
1. What is Java?

Why was the Java programming language created?

A. Java was created to produce applications for the


B. Java was created to produce applications for large


*C. Java was created to produce applications for small


D. Java was created to produce applications for personal


Which of the following programming paradigms

allows a programmer to develop software based on

entities that simulate real world concepts?

A. Event Driven Programming

B. Functional Programming

*C. Object Oriented Programming

D. Procedural Programming

Which one of the following Java keywords is

required when declaring the main method that is

the start of a Java application?

*A. static

B. class

C. final

D. int

Which of the following is used to create the file

containing the Java instructions?

A. word processor

B. compiler editor

C. source editor

*D. text editor

Which of the following is true of the Java

programming language?

A. Code may exist in multiple programs requiring multiple


B. Code requires a great deal of maintenance work from

the programmer.

C. Code is written in linear fashion to solve the problem.

*D. Code is written in small manageable pieces

Which of the following could possibly cause a

runtime error?

A. misspelled keyword

B. missing semicolon

*C. divide by zero

D. incorrect class modifier

Which of the following provides the correct

definition of an application?

A. Computer programs that provide the basic operations of

the computer (track mouse movements, display text to the

screen, etc.).

*B. Computer programs that accept data and produce

useful information.

C. Only computer programs that were purchased from a

software company.

D. Only computer programs that were written by the user.

Where can you find the BlueJ IDE?





What must all Java applications contain?

A. an applet

B. a final class

*C. a main method

D. an applet class

Which of the following computer co

1. The name of a Java source file (a) has no restrictions (b) must be the same as the class it defines, ignoring case (c) must use the extension .class (d) must be the same as the class it defines, respecting case 2. Which of the following statements is (are) true about the use of an asterisk (*) in a Java import statement? Ⅰ.It does not incur run-time overhead. Ⅱ.It can be used to import multiple packages with a single statement. Ⅲ.It can be used to import multiple classes with a single statement (a) I, II, and III (b) I and III only (c) I only (d) III only ..... 9. According to the Java code conventions, files that contain Java source code have the suffix _____, and compiled bytecode files have the suffix _____. (a) .class, .java (b) .class, .javac (c) .java, .class (d) .javac, .class 10. As an aid in debugging a program in Java, print statements may be used to display which of the following types of information? I. The names of methods being called II. The values of the parameters of a method Ⅲ. The values of the instance variables of a class (a) I and II only (b) I and III only (c) II and III only (d) I, II, and III 1. In a UML class diagram's representation of a class, the top, middle, and lower rectangular compartments respectively describe the _____ of the class. (a) name, attributes, and methods (b) name, methods, and constants (c) attributes, methods, and name (d) attributes, methods, and constants 2. UML class diagrams can describe which of the following? I. The internal structure of classes Ⅱ. Relationships between classes (a) I and II (b) II only (c) None (d) I only ....... 1.The term class variable is a synonym for (a) a private data field (b) a static data field (c) a read-only variable (d) an instance variable 2. Consider the following Java program segment. import*; public class Test { public Test( ) { System.out.println("default"); } public Test( int i ) { System.out.println("non-default"); } public static void main(String[] args) { Test t = new Test(2); } } ......... 9. When a subclass defines an instance method with the same return type and signature as a method in its parent, the parent's method is said to be (a) private (b) hidden (c) overloaded (d) overridden 10. Which is a Java access modifier used to designate that a particular data field will not be inherited by a subclass? (a) final (b) protected (c) private (d) default 1. Consider the following Java program segment. String[] str = {"Three","Two","One"}; for (int i = 0; i < str.length; ++i) { System.out.println(str[i]+"/"); } What will be output upon execution of the program segment? (a) Three/Two/One/ (b) Three,Two,One (c) One,Two,Three (d) One/Two/Three/ 2. Consider the following Java program segment. int[] arr; arr = new int[3]; arr[2]=19; arr[1]=17; arr[0]=15; Which of the following Java statements is syntactically correct and semantically identical to the program segment? (a) int[] arr= {15, 17, 19}; (b) int[3] arr = {15, 17, 19}; (c) int arr = {15, 17, 19}; (d) int arr[3]= {15, 17, 19}; ........ 2. Which of the following statements is (are) true about any abstract method in Java? I. It contains no definition. Ⅱ. It cannot be declared public. (a) I and II (b) I only (c) None (d) II only 3. Consider the following Java program fragment. public void drive(Vehicle v) { ... } ... drive(obj); The method call drive(obj) is valid if obj is which of the following? I. A descendent of class Vehicle II. An ancestor of class Vehicle Ⅲ. An object of class Vehicle (a) I and III only (b) I, II, and III (c) III only (d) II and III only .....




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