I'm printing a few lists but the values are not sorted.
for f, h, u, ue, b, be, p, pe, m, me in zip(filename, human_rating, rating_unigram, percentage_error_unigram, rating_bigram, percentage_error_bigram, rating_pos, percentage_error_pos, machine_rating, percentage_error_machine_rating):
print "{:>6s}{:>5.1f}{:>7.2f}{:>8.2f} {:>7.2f} {:>7.2f} {:>7.2f} {:>8.2f} {:>7.2f} {:>8.2f}".format(f,h,u,ue,b,be,p,pe,m,me)
What's the best way to sort all of these lists based on the values in 'filename'?
So if:
filename = ['f3','f1','f2']
human_rating = ['1','2','3']
Then sorting would return:
filename = ['f1','f2','f3']
human_rating = ['2','3','1']
I would zip then sort:
zipped = zip(filename, human_rating, …)
for row in zipped:
print "{:>6s}{:>5.1f}…".format(*row)
If you really want to get the individual lists back, I would sort them as above, then unzip them:
filename, human_rating, … = zip(*zipped)