PL/SQL Developer 8 更新说明

Enhancements in PL/SQL Developer 8.0
- DBMS Scheduler tool added
- Object Browser enhancements
  > User selector added
  > Search field added
  > Folders are reopened after changing filters
  > Scheduler object folders added
  > Indexes folder added
  > Java classes folder
  > Constraints folder added
- New Docking interface
  > Vertical tab pages
  > Pin/Unpin
  > Maximize/restore
  > To-Do items are now dockable
  > Project items are now dockable
- File Browser dockable tool added
- Editor enhancements
  > New Preference: Show Special Characters by default
  > Shift-home now jumps the beginning of line, not the the first non-space character
  > Find now has a "find all" button
  > Smart indent option added (indents automatically after begin, declare, if, ...)
  > Added a "Include font style with Copy" preference
  > Variable highlighting now highlights record fields
- Code Assistant enhancements
  > Now describes :OLD and :NEW variables in triggers
  > Now describes SELF references in type bodies
  > New option: "Show variable and type declarations in a popup"
- Project enhancements
  > Groups
  > actions per group (open all, close all)
  > To-do list in options form
  > Find in project
- SQL Window enhancements
  > "Copy all to Excel" popup added for multiple result grids
  > Printing one from multiple results, now prints the related SQL
  > "Sort case sensitive" popup added for grid columns
  > Align templates added under align button
  > New preference: Initial empty editor lines
  > Result grid keeps focus after execute
  > Values entered in grid beyond size/scale/precision of the database field are displayed in red
  > Clear Tab Results popup item added to clear a single result set
- External table support added to the Table Definition Editor
- Table compression support added to the Table Definition Editor
- Oracle11g SQL and PL/SQL keywords added
- Subpartition support added to the Table Definition Editor
- Object column attribute support for indexes and constraints added to the Table Definition Editor
- Conditional compilation selection directives recognized in Program Window
- PL/SQL CCFlags item added to object popup menu
- Conditional compilation flags added to Compiler preference page
- Substitution variables added to Compiler preference page
- PL/SQL Optimize Level added to Compiler preference page
- PL/Scope Identifiers added to Compiler preference page
- PL/SQL Warnings added to Compiler preference page
- PL/SQL Code type added to Compiler preference page
- Compare User Objects now allows you to select a user for the source objects
- Compare User Objects now ignores differences in quoted/unquoted object names
- Compare Table Data now allows you to select a user for the source tables
- Export User Objects option added: File per object / spec & body in a single file
- Compare User Objects preserves target connection when switching main connection
- Diagram Window enhancements
  > Zoom option added
  > Additional line-end types
  > Print selection and print over multiple pages
  > Line description added
  > Notes added
  > Show/hide icons
  > Show/hide headings
  > Reference lines added
- PL/SQL Beautifier enhancements:
  > -- NoFormat Start / -- NoFormat End directives can be used to suppress formatting
  > Update select lists are now formatted properly
  > Nested case expressions are now parsed and formatted properly
  > Cursor parameters are now formatted in accordance with the parameter formatting rules
  > Case expressions formatted correctly when used in conditions
  > Fetch item list now formatted correctly
- Text Importer improvements
  > Run can now be interrupted by pressing Escape
  > Now displays the number of failed records
  > Keeps the form updated during import
  > Generate script now has Local/UTF8 option in file dialog
  > Added a comment line preference
  > Added a "skip empty lines" preference
  > Import to script tries to keep line size below 256 characters for SQL*Plus compatibility
  > Added Line start/end setting
  > UTF8 encoded text will automatically save as UTF8 encoded import script
- Wait for Tool option added to Tools
- Session Window: Moved columns will stay at the moved location after a refresh
- New command-line parameters
  > SESSIONMODE command line parameter added (SINGLE|DUAL|MULTI or 1|2|3)
  > LFPATH=<path> command line parameter to force location of license file
  > NOSCWARNING command line parameter to prevent messages about service contract expiration
  > HEXEDIT=<filename> command line parameter added
  > DEFAULTPREFPATH command line parameter added to force a default preference directory
  > PROJECT=<filename> command line parameter added
- Report Window: "Save as PDF" button added
- Auto Refresh no longer keeps asking for variables in SQL Window and Report Window
- Command Window SPOOL OUT added (stop spooling and print file)
- Worked around 64K row limit for Excel export by adding additional pages
- Pasting text will create a new SQL Window when no window available
- Table properties now also include information from all_objects view
- Property windows now have a cell button to invoke the text viewer when the text is too long to display
- DBMS Output pane added to the "Run" tab page of the Test Manager
- Running time added to status line for SQL and Test Window
- "Notify end of long running queries" preference added for SQL and Test Window
- Find menu items names changed and Find Previous added
- Improved Editor Macro dialog
- Auto Refresh now includes a Start All / Stop All option
- Describe and Properties popup are now numbered
- Specific error message when loading 64 bit oci.dll
- Added a "Folding on by default" preference
- Added Program Window compilation warning: This object is owned by a different user!
- Numbers format preference added (and date/time group changed to NLS Options)
- Search function added to Support Info dialog
- Upgraded ExamDiff from 1.6 to 1.8
- Improved support for type specification versions
- Table describe function now includes table comments
- View DDL now includes column comments
- Oracle Option preference "Add column alias list for View DDL" added
- Improved installer, to install for current user / all users
- Plug-In interface extended
  > IDE_NextSelectedFile: PChar
  > IDE_FirstSelectedFile(Files, Directories: Boolean): PChar
  > IDE_RefreshFileBrowser
  > Support for PlugInPopups: "FILE"
  > wtHTML option supported for IDE_CreateWindow to show (html) text

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