linux coreutils升级,Linux命令01--Coreutils软件包01--认识coreutils

//通过ls命令的所属软件包来获取coreutils软件包的版本 #rpm -qf /bin/ls >>>coreutils-8.22-18.el7.x86_64 //下载yumdownloader工具,yumdownloader是一个从RPM源下载RPM的程序 #yum -y install yum-utils //使用yumdownloader命令安装源代码,如下: #yumdownloader --source coreutils-8.22-18.el7.x86_64 //使用yumdownloader下载到的是rpm软件包 //需要使用rpm2cpio命令将软件包转为cpio归档文件 //再使用cpio命令,将cpio归档文件复制提取为另一个tar归档文件 #rpm2cpio coreutils-8.22-18.el7.src.rpm | cpio -idv coreutils-8.22.tar.xz >>>coreutils-8.22.tar.xz //使用tar命令对的coreutils-8.22.tar.xz压缩包进行解压缩 #tar xf coreutils-8.22.tar.xz //coreutils软件包的源代码已经下载到本地,在其目录下,有个src目录 //存放基本命令(如ls等)的C语言代码

Programs in coreutils 8.27 NameCategoryDescription

chcon File utilities Changes file security context

chgrp File utilities Changes file group ownership

chown File utilities Changes file ownership

chmod File utilities Changes the permissions of a file or directory

cp File utilities Copies a file or directory

dd File utilities Copies and converts a file

df File utilities Shows disk free space on file systems

dir File utilities Is exactly like "ls -C -b". (Files are by default listed in columns and sorted vertically.)

dircolors File utilities Set up color for ls

install File utilities Copies files and set attributes

ln File utilities Creates a link to a file

ls File utilities Lists the files in a directory

mkdir File utilities Creates a directory

mkfifo File utilities Makes (FIFOs)

mknod File utilities Makes block or character special files

mktemp File utilities Creates a temporary file or directory

mv File utilities Moves files or rename files

realpath File utilities Returns the resolved absolute or relative path for a file

rm File utilities Removes (deletes) files, directories, device nodes and symbolic links

rmdir File utilities Removes empty directories

shred File utilities Overwrites a file to hide its contents, and optionally deletes it

sync File utilities Flushes file system buffers

touch File utilities Changes file timestamps

truncate File utilities Shrink or extend the size of a file to the specified size

vdir File utilities Is exactly like "ls -l -b". (Files are by default listed in long format.)

b2sum Text utilities Computes and checks Blake2 message digest

base32 Text utilities base32 encodes or decodes data and prints to standard output

base64 Text utilities base64 encodes or decodes data and prints to standard output

cat Text utilities Concatenates and prints files on the standard output

cksum Text utilities Checksums and count the bytes in a file

comm Text utilities Compares two sorted files line by line

csplit Text utilities Splits a file into sections determined by context lines

cut Text utilities Removes sections from each line of files

expand Text utilities Converts tabs to spaces

fmt Text utilities Simple optimal text formatter

fold Text utilities Wraps each input line to fit in specified width

head Text utilities Outputs the first part of files

join Text utilities Joins lines of two files on a common field

md5sum Text utilities Computes and checks MD5 message digest

nl Text utilities Numbers lines of files

numfmt Text utilities Reformat numbers

od Text utilities Dumps files in octal and other formats

paste Text utilities Merges lines of files

ptx Text utilities Produces a of file contents

pr Text utilities Converts text files for printing





sha512sum Text utilities Computes and checks, SHA-224/256/384/512 message digest

shuf Text utilities generate random permutations

sort Text utilities sort lines of text files

split Text utilities Splits a file into pieces

sum Text utilities Checksums and counts the blocks in a file

tac Text utilities Concatenates and prints files in reverse order line by line

tail Text utilities Outputs the last part of files

tr Text utilities Translates or deletes characters

tsort Text utilities Performs a

unexpand Text utilities Converts spaces to tabs

uniq Text utilities Removes duplicate lines from a sorted file

wc Text utilities Prints the number of bytes, words, and lines in files

arch Shell utilities Prints machine hardware name (same as uname -m)

basename Shell utilities Removes the path prefix from a given pathname

chroot Shell utilities Changes the root directory

date Shell utilities Prints or sets the system date and time

dirname Shell utilities Strips non-directory suffix from file name

du Shell utilities Shows disk usage on file systems

echo Shell utilities Displays a specified line of text

env Shell utilities Displays and modifies

expr Shell utilities Evaluates expressions

factor Shell utilities Factors numbers

false Shell utilities Does nothing, but exits unsuccessfully

groups Shell utilities Prints the groups of which the user is a member

hostid Shell utilities Prints the numeric identifier for the current host

id Shell utilities Prints real or effective GID

link Shell utilities Creates a link to a file

logname Shell utilities Print the user's login name

nice Shell utilities Modifies scheduling priority

nohup Shell utilities Allows a command to continue running after logging out

nproc Shell utilities Queries the number of (active) processors

pathchk Shell utilities Checks whether file names are valid or portable

pinky Shell utilities A lightweight version of finger

printenv Shell utilities Prints environment variables

printf Shell utilities Formats and prints data

pwd Shell utilities Prints the current working directory

readlink Shell utilities Displays value of a symbolic link

runcon Shell utilities Run command with specified security context

seq Shell utilities Prints a sequence of numbers

sleep Shell utilities Delays for a specified amount of time

stat Shell utilities Returns data about an inode

stdbuf Shell utilities Controls buffering for commands that use stdio

stty Shell utilities Changes and prints terminal line settings

tee Shell utilities Sends output to multiple files

test Shell utilities Evaluates an expression

timeout Shell utilities Run a command with a time limit

true Shell utilities Does nothing, but exits successfully

tty Shell utilities Prints terminal name

uname Shell utilities Prints system information

unlink Shell utilities Removes the specified file using the unlink function

uptime Shell utilities Tells how long the system has been running

users Shell utilities Prints the user names of users currently logged into the current host

who Shell utilities Prints a list of all users currently logged in

whoami Shell utilities Prints the effective userid

yes Shell utilities Prints a string repeatedly

[ Other Utilities A synonym for test; this program permits expressions like [ expression ].

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