Linux 文件比较工具

Linux 文件比较工具

Linux 文件比较工具的开发为用户提供了一个方便快捷的方式来比较和处理文件差异。它们提高了开发效率,促进了代码审查和质量保证,同时也为用户提供了可定制和扩展的选项,以满足不同的比较需求。




促进代码审查和质量保证:文件比较工具在代码审查和质量保证过程中起着重要的作用。通过比较代码文件的差异,团队成员可以更容易地发现潜在的问题、错误或改进点。这有助于提高代码质量、减少潜在的 bug,并促进团队协作和知识共享。


作者:炭烤毛蛋 ,点击博主了解更多。


1. diff

diff 是一个命令行工具,用于比较两个文件的内容并显示它们之间的差异。

diff [选项] <源文件> <目标文件>

-q, --brief:仅显示文件是否不同,不显示具体差异内容。
-r, --recursive:递归比较目录及其子目录下的文件。
-u, --unified[=NUM]:以 Unified diff 格式显示差异,NUM 指定上下文行数,默认为 3。
-c, --context[=NUM]:以 Context diff 格式显示差异,NUM 指定上下文行数,默认为 3。
-i, --ignore-case:忽略大小写进行比较。
-w, --ignore-all-space:忽略所有空白字符进行比较。
-B, --ignore-blank-lines:忽略空行进行比较。

1.1 diff 示例

  • 比较两个文件并显示差异的具体内容
diff file1.txt file2.txt
  • 仅判断两个文件是否不同,不显示具体差异内容
diff -q file1.txt file2.txt
  • 递归比较目录及其子目录下的文件
diff -r dir1 dir2
  • 以 Unified diff 格式显示差异
diff -u file1.txt file2.txt
  • 忽略大小写进行比较
diff -i file1.txt file2.txt

1.2 diff 详细参数解析

Usage: diff [OPTION]... FILES
Compare FILES line by line.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
      --normal                  output a normal diff (the default)
  -q, --brief                   report only when files differ
  -s, --report-identical-files  report when two files are the same
  -c, -C NUM, --context[=NUM]   output NUM (default 3) lines of copied context
  -u, -U NUM, --unified[=NUM]   output NUM (default 3) lines of unified context
  -e, --ed                      output an ed script
  -n, --rcs                     output an RCS format diff
  -y, --side-by-side            output in two columns
  -W, --width=NUM               output at most NUM (default 130) print columns
      --left-column             output only the left column of common lines
      --suppress-common-lines   do not output common lines

  -p, --show-c-function         show which C function each change is in
  -F, --show-function-line=RE   show the most recent line matching RE
      --label LABEL             use LABEL instead of file name and timestamp
                                  (can be repeated)

  -t, --expand-tabs             expand tabs to spaces in output
  -T, --initial-tab             make tabs line up by prepending a tab
      --tabsize=NUM             tab stops every NUM (default 8) print columns
      --suppress-blank-empty    suppress space or tab before empty output lines
  -l, --paginate                pass output through 'pr' to paginate it

  -r, --recursive                 recursively compare any subdirectories found
      --no-dereference            don't follow symbolic links
  -N, --new-file                  treat absent files as empty
      --unidirectional-new-file   treat absent first files as empty
      --ignore-file-name-case     ignore case when comparing file names
      --no-ignore-file-name-case  consider case when comparing file names
  -x, --exclude=PAT               exclude files that match PAT
  -X, --exclude-from=FILE         exclude files that match any pattern in FILE
  -S, --starting-file=FILE        start with FILE when comparing directories
      --from-file=FILE1           compare FILE1 to all operands;
                                    FILE1 can be a directory
      --to-file=FILE2             compare all operands to FILE2;
                                    FILE2 can be a directory

  -i, --ignore-case               ignore case differences in file contents
  -E, --ignore-tab-expansion      ignore changes due to tab expansion
  -Z, --ignore-trailing-space     ignore white space at line end
  -b, --ignore-space-change       ignore changes in the amount of white space
  -w, --ignore-all-space          ignore all white space
  -B, --ignore-blank-lines        ignore changes where lines are all blank
  -I, --ignore-matching-lines=RE  ignore changes where all lines match RE

  -a, --text                      treat all files as text
      --strip-trailing-cr         strip trailing carriage return on input

  -D, --ifdef=NAME                output merged file with '#ifdef NAME' diffs
      --GTYPE-group-format=GFMT   format GTYPE input groups with GFMT
      --line-format=LFMT          format all input lines with LFMT
      --LTYPE-line-format=LFMT    format LTYPE input lines with LFMT
    These format options provide fine-grained control over the output
      of diff, generalizing -D/--ifdef.
    LTYPE is 'old', 'new', or 'unchanged'.  GTYPE is LTYPE or 'changed'.
    GFMT (only) may contain:
      %<  lines from FILE1
      %>  lines from FILE2
      %=  lines common to FILE1 and FILE2
      %[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}LETTER  printf-style spec for LETTER
        LETTERs are as follows for new group, lower case for old group:
          F  first line number
          L  last line number
          N  number of lines = L-F+1
          E  F-1
          M  L+1
      %(A=B?T:E)  if A equals B then T else E
    LFMT (only) may contain:
      %L  contents of line
      %l  contents of line, excluding any trailing newline
      %[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}n  printf-style spec for input line number
    Both GFMT and LFMT may contain:
      %%  %
      %c'C'  the single character C
      %c'\OOO'  the character with octal code OOO
      C    the character C (other characters represent themselves)

  -d, --minimal            try hard to find a smaller set of changes
      --horizon-lines=NUM  keep NUM lines of the common prefix and suffix
      --speed-large-files  assume large files and many scattered small changes
      --color[=WHEN]       color output; WHEN is 'never', 'always', or 'auto';
                             plain --color means --color='auto'
      --palette=PALETTE    the colors to use when --color is active; PALETTE is
                             a colon-separated list of terminfo capabilities

      --help               display this help and exit
  -v, --version            output version information and exit

FILES are 'FILE1 FILE2' or 'DIR1 DIR2' or 'DIR FILE' or 'FILE DIR'.
If --from-file or --to-file is given, there are no restrictions on FILE(s).
If a FILE is '-', read standard input.
Exit status is 0 if inputs are the same, 1 if different, 2 if trouble.

Report bugs to:
GNU diffutils home page: <>
General help using GNU software: <>

2. vimdiff

vimdiff 是 Vim 编辑器的一个功能,可用于在 Vim 中比较和合并两个文件或目录。

vimdiff [选项] <文件1> <文件2> [文件3] [文件4]


-d, --diff: 在垂直分割窗口中显示差异。
-o, -O, --horizontal, --vertical: 在水平或垂直方向分割窗口显示文件比较结果。
-c, --cmd <命令>: 在启动时执行指定的 Vim 命令。

2.1 vimdiff 示例

  • 比较两个文件并以垂直分割窗口显示差异
vimdiff file1.txt file2.txt
  • 比较四个文件并以水平分割窗口显示差异
vimdiff file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt file4.txt
  • 启动时执行指定的 Vim 命令,例如垂直分割窗口并显示行号
vimdiff -c 'vert diffsplit | set nu' file1.txt file2.txt

2.2 vimdiff 操作命令

在使用 vimdiff 进行文件比较时,你可以使用多种命令来查看差异、合并变更、导航文件等。

2.2.1 导航

Ctrl+w, Ctrl+w:在窗口之间切换焦点。
Ctrl+w, j:焦点切换到下方窗口。
Ctrl+w, k:焦点切换到上方窗口。
Ctrl+w, l:焦点切换到右侧窗口。
Ctrl+w, h:焦点切换到左侧窗口。

2.2.2 查看差异


2.2.3 合并变更

:diffget RE:将右侧窗口的内容合并到左侧窗口。
:diffget LE:将左侧窗口的内容合并到右侧窗口。
:diffput RE:将左侧窗口的内容合并到右侧窗口。
:diffput LE:将右侧窗口的内容合并到左侧窗口。

2.2.4 退出 vimdiff


2.3 vimdiff 详细参数解析

VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Mar 14 2024 09:05:11)

Usage: vim [arguments] [file ..]       edit specified file(s)
   or: vim [arguments] -               read text from stdin
   or: vim [arguments] -t tag          edit file where tag is defined
   or: vim [arguments] -q [errorfile]  edit file with first error

   --                   Only file names after this
   -v                   Vi mode (like "vi")
   -e                   Ex mode (like "ex")
   -E                   Improved Ex mode
   -s                   Silent (batch) mode (only for "ex")
   -d                   Diff mode (like "vimdiff")
   -y                   Easy mode (like "evim", modeless)
   -R                   Readonly mode (like "view")
   -Z                   Restricted mode (like "rvim")
   -m                   Modifications (writing files) not allowed
   -M                   Modifications in text not allowed
   -b                   Binary mode
   -l                   Lisp mode
   -C                   Compatible with Vi: 'compatible'
   -N                   Not fully Vi compatible: 'nocompatible'
   -V[N][fname]         Be verbose [level N] [log messages to fname]
   -D                   Debugging mode
   -n                   No swap file, use memory only
   -r                   List swap files and exit
   -r (with file name)  Recover crashed session
   -L                   Same as -r
   -A                   Start in Arabic mode
   -H                   Start in Hebrew mode
   -T <terminal>        Set terminal type to <terminal>
   --not-a-term         Skip warning for input/output not being a terminal
   --ttyfail            Exit if input or output is not a terminal
   -u <vimrc>           Use <vimrc> instead of any .vimrc
   --noplugin           Don't load plugin scripts
   -p[N]                Open N tab pages (default: one for each file)
   -o[N]                Open N windows (default: one for each file)
   -O[N]                Like -o but split vertically
   +                    Start at end of file
   +<lnum>              Start at line <lnum>
   --cmd <command>      Execute <command> before loading any vimrc file
   -c <command>         Execute <command> after loading the first file
   -S <session>         Source file <session> after loading the first file
   -s <scriptin>        Read Normal mode commands from file <scriptin>
   -w <scriptout>       Append all typed commands to file <scriptout>
   -W <scriptout>       Write all typed commands to file <scriptout>
   -x                   Edit encrypted files
   --startuptime <file> Write startup timing messages to <file>
   -i <viminfo>         Use <viminfo> instead of .viminfo
   --clean              'nocompatible', Vim defaults, no plugins, no viminfo
   -h  or  --help       Print Help (this message) and exit
   --version            Print version information and exit

3. colordiff

colordiff 是一个带有彩色输出的工具,用于比较两个文件的差异。它的使用方法类似于 diff,但是输出结果会以彩色高亮的方式显示差异,使得差异更加清晰易读。不用于 diff vimdiff,colordiff 需要自行安装。

sudo apt install colordiff

-u, --unified[=NUM]:以 Unified diff 格式显示差异,NUM 指定上下文行数,默认为 3。
-y, --side-by-side:以并排方式显示两个文件的差异。
-r, --recursive:递归比较目录及其子目录下的文件。
-w, --ignore-all-space:忽略所有空白字符进行比较。
-C, --show-c-function:在 C 函数内部显示差异。
-N, --new-file:在第一个文件的末尾显示添加的内容。

3.1 示例

  • 比较两个文件并以彩色高亮的方式显示差异
colordiff file1.txt file2.txt
  • 以 Unified diff 格式显示差异
colordiff -u file1.txt file2.txt
  • 递归比较目录及其子目录下的文件
colordiff -r dir1 dir2
  • 忽略所有空白字符进行比较
colordiff -w file1.txt file2.txt
  • 并排显示两个文件的差异
colordiff -y file1.txt file2.txt

3.2 详细参数解析

Usage: diff [OPTION]... FILES
Compare FILES line by line.

Mandatory arguments to long options are mandatory for short options too.
      --normal                  output a normal diff (the default)
  -q, --brief                   report only when files differ
  -s, --report-identical-files  report when two files are the same
  -c, -C NUM, --context[=NUM]   output NUM (default 3) lines of copied context
  -u, -U NUM, --unified[=NUM]   output NUM (default 3) lines of unified context
  -e, --ed                      output an ed script
  -n, --rcs                     output an RCS format diff
  -y, --side-by-side            output in two columns
  -W, --width=NUM               output at most NUM (default 130) print columns
      --left-column             output only the left column of common lines
      --suppress-common-lines   do not output common lines

  -p, --show-c-function         show which C function each change is in
  -F, --show-function-line=RE   show the most recent line matching RE
      --label LABEL             use LABEL instead of file name and timestamp
                                  (can be repeated)

  -t, --expand-tabs             expand tabs to spaces in output
  -T, --initial-tab             make tabs line up by prepending a tab
      --tabsize=NUM             tab stops every NUM (default 8) print columns
      --suppress-blank-empty    suppress space or tab before empty output lines
  -l, --paginate                pass output through 'pr' to paginate it

  -r, --recursive                 recursively compare any subdirectories found
      --no-dereference            don't follow symbolic links
  -N, --new-file                  treat absent files as empty
      --unidirectional-new-file   treat absent first files as empty
      --ignore-file-name-case     ignore case when comparing file names
      --no-ignore-file-name-case  consider case when comparing file names
  -x, --exclude=PAT               exclude files that match PAT
  -X, --exclude-from=FILE         exclude files that match any pattern in FILE
  -S, --starting-file=FILE        start with FILE when comparing directories
      --from-file=FILE1           compare FILE1 to all operands;
                                    FILE1 can be a directory
      --to-file=FILE2             compare all operands to FILE2;
                                    FILE2 can be a directory

  -i, --ignore-case               ignore case differences in file contents
  -E, --ignore-tab-expansion      ignore changes due to tab expansion
  -Z, --ignore-trailing-space     ignore white space at line end
  -b, --ignore-space-change       ignore changes in the amount of white space
  -w, --ignore-all-space          ignore all white space
  -B, --ignore-blank-lines        ignore changes where lines are all blank
  -I, --ignore-matching-lines=RE  ignore changes where all lines match RE

  -a, --text                      treat all files as text
      --strip-trailing-cr         strip trailing carriage return on input

  -D, --ifdef=NAME                output merged file with '#ifdef NAME' diffs
      --GTYPE-group-format=GFMT   format GTYPE input groups with GFMT
      --line-format=LFMT          format all input lines with LFMT
      --LTYPE-line-format=LFMT    format LTYPE input lines with LFMT
    These format options provide fine-grained control over the output
      of diff, generalizing -D/--ifdef.
    LTYPE is 'old', 'new', or 'unchanged'.  GTYPE is LTYPE or 'changed'.
    GFMT (only) may contain:
      %<  lines from FILE1
      %>  lines from FILE2
      %=  lines common to FILE1 and FILE2
      %[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}LETTER  printf-style spec for LETTER
        LETTERs are as follows for new group, lower case for old group:
          F  first line number
          L  last line number
          N  number of lines = L-F+1
          E  F-1
          M  L+1
      %(A=B?T:E)  if A equals B then T else E
    LFMT (only) may contain:
      %L  contents of line
      %l  contents of line, excluding any trailing newline
      %[-][WIDTH][.[PREC]]{doxX}n  printf-style spec for input line number
    Both GFMT and LFMT may contain:
      %%  %
      %c'C'  the single character C
      %c'\OOO'  the character with octal code OOO
      C    the character C (other characters represent themselves)

  -d, --minimal            try hard to find a smaller set of changes
      --horizon-lines=NUM  keep NUM lines of the common prefix and suffix
      --speed-large-files  assume large files and many scattered small changes
      --color[=WHEN]       color output; WHEN is 'never', 'always', or 'auto';
                             plain --color means --color='auto'
      --palette=PALETTE    the colors to use when --color is active; PALETTE is
                             a colon-separated list of terminfo capabilities

      --help               display this help and exit
  -v, --version            output version information and exit

FILES are 'FILE1 FILE2' or 'DIR1 DIR2' or 'DIR FILE' or 'FILE DIR'.
If --from-file or --to-file is given, there are no restrictions on FILE(s).
If a FILE is '-', read standard input.
Exit status is 0 if inputs are the same, 1 if different, 2 if trouble.

Report bugs to:
GNU diffutils home page: <>
General help using GNU software: <>


diff内置于大多数 Linux 系统中,无需额外安装。功能强大,可以生成详细的文本形式的差异报告。输出结果不直观,需要用户仔细阅读和理解。没有图形化界面,对于不习惯命令行操作的用户可能不够友好。
vimdiff集成于 Vim 编辑器中,具有丰富的编辑功能。提供交互式的图形化界面,方便用户比较和编辑文件。对于不熟悉 Vim 的用户可能需要一些学习成本。使用命令行打开可能不够直观,需要一定的命令行操作技能。
colordiff输出结果使用彩色显示,更直观易懂。对于简单的文件比较,提供了更好的用户体验。与 diff 相比,功能稍显单一,无法生成详细的文本报告。对于复杂的文件比较可能不够灵活。



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