Aside from licensing issues and all the fancy add-on packages, what is the real difference between Oracle XE and SE from an API point of view? My application uses a large number of PL/SQL features/packages, and I am unable to get a definitive list of what works and what doesn't.
除了許可問題和所有花哨的附加軟件包之外,從API的角度來看,Oracle XE和SE之間的真正區別是什么?我的應用程序使用了大量的PL / SQL功能/包,我無法獲得有效和無效的確切列表。
I already know that, for example, the server-side Java VM is not included, and you have to add some grants to get UTL_FILE. But what about UTL_TCP, UTL_SMTP or UTL_RAW? How about things such as database triggers (session logon/logoff) or calling external DLLs (EXTPROC), or contexts? Do you know anything else (a package, an API, a system view...) that is not available in XE?
我已經知道,例如,不包括服務器端Java VM,您必須添加一些授權才能獲得UTL_FILE。但是UTL_TCP,UTL_SMTP還是UTL_RAW呢?諸如數據庫觸發器(會話登錄/注銷)或調用外部DLL(EXTPROC)或上下文之類的東西怎么樣?你知道XE中沒有的任何其他東西(包,API,系統視圖......)嗎?
I know that I could just try to install it, but I was hoping for a faster approach, like some page that has a list of the relevant information. However, all I found was high-level stuff that did not even mention UTL_FILE.
1 个解决方案
Oracle XE contains all the PL/SQL features and packages that the standard edition has. The Oracle White Paper is pretty clear on what is and isn't included. Having used XE, SE, and EE for both earlier and later versions all of the the thing you are concerned about fall into one of the features listed in the white paper.
Oracle XE包含標准版具有的所有PL / SQL功能和包。 Oracle白皮書非常清楚包含哪些內容,哪些內容未包括在內。在早期版本和更高版本中使用XE,SE和EE后,您關注的所有內容都屬於白皮書中列出的功能之一。