I'd like to right-align block elements in a floating container.
Assume the following markup.
current wanted
+-----------+ +-----------+
|+-------+ | | +-------+|
|| | | | | ||
|| | | | | ||
|+-------+ | ---> | +-------+|
|+----+ | | +----+|
|| | | | | ||
|+----+ | | +----+|
+-----------+ +-----------+
What I've tried:
div { text-align: right; } - works in IE8, fails in Firefox (naturally, the images are blocks and not supposed to be affected by text-align)
img { margin: 0 0 0 auto; } - works in Firefox, fails in IE8
floating the images to the right - does not work as I never want the images on the same line. Also, floated images no longer push down the following content.
What else can I try? I prefer a pure CSS solution, if that's at all possible.
Here's a fiddle that explains the full markup: http://jsfiddle.net/Tomalak/yCTHX/3/
Setting float: right; works for all real browsers, for IE8 it extends the image box in the row first over the entire width and pushes down the box with the text.
div > img { float:right; clear:right; }