signature=530d9c5e7e99d796faa35352560aede4,Projects - Institute for Land, Water and Society

Completed Projects


A study of influences on preferences, tolerances and thresholds of acceptability for shark management options in NSW. Simmons, P. & Mehmet, M. (2018-2019) NSW Primary Industries – NSW Shark Management Strategy, $50,000 Project details

Contribution of Koondrook-Perricoota floodplain runoff to the productivity of the Wakool River. Watts, R. & Liu, X.  (2019-2020), Forestry Corporation NSW, $39,610 Project details

CRC for High Performance Soils: I.2.003 Collaborative approaches to Innovation. Pawsey, N., Allan, C., Frost, M., Lynch, J., Wong, A. (2019-2020), Soil CRC Project details

Developing design guidelines for diversion screens that save native fish and enhance agricultural productivity. Baumgartner, L.,  Doyle, K.. (2018-2020) Ian Potter Foundation, $299,331 Project details

Environmental water requirements of freshwater mussels in the northern basin.McCasker, N., Humphries, P. (2020) CEWO, $20,000. Project led by Griffith University. Project details

Fishing for answers: Unlocking spawning and recruitment for Murray-Darling recreational species. Baumgartner, L., Doyle, K., Silva, L., Thiem, J. (2016-2020) Recreational Fishing Trust. $100,000 Project Details

Fish investigations associated with Snowy 2.0 - Snowy Hydro Ltd. (Assignment 1). Baumgartner, L., Silva, L., Ning, N.  (2017-2020) Snowy Hydro Ltd. $61,647 Project details

Long term prediction of PFAS profile in the soil and its possible pathway into groundwater (a case study). Mahinroosta, R., Li, M & Senevirathna, L. (2020) Bathurst Regional Council, $16,500

Monitoring productivity outcomes of the 2019 River Murray Channel multi-site water for the environment event. Watts,R., & Liu, X. (2019-2020) MDBA through CSIRO, ILWS-sub contract, $39,196 Project details

Predicting redfin survival through the Snowy 2.0 scheme. Assignment 2. Baumgartner, L., Silva, L., Ning, N. & McPherson, J. (2018-2020) Snowy Hydro Ltd. $848,803Project details

River Red Gum floristic and vegetation surveys in Murray Valley National Park. Spooner, P. (2019-2020) Department of Planning, Industry and Environment, Contract variation, $196,787. Project details

Shark Sentiment Study.  Simmons, P., Mehmet, M. (2017-2020), NSW Department of Primary Industries, $91,000

Stuffed Murray Cod in Pubs. Humphries, P., McCasker, N., Kopf, R.  & O'Connell, M. (PhD student), (2017-2020) MDBA Scholarship grant, $45,000 Project details

Supporting isolated women in New South Wales via an eHealth CBT program. De Haan, K. (Murrumbidgee LHD), Bernoth, M., Hunt, C. (Western NSW LHD), Milgrom, J (Parent Infant Research Institute), Gemmil, A. (Parent Infant Research Institute ), Carlisle, J. & Carey, A.(2018-2020) NSW Ministry of Health Translational Research Grant Scheme $176,790 Project details

Surfer attitudes to shark management. Simmons, P., Lewis, C.  (2020) NSW DPI, $66,481

Virtuous Practitioners: Empowering Social Workers. Pawar, M., Hugman, R. (UNSW), Alexandra, A. & Anscombe, A.  (2014-2019) ARC Discovery grant, $220,130 Project details

Workforce Wellbeing in Family and Community Services.Roberts, R., Bamberry, L., Ceric, A., Hodgins, G., Cumming, T. (2018-2019) FACS, $204,394 Project details


Acoustic Observatory: a network to monitor biodiversity across Australia.Led by Queensland University of Technology with ILWS team members Watson, D., Luck, G. & Nimmo, D. (2017-2020) ARC Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities project ($900,000)

Albury Wodonga Regional FoodShare Project. Masterman-Smith, H. (2019) Albury Wodonga Regional Food Share, $7000

Assessing and developing a walkability index targeted to older Australians in regional cities. Whitsed, R., Horta, A. (2018-2019) Family & Community Services – Liveable Communities Grants, $30,000 Project details

Assessing fisheries mitigation measures at Xayaburi Dam in Lao PDR. Baumgartner, L. & Silva, L. (2017-2019) ACIAR, $320,000 (MOU – Xayaburi Power Company Limited)

Basin-scale Evaluation and Research Services. Stage 1. Wassens, S., Baumgartner, L., Watts, R. Keller, K. (2019) Lead organisation CSIRO.  ILWS sub-contract $41,418 Project details

Community attitudes towards SMART drumlines as a shark mitigation tool. Simmons, P., Mehmet, M. (2019) NSW Department of Primary Industries, $58,691

EWKR food web fish community trophic dynamics. Keller, K. (2018-2019) CEWO via MDFRC, $40,000 Project details

Ecological assessment of the status of the Southern Bell Frog and Sloane's froglet in Mywurlie station, One Tree NSW. Wassens, S., Knight, A., Walcott, A. & Heard, G. (2017-2018), Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ltd, $46,948. Project details

Ecology of the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in the Pilbara. Nimmo, D. & Moore, H. (PhD student) (2017-2018) Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment, $5500

Equally well implementation committee. Roberts, R., Hyde, S., Banks, S., Cobb, L., Burmeister, O., Nayeem, T., Mehmet, M. & Maylea, C. (2017-2019) National Mental Health Commission, $154,160 plus Contract variations (2018) $85,000 and (2019) $97,582. Total value $252,582.  Project Details

Evaluation of New Access for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders. Burmeister, O., Russell, R. and Steve Stanton (a Gamilaraay man from North West NSW) (2018-2019) Primary Health Network – Central and Eastern Sydney, $66,000 Project details

Environmental drivers of disease risk in relic Bell Frog populations in East Gippsland. Heard, G., Wassens, S. & Turner, A. (PhD student) (2018-2019) Greening Australia, $32,403

Frog community in creek and drought refuge habitats of the Yanco Creek system.Wassens, S., Turner, A. (2019-2020) Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council, $29,240 Final Report

Grassland biodiversity and solar farms. Price, J. (2019) Darlington Point Solar Farm (Edify Energy), $10,000

Hedonic Pricing of On-farm Soil Management – Phase 1.Morrison, M., Oczkowski, E. (2018) CRC High Performance Soils, $60,000 Project details

In search of the elusive Mekong salmon. Baumgartner, L. & Vu. V.A. (PhD student), (2016-2019), National Geographic Society Research Grant, $30,080 Project details

Landcare Report Card 2. Mitchell, M. & Allan, C. (2019) Landcare NSW, $20,000 Project Details

Living with salinity in the Indus Basin: SRA 2. Mitchell, M., Barrett-Lennard, E., Allan, C. & Punthakey, J. (2019) Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research (ACIAR), $88,000 Project details

Long Term Intervention Monitoring project - Edward Wakool Selected Area. Stage 2.Watts, R., McCasker, N., Howitt, J., Kopf, R.K. with NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries), Monash University (Water Studies Centre), Griffith University, NSW OEH, and Murray LLS. (2014-2019) CEWO, $3.36M   Project Webpage

Long Term Intervention Monitoring project-Murrumbidgee Selected Area. Stage 2.. Wassens, S., Hall, A., Wolfenden, B. with NSW Department of Primary Industries (Fisheries), University of NSW, Riverina LLS, and NSW OEH, (2014-2019) CEWO, $3.5M  Project Webpage

Mitta Valley Southern Bell Frog Surveys 2019. Wassens, S., Turner, A. (2019-2020) Landcare Australia, $1498  Final Report

Optimising acoustic monitoring for frogs in the Koondrook-Perricoota. Walcott, A., Hall, A., Wassens, S., Nimmo, D. (2018) Forestry Corporation of NSW $29,623 Project details

Phase 2: Ecological assessment of the status of the Southern bell frog and Sloane’s froglet in Mywurlie Station, One Tree, NSW.Knight, A., Wassens, S., & Heard, G. (2018-2019) Murrumbidgee Irrigation ltd, $45,673 Project details

PIT tag data analysis project.Huang, X., Baumgartner, L. & Li, J.(2018-2019) Karltek Pty Ltd., $25,000 Project details

Review of the Murray Landcare Collective and Murray Regional Landcare Facilitator project 2014-2018.Allan, C. & Earl, G. (Murray LLS) (2018) Holbrook Land Care Network, $5000

River Red Gum floristics and vegetation monitoring 2018-2019. Spooner, P. (2018-2019) NSW Department of Planning, Industry and Environment (was OEH) $199,700 Project details

Research activities for the Fish theme of the Environmental Water Knowledge Research (EWKR) project. Contract variation. Humphries, P. in collaboration with MDRFC (2017-2019) CEWO via MDRFC, $206,587.Project details

Native and invasive fish dispersal, spawning and trophic dynamics during a managed river-floodplain connection.  Kopf, R., Wassens, S., &  Mc Phan, L. (2018-2019) CEWO, $236,787 Project details

Spark a connection art and dementia program evaluation. Burmeister, O. (2019) NSW Family & Community Services Liveable Communities Grant Program administered by Orange City Council, $8000.Project details

Spatial ecology of the endangered Inland Carpet Python.Heard, G. (2018-2019) Parks Victoria – Research Partners Panel, $10,000

Sustainable Hydropower and Multipurpose Storage to meet the Water, Food and Energy SDGs. Conallin, J. (2108) IHE Delft 32,000 Euros Project details

Sustainable rangeland management to protect red panda and herder livelihoods, Millar, J., Finlayson, M., & Tenzing, K. (2016-2019) Darwin Initiative Fund, $540,000 Project details

The impact of buffel grass invasion on Indigenous food plants and animals in Australia’s Western Desert. Nimmo, D., Greenwood, L. (PhD student)   (2018-2019) Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment, $6750. Project details

The impact of feral ungulate visitation to ephemeral savannah waterholes and their flow on effects for native birds. Mihailou, H., Massaro, M., (2017-2019) Birdlife Australia, $3500 Project details

Weir stratification and hypoxic water management. Wassens, S., Michael, D. & Baldwin, D. (2019) CEWO $38,728 Project details

Workshop for the development of a national wetland inventory for the Kingdom of Bhutan. Finlayson, M., McInnes,R., & Davidson,N. (2019) Bhutan Department of Forests and Park Services – Watershed Management Division, $27,756 Project details


2016-2017 Murrumbidgee Bird Breeding Event. Brandis, K. (UNSW), Spencer, J. (NSW OEH); Wassens, S. (2016-2017) CEWO, $142,191 (Contract variation for the LTIM project)

Activating markets to create incentives for improved soil management: Literature scoping study. Morrison, M.  (2017-2018) High Performance Soils CRC, $49,254 Project details Project Fact Sheet

Assessment of the attitudes of beach and ocean end-users to shark mitigation since trials of SMART Drumlines in NSW. Simmons, P., Mehmet, M. (2018) NSW DPI, $55,012Project details

Billabong-Yanco Creek Wetland Monitoring Project. Wassens, S., Wilson, B., Walcott, A., Hall, A. & Wolfenden, B. (2017-2018) Murray LLS, $80,218 Project details

Bio-Acoustic Observatory: Engaging Birdwatchers to Monitor Biodiversity by Collaboratively Collecting and Analysing Big Audio Data. Roe, P., Brereton, M., & Watson, D, M. (2014-2017) ARC Discovery grant,  $477,000 Project details

Can landscape structure enhance the resilience of biodiversity to climatic extremes? Insights from the  Millennium  Drought.  Nimmo, D.,  Bennett, A. (La Trobe Uni),  Haslem, A. (LaTrobe Uni) & Radford, J. (Bush Heritage Australia). (2015-2018) Hermon Slade Foundation, $86,210 Project details

Community driven economic change in small rural community local economic zones. Morrison, M. (2017-2018) Federation Council, $50,000  Project details Economic Development Study Final Report

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Conservation management plan for Turks Head building, Albury. Spennemann, D. (2017-2018) Albury City Council, $14,847

Earnings outcomes in metropolitan and regional labour markets: A gender-based analysis for New South Wales and Victoria - 2006 Census year. Basu, P.K. & Hicks, J. (2014 - 2018) CSU & ILWS Research activity Project detail

Ecological assessment of the status of the Southern Bell Frog and Sloane's froglet in Mywurlie station, One Tree NSW. Wassens, S., Knight, A., Walcott, A. & Heard, G. (2017-2018) Murrumbidgee Irrigation Ltd, $46,948. Project details

Ecology of the northern quoll (Dasyurus hallucatus) in the Pilbara. Nimmo, D. & Moore, H. (PhD student) (2017-2018) Holsworth Wildlife Research Endowment, $5500

Equally well implementation committee. Roberts, R., Hyde, S., Banks, S., Cobb, L., Burmeister, O., Nayeem, T., Mehmet, M. & Maylea, C. (2017-2019) National Mental Health Commission, $154,160 Project Details

Environmental Monitoring and Training for Aboriginal Communities. Wassens, S., Allan, C., Whitsed, R. & Bond, J. (2017-2018) NSW OEH, $20,000 Project details

Environmentally sustainable irrigation solutions for the Murray-Darling Basin.  Baumgartner, L.  (2017) Australian Academy of Technology and Engineering-Global Connections Fund – Bridging Grant, $49,966

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the Lake Cowal Foundation. Allan, C. (2017) Lake Cowal Foundation Ltd. $25,000

Group Capacity snapshot project. Allan, C. (2017-2018) Murray LLS, $10,000

Headspace NewAccess Program Evaluation. Burmeister, O. M, Fox, R., Nic Giolla Easpaig, B., Roberts, R. (2017-2018) Murrumbidgee Primary Health District, $75,000 Project Details

Humanitarian immigrant entrepreneurs in private and social enterprises. Collins, J. (UTS) Krivokapic-Skoko, B. (2015-2018) ARC Discovery grant, $200,124 Project details

Improving salinity and agricultural water management in the Indus Basin of Pakistan. Finlayson, M., Allan, C., Culas, R., Mitchell,M., Punthakey, J. (2017) ACIAR, $50,000 Project details

Macca's in the Mannus, Macquarie Perch Refuge in the Upper Murray. Baumgartner, L., Silva, L., Kopf, S. (2017) NSW Department of Primary Industries/Murray LLS, $120,000 Project details

PIRCCO Evaluation. Burmeister, O. & Roberts, R. (2017-2018) Marathon Health, $50,000 (Program Evaluation Contract research) Project details

Powering Down: an energy efficiency education project.Masterman-Smith, H., Rafferty, J. & Sheahan, M. and Albury City Council. (2017) NSW Environment Trust, $100,000 Project details

Recovery of native fish communities in the Murray-Darling Basin. Baumgartner, L. (2017) Fisheries Research and Development Corporation, $18,948.

Reconnaissance and recommendations on mistletoe management in macadamia orchards.Watson, D. & Watson, J. (2018-2019) Horticulture Innovation Australia Ltd, $18,000  Final Report

River red gum floristics and vegetation monitoring 2017. Spooner, P. (2017-2018) DECCW $186,471 Project details

Understanding historic fish populations in the Murray River. Humphries, P. (2015-2018) Murray Darling Basin Authority, $27,273

Vegetation Monitoring in the Colligen Creek System. Watts, R. (2015-2018) Murray Local Land Services, $70,000 Project details


2016-2017 Murrumbidgee Targeted Hypoxic Blackwater Monitoring. Wassens, S., Wolfenden, B., Walcott, A. (2016-2017) CEWO, $8,545 (Contract variation for the LTIM project)

A Community Engagement Series: Regional Facilitator in the Albury LGA,Masterman-Smith, H., Rafferty, J., and Sheahan, M., (2016) NSW Office of Environment and Heritage, $32,000  Project details

ANDS Collection Enhancement Project.  Finlayson, M. (2017) Monash University ($30,000)

Automated call records to evaluate frog responses to environmental watering. Wassens, S., Hall, A., Nimmo, D. & Walcott, A.(2016-2017) Department of Environment & Climate Change, $30,000

Better Parks for People,Whitsed, R., Black, R., & Harvey, R. (2016-2017) FACS NSW Liveable Communities, $62,727 Project details

Blue-green algal monitoring in the Edward-Wakool River System. Watts, R., Howitt, J. & McCasker, N. (2016) CEWO, $106,476 (Contract variation for the LTIM project) Project Details

Development of strategies to optimise release and clean up strategies underpinning possible use of herpes virus 3 (CyHV-3) for carp biocontrol in Australia. Silva, L, & Baumgartner, L. (2017) Fisheries Research & Development Corporation. $39,000. Project Details

Complementary measures for native fish. Baumgartner, L. (2017) CSIRO/Murray-Darling Basin Authority. $33,000

Ecosystem services provided by birds in agricultural landscapes, Luck, G., Saunders, M., & Peisley, R. (2015-2017), Wildlife Preservation Society of Australia, $1000

Evaluation of Women in Future Innovation Program. Black, R. (2017) Mid North Coast Local Health District, $5000

Farm Power and Conservation Agriculture for Sustainable Intensification. Blackwell, J. & Krivokapic-Skoko, B. (2013-17) ACIAR, via CIMMY (International Maize and Wheat Improvement Centre), $544,000  Project details

Germination trials of grassy woodland species. Price, J. (2017) Goulburn Broken CMA, $3000.

Koondrook-Perricoota Floodplain Runoff project. Watts, R., Howitt, J. (2016-2017) Forestry Corporation of NSW ($49,501), ILWS and CSU's Faculty of Science Project details

Monitoring ecosystem responses to Return Flows in the Koondrook-Pericoota Forest, Wolfenden, B., Jenkins, K. & McCasker, N. (2016-2017) NSW DPI (Fisheries), $36,908

Murray Small-bodied threatened fish project. Baumgartner, L., Silva, L. & Kopf, S. (2017) NSW Department of Primary Industries/Murray LLS, $52,000 Project details

Our Place-Corowa. Masterman-Smith, H., Sheahan, M. & Rafferty, J. (2015-2017) NSW Office of Environment & Heritage, $29,500 Project details

Predicting the delivery of ecosystem services in agricultural landscapes, Luck, G. (2014-2017) ARC Discovery grant, $360,000 Project details

River Red Gum Ecological thinning trial(Honours project). Spooner, P. (2017) NSW OEH, $8000

Secure Safe Domestic Water (SSDW) in the Central Darling Region: Regional stakeholder engagement action events. Finlayson, M. (2017) MDBA, $4546

Securing adequate safe domestic water for regional Australia. Waterman, P., Finlayson, M., Kitzelmann, M. (2016-2017) (Etheridge Shire Council), Charters, K. (SEGRA) CSU, $50,000 Project details

Shark deterrents and detection: Community perceptions, sentiment and preferences for shark management strategies.  Simmons, P., Mehmet, M.  & Clarke, R. (UOW) (2017) A collaborative project between CSU (ILWS), UOW and NSW DPI with funding from the NSW Shark Management Strategy (SMS) Competitive Annual Grants Program. Project details

Short-Term Intervention Monitoring-waterbird and prey responses to inundation of the Western Lakes. Jenkins, K., Wolfenden, B. Wassens, S. (2016-2017) CEWO, $52,983

Succession and estate planning in Australia,  Steen, A. & D'Alessandro, S. (2016-2017) Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners, $25,700

Water, carbon & economics: resolving complex linkages for river health, Finlayson, C.M. (chief investigator) & Hatton MacDonald, D (CSIRO) (partner investigator) in an  ARC Linkage project led by Southern Cross University. (2013-2017)






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