mysql highpriority_Mysql high performance study

Oreilly high performance mysql 2rd edition


MySQL’s most unusual and important feature is its storage-engine architecture, whose design separates query processing and other server tasks from data storage and retrieval.

This separation of concerns lets you choose, on a per-table basis, how your data is stored and what performance, features, and other characteristics you want.



The optimizer does not really care what storage engine a particular table uses, but the storage engine does affect how the server optimizes query. The optimizer asks the storage engine about some of its capabilities and the cost of certain operations, and for statistics on the table data.

Mysql 对transaction的支持

MySQL AB provides three transactional storage engines: InnoDB, NDB Cluster, and Falcon.

MySQL doesn’t manage transactions at the server level. Instead, the underlying storage engines implement transactions themselves. This means you can’t reliably mix different engines in a single transaction. MySQL AB is working on adding a higher level transaction management service to the server, which will make it safe to mix and match transactional tables in a transaction.

因为目前mysql是在storage engine层实现事务的支持,所以在一个事务中操作多个不同engine的表是不可靠的,要实现这个功能需要上层的server的支持。

Implicit and explicit locking

InnoDB uses a two-phase locking protocol. It can acquire locks at any time during a transaction, but it does not release them until a COMMIT or ROLLBACK. It releases all the locks at the same time. The locking mechanisms described earlier are all implicit. InnoDB handles locks automatically, according to your isolation level.

However, InnoDB also supports explicit locking, which the SQL standard does not

mention at all:



MySQL’s Storage Engines


Storage Engine Considerations

Here are the main elements you should take into account: TransactionsIf  your  application  requires  transactions,  InnoDB  is  the  most  stable,  well integrated, proven choice.

MyISAM is a good choice if a task doesn’t require transactions and issues primarily either SELECT or INSERT queries. Sometimes specific components of an application (such as logging) fall into this category.


How best to satisfy your concurrency requirements depends on your workload.If you just need to insert and read concurrently, believe it or not, MyISAM is a fine choice! If you need to allow a mixture of operations to run concurrently without interfering with each other, one of the engines with row-level locking should work well.


The need to perform regular backups may also influence your table choices. If your  server  can  be  shut  down  at  regular  intervals  for  backups,  the  storage engines are equally easy to deal with. However, if you need to perform online backups in one form or another, the choices become less clear. Also bear in mind that using multiple storage engines increases the complexity of backups and server tuning.

Crash recovery If you have a lot of data, you should seriously consider how long it will take to recover from a crash. MyISAM tables generally become corrupt more easily and take much longer to recover than InnoDB tables, for example. In fact, this is one of the most important reasons why a lot of people use InnoDB when they don’t need transactions.

更改storage engine Alter table 语句: mysql> ALTER TABLE mytable ENGINE = Falcon;

缺点是速度比较慢,MySQL will perform a row-by-row copy of your old table into a new table.  During that time, you’ll probably be using all of the server’s disk I/O capacity, and the original table will be read-locked while the conversion runs. Dump and import: Once you’ve dumped the table, you can simply edit the dump file to adjust the CREATE TABLE statement it contains. Be sure to change the table name as well as its type, because you can’t have two tables with the same name in the same database even if they are of different types—and mysqldump defaults to writing a DROP TABLE command before the CREATE TABLE, so you might lose your data if you are not careful! CREATE and SELECT mysql> CREATE TABLE innodb_table LIKE myisam_table;

mysql> ALTER TABLE innodb_table ENGINE=InnoDB;

mysql> INSERT INTO innodb_table SELECT * FROM myisam_table; 这种方式最安全,毕竟如果源表存在大量的数据,最好采用增量插入和提交的方式,以加快速度。方法如下:


mysql> INSERT INTO innodb_table SELECT * FROM myisam_table


mysql> COMMIT;

Benchmarking and Profiling

Performance Measurements Transactions per time unit or throughput The usual unit of measurement is transactions per second. Response time or latency Maximum response time is rarely a useful metric, because the longer the bench-mark runs, the longer the maximum response time is likely to be. It’s also not at all repeatable, as it’s likely to vary widely between runs. For this reason, many people use percentile response times instead. For example, if the 95th percentile response time is 5 milliseconds, you know that the task finishes in less than 5 milliseconds 95% of the time. Scalability Scalability measurements are useful for systems that need to maintain performance under a changing workload.

“Performance under a changing workload” is a fairly abstract concept. Performance is typically measured by a metric such as throughput or response time, and the workload may vary along with changes in database size, number of con-current connections, or hardware.

Scalability measurements are good for capacity planning, because they can show weaknesses in your application that other benchmark strategies won’t show. Concurrency

Benchmarking Tools

Full-Stack Tools:ab,http_load,jmeter

Single-Component Tools: mysqlslap,sysbench,Database Test Suite,MySQL Benchmark Suite (sql-bench),Super Smack

MySQL Profiling Which data MySQL accesses most

What kinds of queries MySQL executes most

What states MySQL threads spend the most time in

What subsystems MySQL uses most to execute a query

What kinds of data accesses MySQL does during a query

How much of various kinds of activities, such as index scans, MySQL does

MySQL has two kinds of query logs: the general log and the slow log.

The general log writes out every query as the server receives it, so it contains queries that may not even be executed due to errors. You can enable it with a single configuration directive:

log =

By design, the general log does not contain execution times or any other information that’s available only after a query finishes. In contrast, the slow log contains only queries that have executed, it logs queries that take more than a specified amount of time to execute. Both logs can be helpful for profiling, but the slow log  is  the  primary  tool  for  catching  problematic  queries.  We  usually  recommend

enabling it.

The following configuration sample will enable the log, capture all queries that take more than two seconds to execute, and log queries that don’t use any indexes. It will also log slow administrative statements, such as OPTIMIZE TABLE:

log-slow-queries              =

long_query_time               = 2



You should customize this sample and place it in your my.cnf server configuration file.

In MySQL 5.1, the global slow_query_log and slow_query_log_file system variables provide runtime control over the slow query log, but in MySQL 5.0, you can’t turn the  slow  query  log  on  or  off  without  restarting  the  MySQL  server.  The  usual workaround for MySQL 5.0 is the long_query_time variable, which you can change dynamically. The following command doesn’t really disable slow query logging, but it has practically the same effect (if any of your queries takes longer than 10,000 seconds to execute, you should optimize it anyway!):

mysql> SET GLOBAL long_query_time = 10000;

A related configuration variable, log_queries_not_using_indexes, makes the server log to the slow log any queries that don’t use indexes, no matter how quickly theyexecute. Although enabling the slow log normally adds only a small amount of log-ging overhead relative to the time it takes a “slow” query to execute, queries that don’t use indexes can be frequent and very fast (for example, scans of very small tables). Thus, logging them can cause the server to slow down, and even use a lot of disk space for the log.

Unfortunately, you can’t enable or disable logging of these queries with a dynamically settable variable in MySQL 5.0. You have to edit the configuration file, then restart MySQL. One way to reduce the burden without a restart is to make the log file a symbolic link to /dev/null when you want to disable it (in fact, you can use this trick for any log file). You just need to run FLUSH LOGS after making the change to ensure that MySQL closes its current log file descriptor and reopens the log to /dev/null.

In contrast to MySQL 5.0, MySQL 5.1 lets you change logging at runtime and lets you log to tables you can query with SQL. This is a great improvement.

Note:The minimum value for long_query_time in MySQL 5.0 is one second,for most interactive applications, this is way too long.

Slow log是有一系列不足的,包括最小单位是太大(1秒),不能log slave thread query

When profiling, it’s a good idea to log all queries with long_query_time=0

Appearing in the log simply means the query took a long time then; it doesn’t mean it will take a long time now or in the future. There

are many reasons why a query can be slow sometimes and fast at other times:

•  A table may have been locked, causing the query to wait. The Lock_time indi-cates how long the query waited for locks to be released.

•  The data or indexes may not have been cached in memory yet. This is common when MySQL is first started or hasn’t been well tuned.

•  A nightly backup process may have been running, making all disk I/O slower.

•  The server may have been running other queries at the same time, slowing down this query.

As a result, you should view the slow query log as only a partial record of what’s happened. You can use it to generate a list of possible suspects, but you need to investigate each of them in more depth.

The slow query log patches are specifically designed to try to help you understand why a query is slow. In particular, if you’re using InnoDB, the InnoDB statistics can help a lot: you can see if the query was waiting for I/O from the disk, whether it had to spend a lot of time waiting in the InnoDB queue, and so on.

Log analysis tools:mysqldumpslow,mysql_slow_log_filter,mysql_slow_log_parser,mysqlsla

In general, MySQL can apply a WHERE clause in three ways, from best to worst:

•  Apply the conditions to the index lookup operation to eliminate nonmatching rows. This happens at the storage engine layer.

•  Use a covering index(“Using index” in the Extra column) to avoid row accesses, and filter out nonmatching rows after retrieving each result from the index.This happens at the server layer, but it doesn’t require reading rows from the table.•  Retrieve rows from the table, then filter nonmatching rows (“Using where” in the Extra column). This happens at theserver layer and requires the server to read rows from the table before it can filter them.

一条 SQL 语句只能使用 1 个索引 (5.0-),MySQL 根据表的状态,选择一个它认为最好的索引用于优化查询



1.一般有order by语句,在索引加得不当的情况下,都有可能出现Using filesort,这时候就要对SQL语句和索引进行优化了,但是,并不是说出现Using filesort就是个严重的问题,不是这样的,此次举的例子比较极端,几乎不太可能出现这么傻瓜的查询,优化和不优化,要看它是不是影响了业务性能。

2. 从上面可以看到联合索引,也可以叫多列索引,形如 key ('A1','A2','A3' ,'A4')等的,排序的思路一般是,先按照A1来排序,A1相同,然后按照A2排序,以此类推,这样对于(A1),(A1,A2), (A1,A2,A3)的索引都是有效的,但是对于(A2,A3)这样的索引就无效了。

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