about unit test in android ppt,Unit test with Examples in.Net ppt


12MEAP Edition Manning Early Access Program Copyright 2008 Manning Publications For more information on this and other Manning titles go to www.manning.com3Table of Contents Part 1 Getting started Chapter 1 The basics of unit testing Chapter 2 The first unit test Part 2 Core techniques Chapter 3 Using Stubs to break dependencies Chapter 4 Interaction testing using Mock Objects Chapter 5 Mock Object frameworks Part 3 The test code Chapter 6 Test hierarchies and organization Chapter 7 The pillars of good tests Part 4 Design and process Chapter 8 Integrating unit testing into the organization Chapter 9 Working with legacy code Appendices Appendix A Design and testability Appendix B Extra tools and frameworks 41 The basics of unit testing One of the biggest failed projects I worked on had unit tests. Or so I thought. I was leading a group of programmers to create a billing application, and we were doing it in a fully test-driven manner – writing the test, then writing the code, seeing the test fail, making the test pass, refactor, rinse, repeat. The first few months of the project were great; things were looking up, and we had tests that proved that our code worked. As time went by, requirements changed, and we were forced to change our code to fit those new requirements. Whenever we changed the code, tests broke and we had to fix them – the code was still working, but the tests we wrote were so brittle that any little change in our code broke them, even though the code was working just fine. It became a daunting task to change our code in a class or a method for fear of changing all the unit tests involved with that unit being tested. Worse yet, some tests became unusable because the people who wrote them had left the project and no one knew how to maintain the tests, or what they were testing. The names we gave our unit test methods were not clear enough. We had tests relying on other tests. We ended up throwing away most of the tests less than 6 months into the project. It was a miserable failure because we let the tests we wrote do more harm than good – they were taking too much time to maintain and understand than they were saving us in the long run. So we stopped using them. I moved on to other projects, where we did a better job writing our unit tests, and even had some great successes using them, saving huge amounts of debugging and integration time. Ever since that first project that failed, I've been compiling best practices for unit tests and using them on the next project. Every time I get involved in a new project, I find a few more best practices. A solid naming guideline is just one of those. Understanding how to write unit tests, and making them maintainable, readable and trust-worthy is what this book is about– no matter what language or Integrated Development Environment (IDE) you work with. This book will cover the basics of writing a unit test, then move on to the basics of Interaction testing, and from then we'll move to best practices for writing, managing and maintaining unit tests in the real world. 1.1 Unit testing - classic definition Unit testing in software development is not a new concept. It's been floating around since the early days of the programming language Smalltalk in the 1970s and proves itself time and time again as one of the best ways a developer can improve the quality of code while gaining a deeper understanding of the functional requirements of a class or method. Kent Beck is the person who introduced the concept of unit testing in Smalltalk. The concept he created has carried on into many programming languages today, which has made unit testing an extremely useful practice in software programming. Before we get too far, we need to define unit testing better. I will start with the classic definition most of us have heard a million times. 5UNIT TEST – THE CLASSIC DEFINITION A unit test is a piece of a code (usually a method) that invokes another piece of code and checks the correctness of some assumptions afterward. If the assumptions turn out to be wrong, the unit test has failed.


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项目:使用 JavaScript 编写的杀死幽灵游戏(附源代码) 杀死鬼魂游戏是使用 Vanilla JavaScript、CSS 和 HTML 画布开发的简单项目。这款游戏很有趣。玩家必须触摸/杀死游荡的鬼魂才能得分。您必须将鼠标悬停在鬼魂上 - 尽量得分。鬼魂在眨眼间不断从一个地方移动到另一个地方。您必须在 1 分钟内尽可能多地杀死鬼魂。 游戏制作 这个游戏项目只是用 HTML 画布、CSS 和 JavaScript 编写的。说到这个游戏的特点,用户必须触摸/杀死游荡的幽灵才能得分。游戏会根据你杀死的幽灵数量来记录你的总分。你必须将鼠标悬停在幽灵上——尽量得分。你必须在 1 分钟内尽可能多地杀死幽灵。游戏还会显示最高排名分数,如果你成功击败它,该分数会在游戏结束屏幕上更新。 该游戏包含大量的 javascript 以确保游戏正常运行。 如何运行该项目? 要运行此游戏,您不需要任何类型的本地服务器,但需要浏览器。我们建议您使用现代浏览器,如 Google Chrome 和 Mozilla Firefox。要玩游戏,首先,单击 index.html 文件在浏览器中打开游戏。 演示: 该项目为国外大神项目,可以作为毕业设计的项目,也可以作为大作业项目,不用担心代码重复,设计重复等,如果需要对项目进行修改,需要具备一定基础知识。 注意:如果装有360等杀毒软件,可能会出现误报的情况,源码本身并无病毒,使用源码时可以关闭360,或者添加信任。
javascript 中的 Paint War Game 是使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 开发的。谈到游戏玩法,这款游戏的主要目标是建造比敌人更多的油漆砖。您所要做的就是使用 WASD 键输入玩家的动作。您可以使用 VS Code 来运行该项目。 关于项目 每次您的玩家走过一块瓷砖时,它都会被涂成您的团队颜色。您必须在同一块瓷砖上走 4 次才能获得更多游戏点数。瓷砖会被您的团队挡住,并且不能再被偷走。如果您走过另一支球队的瓷砖,它会像您第一次走过时一样被涂上颜色。如果您创建一个封闭的被阻挡瓷砖图形,图形内所有未被阻挡的瓷砖都将固定为您的团队颜色。这个游戏充满乐趣,创造和重新即兴发挥会更有趣。 要运行此项目,我们建议您使用现代浏览器,例如 Google Chrome、  Mozilla Firefox。该游戏可能还支持 Explorer/Microsoft Edge。 演示: javascript 中的 Paint War Game 是使用 HTML、CSS 和 JavaScript 开发的。谈到游戏玩法,这款游戏的主要目标是建造比敌人更多的油漆砖。您所要做的就是使用 WASD 键输入玩家的动作。您可以使用 VS Code 来运行该项目。 关于项目 每次您的玩家走过一块瓷砖时,它都会被涂成您的团队颜色。您必须在同一块瓷砖上走 4 次才能获得更多游戏点数。瓷砖会被您的团队挡住,并且不能再被偷走。如果您走过另一支球队的瓷砖,它会像您第一次走过时一样被涂上颜色。如果您创建一个封闭的被阻挡瓷砖图形,图形内所有未被阻挡的瓷砖都将固定为您的团队颜色。这个游戏充满乐趣,创造和重新即兴发挥会更有趣。 要运行此项目,我们建议您使用现代浏览器,例如 Google Chrome、  Mozilla Firefox。该游戏可能还支持 Explorer/Microsoft Edge。 演示: 该项目为国外大神项目,可以作为毕业设计的项目,也可以作为大作业项目,不用担心代码重复,设计重复等,如果需要对项目进行修改,需要具备一定基础知识。 注意:如果装有360等杀毒软件,可能会出现误报的情况,源码本身并无病毒,使用源码时可以关闭360,或者添加信任。




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