

要计算有向图 $ G = (V, E) $ 的分量图,我们可以使用深度优先搜索(DFS)算法来找到所有的强连通分量(SCC)。在有向图中,SCC是一个最大的顶点集合,使得集合中的任何两个顶点都是相互可达的。

下面是用Go语言实现的基于Kosaraju算法的SCC查找程序,该算法的时间复杂度为 $ O(V + E) $:

package main

import (

// Graph represents a directed graph using an adjacency list representation
type Graph struct {
    vertices int
    adjList  map[int][]int

// NewGraph creates a new Graph given the number of vertices
func NewGraph(vertices int) *Graph {
    return &Graph{
        vertices: vertices,
        adjList:  make(map[int][]int),

// AddEdge adds a directed edge from v to w
func (g *Graph) AddEdge(v, w int) {
    g.adjList[v] = append(g.adjList[v], w)

// DFS performs DFS on the graph starting from vertex v
func (g *Graph) DFS(v int, visited []bool, stack *[]int) {
    visited[v] = true
    // Push vertex to stack
    *stack = append(*stack, v)
    for _, adj := range g.adjList[v] {
        if !visited[adj] {
            g.DFS(adj, visited, stack)

// FillOrder fills vertices in stack according to their finishing times
func (g *Graph) FillOrder(stack *[]int) {
    visited := make([]bool, g.vertices)
    for i := 0; i < g.vertices; i++ {
        if !visited[i] {
            g.DFS(i, visited, stack)

// GetTranspose creates the transpose of the graph
func (g *Graph) GetTranspose() *Graph {
    transpose := NewGraph(g.vertices)
    for i := 0; i < g.vertices; i++ {
        for _, v := range g.adjList[i] {
            transpose.AddEdge(v, i)
    return transpose

// PrintSCCs prints strongly connected components in the graph
func (g *Graph) PrintSCCs() {
    stack := []int{}

    transpose := g.GetTranspose()

    visited := make([]bool, g.vertices)
    whileStack := stack
    for len(whileStack) > 0 {
        v := whileStack[len(whileStack)-1]
        whileStack = whileStack[:len(whileStack)-1]
        if !visited[v] {
            transpose.DFS(v, visited, &stack)
            for _, w := range stack {
                if w == v {
                fmt.Print(w, " ")
            stack = []int{}

func main() {
    g := NewGraph(5)
    g.AddEdge(1, 0)
    g.AddEdge(0, 2)
    g.AddEdge(2, 1)
    g.AddEdge(0, 3)
    g.AddEdge(3, 4)

    fmt.Println("Strongly Connected Components:")
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文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (329)-- 算法导论22.5 5题_有向图

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (329)-- 算法导论22.5 5题_强连通分量_02

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (329)-- 算法导论22.5 5题_prometheus_03

文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (329)-- 算法导论22.5 5题_prometheus_04



package main

import (

type Graph struct {
	vertices int
	adjList  [][]int

func NewGraph(v int) *Graph {
	return &Graph{
		vertices: v,
		adjList:  make([][]int, v),

func (g *Graph) AddEdge(u, v int) {
	g.adjList[u] = append(g.adjList[u], v)

func (g *Graph) DFSUtil(v int, visited []bool, component []int) {
	visited[v] = true
	component = append(component, v)

	for _, i := range g.adjList[v] {
		if !visited[i] {
			g.DFSUtil(i, visited, component)

func (g *Graph) FindComponents() [][]int {
	visited := make([]bool, g.vertices)
	components := [][]int{}

	for v := 0; v < g.vertices; v++ {
		if !visited[v] {
			component := []int{}
			g.DFSUtil(v, visited, component)
			components = append(components, component)

	return components

func main() {
	g := NewGraph(5)
	g.AddEdge(1, 0)
	g.AddEdge(2, 3)
	g.AddEdge(3, 4)
	g.AddEdge(2, 4)

	components := g.FindComponents()
	fmt.Println("Components of the graph:")
	for _, component := range components {
  • 1.
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5.
  • 6.
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要计算有向图G=(V, E)的分量图,我们可以使用Kosaraju的强连通分量(SCC)算法。这个算法的时间复杂度是O(V + E),并且可以保证在生成的分量图中,任意两个节点之间至多存在一条边。以下是用Go语言实现的Kosaraju算法的代码:

package main

import "fmt"

type Graph struct {
	vertices int
	edges    [][]int

func NewGraph(vertices int) *Graph {
	return &Graph{
		vertices: vertices,
		edges:    make([][]int, vertices),

func (g *Graph) AddEdge(from, to int) {
	g.edges[from] = append(g.edges[from], to)

func (g *Graph) DFS(vertex int, visited []bool, stack *[]int) {
	visited[vertex] = true
	for _, neighbor := range g.edges[vertex] {
		if !visited[neighbor] {
			g.DFS(neighbor, visited, stack)
	*stack = append(*stack, vertex)

func (g *Graph) Transpose() *Graph {
	transposed := NewGraph(g.vertices)
	for from, neighbors := range g.edges {
		for _, to := range neighbors {
			transposed.AddEdge(to, from)
	return transposed

func (g *Graph) Kosaraju() map[int][]int {
	visited := make([]bool, g.vertices)
	stack := []int{}

	// Step 1: Fill vertices in stack according to their finishing times
	for i := 0; i < g.vertices; i++ {
		if !visited[i] {
			g.DFS(i, visited, &stack)

	// Step 2: Create a reversed graph
	transposed := g.Transpose()

	// Step 3: Process all vertices in order determined by the first DFS
	result := make(map[int][]int)
	visited = make([]bool, g.vertices)
	for len(stack) > 0 {
		v := stack[len(stack)-1]
		stack = stack[:len(stack)-1]
		if !visited[v] {
			var component []int
			transposed.DFSUtil(v, visited, &component)
			result[v] = component

	return result

func (g *Graph) DFSUtil(vertex int, visited []bool, component *[]int) {
	visited[vertex] = true
	*component = append(*component, vertex)
	for _, neighbor := range g.edges[vertex] {
		if !visited[neighbor] {
			g.DFSUtil(neighbor, visited, component)

func main() {
	g := NewGraph(5)
	g.AddEdge(1, 0)
	g.AddEdge(0, 2)
	g.AddEdge(2, 1)
	g.AddEdge(0, 3)
	g.AddEdge(3, 4)

	scc := g.Kosaraju()
	for key, component := range scc {
		fmt.Printf("Component %d: %v\n", key, component)
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package main
import (
// 图的表示
type Graph struct {
	vertices int
	adjList  [][]int
// 创建一个新图
func newGraph(vertices int) *Graph {
	return &Graph{
		vertices: vertices,
		adjList:  make([][]int, vertices),
// 添加边
func (g *Graph) addEdge(src, dest int) {
	g.adjList[src] = append(g.adjList[src], dest)
// DFS遍历
func (g *Graph) DFSUtil(v int, visited []bool, stack *[]int) {
	visited[v] = true
	for _, n := range g.adjList[v] {
		if !visited[n] {
			g.DFSUtil(n, visited, stack)
	// 将当前节点推入栈
	*stack = append(*stack, v)
// 反转图的所有边
func (g *Graph) getTranspose() *Graph {
	transpose := newGraph(g.vertices)
	for v := 0; v < g.vertices; v++ {
		for _, n := range g.adjList[v] {
			transpose.addEdge(n, v)
	return transpose
// 打印强连通分量
func (g *Graph) fillOrder(v int, visited []bool, stack *[]int) {
	visited[v] = true
	for _, n := range g.adjList[v] {
		if !visited[n] {
			g.fillOrder(n, visited, stack)
	*stack = append(*stack, v)
// Kosaraju算法的实现
func (g *Graph) printSCCs() {
	stack := []int{}
	// 第一步:标记所有已访问的节点,并填充节点到栈中
	visited := make([]bool, g.vertices)
	for i := 0; i < g.vertices; i++ {
		if !visited[i] {
			g.fillOrder(i, visited, &stack)
	// 获取图的转置
	gr := g.getTranspose()
	// 第二步:清空所有节点的访问标记
	visited = make([]bool, g.vertices)
	// 第三步:按照栈的逆序进行DFS遍历
	for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		if !visited[stack[i]] {
			gr.DFSUtil(stack[i], visited, &stack)
func main() {
	g := newGraph(5)
	g.addEdge(0, 1)
	g.addEdge(1, 2)
	g.addEdge(2, 3)
	g.addEdge(3, 0)
	g.addEdge(2, 4)
	g.addEdge(4, 2)
	fmt.Println("Following are strongly connected components in given graph")
  • 1.
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要计算有向图的分量图,并确保分量图中任意两个节点之间至多存在一条边,我们首先需要找到有向图的所有强连通分量(Strongly Connected Components, SCCs)。在有向图中,如果两个节点互为可达,则它们属于同一个强连通分量。计算强连通分量一个常用且高效的算法是Tarjan的算法。

一旦我们得到了所有的SCCs,我们就可以将这些SCCs视为新的“超级节点”,然后构建分量图。在分量图中,如果存在从SCC A到SCC B的边,那么在原图中必然存在从A的任一节点到B的任一节点的路径,但不存在从B到A的路径(因为A和B是不同的SCC)。


package main

import (

type SCCInfo struct {
	id      int
	onStack bool
	scc     int

type Edge struct {
	from int
	to   int

func tarjanSCC(nodes int, edges []Edge) [][]int {
	index := 0
	sccID := 0
	indexMap := make(map[int]*SCCInfo)
	stack := []int{}

	for i := 0; i < nodes; i++ {
		indexMap[i] = &SCCInfo{
			id:      -1,
			onStack: false,
			scc:     -1,

	for i := 0; i < nodes; i++ {
		if indexMap[i].id == -1 {
			dfs(i, &index, &sccID, edges, indexMap, &stack)

	sccMap := make(map[int][]int)
	for i := 0; i < nodes; i++ {
		sccMap[indexMap[i].scc] = append(sccMap[indexMap[i].scc], i)

	// Convert the map to a slice for easier processing
	sccs := make([][]int, 0, len(sccMap))
	for _, v := range sccMap {
		sccs = append(sccs, v)

	return sccs

func dfs(node int, index *int, sccID *int, edges []Edge, indexMap map[int]*SCCInfo, stack *[]int) {
	indexMap[node].id = *index
	indexMap[node].lowLink = *index
	*stack = append(*stack, node)
	indexMap[node].onStack = true

	for _, e := range edges {
		if e.from == node {
			if indexMap[e.to].id == -1 {
				dfs(e.to, index, sccID, edges, indexMap, stack)
				indexMap[node].lowLink = min(indexMap[node].lowLink, indexMap[e.to].lowLink)
			} else if indexMap[e.to].onStack {
				indexMap[node].lowLink = min(indexMap[node].lowLink, indexMap[e.to].id)

	if indexMap[node].lowLink == indexMap[node].id {
		var scc []int
		for {
			top := (*stack)[len(*stack)-1]
			*stack = (*stack)[:len(*stack)-1]
			indexMap[top].onStack = false
			scc = append(scc, top)
			if indexMap[top].scc == -1 {
				indexMap[top].scc = *sccID
			if top == node {

func min(a, b int) int {
	if a < b {
		return a
	return b

func buildComponentGraph(sccs [][]int, edges []Edge) [][]int {
	compGraph := make([][]int, len(sccs))

	for _, e := range edges {
		fromComp := -1
		toComp := -1
		for i, comp := range sccs {
			for _, node := range comp {
				if node == e.from {
					fromComp = i
				if node == e.to {
					toComp = i
		if fromComp != -1 && toComp != -1 && fromComp != toComp {
			compGraph[fromComp] = append(compGraph[fromComp], toComp)

	// Remove duplicates
	for i, comp := range compGraph {
		compGraph[i] = removeDuplicates(comp)
	return compGraph

func removeDuplicates(comp []int) []int {
	seen := make(map[int]bool)
	result := []int{}

	for _, v := range comp {
		if _, ok := seen[v]; !ok {
			seen[v] = true
			result = append(result, v)

	return result

func main() {
	nodes := 5
	edges := []Edge{{0, 1}, {1, 2}, {2, 0}, {1, 3}, {3, 4}}

	sccs := tarjanSCC(nodes, edges)
	fmt.Println("SCCs:", sccs)

	compGraph := buildComponentGraph(sccs,
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package main

import (

type Graph struct {
	vertices  int     // 图的顶点数
	adjacency [][]int // 邻接矩阵表示的有向图

func NewGraph(vertices int) *Graph {
	graph := &Graph{
		vertices: vertices,
	graph.adjacency = make([][]int, vertices)
	for i := range graph.adjacency {
		graph.adjacency[i] = make([]int, vertices)
	return graph

func (g *Graph) AddEdge(u, v int) {
	g.adjacency[u][v] = 1

func (g *Graph) DFSUtil(v int, visited []bool, component []int) {
	visited[v] = true
	component = append(component, v)

	for i := 0; i < g.vertices; i++ {
		if g.adjacency[v][i] == 1 && !visited[i] {
			g.DFSUtil(i, visited, component)

func (g *Graph) GetComponents() [][]int {
	var components [][]int
	visited := make([]bool, g.vertices)

	for v := 0; v < g.vertices; v++ {
		if !visited[v] {
			component := []int{}
			g.DFSUtil(v, visited, component)
			components = append(components, component)

	return components

// 创建分量图,确保任意两个结点之间至多存在一条边
func CreateComponentGraph(g *Graph, components [][]int) *Graph {
	numComponents := len(components)
	componentGraph := NewGraph(numComponents)

	for i := 0; i < numComponents; i++ {
		for j := 0; j < g.vertices; j++ {
			if isInComponent(j, components[i]) {
				for k := 0; k < g.vertices; k++ {
					if isInComponent(k, components[i]) && g.adjacency[j][k] == 1 {
						componentGraph.AddEdge(i, i)

	return componentGraph

func isInComponent(v int, component []int) bool {
	for _, val := range component {
		if v == val {
			return true
	return false

func main() {
	g := NewGraph(6)
	g.AddEdge(0, 1)
	g.AddEdge(1, 2)
	g.AddEdge(2, 3)
	g.AddEdge(3, 1)
	g.AddEdge(4, 5)

	components := g.GetComponents()
	for _, comp := range components {

	componentGraph := CreateComponentGraph(g, components)

	for i := range componentGraph.adjacency {
  • 1.
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package main

import (

// 定义有向图的结构
type Graph struct {
	adj [][]int // 邻接表表示法

// 新建图
func NewGraph(n int) *Graph {
	g := &Graph{adj: make([][]int, n)}
	return g

// 添加边
func (g *Graph) AddEdge(v, w int) {
	g.adj[v] = append(g.adj[v], w)

// DFS函数,用于查找强连通分量
func (g *Graph) DFS(v int, visited []bool, stack *[]int, postOrder []int) {
	visited[v] = true
	for _, w := range g.adj[v] {
		if !visited[w] {
			g.DFS(w, visited, stack, postOrder)
	*stack = append(*stack, v)
	postOrder[v] = len(*stack) - 1

// Kosaraju算法,用于找出所有强连通分量
func (g *Graph) Kosaraju() [][]int {
	n := len(g.adj)
	visited := make([]bool, n)
	var stack []int
	postOrder := make([]int, n)

	// 正向DFS
	for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
		if !visited[i] {
			g.DFS(i, visited, &stack, postOrder)

	// 反转图
	reverseAdj := make([][]int, n)
	for v := range g.adj {
		for _, w := range g.adj[v] {
			reverseAdj[w] = append(reverseAdj[w], v)

	// 反向DFS
	visited = make([]bool, n)
	var scc [][]int
	for i := len(stack) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
		v := stack[i]
		if !visited[v] {
			scc = append(scc, []int{v})
			g.DFS(v, visited, &stack, postOrder)

	return scc

func main() {
	// 示例图
	g := NewGraph(4)
	g.AddEdge(0, 1)
	g.AddEdge(1, 2)
	g.AddEdge(2, 3)
	g.AddEdge(3, 1)
	g.AddEdge(0, 3)

	// 计算强连通分量
	sccs := g.Kosaraju()
	fmt.Println("Strongly Connected Components:", sccs)
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要计算有向图 ( G = (V, E) ) 的分量图,并且确保在生成的分量图中任意两个节点之间至多存在一条边,我们可以使用深度优先搜索(DFS)算法。以下是使用 Go 语言实现的步骤:

  1. 初始化一个布尔数组 visited 来跟踪每个节点是否已被访问。
  2. 初始化一个空的图 components 来存储分量图。
  3. 对于每个未访问的节点,执行 DFS 并创建一个新的分量。
  4. 在 DFS 过程中,将访问过的节点添加到当前分量中,并且只添加一次。
  5. 将当前分量添加到 components 中。

以下是 Go 语言的实现代码:

package main

import (

// 定义图的节点类型
type Node int

// 定义图的边类型
type Edge struct {
	From Node
	To   Node

// 定义图的结构
type Graph struct {
	Nodes []Node
	Edges []Edge

// 深度优先搜索
func dfs(graph *Graph, node Node, visited []bool, component *[]Node) {
	visited[node] = true
	*component = append(*component, node)
	for _, edge := range graph.Edges {
		if edge.From == node && !visited[edge.To] {
			dfs(graph, edge.To, visited, component)

// 计算分量图
func computeComponents(graph *Graph) [][]Node {
	visited := make([]bool, len(graph.Nodes))
	var components [][]Node

	for _, node := range graph.Nodes {
		if !visited[node] {
			var component []Node
			dfs(graph, node, visited, &component)
			components = append(components, component)

	return components

func main() {
	// 创建一个示例图
	graph := &Graph{
		Nodes: []Node{0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5},
		Edges: []Edge{
			{0, 1},
			{1, 2},
			{3, 4},
			{4, 5},

	// 计算分量图
	components := computeComponents(graph)

	// 打印分量图
	for i, component := range components {
		fmt.Printf("Component %d: ", i+1)
		for _, node := range component {
			fmt.Printf("%d ", node)
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  1. Graph 结构:定义了图的节点和边。
  2. dfs 函数:执行深度优先搜索,将访问过的节点添加到当前分量中。
  3. computeComponents 函数:遍历所有节点,对未访问的节点执行 DFS,并将结果存储在 components 中。
  4. main 函数:创建一个示例图并计算其分量图,然后打印结果。

这个算法的时间复杂度是 ( O(V + E) ),其中 ( V ) 是节点数,( E ) 是边数。这是因为每个节点和每条边都只被访问一次。