Post-Graduate with Professional Experience Applying to Graduate School
John Sample
Home Address Work Address
405 Lotus Lane 9300 Lee Highway
Centreville, VA 20120 Fairfax, VA 22031
(703) 246-4097 (703) 934-3807
jsample@ jsample@
To earn a Master of Science degree in Mineral Economics, specializing
in financial economics and tradable pollution rights and policy.
Bachelor of Science in Mineral Economics, Penn State University, December, 2005
ICF Consulting Group, Inc. January 2006-present
Research Assistant Fairfax, VA
Performed research and data collection in various subjects (pollution control equipment cost and
performance, EPA rule-making activities, electric sector emissions data, etc.) using the internet, print
resources, and various human resources.
Proofread and edited numerous reports and marketing materials.
Maintained price indices for tradable pollution permits for SO2 and NOx.
Acquired an understanding of the regulatory environment for NO , SO , and HG created by CAAA 90
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and subsequent executive branch actions.
Researched, prepared, and implemented economic and technical assumptions into ICF’s Integrated
Planning Model (IPM)