帝国理工计算机系 录取率,帝国理工计算机系学姐写5G论文







A Brief Introduction About 5G Network


With the rapid development of wireless technologies, theconcept of the Fifth Generation (5G) wireless communicationsystem started to emerge. But most people know little about 5G,includingsome aspects of 5G wireless communication networks ,just like what 5G is about: what are the building blocks of core5G system concept, what are the main challenges and how totackle them.Besides,A number of countries and organizations working on 5G, 5G development situation in China is of concern to everyone, China also needs to have its own place in such a competitive environment.


5G Network,history,Core concept,Challenges, Solutions, In china

Table of Content

1. Introduction

2. Research and development history

3. Core Concept

4. Challenges and Solutions

4.1 5G Transport Challenge

4.2 5G Transport Challenge and some Solutions

4.3 Machine to Machine Communication

4.3 Core Network Virtualisation

4.4 Summary

5. 5G In China

5.5.1 White paper

5.5.2 5G standards

5.5.3 China communications companies

5.5.4 Summary

6. Conlusion

7. Acronyms

8. References


5G (Fifth-generation mobile communications) is a new generation of mobile communication mobile communication systems for 2020, with high spectral efficiency and low power consumption, in terms of transfer rate and resource utilization improvement over 4G system 10 times, its wireless coverage performance and user experience will be significantly improved. 5G will be closely integrated with other wireless mobile communication technology, constitute a new generation of ubiquitous mobile information network, to meetfuture mobile Internet traffic 1000x development needs in 10 years.[1]

In this paper I will show you some latest research and development history,whatare the building blocks of core5G system concept, what are the main challenges and how totackle them firstly. In the rest of paper I will show how 5G developmentin China in recent years and my conclusion after research literature.

2. Research and development history

February 2013, the EU announced that it would grant 50 million euros to accelerate the development of 5G mobile technology, plans to launch a mature standard in 2020. [2][3]

May13,2013,South Korea's Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. announced that it has successfully developed the 5th generation mobile communication (5G) core technology, which is expected to begin in 2020 to commercialization. The technology can transmit data at ultra-high frequency 28GHz to 1Gbps per second speed, and the maximum transmission distance of up to 2 km. In contrast, the current fourth generation Long Term Evolution (4GLTE) and services of only the transmission rate 75Mbps. Prior to the transmission bottleneck is widely believed that a technical problem, while Samsung Electronics is the use of 64 adaptive array antenna elements transmission technology to crack this problem. Compared with the transmission speed of 4G technologyin South Korea, 5G technology is hundreds of times faster. Using this technique, download a high-definition (HD) movie just need 10 seconds.

Back in 2009, Huawei has launched the early research related technologies, and to show the prototype of the 5G base in later years.In November 6, 2013,Huawei announced that it would invest $600 million in 2018 for the 5G technology development and innovation, and predicted that users will enjoy 20Gbps commercial 5G mobile networksin 2020.

May 8, 2014, the Japanese telecom operator NTT DoCoMo announced officially, Ericsson ,Nokia, Samsung and other six manufacturers to work together, began testing override 1000 times than existing 4G networks the carrying capacity of the high-speed network 5G network, the transmission speed is expected to 10Gbps. Outdoor testing scheduled to commence in 2015, and expects to begin operations in 2020.[3]

March 1, 2015, the British "Daily Mail" reported that the British 5G network has successfully developed and tested for data transmission within 100 meters per second data transfer of up to 125GB, is 6.5 times the 4G network, in theory, a 30 seconds to download movies, adding that investment in public test in 2018, 2020 officially put into commercial use.[4]

February 11, 2015 in the afternoon news, IMT-2020 (5G) to promote the group (hereinafter referred to as "advance group") held a conference in Beijing 5G concept of white paper. White Paper from the mobile Internet and networking composed mainly of application scenarios, business needs and challenges of starting summed continuous wide area coverage, high reliability of the four major technology 5G scene of high capacity, low power consumption and low latency connection. Meanwhile, the combination of core technologies and key capabilities 5G and 5G concept proposed by the "flag sexuality index + a set of key technologies" common definition.

March 3,2015,theEuropeanEconomic and Social Commission for DigitalFurusawaOttinge officially announced the EU's vision of public-private partnerships 5G, and strive to ensure that the right to speak in the next generation of mobile technology in Europe in the global standard.Ottinger said that, 5G vision of public-private partnership involves not only fiber, wireless or satellite communications network integrated with each other, will also use the software-defined networking (SDN), network functions virtualization (NFV), Mobile Edge computing (MEC) and Fog Computing technology. In the spectrum, the EU's vision of public-private partnership will be designated 5G hundreds of megahertz to improve network performance, 60 GHz and higher frequency bands will also be taken into account.

A number of countries and organizations announced,5G network will be operational between 2020 ~ 2025.

3.Core Concept

What is 5G? I believe many people will be so questionable when see 5G. Judging from the word meaning, 5G refers to the fifth generation of mobile communications. However, how should it define? Currently, the global industry for 5G concept not yet agreed. China IMT-2020 (5G) group released the White Paper considers the concept 5G, 5G integrated key capabilities and core technology, 5G concept by "important targets" and "a group of key technologies" to a common definition. Among them, the flag indicators "Gbps rate user experience" is a set of key technologies, including large-scale antenna array, ultra-dense networking, new multi-site, full-spectrum access and new network architectures.

Recalling the course of development of mobile communications, each generation of mobile communication systems can be defined by sexual performance indicators and signs of key technologies. Wherein, 1G using FDMA, only analog voice services; 2G mainly using TDMA, can provide voice and low-speed digital data services; 3G to CDMA technology is characterized by user peak rate of 2Mbps to reach tens of Mbps, support multimedia data services; 4G OFDMAtechnology as the core, the user peak rate of up to 100Mbps ~ 1Gbps, can support a variety of mobile broadband data services.

5G key competencies richer than previous generations of mobile communications, user experience, speed, density of connections, end to end delay, the peak rate and mobility and so will be the 5G key performance indicators. However, unlike the case in the past only to emphasize different peak rate, the industry generally believe that the rate of the user experience is the most important performance indicators, it truly reflects the real data rate available to the user, and the user experience is the closest performance. Based on the technology needs of the main scene 5G, 5G user experience rate should reach Gbpsmagnitude.

Faced with diverse scenes of extreme performance demands differentiation, 5G cannot have solutionsfor all scenarios. In addition, the current wireless technology innovation has diversified development trend, in addition to the new multi-access technology, large-scale antenna array, ultra-dense network, the whole spectrum access, the new network architecture, also is considered to be the main technical direction.5G can play a key role in the major technology scene.[5]

4.Challenges and Solutions

In this part I outline some observed research challengesand directions in the mobile network development and show some may become the future trends and solutions that may lead to improved network performance while meeting the constantly increasing user demands.

4.15G TransportChallenge

In order to understand the 5G transport challenges one mustunderstand how 5G may evolve the radio access segment.Among the various initiatives that are looking into 5G, we can defines 5G in terms of scenarioswhich the next generation wireless access networks will haveto support. [6]A total of five future scenarios have been defined,namely amazingly fast (users want to enjoy instantaneousnetwork connectivity), great service in a crowd, ubiquitousthings communicating (i.e., effective support to Internet ofThings), super real time and reliable connections, and bestexperience follows you. Each of these scenarios introduces achallenge .

Three of these challenges (i.e., veryhigh data rate, very dense crowds of users and mobility) aremore traditional in the sense that they are related to continuedenhancement of user experience and supporting increasingtraffic volumes and mobility. Two emerging challenges, verylow latency and very low energy, cost and massive numberof devices, are associated with the application of wirelesscommunications to new areas. Future applications may beassociated with one or several of these scenarios imposingdifferent challenges to the network. In METIS twelve specifictest cases were defined and mapped onto the five scenarios. The selected test cases essentially sample the spaceof future applications. Once technical enablers that fulfill therequirements for these test cases are defined, it is expected thatother applications subject to the same fundamental challenges,will successfully be supported. As a consequence, definingtechnical enablers for the 5G test cases means also definingtechnical solutions to the 5G challenges.

While METIS[7] is focused on wireless access, the challengesdefined for 5G are expected to impact also the transport.Support for very high data rates will require both highercapacity radio access nodes as well as a densification of radioaccess sites. This, in turn, translates into a transport networkthat needs to support more sites and higher capacity per site,i.e. huge traffic volumes. The great service in a crowd scenariowill put requirements on the transport network to provide veryhigh capacity on-demand to specific geographical locations. Inaddition, the best experience follows you scenario, suggests achallenge in terms of fast reconfigurability of the transportresources. On the contrary, the other 5G challenges are notexpected to play as important role for shaping the transport, asfor example the case of very low latency and very low energy,cost and massive number of devices. A properly dimensionedtransport network based on modern wireless and/or opticaltechnologies is already today able to provide extremely lowlatency, i.e., the end-to-end delay contribution of the transportnetwork is usually almost negligible. In addition, while ahuge number of connected machines and devices will createa challenge for the wireless network, it will most probablynot significantly impact the transport. This is due to the factthat the traffic generated by alarge number of devices over ageographical area will already be aggregated in the transport.The three scenarios for the transport network described aboveare summarized along with their correspondingchallenges and test cases. Note that does not reportall the original test cases but only those that pose challengesto the transport network. This information will be used laterin the paper to identify the appropriate transport technologies.

4.2 5G Transport Challenge and some Solutions

This section provides an overview of a number of transportoptions for 5G wireless networks. A 5G transport network canbe divided in two different segments, i.e., small cell transportand metro/aggregation (Fig. 2). The small cell transport segmentaggregates the traffic to/from the wireless small cellstowards the metro/aggregation segment. Different solutions interms of technology (e.g., optics, wireless) and topology (e.g.,tree, ring, mesh) are possibledepending on the specificwireless access scenario. The metro/aggregation segment, onthe other hand, connects different site types (i.e., macro and/orsmall cells) among themselves and to the core network, thelatter via the service edge (service node for the interconnectionamong different network domains).

For the metro/aggregation segment one promising solutionis represented by a dense-wavelength-division multiplexing(DWDM)[8] - centric network. In such a network, packetaggregation takes place at the edges of the network (e.g., atsmall/macro cells sites and at the service edge), while atcenter (i.e., between access and metro rings) switching isdone completely in the optical domain thanks to active opticalelements such as wavelength selective switches (WSSs) andreconfigurable optical add-drop multiplexers (ROADMs). Ithas already been demonstrated that DWDM-centric solutionshave the potential to offer high capacity (in the order of tens tohundreds of Gbps) and lower energy consumption than theirpacket-centric counterparts (i.e., with packet aggregation at thecenter of the network).[9]For this reason the DWDM-centricmetro/aggregation concept may represent a good candidate forfuture 5G transport networks.[10]

4.3 Machine to Machine Communication

Machine to Machine CommunicationBesides network evolution, we observe also device evolutionthat become more and more powerful. The future wirelesslandscape will serve not only mobile users through suchdevices as smartphones, tablets or game consoles but alsoa tremendous number of any other devices, such as cars,smart grid terminals, health monitoring devices and householdappliances that would soon require a connection to theInternet. The number of connected devices will proliferate ata very high speed. It is estimated that the M2M traffic willincrease 24-fold between 2012 and 2017 .[11]

M2M communication is already today often used in fleetmonitoring or vehicle tracking. Possible future usage scenariosinclude a wide variety of e-health applications anddevices, for instance new electronic and wireless apparatusused to address the needs of elderly people suffering fromdiseases like Alzheimer’s, or wearable heart monitors. Suchsensors would enable patient monitoring and aid doctors toobserve patients constantly and treat them in a better way.It will also reduce the costs of treatment, as it can be done

remotely, without the need of going to a hospital.

Remote patient monitoring using a Body Area Network(BAN), where a number of wireless sensors, both on-skinand implanted, record the patient’s health parameters andsends reports to a doctor, will soon become a reality and animportant part of 5G paradigm. Therefore, in order to offere-health services, 5G will need to provide high bandwidth,meet extremely high Quality of Service (QoS) requirements,e.g., ultra low latency andlossless video compression formedical purposes, and implement enhanced security mechanisms.Furthermore, extended work will need to be doneto efficiently manage radio resources, due to high diversityof traffic types, ranging from the reports sent periodically bythe meters, to high quality medical video transmission.

4.3 Core Network Virtualisation

Moving towards 5G imposes changes not only in the RadioAccess Network (RAN) but also in the Core Network (CN),where new approaches to network design are needed to provideconnectivity to growing number of users and devices.The trend is to decouple hardware from software and movethe network functions towards the latter one. Software DefinedNetworking (SDN) being standardised by Open NetworkingFoundation (ONF) assumes separation of the controland data plane[12]. Consequently, thanks to centralizationand programmability, configuration of forwarding canbe greatly automated.

Moreover, standardisation efforts aiming at defining NetworkFunctions Virtualisation(NFV) are conducted by multipleindustrial partners including network operators and equipmentvendors within ETSI.[13] Introducing a new softwarebased solution is much faster than installing an additionalspecialised device with a particular functionality.Both solutions would improve the network adaptability andmake it easily scalable. As a result of simpler operation, onecan expect more dynamic and faster deployment of new networkfeatures.


I only list a partial of the challenges of  5G networks and possible solutions , in fact, before making a formal universal 5G are still many problems to be overcome, it also requires effort frontline researchers.

5.5G In China

5.5.1 White paper

February 11, 2015,China released White paper about concept of 5G.It instantly make more people are concerned about 5G. People eager to 5G network as soon as possible.

The White Paper published, the concept from various angles, core competencies, technical characteristics of 5G defined and interpreted. At the same time, this is the IMT-2020 (5G) to promote the group last year after the publication of the White Paper 5G vision and needs another masterpiece. The foreseeable future, as the Chinese government pay more attention to the development of 5G and adopt a more open attitude, with the joint efforts of the industry, and China will play an increasingly important role in the global 5G development, global industry will also be unified 5G standard stride forward.

5.5.2 5G standards

China will actively participate in the development of 5G standards, will help China to further enhance the patent position in international communication standards, escort for our mobile phone manufacturing.

China is a big manufacturing country, the state has proposed the creation of a strategic shift to China, 3G and 4G standards successful experience will help us win more patents in the development of 5G standard time, to achieve the transformation of China to create the goal.

5.5.3 China communications companies

February 12, 2015, the International Telecommunication Union standard 5G start research work, and clearly the IMT-2020 work plan: will complete the IMT-2020 international standard preliminary studies in 2015, 2016 will be carried out 5G technical performance requirements and evaluation methods Research, by the end of 2017 to start collecting 5G candidate to complete standards by the end of 2020.

It is worth noting that, in the 5G standards, Huawei, ZTE and other Chinese telecommunications companies such as Ericsson veteran communications companies also play an important role, in which Huawei from between 2013 to 2018, five years is ho throw $ 600 million 5G conduct research and innovation.

Recently, ZTE 5G key technologies to achieve new progress. Following the end of the year to complete Massive MIMO antenna array massive field test, ZTE independently developed the proposed super dense network UDN, multiple users to share access to Multi-User Shared Access and other core technologies through demonstration, in Pre5G phase is expected to be applied.[14]

Huawei CEO HuHouKun rotation, said in 2015, the company will spend the equivalent of about 10% in 2014 research and development budget, or $ 60 million, the development of 5G technology. Overall, the company's commitment in the next few years, $ 600 million investment in 5G technology. 5G is a next-generation mobile communications standard, is expected early in the next decade and put into use.[15]

5.5.4 Summary

China needs to have its own place in the 5G market, China's communications companies are also very hard, believe in the future, China's R & D level 5G will lead other countries.


In this paper,I presented a summary of the concept,chanlleges,solusions and 5G in china.For 2020 and the future of the mobile Internet and networking business needs, 5G will focus on supporting the continuous wide area coverage, hot high-capacity, low power consumption and low latency connection highly reliable four main technical scenario, the use of large scale antenna array , ultra-dense networking, new multi-site, full-spectrum access and new network architectures, such as the core technology, through the evolution of new 4G air interface and two technical routes to achieve Gbps rate user experience, and to ensure consistency in service under a variety of scenarios .

5G network to achieve real business there are a lot of unresolved issues. Also faced include how to design network architecture, including many technical challenges. Compared with previous generations of communications technology, 5G era biggest challenge is not how to increase the rate, but the user experience with traffic density, the number of terminals from a series of interwoven problems. As much as possible while also reducing user costs. This is the 5G network must be solved.

5G study conducted in China are enthusiastic, China needs to accelerate the pace of its own 5G technology to get rid of dependence on foreign companies.5G study conducted in China are enthusiastic, China needs to accelerate the pace of its own 5G technology to get rid of dependence on foreign companies. 5G accelerate the development is conducive to China stand at the forefront of the competition in the next wave of data, a competitive advantage.





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