oracle用count查询报00600,【案例】Oracle报错ORA-27090 ORA-00600[16703]修复数据库详细步骤...


Oracle研究中心案例分析:运维DBA反映Oracle数据库在重启后无法open打开,在修复过程中报ORA-00600,ORA-27090,ORA-00600[16703],ORA-600 [16659],ORA-00600 [kdoirp-3]等错误。

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本文www.oracleplus.net链接地址: 数据库重启之后无法open的恢复案例


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl1_p012_18165.trc:

ORA-27090: Message 27090 not found;  product=RDBMS; facility=ORA

Linux-x86_64 Error: 4: Interrupted system call

Additional information: 3

Additional information: 128

Additional information: 65536


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl1_p007_18153.trc:

ORA-27090: Message 27090 not found;  product=RDBMS; facility=ORA

Linux-x86_64 Error: 4: Interrupted system call

Additional information: 3

Additional information: 128

Additional information: 65536

Starting ORACLE instance (normal)



SMON: enabling cache recovery

Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl1_ora_8858.trc:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [16703], [1403], [20], [], [], [], [], []


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl1_ora_8858.trc:

ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [16703], [1403], [20], [], [], [], [], []


Error 704 happened during db open, shutting down database

USER: terminating instance due to error 704

Oracle研究中心故障分析:我们可以看到,节点1在9:48:52秒被强行终止重启了实例。而且我们还可以看出该节点从9:42开始就出现ORA-27090 错误。而该错误通常跟操作系统有关系,通过后面的Linux-x86_64 Error: 4: Interrupted system call 错误也验证了这一点。

Thread 2 advanced to log sequence 334685 (LGWR switch)

Current log# 4 seq# 334685 mem# 0: +DATA/orcl/onlinelog/group_4.log


Starting ORACLE instance (normal)



Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl2_mmon_9401.trc:

ORA-07445: Message 7445 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA; arguments: [kgghteFindCB()+188] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x00000010B]


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl2_ora_9475.trc:

ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kglsget()+490] [SIGSEGV] [Address not mapped to object] [0x000000008] [] []


Error 0 in kwqmnpartition(), aborting txn


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl2_ora_9943.trc:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kggfaAllocFunc1], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kggfaAllocFunc1], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


ORA-65535 encountered when generating server alert SMG-4131


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl2_ora_9943.trc:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kggfaAllocFunc1], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


Reconfiguration started (old inc 2, new inc 4)

List of nodes:

0 1

Global Resource Directory frozen

Communication channels reestablished

* domain 0 valid = 1 according to instance 0


Completed redo application


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl2_ora_10551.trc:

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kggfaAllocFunc1], [], [], [], [], [], [], []


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl2_smon_9395.trc:

ORA-00600: Message 600 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA; arguments: [16659] [kqldtu] [D] [0] [65]


Redo Shipping Client Connected as PUBLIC

-- Connected User is Valid


Non-fatal internal error happenned while SMON was doing cursor transient type cleanup.

SMON encountered 1 out of maximum 100 non-fatal internal errors.


Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20160802094934]


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl2_smon_9395.trc:

ORA-00600: Message 600 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA; arguments: [16659] [kqldtu] [D] [0] [195]


Non-fatal internal error happenned while SMON was doing cursor transient type cleanup.

SMON encountered 2 out of maximum 100 non-fatal internal errors.


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl2_pmon_9349.trc:

ORA-00474: Message 474 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA


PMON: terminating instance due to error 474


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl2_lmon_9355.trc:

ORA-00474: Message 474 not found; No message file for product=RDBMS, facility=ORA


System state dump is made for local instance

System State dumped to trace file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/bdump/orcl2_diag_9351.trc


Shutting down instance (abort)

License high water mark = 72


Trace dumping is performing id=[cdmp_20160802095002]


Instance terminated by PMON, pid = 9349


Instance terminated by USER, pid = 11027


Starting ORACLE instance (normal)

这里我们无论是看节点1还是节点2的alert log日志都会发现,由于smon进程在进程事务恢复时失败之后,导致数据库实例最终宕掉。宕掉之后就再也无法正常启动了。很明显这是强行关库之后带来的蝴蝶效应。

1.节点2的这个ORA-00600 [16559]含义

ERROR: ORA-600 [16659] [a] [b] [c] [d] [e]

VERSIONS: versions 8.0 to 8.1

DESCRIPTION: We are attempting to update a tab$ row and fail to update the dictionary information correctly.


从解释来看,这是Oracle 数据字典表tab$出现了不一致的情况。客户的dataguard也坏掉了,也是一样的错误。


这里首先要明白,节点1的ora-00600 [16703]本质上来讲跟ora-00600 [16559]是一回事。

从具体的错误来看,Oracle在open时,进行bootstrap初始化的过程就失败了,因此报错ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure.

处理思路也很简单,我们首先通过10046 trace跟踪open的过程,来看看Oracle 在bootstrap初始化的时候在进行什么操作时报错的?

PARSING IN CURSOR #2 len=106 dep=1 uid=0 oct=3 lid=0 tim=1435661277781458 hv=3628073639 ad='cfd74588'

select rowcnt,blkcnt,empcnt,avgspc,chncnt,avgrln,nvl(degree,1), nvl(instances,1) fromtab$ where obj# = :1


PARSE #2:c=999,e=676,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1435661277781453






oacdty=02 mxl=22(22) mxlc=00 mal=00 scl=00 pre=00

oacflg=08 fl2=0001 frm=00 csi=00 siz=24 off=0

kxsbbbfp=2b5f7bae1b00  bln=22  avl=02  flg=05


EXEC #2:c=999,e=1015,p=0,cr=0,cu=0,mis=1,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1435661277798049

WAIT #2: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 1086 file#=1 block#=50 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1435661277799253

WAIT #2: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 568 file#=1 block#=51 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1435661277799931

WAIT #2: nam='db file sequential read' ela= 1804 file#=1 block#=26 blocks=1 obj#=-1 tim=1435661277801863

FETCH #2:c=0,e=3833,p=3,cr=3,cu=0,mis=0,r=0,dep=1,og=4,tim=1435661277801922

*** 2016-08-02 13:52:28.469

ksedmp: internal or fatal error

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [16703], [1403], [20], [], [], [], [], []

Current SQL statement for this session:

alter database open

从上面的错误不难看出就是在访问tab$ 的时候报错的,而且是访问的obj#=20的这个对象。那么这个对象是什么呢?

SQL> select owner,object_name,object_type from dba_objects where object_id=20;

OWNER                          OBJECT_NAME                    OBJECT_TYPE

------------------------------ ------------------------------ -------------------

SYS                            ICOL$                          TABLE

SQL> !oerr ora 1403

01403, 00000, "no data found"

// *Cause:

// *Action:

根据我们的查询以及对ORA-00600 [16703],[1403],[20]这个错误的理解,那么我这里可以大致判断这个错误后的几个数字的含义:

16703: 错误代码,表示数据字典基表存在不一致

1403: 表示数据没找到或者不匹配,即not data found.

20: 表示访问的对象号,即object_id.

同时我们从前面的10046 trace跟踪来看,报错的SQL语句访问了3个block,然后报错,分别是file 1 block 50,51,26。

这我们分别dump 上面的3个block发现其中block 51,26 的dump 内容如下:

---block 51

Object id on Block  Y

seg/obj: 0x3  csc: 0x00.64205  itc: 2  flg: -  typ: 2 - INDEX

fsl: 0  fnx: 0x0 ver: 0x01

Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc

0x01   0x0001.008.0000000d  0x0080118a.0010.01  CB--    0  scn 0x0000.000105c7

0x02   0x000a.01e.000005e0  0x008074fc.007a.36  --U-    1  fsc 0x0000.00064208

Leaf block dump


header address 185777756=0xb12be5c

kdxcolev 0

KDXCOLEV Flags = - - -

kdxcolok 0

kdxcoopc 0x80: opcode=0: iot flags=--- is converted=Y

kdxconco 1

kdxcosdc 2

kdxconro 258

kdxcofbo 552=0x228

kdxcofeo 4484=0x1184

kdxcoavs 3932

kdxlespl 0

kdxlende 0

kdxlenxt 4194360=0x400038

kdxleprv 0=0x0

kdxledsz 8

kdxlebksz 8032


row#93[5724] flag: ------, lock: 2, len=14, data:(8):  00 40 38 8e 00 06 02 00

col 0; len 3; (3):  c2 03 03


---block 26

Block header dump:  0x0040001a

Object id on Block  Y

seg/obj: 0x2  csc: 0x05.e0568950  itc: 2  flg: -  typ: 1 - DATA

fsl: 0  fnx: 0x0 ver: 0x01

Itl           Xid                  Uba         Flag  Lck        Scn/Fsc

0x01   0x0000.05f.00000002  0x00400012.0001.16  C---    0  scn 0x0000.000000fd

0x02   0x000b.00d.00048164  0x0100982b.b8bd.4d  --U-    7  fsc 0x039f.e0568c3e

data_block_dump,data header at 0xb12be5c


tsiz: 0x1fa0

hsiz: 0x140

pbl: 0x0b12be5c

bdba: 0x0040001a










0xe:pti[0]      nrow=8  offs=0

0x12:pti[1]     nrow=7  offs=8

0x16:pti[2]     nrow=1  offs=15

0x1a:pti[3]     nrow=10 offs=16

0x1e:pti[4]     nrow=15 offs=26

0x22:pti[5]     nrow=100        offs=41


col  0: [ 2]  c1 14

tab 1, row 0, @0x1e65

tl: 4 fb: -CHDFL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 0 cki: 0

tab 1, row 1, @0x1ddb

tl: 4 fb: -CHDFL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 0 cki: 1

tab 1, row 2, @0x1d51

tl: 4 fb: -CHDFL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 0 cki: 2

tab 1, row 3, @0x1ccd

tl: 4 fb: -CHDFL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 0 cki: 4

tab 1, row 4, @0x1c45

tl: 4 fb: -CHDFL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 0 cki: 5

tab 1, row 5, @0x1bc0

tl: 4 fb: -CHDFL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 0 cki: 6

tab 1, row 6, @0x1b35

tl: 4 fb: -CHDFL-- lb: 0x2  cc: 0 cki: 7

tab 2, row 0, @0x160

tl: 48 fb: -CH-FL-- lb: 0x0  cc: 19 cki: 3

col  0: [ 2]  c1 1e

col  1: [ 1]  80


col 17: *NULL*

col 18: [ 1]  80

tab 3, row 0, @0x1ad0


看到这里,我就想是否可以通过bbed先把这2个block 给修复了,看看是否能够起来。如下是简单的修复过程:

对于51号block 由于是Index 修改非常简单,这里不多说。26号block 是cluster table,这个相对复杂的多。首先提交事务、修改lock flag之后verify还是报错,如下:

BBED> verify

DBVERIFY - Verification starting

FILE = /u01/fix/SYSTEM_OLD.dbf

BLOCK = 26

Block Checking: DBA = 4194330, Block Type = KTB-managed data block

data header at 0x105d485c

kdbchk:  key comref count wrong


Block 26 failed with check code 6121

DBVERIFY - Verification complete

Total Blocks Examined         : 1

Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 1

Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 1

Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0

Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0

Total Blocks Empty            : 0

Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 0

Total Blocks Influx           : 0


BBED> p *kdbr[7]



ub1 rowdata[7568]                           @8012     0xac

BBED> x /rcccccc

rowdata[7568]                               @8012


flag@8012: 0xac (KDRHFL, KDRHFF, KDRHFH, KDRHFK)

lock@8013: 0x00

cols@8014:    1

kref@8015:   31

mref@8017:   30



BBED> modify /x 1f offset 8017

File: /u01/fix/SYSTEM_OLD.dbf (1)

Block: 26               Offsets: 8017 to 8020           Dba:0x0040001a



<32 bytes per line

BBED> verify

DBVERIFY - Verification starting

FILE = /u01/fix/SYSTEM_OLD.dbf

BLOCK = 26

Block Checking: DBA = 4194330, Block Type = KTB-managed data block

data header at 0x105d485c

kdbchk: space available on commit is incorrect

tosp=987 fsc=0 stb=0 avsp=32

Block 26 failed with check code 6111

DBVERIFY - Verification complete

Total Blocks Examined         : 1

Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 1

Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 1

Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0

Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0

Total Blocks Empty            : 0

Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 0

Total Blocks Influx           : 0

BBED> p kdbh

struct kdbh, 14 bytes                       @92

ub1 kdbhflag                             @92       0x00 (NONE)

b1 kdbhntab                              @93       6

b2 kdbhnrow                              @94       141

sb2 kdbhfrre                             @96      -1

sb2 kdbhfsbo                             @98       320

sb2 kdbhfseo                             @100      352

b2 kdbhavsp                              @102      32

b2 kdbhtosp                              @104      987

BBED> d /v offset 104 count 2

File: /u01/fix/SYSTEM_OLD.dbf (1)

Block: 26      Offsets:  104 to  105  Dba:0x0040001a


db03                                l ..

<16 bytes per line>

BBED> modify /x 2000 offset 104

File: /u01/fix/SYSTEM_OLD.dbf (1)

Block: 26               Offsets:  104 to  105           Dba:0x0040001a



<32 bytes per line>

BBED> sum apply

Check value for File 1, Block 26:

current = 0x87ce, required = 0x87ce

BBED> verify

DBVERIFY - Verification starting

FILE = /u01/fix/SYSTEM_OLD.dbf

BLOCK = 26

DBVERIFY - Verification complete

Total Blocks Examined         : 1

Total Blocks Processed (Data) : 1

Total Blocks Failing   (Data) : 0

Total Blocks Processed (Index): 0

Total Blocks Failing   (Index): 0

Total Blocks Empty            : 0

Total Blocks Marked Corrupt   : 0

Total Blocks Influx           : 0


Errors in file /u01/app/oracle/admin/orcl/udump/orcl1_ora_18955.trc:

ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

ORA-00704: bootstrap process failure

ORA-00600: internal error code, arguments: [kdoirp-3], [139], [0], [], [], [], [], []

从错误来看,bootstrap的初始化过程仍然有问题。通过10046 trace跟踪发现还是那几个block。

回想前面这个block的dump时,看到的几行操作是delete,如下:tl: 4 fb: -CHDFL– lb: 0×2 ?cc: 0 cki: 0

那么我们这里试做将这几个被删除的操作进行还原是否ok 呢? 也就是用bbed来恢复这7个delete操作。

由于是cluster table 的block,操作相对麻烦一些。不过我尝试修改之后,最后发现错误仍然一样。

其中[kdoirp-3]是什么含义呢 我们来看下Oracle 文档的描述:

Layer 11:  KCOCODRW -  Row

opcode 1 :  KDOIUR  - interpret undo redo

opcode 2 :  KDOIRP  - insert row  piece

opcode 3 :  KDODRP  - drop row piece

opcode 4 :  KDOLKR  - lock row  piece

opcode 5 :  KDOURP  - update row piece

opcode 6 :  KDOORP  - overwrite row piece

opcode 7 :  KDOMFC  - manipulate first column

opcode 8 :  KDOCFA  - change forwarding address

opcode 9 :  KDOCKI  - change cluster key index

opcode 10 :  KDOSKL  - set key links

opcode 11 :  KDOQMI  - quick multi-insert (ex. insert as select...)

opcode 12 :  KDOQMD  - quick multi-delete

opcode 13 :  KDOTBF  - toggle block header flags

很明显,这表示insert row piece。

看来我们单纯的修改这2个block 并不能绕过这个问题。 实际上后面我dump分析发现又涉及到_next_object,又将问题复杂化了。

虽然我相信多折腾几次可以解决这个问题。但是操作确实麻烦,费劲。不过此时通过之前的备份restore出来的system文件已经ok了。这里我用bbed 将涉及到的几个block 进行替换,最后再修改resetlogs信息,重建控制文件之后,进行recover。


最后检查alert log 还涉及到smon 回滚某个事务失败。那么如何完美处理呢?

首先dump undo header,然后获取该事务涉及的操作对象,然后使用如下参数屏蔽回滚段后,将undo表空间重建即可。

如下是dump undo header获取的信息:



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