android os parcel,Parcel Class

Creates and returns a copy of this Object.

(Inherited from Object)

Android.OS.Parcel.writeBinderList(java.util.List android.os.IBinder )

Read and return a byte[] object from the parcel.

Android.OS.Parcel.writeStringList(java.util.List java.lang.String )

Returns the amount of data remaining to be read from the


Returns the total amount of space in the parcel.

Returns the current position in the parcel data.

Returns the total amount of data contained in the parcel.

(Inherited from Object)

Compares this instance with the specified object and indicates if they

are equal.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns an integer hash code for this object.

(Inherited from Object)

Invoked when the garbage collector has detected that this instance is no longer reachable.

(Inherited from Object)

Returns the raw bytes of the parcel.

Causes a thread which is waiting on this object's monitor (by means of

calling one of the wait() methods) to be woken up.

(Inherited from Object)

Causes all threads which are waiting on this object's monitor (by means

of calling one of the wait() methods) to be woken up.

(Inherited from Object)

Retrieve a new Parcel object from the pool.

Read and return a new Object array from the parcel at the current


Read and return a new ArrayList object from the parcel at the current


Read and return a new Bundle object from the parcel at the current


Read and return a new Bundle object from the parcel at the current dataPosition(), using the given class loader to initialize the class loader of the Bundle for later retrieval of Parcelable objects.

Read a byte value from the parcel at the current dataPosition().

Read a byte[] object from the parcel and copy it into the

given byte array.

Read a double precision floating point value from the parcel at the

current dataPosition().

Special function for reading an exception result from the header of

a parcel, to be used after receiving the result of a transaction.

Throw an exception with the given message.

Read a FileDescriptor from the parcel at the current dataPosition().

Read a floating point value from the parcel at the current


Read an integer value from the parcel at the current dataPosition().

Read into an existing List object from the parcel at the current

dataPosition(), using the given class loader to load any enclosed


Read a long integer value from the parcel at the current dataPosition().

Read and return a new Parcelable from the parcel.

Read and return a new Parcelable array from the parcel.

Read and return a new Bundle object from the parcel at the current


Read and return a new Bundle object from the parcel at the current dataPosition(), using the given class loader to initialize the class loader of the Bundle for later retrieval of Parcelable objects.

Read and return a new Serializable object from the parcel.

Read a Size from the parcel at the current dataPosition().

Read a SizeF from the parcel at the current dataPosition().

Read and return a new SparseArray object from the parcel at the current


Read and return a new SparseBooleanArray object from the parcel at the current


Read a string value from the parcel at the current dataPosition().

Read an object from the parcel at the current dataPosition().

Read a typed object from a parcel.

Put a Parcel object back into the pool.

Change the capacity (current available space) of the parcel.

Move the current read/write position in the parcel.

Change the amount of data in the parcel.

Returns a string containing a concise, human-readable description of this


(Inherited from Object)

Set the bytes in data to be the raw bytes of this Parcel.

Causes the calling thread to wait until another thread calls the notify() or notifyAll() method of this object.

(Inherited from Object)

Causes the calling thread to wait until another thread calls the notify() or notifyAll() method of this object or until the

specified timeout expires.

(Inherited from Object)

Causes the calling thread to wait until another thread calls the notify() or notifyAll() method of this object or until the

specified timeout expires.

(Inherited from Object)

Flatten an Object array into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Flatten a Bundle into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Write a byte value into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Write a byte array into the parcel at the current DataPosition(),

growing DataCapacity() if needed.

Write a byte array into the parcel at the current DataPosition(),

growing DataCapacity() if needed.

Write a double precision floating point value into the parcel at the

current dataPosition(), growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Special function for writing an exception result at the header of

a parcel, to be used when returning an exception from a transaction.

Write a FileDescriptor into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Write a floating point value into the parcel at the current

dataPosition(), growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Write an integer value into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Store or read an IBinder interface token in the parcel at the current


Flatten a List into the parcel at the current dataPosition(), growing

dataCapacity() if needed.

Write a long integer value into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Special function for writing information at the front of the Parcel

indicating that no exception occurred.

Flatten the name of the class of the Parcelable and its contents

into the parcel.

Flatten a PersistableBundle into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Write a generic serializable object in to a Parcel.

Flatten a Size into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Flatten a SizeF into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Write a string value into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Write an object into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Write an object into the parcel at the current dataPosition(),

growing dataCapacity() if needed.

Flatten a generic object in to a parcel.

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