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Package Description

Release Date: August 10, 2010

The HPIJS driver is the free, open-source driver issued by HP for their DeskJet and LaserJet printers. For most supported printers, this driver produces output quality equivalent to the proprietary HP drivers. In photo mode, with photo paper, the output quality is very high, especially for the HP DeskJet 990C and later models, which auto-detect the paper type in hardware. Photo printing is fully supported in the newer 6- and 7-ink models.

A major advantage of using this driver over those supplied by HP is the direct interface between HPIJS and the native CUPS spooler, which allows printing from any printer over any available connection such as USB, AppleTalk, TCP/IP (via LPD and IPP), HP JetDirect, and shared windows printers via SAMBA. Additionally, this driver utilizes the existing Mac OS X USB "backend" and thus does not install any software that might interfere with standard USB operation.

Please note:

  • HP does not provide any support for HPLIP or HPIJS on the Mac OS X platform.
  • Several HP USB devices may not print successfully over the standard Mac OS X USB "backend". Please see this note for more information.

Release Notes

  • This release fixes a problem with the PPDs that caused many job options such as page orientation, color/grayscale mode, duplex printing, etc. to fail.
  • HPIJS is HP's universal printer driver for most of their non-PostScript printers. It comes as a part of HPLIP, HP Linux Imaging and Printing.
  • The PPDs for HP printers are now sourced from the HPLIP package rather than the OpenPrinting.org database.
  • PPDs for printers from other manufacturers are provided by OpenPrinting.org.
  • Some printers are only partially supported. Printers such as
    HP LaserJet 1022
    HP LaserJet p1505n
    HP LaserJet p12014
    HP LaserJet p2035
    require a proprietary plug-in for full support. This package does not contain or support such plug-ins.

Printer Set Up Instructions

To add a printer queue, Leopard (Mac OS X 10.5.x) users should use the Print & Fax from System Preferences. Click on the + (plus) icon at the lower left. A new window will open. In that window, click the Default Browser icon at the top left. Highlight your printer in the section below. Use the "Print Using" pop-up menu near the bottom of the window to select the correct PPD for your printer and click Add.

Tiger users should open the Printer Setup Utility and click on the Add icon at the top of the Printer List window. A new window will open. In that window, click the Default Browser icon at the top left. Highlight your printer in the section below. Use the "Print Using" pop-up menu near the bottom of the window to select the correct PPD for your printer and click Add.

Jaguar (OS X 10.2.x) and Panther (OS X 10.3.x) users should open Print Center (Jaguar) or Printer Setup Utility (Panther), hold down the Option key, and click the Add Printer button in the Print Center toolbar. Within the setup sheet, choose Advanced from the top popup menu; then in the "Device:" popup menu select your printer by name (it should be the last item in the menu list). Finally, select the correct PPD from the model browser and click Add.







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### 回答1: 你好,关于你的问题,我可以提供以下回答: 要在Qt自定义文本框中添加图片,可以使用QTextDocument类的addResource函数,将图片添加为文档资源。然后可以在文本中使用<img>标签来引用这个资源。具体的步骤如下: 1. 创建一个QTextDocument对象 2. 调用addResource函数,将图片添加为文档资源 3. 在文本中使用<img>标签来引用这个资源 示例代码如下: ``` QTextDocument *doc = new QTextDocument(); QPixmap pixmap("image.jpg"); doc->addResource(QTextDocument::ImageResource, QUrl("image.jpg"), pixmap); doc->setHtml("<img src='image.jpg'>"); ``` 上面的代码中,我们首先创建了一个QTextDocument对象,然后调用addResource函数将图片添加为文档资源。这里我们使用了QPixmap类来加载图片,也可以使用QImage或QIcon等类来加载图片。接着,我们使用setHtml函数将文本设置为包含一个<img>标签的HTML代码,其中的src属性指向我们添加的图片资源。 希望这个回答能够帮到你。如果你有其他问题,欢迎随时提出。 ### 回答2: 在Qt中实现自定义文本框的方式有很多,其中一种方式是利用Qt的绘图机制,在文本框部件的paintEvent函数中绘制图片。 首先,我们需要自定义一个继承自QLineEdit的类,例如叫做CustomLineEdit。在CustomLineEdit类中,重写paintEvent函数: void CustomLineEdit::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *event) { QLineEdit::paintEvent(event); // 先调用基类的paintEvent函数进行默认绘制 QPainter painter(this); QPixmap pixmap(":/image/image.jpg"); // 加载图片资源 // 绘制图片 painter.drawPixmap(rect(), pixmap, pixmap.rect()); } 在上述代码中,先调用了基类QLineEdit的paintEvent函数进行默认绘制,然后利用QPainter绘制了图片。其中,":/image/image.jpg"为图片资源的路径,可以根据实际情况修改。 接下来,在主窗口或需要使用自定义文本框的地方,创建CustomLineEdit对象并设置其位置和大小: CustomLineEdit *customLineEdit = new CustomLineEdit(parent); customLineEdit->setGeometry(x, y, width, height); 这样就实现了在自定义文本框内添加一张图片的效果。当文本框被绘制时,图片会被显示在文本框的背景中。 需要注意的是,由于绘制的是图片,所以图片的大小可能会对文本框的大小造成影响,需要根据实际情况来调整文本框的大小和位置。 以上就是利用Qt实现在自定义文本框内添加一张图片的简单示例。实际情况中,可以根据需求进行更加复杂的自定义绘制操作,达到更好的效果。 ### 回答3: 在Qt中实现在自定义文本框中显示图片,首先需要继承QLineEdit类,并重写其paintEvent方法。在paintEvent方法中,我们可以使用QPainter来绘制文本框的背景和边框,并在需要显示图片的位置绘制图片。 具体步骤如下: 1. 创建一个自定义的LineEdit类,继承QLineEdit。 2. 在类的构造函数中,调用setStyleSheet方法设置文本框的样式,包括背景颜色和边框样式。 3. 重写paintEvent方法,在其中使用QPainter绘制文本框的背景和边框,并在需要显示图片的位置绘制图片。 4. 在主窗口中创建LineEdit实例,并设置其大小和位置,将其放入布局中。 下面是一个简单的示例代码: ``` #include <QLineEdit> #include <QPainter> #include <QPixmap> class CustomLineEdit : public QLineEdit { public: CustomLineEdit(QWidget* parent = nullptr) : QLineEdit(parent) { setStyleSheet("QLineEdit { background-color: white; border: 1px solid gray; }"); } protected: void paintEvent(QPaintEvent* event) override { QLineEdit::paintEvent(event); QPainter painter(this); // 获取文本框的内部矩形区域 QRect contentRect = rect().adjusted(2, 2, -2, -2); // 绘制图片 QPixmap image(":/image/path_to_image.jpg"); // 将路径替换为需要显示的图片的路径 painter.drawPixmap(contentRect, image.scaled(contentRect.size(), Qt::KeepAspectRatio)); } }; // 主窗口类 class MainWindow : public QMainWindow { public: MainWindow(QWidget* parent = nullptr) : QMainWindow(parent) { CustomLineEdit* lineEdit = new CustomLineEdit(this); lineEdit->setGeometry(100, 100, 200, 30); // 将自定义文本框放入布局中,或直接设置为主窗口的中心窗口等 // ... } }; ``` 以上代码仅是一个简单示例,具体根据需要进行调整和修改。


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