
1. 基于X窗口的图形用户接口编辑器的设计与实现吴庆炜,蔡士杰(中国科学院计算技术研究所CAD开放实验室,北京100080)(南京大学计算机科学与技术系,南京210093)摘要本文介绍了一个用于描述、生成用户接口的具有彩排功能的图形用户接口编辑器的设计思想和实

In this paper, the design idea and implementation method of a graphical user interface editor used to specify and generate the user interface which has the rehearsal function is introduced.

2. California大学提出的向量智能RAM计算机系统结构集成了向量处理和智能RAM,能有效地解决这些问题,代表了后PC时代计算机系统结构的一个新方向。

A new computer arc hitecture-VIRAM, proposed by California University, could efficiently solve the problems, this is a new direction of computer arehitecture for the post-PC cra.

3. 我在校期间曾担任班长和校学生会自律部部长,有一定的组织能力。2001年考入重庆大学计算机科学与技术(脱产2年制本科)学习。

I also participated in the training class of intermediate commercial English in Chongqing University andmachinery constrution charting.

4. 天津大学计算机科学与技术学院,天津 300072

School of Computer Science and Technology, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072

5. 大学计算机

5. 在山东省首届计算机技术技能大赛中,取得高校组团体总分第一名并获一等奖;2005-2007年在山东省大学生机电产品创新设计大赛中,连续获得多项一、二等奖;在2007全国大学生电子设计竞赛中获山东赛区二等奖;在2007年全国大学生数学建模竞赛中获山东赛区二等奖两项;山东省大学生第四届实用英语口语大赛三等奖;07年蓝宝石杯潍坊市英语大赛三等奖(我院是全市唯一获奖的专科院校,获奖10名学生中9名是本科院校);等等。

Our students representatives won the championship as a group in The 1st Computer Technology and Craftsmanship of Shandong Province; the successive first-rate and second-rate prizes in The Innovation Competition of Designing Mechanical and Electronic Products of College Students of Shandong Province; the second-rare prize in Shandong Province Area of 2007 National Competition of Electronics Designing; two runner-ups in Shandong Province Area of 2007 National Competition of Mathematics Modeling; the third rate in The 4th English Speech Contest of Shandong Province; the third rate in The Sapphire Cup English Competition of Weifang Prefecture, in which our college is the only three-year academy and our student is the only one from three-year academy among the top the winners, the rest nine winners are all from universities.

6. 北京工业大学计算机科学与技术学院,北京100124

College of Computer Science and Technology, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China

7. 北京工业大学计算机学院,北京 100022

Institute of Computer, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100022, China

8. 我是环境艺术设计专业的一名05级应届本科毕业生,通过四年的学习尤其是两年的专业课学习,我认为自己已基本掌握了室内外设计的一些基本知识,在校期间,我的总成绩排在班中第五名的位置,各门功课都很优秀,获得过两次奖学金,虽然知识小小的奖学金,但是这是对我学习阶段的一种肯定,我还利用课余时间,认真学习教育学和心理学,并且通过了全国计算机1级考试,大学英语3级考试,和公共英语3级考试,还获得普通话二级乙等考试证书我想这是自己勤奋学习、好学并且刻苦努力的结果。

I am a professional art and design environment, a 05 graduates this year, through four years of study in particular the two-year courses to learn, I think they have a basic grasp of the indoor and outdoor design of some basic knowledge, in-school period, my total score ranked fifth in class location, the subjects were excellent, received two scholarships, while knowledge of small scholarships, but this is a learning stage and I certainly, I also use after school hours, conscientiously study education and psychology, and the adoption of a national computer examinations, college English 3 exams, and public English 3 exams, also received two B Putonghua examination certificate I think this is their own to study diligently, studious and hard the result of the efforts.

9. 我毕业于xx大学计算机科学系!

I graduated from the computer science department of xx unversity!

10. 首先感谢您能在百忙之中阅览我的自荐信,我是一名华北电力大学计算机专业的2004届本科毕业生,希望您能予以审查,并以录用为盼!

I am in computer Science Department.

11. 面向对象数据库的C宿主语言接口实现技术周立柱,王健斐(清华大学计算机科学与技术系,北京100084)摘要面向对象的数据库管理系统通常都具备自身的查询语言,它以交互的方式供用户进行数据定义与数据操纵。

An Object Oriented Database Management System provides a query language that allows end users to define and manipulate database interactively.

12. 允许错误的字符串快速检索技术邹旭楷,王素琴(郑州大学计算机科学系,郑州450052)摘要在计算机应用的诸多领域中都会遇到字符串相似检索问题。

There exists the problem of approximate text searching in many fields of computer application.

13. 西北工业大学计算机学院陕西西安710072 (段然;樊晓桠;荆元利;沈戈);西北工业大学计算机学院陕西西安710072梁婕

Then the paper discusses the challenges and directions in developing computation models, compiler, mapping technique, as well as entire development environment for the reconfigurable architectures, and draws the conclusions.

14. 早期的电子计算机首次真正走向电子数字计算机来到1930年代后期,当霍华德艾肯和哈佛大学乔治slibits贝尔实验室研制出一种自动电话中继网使用计算器;继电器是电磁控制的中继机研制switch.other二战炮兵弹道calculations.although这些机器比较慢,比较多。

Early Electronic Computers The first real progress toward electronic digital computer came in the late 1930s when Howard Aiken of Harvard University and George Slibits of Bell Telephone Laboratories developed an automatic calculator using relay networks; the relay is an electromagnetically controlled switch. Other relay machines were developed during World War II for artillery ballistic calculations. Although these machines were relatively slow and comparatively large.

15. 方法采用压力应变电阻片,研制了一种中医脉诊传感器,结合生物机能实验系统、计算机技术,对113名在校大学生的左右手寸关尺三部,进行了脉象检测。

Adopting changeable pressure electric resistance, a pulse-taking sensor was developed and used to detect the pulse state on the area cun, guan and chi in both hands of 113 students combined with living functional experimental system and computer.

16. 艾海舟 清华大学计算机系教授,目前从事图像处理,模式识别,计算机视觉等方面的研究工作。

His research interest covers image processing, patter recogni- tion and computer vision.

17. 中国石油大学计算机与通信工程学院,山东东营257061

College of Computer and Communication Engineering, China University of Petroleum, Dongying 257061, China

18. 我们所要做的只是将查询内容敲进计算机,其他五所大学的图书馆会自动地搜索这个信息。

All we have to do is type in a request and five other university libraries automatically search for that information.

19. 大学计算机在线翻译

19. 中国科学院半导体研究所神经网络与高速电路实验室北京 100083;②美国Auburn大学电机与计算机工程系

Institute of Semiconductors, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100083, China; ②Departarent of Elecrrical and Computer Eugineering, Auburm Universitg, Auburm AL36849, USA

20. 张 黎1,逄涣利1,王小虎1,王佳21。长春工业大学计算机科学与工程学院,长春 130021

School of Computer Science and Engineering, Changchun University of Technology, Changchun 130021, China

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