离散数学及其应用傅彦pdf_《离散数学及其应用》第二章 计算机课题






#include <iostream>
#include <boost/dynamic_bitset.hpp>
#include <boost/utility.hpp>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;

using boost::dynamic_bitset;

int main()
	// 集合元素数
	const size_t n = 32;
	// 初始化A为n位的0...0011
	dynamic_bitset<> A(n, BOOST_BINARY(011));
	// 初始化A为n位的0...0110
	dynamic_bitset<> B(n, BOOST_BINARY(110));
	cout << "A的补集:" << ~A << endl;
	cout << "A与B的并集:" << (A | B) << endl;
	cout << "A与B的交集:" << (A & B) << endl;
	cout << "A与B的差集:" << (A - B) << endl;
	cout << "A与B的异或:" << (A ^ B) << endl;
    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::set;
using std::map;
using std::string;

// 多重集合并集:
template<typename T>
void MultiSetAnd(map<T, size_t> &inputSet1, map<T, size_t> &inputSet2, map<T, size_t> &outputSet)
	// 遍历元素,进行或操作
	for (const auto &ele : inputSet1)
		T key = ele.first;
		size_t cnt1 = inputSet1[key];
		size_t cnt2 = inputSet2[key];
		if (cnt1 < cnt2)
			outputSet[key] = cnt1;
			outputSet[key] = cnt2;

// 多重集合交集:
template<typename T>
void MultiSetOr(map<T, size_t> &inputSet1, map<T, size_t> &inputSet2, map<T, size_t> &outputSet)
	// 遍历元素,进行或操作
	for (const auto &ele : inputSet1)
		T key = ele.first;
		size_t cnt1 = inputSet1[key];
		size_t cnt2 = inputSet2[key];
		if (cnt1 > cnt2)
			outputSet[key] = cnt1;
			outputSet[key] = cnt2;

// 多重集合差集:
template<typename T>
void MultiSetMinus(map<T, size_t> &inputSet1, map<T, size_t> &inputSet2, map<T, size_t> &outputSet)
	// 遍历元素,进行或操作
	for (const auto &ele : inputSet1)
		T key = ele.first;
		size_t cnt1 = inputSet1[key];
		size_t cnt2 = inputSet2[key];
		// 防止无符号数溢出
		if (cnt1 <= cnt2)
			outputSet[key] = 0;
			outputSet[key] = cnt1 - cnt2;

// 多重集合和集:
template<typename T>
void MultiSetAdd(map<T, size_t> &inputSet1, map<T, size_t> &inputSet2, map<T, size_t> &outputSet)
	// 遍历元素,进行或操作
	for (const auto &ele : inputSet1)
		T key = ele.first;
		outputSet[key] = inputSet1[key] + inputSet2[key];

int main()
	// 指定全集元素
	const set<string> U{ "a","b","c","d" };
	// 使用map(键值对)分别来保存集合元素和元素个数
	map<string, size_t> A, B, C;
	// 给A和B分别赋值
	size_t cnt = 0;
	for (const auto &ele : U)
		A[ele] = cnt;
		B[ele] = U.size() - cnt++;
	// 检验赋值是否正确
	cout << "A:" << endl;
	for (const auto &ele : A)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;
	cout << "B:" << endl;
	for (const auto &ele : B)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;

	cout << "多重集合交集:" << endl;
	MultiSetOr(A, B, C);
	for (const auto &ele : C)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;
	cout << "多重集合并集:" << endl;
	MultiSetAnd(A, B, C);
	for (const auto &ele : C)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;
	cout << "多重集合差集:" << endl;
	MultiSetMinus(A, B, C);
	for (const auto &ele : C)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;
	cout << "多重集合和集:" << endl;
	MultiSetAdd(A, B, C);
	for (const auto &ele : C)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;

    return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <string>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::set;
using std::map;
using std::string;

// 模糊集合并集:
template<typename T>
void FuzzySetAnd(map<T, double> &inputSet1, map<T, double> &inputSet2, map<T, double> &outputSet)
	// 遍历元素,进行或操作
	for (const auto &ele : inputSet1)
		T key = ele.first;
		double cnt1 = inputSet1[key];
		double cnt2 = inputSet2[key];
		if (cnt1 < cnt2)
			outputSet[key] = cnt1;
			outputSet[key] = cnt2;

// 模糊集合交集:
template<typename T>
void FuzzySetOr(map<T, double> &inputSet1, map<T, double> &inputSet2, map<T, double> &outputSet)
	// 遍历元素,进行或操作
	for (const auto &ele : inputSet1)
		T key = ele.first;
		double cnt1 = inputSet1[key];
		double cnt2 = inputSet2[key];
		if (cnt1 > cnt2)
			outputSet[key] = cnt1;
			outputSet[key] = cnt2;

// 模糊集合补集:
template<typename T>
void FuzzySetComple(map<T, double> &inputSet, map<T, double> &outputSet)
	// 遍历元素,进行或操作
	for (const auto &ele : inputSet)
		outputSet[ele.first] = 1 - ele.second;

int main()
	// 指定全集元素
	const set<string> U{ "a","b","c","d" };
	// 使用map(键值对)分别来保存集合元素和元素个数
	map<string, double> A, B, C;
	// 给A和B分别赋值,并将其所有值归一化到0到1之间
	double cnt = 0;
	for (const auto &ele : U)
		A[ele] = cnt / U.size();
		B[ele] = (U.size() - cnt++) / U.size();
	// 检验赋值是否正确
	cout << "A:" << endl;
	for (const auto &ele : A)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;
	cout << "B:" << endl;
	for (const auto &ele : B)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;

	cout << "模糊集合交集:" << endl;
	FuzzySetOr(A, B, C);
	for (const auto &ele : C)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;
	cout << "模糊集合并集:" << endl;
	FuzzySetAnd(A, B, C);
	for (const auto &ele : C)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;
	cout << "A的补集:" << endl;
	FuzzySetComple(A, C);
	for (const auto &ele : C)
		cout << ele.first << ":" << ele.second << endl;
	return 0;



#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::runtime_error;

/* 功能:矩阵乘法
 * 参数:matrix_left为矩阵乘法左侧的矩阵,matrix_right为矩阵乘法右侧的矩阵 类型均为vector<vector<double>>类型 
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<double>> Multi_Matrix(vector<vector<double>> matrix_left, vector<vector<double>> matrix_right)
	if (matrix_left.empty() || matrix_right.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	else if (matrix_left.at(0).empty() || matrix_right.at(0).empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix Error!");
	int32_t Row_matrix_left = matrix_left.size(), Col_matrix_left = matrix_left.at(0).size();
	int32_t Row_matrix_right = matrix_left.size(), Col_matrix_right = matrix_left.at(0).size();
	if (Col_matrix_left != Row_matrix_right)
		throw runtime_error("Matrices cannot multiply!");
	vector<double> init_vector(Col_matrix_right, 0);
	vector<vector<double>> Answer_matrix(Row_matrix_left, init_vector);
	// 上面保证了结果矩阵的大小不会错
	for (int32_t row = 0; row < Row_matrix_left; ++row)
		for (int32_t col = 0; col < Col_matrix_right; ++col)
			for (int32_t cnt = 0; cnt < Col_matrix_left; ++cnt)
				Answer_matrix[row][col] += matrix_left[row][cnt] * matrix_right[cnt][col];
	return Answer_matrix;

int main()
	vector<double> col(9, 0);
	vector<vector<double>> matrix1(9, col), matrix2(9, col);
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			matrix1[i][j] = j + 9 * i;
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			if (i == j)
				matrix2[i][j] = 1;
	matrix2 = Multi_Matrix(matrix1, matrix2);
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			cout << matrix2[i][j] << " ";
		cout << endl;
	return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::runtime_error;

/* 功能:矩阵乘法
 * 参数:matrix_left为矩阵乘法左侧的矩阵,matrix_right为矩阵乘法右侧的矩阵 类型均为vector<vector<double>>类型 
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<double>> Multi_Matrix(vector<vector<double>> matrix_left, vector<vector<double>> matrix_right)
	if (matrix_left.empty() || matrix_right.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	else if (matrix_left.at(0).empty() || matrix_right.at(0).empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix Error!");
	int32_t Row_matrix_left = matrix_left.size(), Col_matrix_left = matrix_left.at(0).size();
	int32_t Row_matrix_right = matrix_left.size(), Col_matrix_right = matrix_left.at(0).size();
	if (Col_matrix_left != Row_matrix_right)
		throw runtime_error("Matrices cannot multiply!");
	vector<double> init_vector(Col_matrix_right, 0);
	vector<vector<double>> Answer_matrix(Row_matrix_left, init_vector);
	// 上面保证了结果矩阵的大小不会错
	for (int32_t row = 0; row < Row_matrix_left; ++row)
		for (int32_t col = 0; col < Col_matrix_right; ++col)
			for (int32_t cnt = 0; cnt < Col_matrix_left; ++cnt)
				Answer_matrix[row][col] += matrix_left[row][cnt] * matrix_right[cnt][col];
	return Answer_matrix;

/* 功能:方阵幂
 * 参数:matrix为方阵,类型为vector<vector<double>>类型,n为幂次数,类型为int32_t
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<double>> Power_Matrix(vector<vector<double>> matrix, int32_t n)
	if (matrix.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	int32_t Row_matrix = matrix.size(), Col_matrix = matrix.at(0).size();
	if (Row_matrix != Col_matrix)
		throw runtime_error("Matrix is not square!");
	vector<vector<double>> copy_matrix = matrix;
	for (int32_t cnt = 2; cnt < n; ++cnt)
		matrix = Multi_Matrix(matrix, copy_matrix);
	return matrix;

int main()
	vector<double> col(9, 0);
	vector<vector<double>> matrix1(9, col), matrix2(9, col);
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			matrix1[i][j] = j + 9 * i;
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			if (i == j)
				matrix2[i][j] = 1;
	// matrix2 = Multi_Matrix(matrix1, matrix2);
	matrix2 = Power_Matrix(matrix2, 20);
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			cout << matrix2[i][j] << " ";
		cout << endl;
	return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::runtime_error;

/* 功能:矩阵乘法
 * 参数:matrix_left为矩阵乘法左侧的矩阵,matrix_right为矩阵乘法右侧的矩阵 类型均为vector<vector<double>>类型 
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<double>> Multi_Matrix(vector<vector<double>> matrix_left, vector<vector<double>> matrix_right)
	if (matrix_left.empty() || matrix_right.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	else if (matrix_left.at(0).empty() || matrix_right.at(0).empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix Error!");
	int32_t Row_matrix_left = matrix_left.size(), Col_matrix_left = matrix_left.at(0).size();
	int32_t Row_matrix_right = matrix_left.size(), Col_matrix_right = matrix_left.at(0).size();
	if (Col_matrix_left != Row_matrix_right)
		throw runtime_error("Matrices cannot multiply!");
	vector<double> init_vector(Col_matrix_right, 0);
	vector<vector<double>> Answer_matrix(Row_matrix_left, init_vector);
	// 上面保证了结果矩阵的大小不会错
	for (int32_t row = 0; row < Row_matrix_left; ++row)
		for (int32_t col = 0; col < Col_matrix_right; ++col)
			for (int32_t cnt = 0; cnt < Col_matrix_left; ++cnt)
				Answer_matrix[row][col] += matrix_left[row][cnt] * matrix_right[cnt][col];
	return Answer_matrix;

/* 功能:方阵幂
 * 参数:matrix为方阵,类型为vector<vector<double>>类型,n为幂次数,类型为int32_t
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<double>> Power_Matrix(vector<vector<double>> matrix, int32_t n)
	if (matrix.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	int32_t Row_matrix = matrix.size(), Col_matrix = matrix.at(0).size();
	if (Row_matrix != Col_matrix)
		throw runtime_error("Matrix is not square!");
	vector<vector<double>> copy_matrix = matrix;
	for (int32_t cnt = 2; cnt < n; ++cnt)
		matrix = Multi_Matrix(matrix, copy_matrix);
	return matrix;

/* 功能:判断是否对称
 * 参数:matrix为方阵,类型为vector<vector<double>>类型,
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
bool isSymmetrical(vector<vector<double>> matrix)
	if (matrix.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	int32_t Row_matrix = matrix.size(), Col_matrix = matrix.at(0).size();
	if (Row_matrix != Col_matrix)
		throw runtime_error("Matrix is not square!");
	for (int32_t row = 0; row < Row_matrix; ++row)
		for (int32_t col = 0; col < Col_matrix; ++col)
			if (matrix[row][col] != matrix[col][row])
				return false;
	return true;

int main()
	vector<double> col(9, 0);
	vector<vector<double>> matrix1(9, col), matrix2(9, col);
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			matrix1[i][j] = j + 9 * i;
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			if (i == j)
				matrix2[i][j] = 1;
	// matrix2 = Multi_Matrix(matrix1, matrix2);
	matrix2 = Power_Matrix(matrix2, 20);
	cout << isSymmetrical(matrix1) << endl;
	cout << isSymmetrical(matrix2) << endl;
	for (int32_t i = 0; i < 9; ++i)
		for (int32_t j = 0; j < 9; ++j)
			cout << matrix2[i][j] << " ";
		cout << endl;
	return 0;


#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdexcept>

using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
using std::runtime_error;

/* 功能:布尔矩阵交
 * 参数:matrix_1为矩阵1,matrix_2为矩阵2,类型均为vector<vector<bool>>类型
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<bool>> Or_Bool_Matrix(vector<vector<bool>> matrix_1, vector<vector<bool>> matrix_2)
	if (matrix_1.empty() || matrix_2.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	else if (matrix_1.at(0).empty() || matrix_2.at(0).empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix Error!");
	int32_t Row_matrix_1 = matrix_1.size(), Col_matrix_1 = matrix_1.at(0).size();
	int32_t Row_matrix_2 = matrix_2.size(), Col_matrix_2 = matrix_2.at(0).size();
	if (Row_matrix_1 != Row_matrix_2 || Col_matrix_1 != Col_matrix_2)
		throw runtime_error("Matrices do not have same size!");
	for (int32_t row = 0; row < Row_matrix_1; ++row)
		for (int32_t col = 0; col < Col_matrix_1; ++col)
			matrix_1[row][col] = matrix_1[row][col] || matrix_2[row][col];
	return matrix_1;

/* 功能:布尔矩阵并
* 参数:matrix_1为矩阵1,matrix_2为矩阵2,类型均为vector<vector<bool>>类型
* 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<bool>> And_Bool_Matrix(vector<vector<bool>> matrix_1, vector<vector<bool>> matrix_2)
	if (matrix_1.empty() || matrix_2.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	else if (matrix_1.at(0).empty() || matrix_2.at(0).empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix Error!");
	int32_t Row_matrix_1 = matrix_1.size(), Col_matrix_1 = matrix_1.at(0).size();
	int32_t Row_matrix_2 = matrix_2.size(), Col_matrix_2 = matrix_2.at(0).size();
	if (Row_matrix_1 != Row_matrix_2 || Col_matrix_1 != Col_matrix_2)
		throw runtime_error("Matrices do not have same size!");
	for (int32_t row = 0; row < Row_matrix_1; ++row)
		for (int32_t col = 0; col < Col_matrix_1; ++col)
			matrix_1[row][col] = matrix_1[row][col] && matrix_2[row][col];
	return matrix_1;

/* 功能:布尔矩阵乘法
 * 参数:matrix_left为矩阵乘法左侧的矩阵,matrix_right为矩阵乘法右侧的矩阵 类型均为vector<vector<bool>>类型 
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<bool>> Multi_Bool_Matrix(vector<vector<bool>> matrix_left, vector<vector<bool>> matrix_right)
	if (matrix_left.empty() || matrix_right.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	else if (matrix_left.at(0).empty() || matrix_right.at(0).empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix Error!");
	int32_t Row_matrix_left = matrix_left.size(), Col_matrix_left = matrix_left.at(0).size();
	int32_t Row_matrix_right = matrix_left.size(), Col_matrix_right = matrix_left.at(0).size();
	if (Col_matrix_left != Row_matrix_right)
		throw runtime_error("Matrices cannot multiply!");
	vector<bool> init_vector(Col_matrix_right, 0);
	vector<vector<bool>> Answer_matrix(Row_matrix_left, init_vector);
	// 上面保证了结果矩阵的大小不会错
	for (int32_t row = 0; row < Row_matrix_left; ++row)
		for (int32_t col = 0; col < Col_matrix_right; ++col)
			for (int32_t cnt = 0; cnt < Col_matrix_left; ++cnt)
				Answer_matrix[row][col] = Answer_matrix[row][col] || (matrix_left[row][cnt] && matrix_right[cnt][col]);
	return Answer_matrix;

/* 功能:方阵幂
 * 参数:matrix为方阵,类型为vector<vector<bool>>类型,n为幂次数,类型为int32_t
 * 备注:matrix[0][1]代表0行1列,若出现错误,则会抛出错误,请注意。
vector<vector<bool>> Power_Bool_Matrix(vector<vector<bool>> matrix, int32_t n)
	if (matrix.empty())
		throw runtime_error("Matrix cannot be empty!");
	int32_t Row_matrix = matrix.size(), Col_matrix = matrix.at(0).size();
	if (Row_matrix != Col_matrix)
		throw runtime_error("Matrix is not square!");
	vector<vector<bool>> copy_matrix = matrix;
	for (int32_t cnt = 2; cnt < n; ++cnt)
		matrix = Multi_Bool_Matrix(matrix, copy_matrix);
	return matrix;


《离散数学及其应用》第二章 计算机课题 - Ace C Lee 个人网站​aceclee.com


Ace C Lee 个人网站 - 我的个人网站​aceclee.com




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