fine, or both. The Bangkok Post also reported the news, adding that Thailand has the sixth most rubbish-strewn areas of sea in the world.


【简答题】设随机变量 在(0,1)上服从均匀分布,求 的概率密度.





【单选题】Directions: Identify the fragment in each selection. If the selection contains no fragment, select "Correct." a. To prepare for the 10K race. b. Eric eliminated greasy foods from his diet and began eating fresh fruits and vegetables. c. He also began getting at least eight hours of sleep every night.


【单选题】Directions: Identify the fragment in each selection. If the selection contains no fragment, select "Correct." a. Before I leave for my trip to Indonesia. b. I need to pay next month's rent, fill my prescriptions, and put my mail on hold. c. I also need to ask Joey to water my plants.

【单选题】Look at the clouds! I wonder _______ our plane will takes off on time.

【设计题2】网上购物商店的功能性需求包括以下内容: 根据网上购物商店的日常经营和管理,本系统的用户主要分为三种:一种是网上商店的普通用户即游客,一种是网上商店的注册会员用户,还有一种是网上商店的管理员。三者的身份不同,权限不同,对于注册会员来说,拥有以下功能:( 1 )搜索商品信息;( 2 )在登录页面中输入注册的用户账号和密码,通过身份验证进入到网上商店;( 3 )可以浏览网上商店中各种商品的详细信息和说明;( 4 )可以对选择的商品进行购买,同时可以修改购买数量,也可以进行清除购买操作;( 5 )当提交购买信息后,用户能够查看购买的信息情况;( 6 )能够对自己的会员信息进行修改和注销。 【问题】:根据系统的需求分析说明,需完成: ( 1 )建立注册会员用户与系统的交互过程的活动图。 (8.0分)



【单选题】下列各项中,关于企业无形资产表述不正确的是 ( )。


【单选题】Directions: Identify the fragment in each selection. If the selection contains no fragment, select "Correct." a. Even though Camille scored a passing grade. b. Her teacher wanted her to rewrite the paper. c. "Everyone can stand to improve," her teacher said.




【阅读理解】Passage One Using a mobile phone while cycling is to be banned in the Netherlands amid mounting safety fears in a country where bikes outnumber people. A draft law scheduled to take effect next July will extend an existing 2002 ban on car and lorry drivers using their mobile phones at the wheel unless in hands-free mode to “ the use of a mobile electronic device while driving any vehicle (including a bicycle)”. The Dutch transport minister, Cora van Nieuwenhuizen, said the law was needed because the advent of social media and unlimited mobile data had changed how people used smart phones and the time they spent on them. Cyclists were excluded from the initial ban because of their lower speeds, Van Niewenhuizen said. “But in fact, using a phone is just as dangerous on a bike as it is in a car,” she said. “The fact is that whenever you’re on the road you should be paying full attention and not doing anything at all on a phone.” The increasing popularity of electric bikes meant cyclists’ average speed had risen, the minister added, while the country’s 22,000 miles of cycle lanes and paths had become more crowded. The Netherlands has more bikes – about 22.5m – than people: 17 million. Almost a quarter of the population cycles every day and cycle use has increased by about 12% since 2005; the average Dutch cyclist now covers more than 600 miles a year in 250-300 trips. Pedestrians, too, are at risk when they use mobile phones near cyclists: the Dutch town of Bodegraven last year launched a trial of foot-level traffic lights to prevent people wandering on to roads or cycle lanes while glued to their screens. While research suggests the number of cyclists who need emergency care after an accident involving a mobile phone may not be particularly high, less serious accidents have become increasingly common, particularly among young people. One in five bike accidents involving people aged 12 to 25 last year involved a smart phone, according to one estimate. A total of 206 cyclists died in traffic accidents in 2017, according to the central statistics office CBS, 17 more than the previous year. Opinion polling suggests 75% of the Dutch believe the “active use” of a mobile – calling, texting, playing games, downloading music, posting on social media or using other apps – on bikes should be outlawed, with a majority saying they had witnessed “dangerous situations” involving cyclists and smart phones.


【单选题】Can you make sure _____ the gold ring?

【单选题】Directions: Identify the fragment in each selection. If the selection contains no fragment, select "Correct." a. Speed bumps were installed on our streets. b. After the hit-and-run accident. c. Everyone agreed that speeding is a problem in our neighborhood.



【单选题】下列各项中不属于企业无形资产的是( )

【判断题】中名山是指海拔高度在 800~3000m 的具有奇特自然风光或悠久历史文化的山峰。

【单选题】It’s partly ____ the summer day is longer and everything has a longer time to warm up.




【多选题】结构受载荷如图所示,下面的表达式哪些是正确的。( )

【多选题】结构受载荷如图所示,下面的表达式哪些是正确的。( )

【单选题】Directions: Identify the fragment in each selection. If the selection contains no fragment, select "Correct." a. Whenever Melissa goes hiking, she brings her GPS tracking device. b. She does not want to take any chances getting lost in the mountains. c. She also brings her cell phone.

【单选题】下列各项中不构成无形资产入账价值的是 ( )。



【单选题】It was about 600 years ago ____ the first clock with a face and an hour hand was made.


【填空题】钢中常含有少量锰、硅、硫、磷等杂质元素,其中( ) 是有益元素,( ) 是有害元素,有害元素易使钢产生( ) 和( )。(请不要用字母,元素中间加、)












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