cls extjs5_速度真快,ExtJS第5个预览版发布

Refactored the Tree code. Working features as of this point are Tree rendering, expanding & collapsing, drag and drop, loading a tree from memory, have multiple columns, keyboard navigation and selection model

Added support for named arguments in Ext.Direct methods

Every Record registers itself with the ModelMgr

Implemented Tree collapse and expand animations

Implement loading nodes in a sorted TreeStore

Added a lastframe event to the animation that only fires when the animation actually reaches its end

Define getters for getting the computed height and width from an animations target to use as the from values

Refactor Tree collapse and expand animations. This fixes quickly collapsing and expanding nodes

Added a new transform option for Sorter

Panel's getDockedItems now accepts a ComponentQuery selector string

Add setSrc method to ImageComponent for changing the p_w_picpath src after initialization

Added 'none' as a possible value for msgTarget, to prevent all error message rendering. Only fire errorchange event when the error message actually changes

Add hideGroupedHeader support to Ext.grid.GroupingFeature

FormPanel and FieldContainer both contained logic to handle the addition and removal of Labelable and Field instances within their items subtree; factored that common logic out into a FieldAncestor mixin for both to use. The new mixin also adds new events 'fieldvaliditychange' and 'fielderrorchange' that allow listening for changes at the parent container level

Allow checkbox fields to display errors

All the old config properties that controlled the dropdown list have been removed in favor of a single listConfig object, which gets passed along to the BoundList's config. This is much simpler and provides total control over all aspects of the list

Implemented valueNotFoundText

Enhanced BoundList layout to handle min/max for both width and height

Implement ComboBox pageSize option

elasticOut and bounceIn easing added for animations

Added support for rootVisible. Also moved the creation of the NodeStore from TreeStore to the TreeView

Added support for the 'root' configuration option on TreeStore. It supports the 3.3 way of specifying root and children. Automatically figures out whether to load children on expand from the server or memory. Also removed requirement to specify a proxy on a TreeStore. Removed requirement to specify store on TreePanel and support the 'root' config option on TreePanel automatically creating a TreeStore

Modified TreeView so that it expands the root node if it's not visible

Modified getSourceFiles to include support for writing XML documents

Moved additional class for VML from javascript into the stylesheet

Add in support for icon and iconCls on tree nodes

Support loading flat json data while still loading children from the root property

Stkcd [股票代码] ShortName [股票简称] Accper [统计截止日期] Typrep [报表类型编码] Indcd [行业代码] Indnme [行业名称] Source [公告来源] F060101B [净利润现金净含量] F060101C [净利润现金净含量TTM] F060201B [营业收入现金含量] F060201C [营业收入现金含量TTM] F060301B [营业收入现金净含量] F060301C [营业收入现金净含量TTM] F060401B [营业利润现金净含量] F060401C [营业利润现金净含量TTM] F060901B [筹资活动债权人现金净流量] F060901C [筹资活动债权人现金净流量TTM] F061001B [筹资活动股东现金净流量] F061001C [筹资活动股东现金净流量TTM] F061201B [折旧摊销] F061201C [折旧摊销TTM] F061301B [公司现金流1] F061302B [公司现金流2] F061301C [公司现金流TTM1] F061302C [公司现金流TTM2] F061401B [股权现金流1] F061402B [股权现金流2] F061401C [股权现金流TTM1] F061402C [股权现金流TTM2] F061501B [公司自由现金流(原有)] F061601B [股权自由现金流(原有)] F061701B [全部现金回收率] F061801B [营运指数] F061901B [资本支出与折旧摊销比] F062001B [现金适合比率] F062101B [现金再投资比率] F062201B [现金满足投资比率] F062301B [股权自由现金流] F062401B [企业自由现金流] Indcd1 [行业代码1] Indnme1 [行业名称1] 季度数据,所有沪深北上市公司的 分别包含excel、dta数据文件格式及其说明,便于不同软件工具对数据的分析应用 数据来源:基于上市公司年报及公告数据整理,或相关证券交易所、各部委、省、市数据 数据范围:基于沪深北证上市公司 A股(主板、中小企业板、创业板、科创板等)数据整理计算




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