oracle row 00033,Oracle错误号大全(查询ora错误号以及解决方法技巧)

Oracle 查询ora错误号以及解决方法技巧 racle 错误号以及解决方法技巧 经常有朋友问我ORACLE 类似ora-00109 错误的信息,其实我们的ORACLE系统本身已经为我们详细的说明了各种的错误信息,一般的ORA错误号都在里面,而且给出了相应的解决方法。

在UNIX 系统下只要执行这个命令就可以列出错误原因以及解决方法了。


[oracle@mail oracle]$ oerr ora 109

01090, 00000, "shutdown in progress - connection is not permitted"

// *Cause:  The SHUTDOWN command was used to shut down a running

//         ORACLE instance, so you cannot connect to ORACLE.

// *Action: Wait for the instance to be restarted, or contact your DBA.

01091, 00000, "failure during startup force"

// *Cause:  Unable to destroy the old SGA.

// *Action: Manually remove the old SGA and reissue the STARTUP command

01092, 00000, "ORACLE instance terminated. Disconnection forced"

// *Cause:  The instance this process was connected to was terminated

//          abnormally, probably via a shutdown abort. This process

//          was forced to disconnect from the instance.

// *Action: Examine the alert log for more details. When the instance has been

//          restarted, retry action.

01093, 00000, "ALTER DATABASE CLOSE only permitted with no sessions connected"

// *Cause:  There is at least one more session other than the current one

//         logged into the instance.  ALTER DATABASE CLOSE is not permitted.

// *Action: Find the other sessions and log them out and resubmit the command

01094, 00000, "ALTER DATABASE CLOSE in progress. Connections not permitted"

// *Cause:

// *Action:

01095, 00000, "DML statement processed zero rows"

// *Cause:  During a call to OTEX, an update, delete, or insert statement

//          being executed processed zero rows.  The execution

//          of statements by OTEX was halted at this point.

// *Action:

01096, 00000, "program version (%s) incompatible with instance (%s)"


// *Cause: A program is trying to connect to an instance using a different

//         version of code than the database was started with.  This is

//         not allowed.

// *Action: Either relink the program with the same version as the database or

//          restart the database using the old version of code.

01097, 00000, "cannot shutdown while in a transaction - commit or rollback first                                              "

// *Cause:  Obvious

// *Action:

01098, 00000, "program Interface error during Long Insert"

// *Cause:

// *Action:

01099, 00000, "cannot mount database in SHARED mode if started in single process                                               mode"

// *Cause:  Obvious

// *Action:



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[oracle@mail oracle]$ oerr ora 3

00030, 00000, "User session ID does not exist."

// *Cause:  The user session ID no longer exists, probably because the

//          session was logged out.

// *Action: Use a valid session ID.

00031, 00000, "session marked for kill"

// *Cause:  The session specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command

//          cannot be killed immediately (because it is rolling back or blocked

//          on a network operation), but it has been marked for kill.  This

//          means it will be killed as soon as possible after its current

//          uninterruptable operation is done.

// *Action: No action is required for the session to be killed, but further

//          executions of the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command on this session

//          may cause the session to be killed sooner.

00032, 00000, "invalid session migration password"

// *Cause:  The session migration password specified in a session creation

//          call was invalid (probably too long).

// *Action: Retry with a valid password (less than 30 chars).

00033, 00000, "current session has empty migration password"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to detach or clone the current session and

//          it has an empty migration password.  This is not allowed.

// *Action: Create the session with a non-empty migration password.

00034, 00000, "cannot %s in current PL/SQL session"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to issue a commit or rollback from a PL/SQL

//          object (procedure, function, package) in a session that has this

//          disabled (by 'alter session disable commit in procedure')

// *Action: Enable commits from PL/SQL in this session, or do not attempt

//          to use commit or rollback in PL/SQL when they are disabled

//          in the current session.

00035, 00000, "LICENSE_MAX_USERS cannot be less than current number of users"

// *Cause:

// *Action:

00036, 00000, "maximum number of recursive SQL levels (%s) exceeded"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to go more than the specified number

//          of recursive SQL levels.

// *Action: Remove the recursive SQL, possibly a recursive trigger.

00037, 00000, "cannot switch to a session belonging to a different server group"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to switch to a session in a different server

//          group.  This is not allowed.

// *Action: Make sure the server switches to a session that belongs to its

//          server group.

00038, 00000, "Cannot create session: server group belongs to another user"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to create a non-migratable session in a server

//          group that is owned by a different user.

// *Action: A server group is owned by the first user who logs into a server

//          in the server group in non-migratable mode.  All subsequent

//          non-migratable mode logins must be made by the user who owns

//          the server group.  To have a different user login in non-migratable

//          mode, the ownership of the server group will have to be changed.

//          This can be done by logging off all current sessions and detaching

//          from all existing servers in the server group and then having the

//          new user login to become the new owner.

[oracle@mail oracle]$ oerr ora 3

00030, 00000, "User session ID does not exist."

// *Cause:  The user session ID no longer exists, probably because the

//          session was logged out.

// *Action: Use a valid session ID.

00031, 00000, "session marked for kill"

// *Cause:  The session specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command

//          cannot be killed immediately (because it is rolling back or blocked

//          on a network operation), but it has been marked for kill.  This

//          means it will be killed as soon as possible after its current

//          uninterruptable operation is done.

// *Action: No action is required for the session to be killed, but further

//          executions of the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command on this session

//          may cause the session to be killed sooner.

00032, 00000, "invalid session migration password"

// *Cause:  The session migration password specified in a session creation

//          call was invalid (probably too long).

// *Action: Retry with a valid password (less than 30 chars).

00033, 00000, "current session has empty migration password"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to detach or clone the current session and

//          it has an empty migration password.  This is not allowed.

// *Action: Create the session with a non-empty migration password.

00034, 00000, "cannot %s in current PL/SQL session"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to issue a commit or rollback from a PL/SQL

//          object (procedure, function, package) in a session that has this

//          disabled (by 'alter session disable commit in procedure')

// *Action: Enable commits from PL/SQL in this session, or do not attempt

//          to use commit or rollback in PL/SQL when they are disabled

//          in the current session.

00035, 00000, "LICENSE_MAX_USERS cannot be less than current number of users"

// *Cause:

// *Action:

00036, 00000, "maximum number of recursive SQL levels (%s) exceeded"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to go more than the specified number

//          of recursive SQL levels.

// *Action: Remove the recursive SQL, possibly a recursive trigger.

00037, 00000, "cannot switch to a session belonging to a different server group"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to switch to a session in a different server

//          group.  This is not allowed.

// *Action: Make sure the server switches to a session that belongs to its

//          server group.

00038, 00000, "Cannot create session: server group belongs to another user"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to create a non-migratable session in a server

//          group that is owned by a different user.

// *Action: A server group is owned by the first user who logs into a server

//          in the server group in non-migratable mode.  All subsequent

//          non-migratable mode logins must be made by the user who owns

//          the server group.  To have a different user login in non-migratable

//          mode, the ownership of the server group will have to be changed.

//          This can be done by logging off all current sessions and detaching

//          from all existing servers in the server group and then having the

//          new user login to become the new owner.

[oracle@mail oracle]$ oerr ora 3

00030, 00000, "User session ID does not exist."

// *Cause:  The user session ID no longer exists, probably because the

//          session was logged out.

// *Action: Use a valid session ID.

00031, 00000, "session marked for kill"

// *Cause:  The session specified in an ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command

//          cannot be killed immediately (because it is rolling back or blocked

//          on a network operation), but it has been marked for kill.  This

//          means it will be killed as soon as possible after its current

//          uninterruptable operation is done.

// *Action: No action is required for the session to be killed, but further

//          executions of the ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION command on this session

//          may cause the session to be killed sooner.

00032, 00000, "invalid session migration password"

// *Cause:  The session migration password specified in a session creation

//          call was invalid (probably too long).

// *Action: Retry with a valid password (less than 30 chars).

00033, 00000, "current session has empty migration password"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to detach or clone the current session and

//          it has an empty migration password.  This is not allowed.

// *Action: Create the session with a non-empty migration password.

00034, 00000, "cannot %s in current PL/SQL session"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to issue a commit or rollback from a PL/SQL

//          object (procedure, function, package) in a session that has this

//          disabled (by 'alter session disable commit in procedure')

// *Action: Enable commits from PL/SQL in this session, or do not attempt

//          to use commit or rollback in PL/SQL when they are disabled

//          in the current session.

00035, 00000, "LICENSE_MAX_USERS cannot be less than current number of users"

// *Cause:

// *Action:

00036, 00000, "maximum number of recursive SQL levels (%s) exceeded"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to go more than the specified number

//          of recursive SQL levels.

// *Action: Remove the recursive SQL, possibly a recursive trigger.

00037, 00000, "cannot switch to a session belonging to a different server group"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to switch to a session in a different server

//          group.  This is not allowed.

// *Action: Make sure the server switches to a session that belongs to its

//          server group.

00038, 00000, "Cannot create session: server group belongs to another user"

// *Cause:  An attempt was made to create a non-migratable session in a server

//          group that is owned by a different user.

// *Action: A server group is owned by the first user who logs into a server

//          in the server group in non-migratable mode.  All subsequent

//          non-migratable mode logins must be made by the user who owns

//          the server group.  To have a different user login in non-migratable

//          mode, the ownership of the server group will have to be changed.

//          This can be done by logging off all current sessions and detaching

//          from all existing servers in the server group and then having the

//          new user login to become the new owner.0b1331709591d260c1c78e86d0c51c18.png

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