
本页面描述了展示一个 Flutter UI 的分解步骤。知道了这一点,您可以就何时对 Flutter 引擎进行预热,在哪个阶段可以进行哪些操作,以及这些操作的潜在问题和内存成本做出更好、更明智的决策。

This page describes the breakdown of the steps involved

to show a Flutter UI. Knowing this, you can make better,

more informed decisions about when to pre-warm the Flutter engine,

which operations are possible at which stage,

and the latency and memory costs of those operations.

加载 Flutter

Loading Flutter

在展示 Flutter UI 时,

Android 与 iOS 应用(用于集成到现有应用的两个受支持的平台),纯 Flutter 应用,以及 add-to-app 的模式,在概念上的加载步骤顺序相似。

Android and iOS apps (the two supported platforms for

integrating into existing apps), full Flutter apps,

and add-to-app patterns have a similar sequence of

conceptual loading steps when displaying the Flutter UI.

查找 Flutter 资源

Finding the Flutter resources

Flutter 的引擎运行时和应用已编译的 Dart 代码都被打包为 Android 和 iOS 上的共享库。加载 Flutter 的第一步是在 .apk、.ipa 或 .app 中查找这些资源(以及其他 Flutter 资源,例如图像和字体,假如适用的话还有 JIT 代码)。

Flutter’s engine runtime and your application’s compiled

Dart code are both bundled as shared libraries on Android

and iOS. The first step of loading Flutter is to find those

resources in your .apk/.ipa/.app (along with other Flutter

assets such as images, fonts, and JIT code, if applicable).

当您首次在 FlutterEngine 时,就会发生这种情况。

This happens when you construct a FlutterEngine for the

first time on both

加载 Flutter 库

Loading the Flutter library


After it’s found, the engine’s shared libraries are memory loaded

once per process.

在 Android 上,当构建


时也会发生这种情况,因为 JNI 连接器需要引用 Flutter C++ 库。在 iOS 上,这是在首次运行

FlutterEngine 时发生的,例如运行 runWithEntrypoint:。

On Android, this also happens when the

FlutterEngine is constructed because the

JNI connectors need to reference the Flutter C++ library.

On iOS, this happens when the

FlutterEngine is first run,

such as by running runWithEntrypoint:.

启动 Dart VM

Starting the Dart VM

Dart 运行时负责管理 Dart 代码的 Dart 内存与异步。在 JIT 模式下,它还负责在运行时将 Dart 源代码编译为机器码。

The Dart runtime is responsible for managing Dart memory and

concurrency for your Dart code. In JIT mode,

it’s additionally responsible for compiling

the Dart source code into machine code during runtime.

在 Android 和 iOS 上,每个应用程序会话都存在一个 Dart 运行时。

A single Dart runtime exists per application session on

Android and iOS.

在 Android 上首次构建

FlutterEngine,以及在 iOS 上首次

运行 Dart 入口

时,将完成一次 Dart VM 启动。

A one-time Dart VM start is done when constructing the

FlutterEngine for the first time on

Android and when running a Dart entrypoint

for the first time on iOS.

此时,您的 Dart 代码的 snapshot


At this point, your Dart code’s snapshot

is also loaded into memory from your application’s files.

即使您直接使用 Dart SDK而没 Flutter 引擎,也会这样执行,这是一个通用的过程。

This is a generic process that also occurs if you used the

Dart SDK directly, without the Flutter engine.

Dart VM 启动后永远不会关闭。

The Dart VM never shuts down after it’s started.

创建并运行一个 Dart Isolate

Creating and running a Dart Isolate

在初始化 Dart 运行时之后,下一步就是 Flutter 引擎对 Dart 运行时的使用。

After the Dart runtime is initialized,

the Flutter engine’s usage of the Dart

runtime is the next step.

这是通过在 Dart 运行时中启动

Dart Isolate 来完成的。

isolate 是 Dart 的内存和线程容器。此时在宿主平台上还创建了许多

辅助线程 来支持 isolate,例如用于解除 GPU 处理的线程和用于图像解码的线程。

This is done by starting a Dart Isolate in the Dart runtime.

The isolate is Dart’s container for memory and threads.

A number of auxiliary threads on the host platform are

also created at this point to support the isolate, such

as a thread for offloading GPU handling and another for image decoding.

每个 FlutterEngine 实例都存在一个 isolate,并且同一个 Dart VM 可以承载多个 isolate。

One isolate exists per FlutterEngine instance, and multiple isolates

can be hosted by the same Dart VM.

在 Android 上,当您在 FlutterEngine 实例上调用

DartExecutor.executeDartEntrypoint() 时,就会发生这种情况。

On Android, this happens when you call


on a FlutterEngine instance.

在 iOS 上,当您对 FlutterEngine 实例调用 runWithEntrypoint:时会发生这种情况。

On iOS, this happens when you call runWithEntrypoint:

on a FlutterEngine.

此时,Dart 代码会执行默认的入口点方法 (默认是 main.dart 文件的 main() 方法) ,如果你在 main() 方法中调用 Flutter 的 runApp() 方法,则你的 Flutter 应用或库的 widget 树将会创建并构建。如果你需要阻止某些功能在 Flutter 代码中执行,则需要使用枚举值 AppLifecycleState.detached 表示其不绑定在任何 UI 组件上。

At this point, your Dart code’s selected entrypoint

(the main() function of your Dart library’s main.dart file,

by default) is executed. If you called the

Flutter function runApp() in your main() function,

then your Flutter app or your library’s widget tree is also created

and built. If you need to prevent certain functionalities from executing

in your Flutter code, then the AppLifecycleState.detached

enum value indicates that the FlutterEngine isn’t attached

to any UI components such as a FlutterViewController

on iOS or a FlutterActivity on Android.

将 UI 挂载到 Flutter 引擎

Attaching a UI to the Flutter engine

启动后不久,一个标准的完整的 Flutter 应用程序便会达到此状态。

A standard, full Flutter app moves to reach this state as

soon as the app is launched.

In an add-to-app scenario,

this happens when you attach a FlutterEngine

to a UI component such as by calling startActivity())

with an Intent built using FlutterActivity.withCachedEngine()

on Android. Or, by presenting a FlutterViewController

initialized by using initWithEngine: nibName: bundle:

on iOS.

如果在没有启动 Flutter UI 组件的情况下也是如此,

例如在 Android 上使用 FlutterActivity.createDefaultIntent()

或在 iOS 上使用 FlutterViewController initWithProject: nibName: bundle:

预热一个 FlutterEngine。在这些情况下,将创建一个隐式的 FlutterEngine。

This is also the case if a Flutter UI component was launched without

pre-warming a FlutterEngine such as with

FlutterActivity.createDefaultIntent() on Android,

or with FlutterViewController initWithProject: nibName: bundle:

on iOS. An implicit FlutterEngine is created in these cases.

在后台,这两个平台的UI组件都为 FlutterEngine 提供了渲染层,例如 Android 上的 Surface 或 iOS 上的 CAEAGLLayer

或 CAMetalLayer。

Behind the scene, both platform’s UI components provide the

FlutterEngine with a rendering surface such as a

Surface on Android or a CAEAGLLayer or CAMetalLayer

on iOS.

此时,您的 Flutter 程序生成的 Layer

树将转换为 OpenGL(或 Vulkan 或 Metal)GPU 指令。

At this point, the Layer tree generated by your Flutter

program, per frame, is converted into

OpenGL (or Vulkan or Metal) GPU instructions.


Memory and latency

显示 Flutter UI 会耗费不少时间。提前启动 Flutter 引擎可以降低时间开销。

Showing a Flutter UI has a non-trivial latency cost.

This cost can be lessened by starting the Flutter engine

ahead of time.

对于 add-to-app 的场景,预热相应的选择是,让您决定什么时候预加载 FlutterEngine

(即加载 Flutter 库,启动 Dart VM 并在 isolate 中运行入口点),以及确定内存的占用与时间开销。您还需要知道,在将 UI 组件随后挂载到该 FlutterEngine 时,预热会如何影响 Flutter 渲染首帧的内存和时间开销。

The most relevant choice for add-to-app scenarios is for you

to decide when to pre-load a FlutterEngine

(that is, to load the Flutter library, start the Dart VM,

and run entrypoint in an isolate), and what the memory and latency

cost is of that pre-warm. You also need to know how the pre-warm

affects the memory and latency cost of rendering a first Flutter

frame when the UI component is subsequently attached

to that FlutterEngine.

用 Flutter v1.10.3 版本,在 2015 年的低端设备上测试,release AOT 模式下,预热 FlutterEngine 的开销:

As of Flutter v1.10.3, and testing on a low-end 2015 class device

in release-AOT mode, pre-warming the FlutterEngine costs:

Android 平台需要 42 MB 内存,耗费 1530 毫秒。主线程阻塞了 330 毫秒;

42 MB and 1530 ms to prewarm on Android.

330 ms of it is a blocking call on the main thread.

iOS 平台需要 22 MB 内存,耗费 860 毫秒。主线程阻塞了 260 毫秒。

22 MB and 860 ms to prewarm on iOS.

260 ms of it is a blocking call on the main thread.

Flutter 用户界面可以在预热期间被加载。所需时间与渲染出首帧的时间有关。

A Flutter UI can be attached during the pre-warm.

The remaining time is joined to the time-to-first-frame latency.


Memory-wise, a cost sample (variable,

depending on the use case) could be:

约 4 MB 系统内存用于创建 pthread;

~4 MB OS’s memory usage for creating pthreads.

约 10 MB 是 GPU 驱动内存;

~10 MB GPU driver memory.

约 1 MB 是用于 Dart 运行时管理的内存;

~1 MB for Dart runtime-managed memory.

约 5 MB 用于 Dart 加载的字体映射。

~5 MB for Dart-loaded font maps.



a cost sample (variable, depending on the use case) could be:

约 20 毫秒用于从应用包中收集 Flutter 资源;

~20 ms to collect the Flutter assets from the application package.

约 15 毫秒用于 dlopen 加载 Flutter 引擎的库;

~15 ms to dlopen the Flutter engine library.

约 200 毫秒用于创建 Dart VM 并加载 AOT snapshot;

~200 ms to create the Dart VM and load the AOT snapshot.

约 200 毫秒用于加载 Flutter 依赖的字体和资源;

~200 ms to load Flutter-dependent fonts and assets.

约 400 毫秒来运行应用入口,创建第一个 widget 树,并编译所需的 GPU 着色器程序。

~400 ms to run the entrypoint, create the first widget tree,

and compile the needed GPU shader programs.

应该对 FlutterEngine 进行预热,不应过于提早,以延迟内存占用,但又要避免 Flutter 引擎初始化的时机与显示 Flutter 的首帧的时机赶在一起。

The FlutterEngine should be pre-warmed late enough to delay the

memory consumption needed but early enough to avoid combining the

Flutter engine start-up time with the first frame latency of

showing Flutter.

确切的时间取决于应用的结构与不断试探的结果。一个示例是在 Flutter 绘制屏幕之前将 Flutter 引擎加载到屏幕中。

The exact timing depends on the app’s structure and heuristics.

An example would be to load the Flutter engine in the screen

before the screen is drawn by Flutter.

引擎预热后,加载 UI 首帧的成本为:

Given an engine pre-warm, the first frame cost on UI attach is:

在 Android 上为 320 毫秒,另外需要 12 MB 的内存(在很大程度上取决于屏幕的物理像素大小);

320 ms on Android and an additional 12 MB

(highly dependent on the screen’s physical pixel size).

在 iOS 上为 200 毫秒,另外需要 16 MB 的内存(在很大程度上取决于屏幕的物理像素大小)。

200 ms on iOS and an additional 16 MB

(highly dependent on the screen’s physical pixel size).


Memory-wise, the cost is primarily the graphical memory buffer used for

rendering and is dependent on the screen size.

在时间方面,开销主要是在等待系统回调,为 Flutter 提供渲染层,并编译其余无法预先预测的着色器程序。这是一次性的开销。

Latency-wise, the cost is primarily waiting for the OS callback to provide

Flutter with a rendering surface and compiling the remaining shader programs

that are not pre-emptively predictable. This is a one-time cost.

释放 Flutter UI 组件后,将释放与 UI 相关的内存。这不会影响 Flutter 状态(除非也释放了 FlutterEngine),状态位于 FlutterEngine 中。

When the Flutter UI component is released, the UI-related memory is freed.

This doesn’t affect the Flutter state, which lives in the FlutterEngine

(unless the FlutterEngine is also released).

关于创建多个 FlutterEngine 对性能影响的详细情况,请参考文档:

多个 Flutter 实例。

For performance details on creating more than one FlutterEngine,

see multiple Flutters.

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