题 目:GrabCut图像分割算法研究学 号:姓 名:专业年级:2012级计算机科学与技术教师姓名:
2015年 6 月 3日
1. 绪论5
2.1 算法原理6
2.2 算法效果8
2.3 代码实现9
摘 要
Graph cuts是一种十分有用和流行的能量优化算法,Graph Cuts理论最早是出现在流网络优化领域的,比如说水管网络,通信传输网络,城市车流网络等。而GrabCut是在GraphCut基础上改进的一种图像分割算法,它并非基于图像形态学,而是基于图割理论。在使用GrabCut时,需要人工给定一定区域的目标或者背景,然后算法根据设定的参数来进行分割。GrabCut适合从静态图像中提取前景照片的应用。在计算机视觉领域普遍应用于前背景分割(Image segmentation)、立体视觉(stereo vision)、抠图(Image matting)等。OpenCV中提供了cv::grabcut函数,因此只需提供图像并标记背景像素和前景像素,基于局部的标记,算法即可将图像中的像素进行分割。
【关键词】 图像分割 GraphCut GrabCut 背景分割 抠图 OpenCV
GrabCut image segmentation algorithm
Image segmentation is the technology and process of dividing the image into a number of specific, unique and interesting regions.. It is the key step of image processing to image analysis.. Existing image segmentation methods are mainly divided into the following categories: Based on the threshold segmentation method based on region segmentation method, based on edge based segmentation method and segmentation algorithms based on a particular theory. Since 1998, researchers have improved the existing image segmentation method and applied some new theories and new methods to image segmentation.. The object extracted from the image segmentation can be used for image semantic recognition, image search and so on..
Graph cuts is a very useful and popular energy optimization algorithm, graph cuts theory the earliest is appeared in the network flow optimization field, for example water pipe network, communication network, urban traffic network. GrabCut is an image segmentation algorithm based on GraphCut, which is not based on image morphology, but bas