








在纯DOS下,直接使用EEUPDATE写入MAC地址,格式为:eeupdate /nic=[A]



如我们要将 00 50 8D D7 26 68地址写入到有线网卡MAC中,在纯DOS下运行:eeupdate /nic=1 /mac=00508DD72668,回车即可,正常写入后,提示如下信息:



使用EEUPDATE备份MAC地址,格式为:eeupdate /all /dump

在纯DOS下,输入eeupdate /all




文件前面12个字节,即为网卡的MAC地址,但需要注意的是,网卡地址是按高字节在前,低字节在后排列的;因此上图显示的:5000 D78D

6826实际地址应为:00 50 8D D7 26



在纯DOS下,输入eeupdate /all /d 8DD72668.EEP回车,程序会自动将修改后的EEP文件写回。如下图:





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Using: Intel (R) PRO Network Connections SDK v2.30.10 EEUPDATE v5.30.10.00 Copyright (C) 1995 - 2017 Intel Corporation Intel (R) Confidential and not for general distribution. ----------------------------------------------------- Options: /HELP or /? Displays command line help. /EXITCODES Displays exit code help. /ALL Selects all adapters found in the system. /NIC=XX Selects a specific adapter (1-32). /BUS=XX Selects PCI bus of adapter to program. Must be used with the DEV parameter to specify an adapter. /DEV=XX Selects PCI device of the adapter to program. Must be used with the BUS parameter to specify an adapter. /FUN=XX Selects PCI function of the adapter to program. Must be used with both the BUS and DEV parameters to specify an adapter. Press to continue... /DEVICE= 4 hex digit device id of card to program. /SUBDEVICE= 4 hex digit subsystem device id of card to program. /DUMP Dumps EEPROM/Shadow RAM memory contents to file *.eep and flash memory to *.bin (if available) /MAC_DUMP_FILE Dumps the MAC address to a file usable by the /A command. /MAC_DUMP Displays the adapter LAN MAC address. /MAC_DUMP_ALL Displays all the MAC addresses. /MAC_ALL_TO_FILE Dumps all the MAC addresses to a file usable by the /MAC_ALL_FROM_FILE command. /MAC_ALL_FROM_FILE Programs all MAC addresses from text file to a device. File should contain 13 MAC addresses (9 for PEPs and 4 custom MAC addresses), one each line. EUI48 and EUI64 formats accepted. /CB Clears bits in the EEPROM, specified in . /SB Sets bits in the EEPROM, specified in . Press to continue... /RW Reads from the EEPROM. /WW Writes into in EEPROM. /MAC=macaddr [/NUM=PF_num] Programs the EEPROM/NVM with only the MAC address of macaddr without changing the rest of the EEPROM/NVM. /NUM is optional and I40E specific - it defines target PF. /A or /address Programs the EEPROM/NVM with only the MAC address from the without changing the rest of the EEPROM. /D or /DATA Programs the NVM [EEPROM/FLASH] with the contents of without changing the MAC address. /PHYNVM Programs the PHY NVM with the contents of /DEBUG Forces debug update to be used where applicable. Must be used with /D or /DATA switch. /CALCCHKSUM Forces the EEPROM checksum and CRCs to be updated. Press to continue... /EEPROMVER Displays the version of the EEPROM image. /INVMVERSION Displays the version of the iNVM image. /PCIINFO Displays the PCI information of the adapter. /ADAPTERINFO Displays additional information about the adapter, such as EtrackID, PF MAC address, or image and firmware version. /TEST Checks the EEPROM/NVM checksum(s) and size. /IDFLASH Displays the flash ID and its protected status. /VERSION Displays version and the diagnostic library information. /PHYID Programs the PHY ID NVM with the contents of . /PHYID_DUMP Dumps PHY ID NVM contents to a file with the name: _.bin /PHYID_VERIFY Verifies the PHY ID NVM image in eeprom against the file specified in . Press to continue... /FLASH_DUMP Dumps contents of the whole flash memory of selected adapters to *.bin file /EEPROM_DUMP Dumps contents of the EEPROM/Shadow RAM memory of selected adapters to *.eep file /GUI Brings up GUI mode. /GUI /HELP Displays GUI help. /NOPROT When programming an image for devices that support NVM protection, prevents protection from being enabled. This switch must be used with the /DATA command and has no effect on NVM devices that are already protected. /DEBUGLOG Log debug messages into the debugfile. /VERIFY Verifies the eeprom/NVM image in eeprom/NVM to the target file specified in . Press to continue... /CHECKIMAGE Verifies that the NVM in can be loaded over the running NVM. /VERIFYPHYNVM Verifies the PHY NVM image in eeprom to the target file specified in . /ADAPTERRESET Reset the adapter. *CAUTION* This will unload the driver for this device if present. /SANMAC_DUMP [/NUM=PF_num] Displays the dedicated MAC address for the SAN. /NUM is optional and i40e specific - it defines target PF. /SANMAC=macaddr [/NUM=PF_num] Programs the dedicated SAN MAC address withoutchanging the rest of the EEPROM. /NUM is optional and i40e specific - it defines target PF. /SANADDRESS Programs the dedicated SAN MAC address with the MAC address from . /INVMVERIFY /FILE=] Compares autoload configuration stored in OTP memory with the configuration defined in configuration file. /INVMTEST /FILE=] Report number of free space left in INVM if autoload configuration defined in configuration file would be applied. Press to continue... /INVMUPDATE /FILE=] Write new autoload configuration defined in Raw (*.raw) configuration file to empty INVM or updates current autoload configuration stored in INVM based on 'human readable' configuration file. /INVMISLOCKED Checks if autoload configuration stored in OTP memory is protected against write attempts. /INVMLOCK Sets unique record in autoload configuration stored in INVM protecting its content against further updates. /INVMGET Dumps autoload configuration stored in INVM to file with predefined name .otp. /FORCE Omits any warnings and forces command execution. /KEEPCONFIG This option lets you keep config words while upgrading eeprom. /PORT_MAC=macaddr /NUM=Port_num Programs the dedicated Port MAC address without changing the rest of the EEPROM. /PORT_MAC_DUMP /NUM=Port_num Display the adapter port MAC address. Press to continue... /CUSTOM_MAC mac_number mac_addr Programs the given custom mac address number [0-3] without changing the rest of the NVM (EUI48 and EUI64 formats supported). /SERIAL_MAC=macaddr Programs the dedicated PCIe serial MAC address without changing the rest of the EEPROM. /SERIAL_MAC_DUMP Display the adapter PCIe serial MAC address. /PF_MAC=macaddr /NUM=PF_num Programs the dedicated MAC address of a specified Physical Function This allows altering the mac addresses of inactive functions of a visible NIC. /PF_MAC_DUMP /NUM=PF_num Display MAC address of a selected Physical Function of the specified NIC. This allows dumping MAC addresses of inactive functions of a visible device. /MNG_MAC=macaddr /NUM=MNG_num Programs the dedicated MAC address of a specified Manageability Function This allows altering the mac addresses of inactive functions of a visible NIC. /MNG_MAC_DUMP /NUM=MNG_num Display MAC address of a selected Manageability Function of the specified NIC. This allows dumping MAC addresses of inactive functions of a visible device. /RO Programs RO words in EEPROM/SR with values taken from RO Module binary file.
eeupdate_5.35.12.0是英特尔的一个软件工具,用于更新和管理英特尔以太网适配器的固件和驱动程序。固件是适配器的内部软件,用于控制其功能和性能。驱动程序是控制计算机操作系统与适配器之间交流的软件。 eeupdate_5.35.12.0具有以下主要功能: 1. 固件更新:该工具可以安装最新的适配器固件,从而提供更好的性能和兼容性。通过更新固件,可以修复可能存在的错误或漏洞,改善适配器的稳定性和可靠性。 2. 驱动程序更新:除了固件更新,eeupdate还可以安装最新的驱动程序。驱动程序是适配器和操作系统之间的桥梁,确保二者之间的有效通信。通过更新驱动程序,可以提升适配器的性能和兼容性,修复存在的问题,并加入新功能。 3. 管理和监控:eeupdate允许用户查看适配器的当前固件版本和驱动程序版本。此外,它还提供了一些管理功能,如设置适配器的高级配置和参数,进行诊断和故障排除。 使用eeupdate_5.35.12.0可以带来以下好处: 1. 提升性能:更新固件和驱动程序可以改善适配器的性能,确保其以最佳状态运行,提供更快的网速和更稳定的连接。 2. 修复错误和漏洞:通过更新固件和驱动程序,可以修复可能存在的错误或漏洞,提升适配器的安全性和稳定性,防止潜在的问题和风险。 3. 支持新功能和技术:更新固件和驱动程序可以带来新功能和技术的支持,提供更多的选择和功能,满足不同用户的需求。 总之,eeupdate_5.35.12.0是一个有用的工具,可以帮助用户更新和管理英特尔以太网适配器的固件和驱动程序,提升适配器的性能和稳定性,并支持新功能和技术。




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