python里的for循环如何调用函数,Python - 使用线程或队列遍历调用函数的for循环...

I'm fairly new to python and am making a script that allows one to bring point cloud data from other programs into Autodesk Maya. I have my script functioning fine but what i'm trying to do is make it faster. I have a for loop that iterates through a list of numbered files. I.e. datafile001.txt, datafile002.txt and so on. Is what i'm wondering is if there is a way to have it to do more then one at a time, possibly using threads or a queue? Below I have the code i have been working on:

def threadedFuntion(args):

if len(sourceFiles) > 3:

for count, item in enumerate(sourceFiles):

t1=Thread(target=convertPcToPdc,args=(sourceFiles[filenumber1], particlesName, startframe, endframe, pdcIncrements, outputDirectory, variableFolder, acceptableArrayforms, dataType))


t2=Thread(target=convertPcToPdc,args=(sourceFiles[filenumber2], particlesName, startframe, endframe, pdcIncrements, outputDirectory, variableFolder, acceptableArrayforms, dataType))


t3=Thread(target=convertPcToPdc,args=(sourceFiles[filenumber3], particlesName, startframe, endframe, pdcIncrements, outputDirectory, variableFolder, acceptableArrayforms, dataType))


t4=Thread(target=convertPcToPdc,args=(sourceFiles[filenumber4], particlesName, startframe, endframe, pdcIncrements, outputDirectory, variableFolder, acceptableArrayforms, dataType))


This obviously doesn't work for a number of reasons, first it only will create 4 threads, I would like to be able to give an option for more or less. Second it errors because it's trying to reuse a thread? Like I said i'm quite new to python and am a little over my head, I've been reading several posts on here but can't get one to work quite right. I think a queue might be something I need but couldn't quite figure it out, I experimented with the condition statement and with the join statement, but once again couldn't get what I want.

I guess to be more specific what I want to achieve is that the function is reading through a text file, retrieving coords and then exporting them as a binary file for maya to read. It's common for one of these text files to have 5-10 million x,y,z coords which takes quite some time. It takes around 30mins-1hour to do 1 file on a pretty beastly computer, task manager says python is only using 12% processor and around 1% ram, so if I could do multiple of these at once, it would make doing those 100 or more files go by a lot faster. I wouldn't think it would be to hard to multithread/queue up a for loop, but I've been lost and trying failing solutions for about a week.

Thank you all for any help, I really appreciate it and think this website is amazing. This is my first post, but I feel like I have completely learned python just from reading on here.


Subclass threading.Thread and put your work function in that class as part of run().

import threading

import time

import random

class Worker(threading.Thread):

def __init__(self, srcfile, printlock,**kwargs):


self.srcfile = srcfile

self.lock = printlock # so threads don't step on each other's prints

def run(self):

with self.lock:

print("starting %s on %s" % (self.ident,self.srcfile))

# do whatever you need to, return when done

# example, sleep for a random interval up to 10 seconds


with self.lock:

print("%s done" % self.ident)

def threadme(srcfiles):

printlock = threading.Lock()

threadpool = []

for file in srcfiles:


for thr in threadpool:


# this loop will block until all threads are done

# (however it won't necessarily first join those that are done first)

for thr in threadpool:


print("all threads are done")

if __name__ == "__main__":


As requested, to limit the number of threads, use the following:

def threadme(infiles,threadlimit=None,timeout=0.01):

assert threadlimit is None or threadlimit > 0, \

"need at least one thread";

printlock = threading.Lock()

srcfiles = list(infiles)

threadpool = []

# keep going while work to do or being done

while srcfiles or threadpool:

# while there's room, remove source files

# and add to the pool

while srcfiles and \

(threadlimit is None \

or len(threadpool) < threadlimit):

file = srcfiles.pop()

wrkr = Worker(file,printlock)



# remove completed threads from the pool

for thr in threadpool:


if not thr.is_alive():


print("all threads are done")

if __name__ == "__main__":

for lim in (1,2,3,4):

print("--- Running with thread limit %i ---" % lim)


Note that this will actually process the sources in reverse (due to the list pop()). If you require them to be done in order, reverse the list somewhere, or use a deque and popleft().





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