I have a HTML table which is generated by PHP,
Each table has a dynamic ID assigned to it
What i would like is a total of the time in the "Worked Time" column for each table.
Visitor Sign In AdminTodays report for cleaners
include $con=mysqli_connect($hostname,$username,$password,"visitorsignin");
$sql = "SELECT staff_badgeid,first_name,last_name,signintime,signouttime FROM `signin_entries` WHERE iscleaner ='YES' AND signindate = curdate() ORDER BY staff_badgeid ASC";
$list_visitors_result=mysqli_query($con, $sql);
$count_visitors = mysqli_num_rows($list_visitors_result);
if ($count_visitors != 0) {
$current_badgeid = '';
while ($row = mysqli_fetch_array($list_visitors_result)) {
if ($current_badgeid == '') {
$current_badgeid = $row['staff_badgeid']; //define if empty, for the first table
echo "
if($row['staff_badgeid'] != $current_badgeid){
echo "
$current_badgeid = $row['staff_badgeid'];
$signintime = $row['signintime'];
$signouttime = $row['signouttime'];
$firstname = $row['first_name'];
$lastname = $row['last_name'];
echo "
$firstname $lastname$signintime";if ($signouttime == "") {
echo "
Not Signed Out Yet";} else {
echo "
$timeFirst = strtotime(date("Y/m/d") . " " . $signintime);
$timeSecond = strtotime(date("Y/m/d") ." " . $signouttime);
//below checks if th second time is less than the first time than it must be from the day before so add 24 hours eg (signin time 23:30:00 signout time 07:30:30 would be 08:00:30 difference)
if ($timeSecond < $timeFirst) {
$timeSecond = $timeSecond + 86400;
if ($signouttime == "") {
echo "
Cleaner Has Not Signed Out Yet";} else {
$differenceInSeconds = $timeSecond - $timeFirst;
echo "
echo "
echo "
//below function converts the seconds difference into hh:mm:ss format to the nearest second
function converttime($seconds) {
$t = round($seconds);
return sprintf('%02d:%02d:%02d', ($t/3600),($t/60%60), $t%60);
What would be the best solution? I'm currently stuck on the logic of referring to each table i did have this code which only applied to the first table due to the code referring to a single ID so only the first table worked correctly....is there anyway i could amend this to apply to the dynamic ID's now being applied?
//below script taken from http://jsfiddle.net/unKDk/192/ looks at table id then column id called id rowDataSd
var totals = [[0,0,0], [0,0,0], [0,0,0]];
$(document).ready(function () {
var $dataRows = $("#sum_table tr:not('.totalColumn, .titlerow')");
$dataRows.each(function () {
$(this).find('.rowDataSd').each(function (i) {
time = $(this).html().split(":")
totals[i][2] += parseInt(time[2]);
if(totals[i][2] > 60)
totals[i][2] %= 60;
totals[i][1] += parseInt(time[1]) + 1;
totals[i][1] += parseInt(time[1]);
if(totals[i][1] > 60)
totals[i][1] %= 60;
totals[i][0] += parseInt(time[0]) + 1;
totals[i][0] += parseInt(time[0]);
$("#sum_table td.totalCol").each(function (i) {
$(this).html("" + totals[i][0] + ":" + totals[i][1] + ":" + totals[i][2]);
If i change the script to refer to the table class as suggested i get a total of all tables "Worked Time" in the first table, I want a total of "Worked Time" per table
This is incorrect as the first table show a total of both tables "Worked Time" columns, each table should have separate totals from their own tables.