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消息队列(Message Queue)

消息队列(MQ)是一种应用间的通信方式,消息发送后可以立即返回,由消息系统来确保消息的可靠传递。消息发布者只管把消息发布到 MQ 中而不用管谁来取,消息使用者只管从 MQ 中取消息而不管是谁发布的。这样发布者和使用者都不用知道对方的存在



以常见的订单系统为例,用户点击【下单】按钮之后的业务逻辑可能包括:扣减库存、生成相应单据、发红包、发短信通知。在业务发展初期这些逻辑可能放在一起同步执行,随着业务的发展订单量增长,需要提升系统服务的性能,这时可以将一些不需要立即生效的操作拆分出来异步执行,比如发放红包、发短信通知等。这种场景下就可以用 MQ ,在下单的主流程(比如扣减库存、生成相应单据)完成之后发送一条消息到 MQ 让主流程快速完结,而由另外的单独线程拉取MQ的消息(或者由 MQ 推送消息),当发现 MQ 中有发红包或发短信之类的消息时,执行相应的业务逻辑。







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Key Features, Learn to administer, configure, and manage RabbitMQ instancesDiscover ways to secure and troubleshoot RabbitMQ instancesThis book is fully up-to-date with all the latest changes to version 3.5, Book Description, RabbitMQ is Open Source Message Queuing software based on the Advanced Message Queue Protocol Standard written in the Erlang Language. RabbitMQ is an ideal candidate for large-scale projects ranging from e-commerce and finance to Big Data and social networking because of its ease of use and high performance. Managing RabbitMQ in such a dynamic environment can be a challenging task that requires a good understanding not only of how to work properly with the message broker but also of its best practices and pitfalls., Learning RabbitMQ starts with a concise description of messaging solutions and patterns, then moves on to concrete practical scenarios for publishing and subscribing to the broker along with basic administration. This knowledge is further expanded by exploring how to establish clustering and high availability at the level of the message broker and how to integrate RabbitMQ with a number of technologies such as Spring, and enterprise service bus solutions such as MuleESB and WSO2. We will look at advanced topics such as performance tuning, secure messaging, and the internals of RabbitMQ. Finally we will work through case-studies so that we can see RabbitMQ in action and, if something goes wrong, we'll learn to resolve it in the Troubleshooting section., What you will learn, Apply messaging patterns using the message brokerAdminister RabbitMQ using the command line, management Web console, or management REST servicesCreate a cluster of scalable, and highly-available, RabbitMQ instancesUse RabbitMQ with the Spring Framework, MuleESB, WSO2, and Oracle databasesDeploy RabbitMQ using Puppet, Vagrant, or DockerFine-tune the performance of RabbitMQMonitor RabbitMQ using Nagios, Munin, or MonitSecure, troubleshoot, and extend RabbitMQ, About the Author, Martin Toshev is a software developer and Java enthusiast with more than eight years of experience and vast expertise originating from projects in areas such as enterprise Java, social networking, source code analysis, Internet of Things, and investment banking in companies such as Cisco and Deutsche Telekom. He is a graduate of computer science from the University of Sofia. He is also a certified Java professional (SCJP6) and a certified IBM cloud computing solution advisor. His areas of interest include a wide range of Java-related technologies (Servlets, JSP, JAXB, JAXP, JMS, JMX, JAX-RS, JAX-WS, Hibernate, Spring Framework, Liferay Portal, and Eclipse RCP), cloud computing technologies, cloud-based software architectures, enterprise application integration, and relational and NoSQL databases. Martin is one of the leaders of the Bulgarian Java Users group (BGJUG), a regular speaker at Java conferences, and one of the organizers behind the jPrime conference in Bulgaria (http://jprime.io/)., Table of Contents, Introducing RabbitMQDesign Patterns with RabbitMQAdministration, Confi guration, and ManagementClusteringHigh AvailabilityIntegrationsPerformance Tuning and MonitoringTroubleshootingSecurityInternalsContributing to RabbitMQ
Lifelong Machine Learning (Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning) By 作者: Zhiyuan Chen – Bing Liu ISBN-10 书号: 1681733021 ISBN-13 书号:: 9781681733029 Edition 版本: 2 Release Finelybook 出版日期: 2018-08-14 pages 页数: (207 ) $79.95 Book Description to Finelybook sorting Synthesis Lectures on Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Lifelong Machine Learning, Second Edition 版本 is an introduction to an advanced machine learning paradigm that continuously learns by accumulating past knowledge that it then uses in future learning and problem solving. In contrast, the current dominant machine learning paradigm learns in isolation: given a training dataset, it runs a machine learning algorithm on the dataset to produce a model that is then used in its intended application. It makes no attempt to retain the learned knowledge and use it in subsequent learning. Unlike this isolated system, humans learn effectively with only a few examples precisely because our learning is very knowledge-driven: the knowledge learned in the past helps us learn new things with little data or effort. Lifelong learning aims to emulate this capability, because without it, an AI system cannot be considered truly intelligent. Research in lifelong learning has developed significantly in the relatively short time since the first edition of this book was published. The purpose of this second edition is to expand the definition of lifelong learning, update the content of several chapters, and add a new chapter about continual learning in deep neural networks—which has been actively researched over the past two or three years. A few chapters have also been reorganized to make each of them more coherent for the reader. Moreover, the authors want to propose a unified framework for the research area. Currently, there are several research topics in machine learning that are closely related to lifelong learning—most notably, multi-task learning, transfer learning, and meta-learning—because they also employ the idea of knowledge sharing and transfer. This book brings all these topics under one roof and discusses their similarities and differences. Its goal is to introduce this emerging machine learning paradigm and present a comprehensive survey and review of the important research results and latest ideas in the area. This book is thus suitable for students, researchers, and practitioners who are interested in machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, or pattern recognition. Lecturers can readily use the book for courses in any of these related fields. Preface Acknowledgments Introduction Related Learning Paradigms Lifelong Supervised Learning Continual Learning and Catastrophic Forgetting Open-World Learning Lifelong Topic Modeling Lifelong Information Extraction Continuous Knowledge Learning in Chatbots Lifelong Reinforcement Learning Conclusion and Future Directions Bibliography Authors’Biographies Blank Page


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